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News & Views Curation

May 31, 2013

Japan: Solar Market Booms

At 3,809 megawatts in the 12 months, domestic Japanese shipments of solar power components reach a 30-year high

Farewell FERC

Here's how the departing chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission envisions new ways to price electric and grow a smart transmission grid

DOE Chief Looks To Energy Future

Department of Energy chief Ernest Moniz, downplays natural gas and talks up forgotten renewables to power the nation

Sandy Blows Money To NY-NJ Tunnel

$185 million to start work on a cross-Hudson rail tunnel from NJ to mid-town Manhattan is part of Sandy-recovery federal aid

Australia: Cold Breeze For Wind Farms

A 2011 law passed in the state of Victoria, has a chilling effect on wind power development

Candidates Clash Over Trash

Quinn trashes Thompson for his opposition to the East 91 Street waste transfer station

Indian Point's BFFs

Common Cause documents how Indian Point pays to generate support for its nuclear power plants


The benefits and the myriad hurdles to developing energy efficient combined heat & power systems in NYC

May 30, 2013

EU: Low Carbon Prices Fire Up Coal

The deep slump in EU carbon trading prices encourages construction of coal-fired power plants

Connecting Brooklyn And Queens

What should replace trolleys?, once the mass transit of choice linking NYC's two most populous boroughs

29 Cities: Bike Sharing

Planning a trip? Here are 29 city maps with bike-sharing programs

Valet Bike-Wrangling At Barclays

Pedal to events at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and get free valet bike-parking

Infrastructure Fit To Print

Could 3-D printers make replacements for NYC's rotting columns that support piers which edge the city?

The Action's At The Edge Of The Grid

It's not going to be your grandma's infrastructure for much longer

EU: Record Low GHG Emissions

Emissions from the EU's 27 nations are at their lowest levels since 1990, with UK levels falling fastest

Hey NYC - Convert To Clean Heat

Just do it!

Greener, Greater Roadmap For Next Mayor

Advice to the next NYC Mayor for an agenda focusing on energy efficient buildings, public health, a vibrant economy and a resilient energy infrastructure

May 29, 2013

Rating Energy Performance

Making energy efficient buildings the new normal needs to blend asset and operational rating systems

One-Stop Solar Shopping

Now homeowners can access the PV service provider information they need to get what they want

From EPA To Apple

Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson will become VP for environmental initiatives at Apple

Con Ed's Stormproofing Strategy

Con Ed will spend $1 billion over the next four years to make NYC more weather resilient and other metro-area utilities gear up too

M2M For Greener Buildings

Machine-to-machine, a/k/a the internet of things, could be crucial for smarter, more energy efficient buildings

Europe: Promises, Promises

European cars fail to meet their own fuel efficiency claims, with German luxury vehicles the worst of all

Urban Trend Glossary

100 trending terms for talking about cities

Brazil: Solar Gooaaal

Preparing for the 2014 World Cup, Brazil installs PV at its soccer stadiums

South Korea: Falsified Nuclear Papers

Falsified certficates related to cable replacements at South Korean nuclear reactors leads to shutdowns and power shortages

May 28, 2013

Top Emerging Global Challenges

According to energy expert Michael Levi, "T rise of China brings forth a whole complex of global challenges, whether they are environmental, economic, or more traditional security challenges"

UK: Industry Wants Gas

Big fossil fuel firms press the UK government to support more natural gas-fired power plants

UK: Greenlighting More Offshore Wind

A 504 MW offshore wind project gets UK government permits

Israel: Electric Auto Crash

What explains the collapse of A Better Place, an electric auto company with the signature swappable batteries?

Code Greener For Energy

Find out which states have energy codes that create a baseline for residential building standards

Knocking Workers Down With Bikes

The company running NYC's bike share program faces allegations of wage theft and other worker abuses

The Hgh Cost Of Shrunken Park Budgets

With growing reliance on events like GoogaMooga to pay for operating costs, NYC parks face physical despoilation from their funding sources

The Price Of Double Parking

Delivery vehicles are big violators of NYC's ban on double parking, adding to congestion woes

Bike Share Q and A

Thinking about riding a Mike Bike in NYC, but got some questions?

May 24, 2013


For those who wish to refer to the transcript, go there.

One Word - Plastics

Could plastic plants save the planet?

What 400 PPM Means For US Labor

Green and blue or green v blue?

Germany: Risks For Eco-Minister

Is Angela Merkel distancing herself from her environmental minister and the high cost nuclear power shutdown?

