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News & Views Curation

September 30, 2020

Believe It Or Not

Caculating The Right Price Of Carbon

Putting a price on carbon isn't the holy grail of climate policy, but it's important, so is figuring out the right price for climate chaos avoidance

Take A Walk On Pier 26

Something new under the sun, Pier 26 on the Hudson River

September 29, 2020

Market Appetite For EV Power

Total, a major French oil company, buys London's largest EV charging network

Help Wanted: Senior Climate Campaigner

Greenpeace USA seeks a Senior Climate Campaigner to lead + carry out campaigns that build independent political power to stop the expansion of the fossil fuel industry + create solutions commensurate to the urgency of this planetary crisis

Trash Collection Tests Electric

NYC test drives electric trash collection trucks, but no date in sight for a Sanitation fleet conversion

Miami: Building Up Its Social Divide As Sea Level Rises

Miami is Ground Zero for a city threatened by sea level rise, but keeps on building + creating gaping social schisms

NJ's New Environmental Justice Law

New Jersey, the nation's most densely populated state, enacts an environmental justice law that will require major polluters like fossil fuel power plants, refineries, medical waste incinerators, waste, recycling + scrap metal facilities, sewage + sludge facilities + landfills to analyze public health impacts when seeking operating permits

Rooftop Solar v Utility Scale Solar

Follow this thought experiment Is rooftop or utility-scale solar power the better choice?

From Zoonosis To Your House

What's the connection between the spread of diseases like COVID-19 that pass from wild animals to humans (zoonosis) + the climate crisis?

China: Charting A Path To Carbon Neutrality

September 28, 2020

More Bikes On Bridges, More Bikeways Needed

Germany: Protestors Occupy Coal

German climate activists protest against expanded coal mining by occupying a coal-burning power plant

Climate Science: When Stability Is Bad News

Stabilizing ocean temperatures reported in new science research, is bad news when it comes to hurricanes marine life + the ability of oceans to absorb more CO2

Where The WIld Things Are

Oysters + bees + beavers oh my! are returning to NYC. How great is that!

SEC: Time To Flex Its Climate Muscles

The Securities + Exchange Commission must exercise its power to require that companies disclose standardized information on their climate risks to secure a firmer financial future for all

September 25, 2020

Tick, Tick, Tick

As temperatures head up + up, dangerous disease-bearing ticks march north

Climate And The Courts: Post-RBG

Key legal decisions + key legal principles that will be in play as federal courts hear the next generation of climate cases

September 24, 2020

Weird Weather's Double Whammy

More heat? Check. More drought? Check.But now, there is more of both together. Uh-oh

McKinsey On The Climate Crisis

"Most of the increase in direct impact from climate hazards to date has come from greater exposure to hazards rather than from increases in the mean and tail intensity of hazards. In the future, hazard intensification will likely assume a greater role."

September 23, 2020

Just Say No, By 2035

By 2035, the sale of news gas-powered cars in California will be banned. But, as climate activists have noted, there is no ban on oil drilling or fracking in the state

Help Wanted: Staff Writer

Earther, an environmental news website nested within Gizmodo, seeks an experienced Staff Writer/Reporter with a critical eye + the ability to ask (and answer) big questions about the climate crisis

The Sustainability Manager We Need Now

What is sustainability management + what can it accomplish?

Sending Out An SOS

September 22, 2020

UN: Leaders' Speeches

Chinese President Ji pledges his nation to reaching carbon neutrality while President Trump goes on about the "Chinese" flu at the opening day session of he UN

California Climate Re-Lo

Weary of California's climate chaos, there's talk of relocation - to destinations far away as Brooklyn

The Marvelous Kate Marvel

" I know that if we continue on our current trajectory, things are going to be real, real bad. But I also know that we can stop that trajectory, we can make things a lot better, not just for the climate, but in all these other ways that are related." Kate Marvel, climate scientist

September 21, 2020

RGB's Environmental Legacy

Justice Ginsburg's Supreme Court record of environmental decisions

For Your Consideration

One Week Only

The Union Square Climate Clock displays the Earth's climate action countdown for 7 days, starting September 21

Planning to Stay

Start with the affirmation, we’re planning to stay. Then, Dr. Mindy Fullilove asks, “What do we need to make that possible?”

No Cars Yet, But No Bikes Either

The 1903 transit options for crossing the Brooklyn Bridge

EV Acceleraion

Non-US electric vehicle sales rise as prices near parity with fossil-fueled vehicles. Are fossil-fuelers worried?