Canada: Landlocked Tar Sands

If Canadian tar sands oil can't be piped out to sea ports, it will be stuck in place

How To Stay High And Dry

The NYC Planning Department proposes zoning changes in flood-prone areas

China: Don't Inhale

Earlier this week, state-run China Daily called most of China's major cities 'barely suitable living', what next?

Brooklyn Bridge At 130

Celebrate this icon of durable urban transportation infrastructure, walk it or bike it

Death By Sandy

Drowning, often at home, was the major cause of death due to Sandy

May 23, 2013

DOE's All About Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a top priority for Ernest Moniz, the new Energy Department Secretary

UK: A Low-Regrets Energy Policy

A UK climate advisor outlines a less-costly, carbon-cutting, low-regrets energy policy

Obama Re-Election Group Leans In On Climate

The OFA, created for the Obama re-election campaign, is now leans in on the need for climate action

GOP To Obama: Keep Climate Out

IIn a letter to the President, GOP Senators warn him to keep climate concerns out of any decision on the Keystone pipeline

Memorial Day Money

What will US drivers pay to fuel-up this Memorial Day weekend and what will they pay with more fuel-efficient cars in 2025?

Princeton Grows And Greens With Co-Gen

Princeton University has added more buildings, while cutting its carbon emissions with co-gen plant upgrades taking a leading role

Australia: Home-Grown Coral Reef Killer

Export and burning of coal mined in Australia adds climate-threats to its own Great Barrier Reef

The DC Circuit

Keep track of what's happening in the Senate with judicial appointments to the DC Circuit court and its impact on the fate of EPA carbon rules

May 22, 2013

China: Carbon Trading In June

Details emerge about China's first carbon emissions exchange opening next month

Keep Your Money At Home

Four ways to start saving on your home-energy bill

Poland: Green Energy Funding Iffy

Investing in Polish renewable energy will wait for passage of new renewable energy laws

Science At Work - Tornadoes

The ability to predict tornadoes improves, but the question of climate change-tornado links resulting from atmospheric instability remains unresolved. Ready for more info?

Racking Up Opposition

Street vendors are the latest group to protest NYC's new bike-sharing program

Getting To Yes On Energy Efficiency

What's to be done about the barriers to engaging building owners & occupants to improve on energy efficiency?

China: Carbon Capping

The country with the biggest carbon footprint announces it will impose caps on carbon emissions, not just intensity limits, by 2016

Interview With A Green Architect

In the words of Bruce Fowle, a leading green architect, "We know that we can make buildings at least 50 to 60 percent more efficient than they are now"

All Of The Above

What should be US energy policy in the 21st Century?

May 21, 2013

Death On Two Wheels

Is urban bike-riding too dangerous to encourage?

NJ Gov Plays Climate Coy

When asked about New Jersey's failure to secure its assets from Sandy, Chris Christie denied there was proof linking the superstorm and climate change

Making It With Microgrids

The real-world performance of microgrids should keep power utilities up at night

Replacing Sustainability

What would it mean if resilience displaces sustainability on the climate action agenda?

Korea: Cap And Trade On Launch Pad

Korea is finalizing a carbon cap & trade program with ambitious goals and a chance to learn from the EU's problems

Sustainability And Resilience Go Hand-In-Hand

Tokyo's carbon cap & trade program and dedicated green building insurance policies are just some of the great ideas for making cities sustainable and resilient

Carving Up The PV Market

The US and the EU draft proposals to establish regions for global PV markets now dominated by China

Steel Yourself

Mayor Bloomberg proposes deployment of movable steel panels to protect flood-prone neighborhoods

May 20, 2013

Why Words Matter

Still struggling to find valid and persuasive ways to explain climate change and the importance of taking action? Read this

Japan: Money For Renewables

Japan is becoming a new magnet for solar and wind power investments

Obama Catches Climate Heat

The President raises hackles of climate activists over the inertia of Organizing for Action, the non-profit group that conducts issue advocacy on behalf of Obama's agenda

Fellows Wanted

Design Trust for Public Space offers fellowships to work on Under the Elevated: Reclaiming Space, Connecting Communities Applications due May 23

Germany To EU: No Tariffs On Chinese PVs

Germany pushes back on the EU proposal to slap stiff import tariffs on Chinese solar panels

Zimbabwe: Call For Climate Action

Drought and heat will take a terrible toll on Southern Africa if carbon-cutting climate action is delayed

Help Wanted

Senior policy advisor in the NYC Mayor's Office of Long term Planning & Sustainability to oversee implementation and continuation of the Greener Greater Buildings Plan

May 18, 2013

Kochs Dump On Detroit

Canadian tar sands waste from a refinery owned by the Koch Brothers piles up in Detroit

Another Climate Gap

Hearing about climate science consensus and listening to the message can be miles apart

Green Roofs: Getting It Right

Like with most things, there's a right way and a wrong way to plant an urban green roof

Unburnable Carbon: What It's All About

Bill McKibben lit a fire by calling for climate action that would make current fossil fuel assets virtually worthless, but is anyone feeling the heat?

May 17, 2013

UK: Climate Staff Austerity

The UK government's 38 person climate adaptation staff is cut to six

Greenland: Ice Melt Impact

James Hansen predicts water from melting Greenland glaciers will chill the Atlantic and lead to fiercer storms

Global Climate Impact As Metaphor

"Our lives are like islands in the sea, or like trees in the forest. The maple and the pine may whisper to each other with their leaves ... But the trees also commingle their roots in the darkness underground, and the islands also hang together through the ocean's bottom." William James, psychologist and philosopher

Update On Nuke Waste Cleanup

Hanford, Washington, home to decades worth of high-level, government radioactive waste, inches along

Pristine Nature, Not

While there are laws of nature, but there may no longer be nature untouched by human impact

Climate Could Return To Supreme Court Docket

A wave of appeals against federal control of carbon emissions could make it to the Supreme Court

$1.3 Billion For Green Tech

Elon Musk raises $1.3 billion for his green tech ventures, Tesla Motors and SolarCity, a rooftop solar panel installation firm

Park Gets Its Lights Back

After losing power in Sandy's storm surge, the Hudson River Park and businesses on its piers get the lights back on

Smart Cities Are Agile

How 50 global cities facing complexity, climate chaos and the need to decarbonize are tacking these challenges

May 16, 2013

Like-A-Bike Share

At least one rider really likes her first spin in the NYC bike share program

Korea: Carbon Offset Star

A Korean chemical plant owned by a venerable Belgian-based multinational, earned top dollar for selling EU carbon offset credits

$500 Million For Solar Venture

In a $500 million deal, Goldman Sachs will finance a lease-back rooftop solar panel business based in California

EU: Slap For China & India Airlines

The EU considers penalties for Indian and Chinese airlines that refuse to cut carbon emissions when using member nation airports

Climate Science v Public Inertia

Scientists agree about the reality of human-caused climate climate but the US public isn't making it political


If hand-wringing & grim future scenarios won't change our climate chaos trajectory, what will?


The climate is changing and more is on the way. Perhaps we’ll muddle through, but only if we slow the greenhousing of the planet

Indian Point Without A Permit

Federal authorities will allow Indian Point to stay open after its operating permit expires in September

May 15, 2013

Sanders To Senate: Go Nuclear

Senator Bernie Sanders urges Democrats to exercise the 'nuclear option' to obtain confirmation of the new EPA Administrator being blocked by the GOP

China: Keep Carbon Market Domestic

It appears that Chinese carbon permit trading markets will ban import of emissions offsets

Three Feet By 2100

Sea levels around European nations could rise three feet (almost one meter) by 2100

Fingerpointing Over PATH Pricetag

Construction costs of the new mass transit Hub at the World Trade Center creates sticker shock

Five Feet by 2100

Sea levels around NYC and along the east cast could soar five feet by 2100

Insurance Industry Disengaged On Climate

Unlike its European counterparts, the US insurance industry has been MIA on climate change and the risks and losses it creates

Japan: Becoming Blackout Resilient

Now, Japanese homeowners can lease batteries that store solar power from rooftop PVs for future use

RGGI's Limits

The architecture & assumptions baked into RGGI shape CO2 market prices and that's the problem

Science At Work: In The Media

What is attribution research and how does it get handled in the news media?

May 14, 2013

South Korea: Top Carbon Price

South Korea considers imposition of a $90/ton price for certain carbon emitters

Australia: Carbon Price To Tumble

Australia cuts its projected cost of carbon emissions permits in 2015 by half

Bonn: Update On Climate Talks

Did record-high levels of atmospheric CO2, create a sense of urgency among international climate treaty negotiators?

Climate Resilience: Compare And Contrast

How the NY Stock Exchange survived Sandy and why NJ Transit didn't

Millenials Drive Trends

Americans are driving less and getting fewer drivers' licenses, trends led by Millenials

Facts To Act On

Take your pick from this menu of US energy facts and then do something to change them

Cement: The Climate Rx

Cement-making could be a key to cutting carbon emissions

Sunny Energy Odd Couple

Ted Turner and utility giant, Southern Co. team up for a big push into solar energy and customer retention

Pipeline Furor In The Apple

Is the NYC battle over the Spectra natural gas pipeline over?