September 18, 2020

Oceans Can't Hold Much More CO2

Oceans' capacity for absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is running out, this will speed up the timeline of our climate crisis

Help Wanted: Chief Advancement Officer

The Sierra Club seeks a Chief Advancement Office, who reports directly to the Executive Director to support National + Chapter activities including directors responsible for major donor, foundation, planned giving + direct response fundraising programs

EU: Carbon Market Expansion

Plans are underway to expand the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme, the world's biggest GHG market

Arizona: Climate's Hot, But Not Climate Campaigning

The Arizona Senate race is running hot, but while the climate crisis is not a big campaign issue, prospects for a Democratic Senate majority are getting national attention

An Exponential Climate Risk

September 17, 2020

Climate Center For Governor's Island

A rousing cheer for a new idea

Alabama: Clear Climate Choice In Senate Race

In the race between Doug Jones + Tommy Tuberville for Alabama's US Senate seat, candidates' differences on the climate crisis couldn't be starker

China: The Carbon Colossus Reconsiders

While producing more GHG pollution than the US + EU combined, China contemplates more stringent clean energy goals

Look Who's Looking Into Climate's Financial Risks

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission reports on the major risks to the stability of the US financial system posed by the climate crisis

September 16, 2020

The Arctic: So Long

Happening now: climate change is changing the Arctic in profound ways

The Better Busses Delay Excuse Of The Day

After the NYC Transportation Department had to walk back its excuse that the delay in creating rapid bus lanes resulted from running out of red paint, what's today's excuse?

No Place To Run, No Place To Hide

September 15, 2020

You Are Not Safe

The looming climate crisis means forced US climate migration + systemic risks to the financial system

September 14, 2020

Running Late: De Blasio's Better Buses Roll-Out

You'd think, given the essential role mass transit plays in the life of NYC, that executing the Mayor's Better Buses plan would get top priority, but no.

September 10, 2020

Crossing The 1.5 Degree Threshold

2024 could be the year the Earth hits a climate red line temperature rise of 1.5 degrees C. For now, that should be temporary

Free Gift For Everyone Who Didn't Flee NYC

A guide to the great trees of Central Park, now that you know, have a look-see in person

September 09, 2020

There Is No Business As Usual

Decarbonizing industry must start now. Begin here

Big City Mayors Want Climate Positive COVID Recovery Funds...

...But outside the EU, that's not what they're getting

Today's Fun Fact

"[S]o much space is required for the 95% of the time our cars sit idle that Los Angeles, for example, devotes an area larger than the land mass of Manhattan just for parking." The Guardian, Sept. 1, 2020

SUV's CO2 Super Spreaders

September 08, 2020

Water Insecurity Rising

Add widespread water insecurity that fuels conflict, social unrest + migration to the list of harms inflicted by the global climate crisis

Needed Now: Media Alert For An Alert Media

Boston: Growing A Greener New Deal

Boston Green New Deal advocates embrace hands-on education + job programs for racial justice as part of COVID recovery + meeting a 2040 citywide carbon neurality goal

How To Hurricane Proof

By combining detailed local knowledge with sustained disaster planning + political support, US communities can minimize rising hurricane damage

September 04, 2020

The Private Sector Can Be A Big Climate Innovator...

... but government policy plays an indispensable role, even though it typically moves much slower than markets

Civic Street Life

Using streets for voting booths instead of cars is just one of many ways cities can get their mojo back as they revive from the pandemic

September 03, 2020

Bike-To-High School

Australia: Look At What's Up On The Roof

Australia is on track to match 2019’s record for 6.3 gigawatts of new renewable capacity this year, with rooftop solar booming

EU: Putting Muscle Into Zero-Emissions Goal

The 27-nation EU considers more stringent emissions rules to reach its 2050 zero emissions goals

September 02, 2020

Help Wanted: Exec. Director of Policy, Advocacy, Science

Scenic Hudson seeks an Executive Director of Policy, Advocacy + Science. The mission of the position is leading initiatives to preserve + restore the riverfront + critical landscapes of the Hudson Valley as a public + natural resource.

End Climate Syllabus Silence

How citizens can get the climate crisis on the must-teach list of every state in the nation, at present only 36 states have such requirements

September 01, 2020

Still Waiting for Godot De Blasio

Dear Mr. Mayor, we convened, we conversed, we cogitated + we proposed "surface transit" ideas to remake how NYC uses its streets + benefits its people. We're still waiting to hear back from you + get into high gear

UK: Insurance Must Protect, Not Destroy

Slow Down, Save Lives

Facing a surge in auto-related deaths, NYC cuts speeds limits to 25 MPH on 9 streets, but will speedsters be punished?

V Is For Ventilation

Upgrading indoor air ventilation, both quality + quantity, could be key to cutting COVID infections

Upgrades For NYCHA, Upgrades For Residents And The Earth

It's easy to provide NYCHA residents with up-to-date clean heating + cooling systems that enhance their comfort while protecting the environment

Transfiguring The Night

The brightest item in today's inbox, the International Nighttime Design Initiative