May 13, 2013

NJ: $600 A Square Foot

What costs $600 a square foot to rent in New Jersey and has a huge energy appetite?

Philadelphia Loves Benchmarking

Good reasons for property owners to cheer on the Philadelphia building energy benchmarking law

Germany: PM Talks The Climate Talk

German Prime Minister Merkel expresses confidence that the EU will set more ambitious carbon-cutting goals

Bipartisan Clean Energy Bill

A bill to extend master limited partnerships -- a tax beneficial way to structure deals -- to the clean energy sector, advances with Democratic & Republic support

NASA Gets Greener Than Platinum

The new NASA sustainability base is designed to outperform LEED Platinum standards

City Of Angels Carbon Footprint

How scientists cut through the smog to measure the size of Los Angeles' carbon footprint

Make Haste, Very Slowly

Status report on Administration rule-making that would cut carbon emissions from coal-burning power plants

Hurdles To Grid Resilience

Federal rules for the electric grid impose unintended hurdles to storage technologies adding resilience to the power supply system

May 11, 2013

Carbon-Footprinting Websites

Does your website's carbon footprint have dirty digits?

May 10, 2013

The Greening Of The GOP

Observers see a defining struggle over the GOP's climate change politics on the horizon

Reclaiming 700 Miles Of NYC

Plans are afoot to bring new life to 700 miles of NYC streets beneath its elevated subway lines

This Is Water

David Foster Wallace's 2005 graduation speech says a lot about life by way of something elemental

Food Imports: 50x50

Climate change impacts are predicted to add to forces driving global food import up to 50% by 2050

UK: Texas Gas Deal

An Exxon deal is in the works to ship 15.6 million tons of liquefied natural gas from Texas to the UK annually

Sustainable, Resilient, Livable

Examine three trendy urban planning terms and find what's of use to your city

Climate Sensitivity 101

What is climate sensitivity and what's its place in climate science

Legal Eagles Ready To Pounce

Any new carbon emissions rules relying on the venerable Clean Air Act are sure to be litigated

Mangement Is Key To Green

A deep green Toronto building stays on top of its game with ongoing high-performance monitors & management

May 09, 2013

Mussel Into NY Harbor

Is mussel farming in New York Harbor the natural and resilient way to clean up pollution?

Climate Change: Pace Varies, Outcome Constant

While scientists debate the speed and pace of a changing climate, they agree on the inevitable outcome

Regulation Spurs Bright Ideas

Federal regulation never banned incandescent bulbs and now, an array of more energy-efficient bulbs is available

Smart-Grid Slump

After the big boost to smart grid development from federal stimulus funding, weakening domestic demand is worrisome

Australia: Energy Efficiency In Industry

A study of five major industry sectors in Australia documents opportunities for energy efficiency and how to create more

Mobility Is More Than Cars

Caltrans, the California Transportation Department, embraces GHG reduction & climate change adaptation as core to its mobility mission

Montevideo: New Climate Center

A climate change think tank to inform South American decision-makers opens in Montevideo, Uruguay

Capitol Climate Horse-Trading

Some speculation about what Obama may promise environmentalists in exchange for his approval of the Keystone pipeline

May 08, 2013

Carbon Tax Has A New Friend

The Washington Post editorializes for a federal carbon tax, calling it an elegant off-the-shelf part of overall tax code reform

Tour Paris Trees

A history of why the City of Light could just as well be known as the City of Trees

Brazil: Fossil Fuel Revival

Citing drought-caused hydro-power losses & upcoming World Cup energy reliability demands, Brazil turns to more fossil fuels

Australia: Fast-Charging EVs

A new Australian technology can recharge an electric vehicle in 30 minutes

US To World: Do-It-Yourself Climate

US climate envoy suggests countries should set their own carbon limits and sidestep international targets

Europe: Not Number 1 Now

Europe no longer leads the world in PV panel installations

Distribute The Power

Five reasons why combined heat and power systems could become a new normal

Some Like It Bike

Some folks like the NYC bike-sharing program, but not everyone

Counting On Customers

Power purchasers hope that if called on, southern California utility customers will conserve energy to prevent summer blackouts

May 07, 2013

Science At Work - GHGs

Totaling up carbon and other greenhouse gases provides a better understanding of our climate risks

China: Pricing Cabon

China's first regional market for carbon emissions permits launches in June

Cutting Carbon: Plan A, Plan B

Should the federal government make states responsible for cut carbon emissions or go with cap & trade -- and what drives the choice?

The State Of Clean Tech

Things are not-so-hot in 2013, but installers are doing better than manufacturers

From Parking Lot To Paradise

A complex deal will create a 3-acre park where an MTA parking now stands on the Greenpoint waterfront

Seattle: Neutral x 50

Seattle has an action plan for becoming carbon neutral by 2050

Solar Plant Lives Up To Expectations

A solar power plant near Los Angeles designed to produced 66 MW of electricity does just that, at a price close to power plants fueled by natural gas

Arctic Ocean On Acid

The rapid & pervasive acidification of the Arctic Ocean spells trouble for the food-chain

May 06, 2013

Be Prepared

C40 & Clinton Foundation launch a global cities network to face weird weather and take climate action

LEEDing Neighborhood Development

The impact of LEED-ND, neighborhood development, is seen in cities around the midwest

Australia: Clean Tech Stock Slump

At $9.1 billion, the Australian Clean Tech Stock Index falls far below its $16.3 billion peak

EU: Climate Disarray

EU climate action programs lose direction and momentum

Gotham's Micro-Greens

Energy efficiency experts join forces with micro-dwelling designers in New York City

$254 B x 2020

The global market fore green building materials could reach $254 billion by 20w0

MIT's City Lab

Could pre-auto European cities be the template for 21st century cellular urban design asks the MIT City Lab?

UK: Alarmed By Energy Efficiency

Leading UK energy companies challenge efficiency programs with fears of rising costs to consumers

NY's Environmental To-Dos

What tops the to-do lists of four New York leading environmental officials?

IrRational Exuberance

Jonathan Chait makes the case for how Obama could be a great environmental President but what does Dave Roberts say?

Signs Of Carbon Tax Life

Reports of zero-possibility for a federal carbon tax may be premature

May 05, 2013

Grid Parity Within Reach

The cost of rooftop solar power is closing in on utility-made electric around the world

May 03, 2013

Underground Reservoirs

Underground drinking water reservoirs for cities could minimize evaporation or store water from melting glaciers

UK: Energy Eficiency Woes

The UK government should not let its energy efficiency program fail, warns industry group

Germany: Windfarms Wow

Germany's first fleet of offshore wind turbines beat output expectations thanks to steady breezes

Follow The Dotted Lines

See a pattern in the chart of US and EU-27 economic and carbon emissions data?

World: It's Heating Up

Based on World Meteorological Organization 2012 data, climate skeptics shouldn't get their hopes up

A Keystone Quid Pro Quo

If Obama oks the Keystone XL pipeline project, what might he give greens in compensation?

California: Planning Impasse

No resolution in sight between urban climate impact planners and no-growth advocates in California

Somewhere in NYC

Con Edison to install a pilot, grid-scale energy storage battery somewhere under the streets of NYC

Data Centers: Energy Problem Or Solution

Energy centers use 2% of the nation's energy but major leaps in energy efficiency are on tap

May 02, 2013

Hey Big Fossil Fuel Spenders

Does big spending by fossil fuel firms signal an irrational exuberance for carbon?

Bank Passes On Energy Efficiency

JP Morgan Chase steers clear of energy efficiency project financing

EU: Another Low In Carbon Trading

EU factories used 20% fewer carbon offsets than expected, another sign of a market in critical condition

Rockaway Resilience

Less highway, more sand dunes

UK: Climate Curriculm Combat

inclusion of climate change in the UK teaching curriculum becomes political flash point

Singapore: Many Ways To Go Green

The new botanic gardens in Singapore show off its green tech prowess

Sustainable Grocery Shopping

Some say ordering groceries on line cuts air pollution, but others say it ain't necessarily so

Grow Smarter

Smart growth concepts for urban planning keep evolving

Intelligent Efficiency

Energy efficiency markets are on the cusp of embracing IT

May 01, 2013

Weird Weather Prods Public Opinion

Weird weather impacts American views about climate risks and realities

Resilience From The Grasssroots

A new grass roots report embraces the Sandy Regional Assembly, advocating sustainable soft-environmental solutions and meeting needs of low-income areas

Tracking Fracking

California regulators consider rules for keeping tabs on storing, handling & underground monitoring of chemical-laced fracking fluids

Asleep At The Climate Wheel

Despite devastating heat, drought & floods, research finds Australian business is drowsy on climate action

Weird Weather USA

Take a tour of 'new normal' storms in cities & towns in the northeast

UK: This Could Be The End

The owner of two of the last deep-pit coal mines in the UK faces bankruptcy, trailing impaired investors & stranded assets

From White Brick To Green Skin

NYC real estate mogul to reskin old brick buildings for energy efficiency & maintenance upgrades