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News & Views Curation

August 31, 2020

Bill de Blasio - Park Killer

True or false? Bill de Blasio is woefully mismanaging NYC parks just as the pandemic makes them more precious to city residents than ever

Tracking NYC's Climate "Progress"

A major green advocacy group finds NYC isn't progressing on key climate indicators + has actually abandoned some of them

August 29, 2020

Electrifying e-Commerce

UPS, Fed-Ex + Amazon accelerate electric vehicle buys for making local package deliveries

August 28, 2020

Brave Green Heart

Stay put city dwellers!

Help Wanted: Communications Director

The Leap is hiring its first Communications Director. This is a full-time permanent, remote position - applicants can be based anywhere in US. Compensation is $75-$80,000 USD + benefits (including a 4-day work week!)
Application deadline: September 14, 10am ET

August 27, 2020

Quote For Some Other Day

"When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road." William Least Heat-Moon, travel writer

NYC Parks: From Green To Garbage

Just as New Yorkers rely on their parks more than ever, budget cuts mean more garbage + less maintenance

We've Run Out Of Presidential Terms To Waste

Bill McKibben nails it

August 25, 2020

EU: Call Me Green, Please

Fossil gas + nuclear power lobbyists fight to get an EU green investment seal of approval

It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's A ...

...Car-free bus lane in Brooklyn, NYC's first

Meet Verdi Square Citizen Gardeners

Verdi Square, a verdant triangle of NYC green, gets love from its volunteer gardener squad + gets loved by the community

Small Nuke Plants, Big Headaches

The first US maker of long-awaited small-scale nuclear reactors stumbles

Streets Where Kids Can Play Safely

COVID-safe streets for kids to play in start sprouting in Brooklyn

August 24, 2020

Parks To Composting - Drop Dead

Already slashed by brutal budget cuts, NYC's composting sites face eviction by the Parks Department

Peakers Are The Pits

Plans to build another "peaker" power plant to supply electricity on hot summer days in NYC should be scrapped, greener + healthier alternatives are on tap

Raising Monarchs

One guy's story, might lift your spirits

Sustainable Cooking 101

Sustainable cooking. What's that got to do with climate change?

Investor Pulls $91 Billion From Climate Harming Companies

August 21, 2020

Trump's Magical Thinking

How Trump appointees made a government research report on electric grid modernization disappear

If You Remember NY's Plastic Bag Ban...

...then you will want to read about this new court decision

The Causes Of California's Blackouts

California to analyze the major causes of its latest rolling blackouts. Hint: renewable energy not the culprit + demand response a big plus

I Have Not Read Carbon Captured, But I Should

August 20, 2020

Help Needed: Director Of the Public Realm

What is a "public realm" + why is the Muncipal Arts Society calling for a new office in NYC government?

Untermeyer Gardens: Staycation Paradise

Visit Untermeyer Gardens, it's super-special, it's in Yonkers

August 19, 2020

Now Hear This: Voices From The Future

Lessons to learn from people who have found themselves on the frontlines of the climate crisis

Multi-Challenges To School Openings

The pandemic + the climate crisis pose similar challenges to safely re-opening schools

Act Against Climate Change Vulnerabilities

August 18, 2020

The Holy Grail For EV's

August 17, 2020

Canada: Mounting Methane Emissions

Canada's methane emissions from fossil fuel drilling are higher than previously thought +controls aren't keeping up

Composting - Down But Not Out

Despite budget cuts that shut down NYC Sanitation Department organic waste pick ups, you can still drop off your waste for composting at designated sites in every borough except Staten Island

The Apian Question

Why would city life make bumblebees grow bigger?

Much Ado About A Green Building Law

COVID 19 is making the steep learning curve for complying with Local Law 97, NYC's groundbreaking building energy efficiency law, steeper

For Whom The Bell Tolls

It tolls for NYC if soaring projections for car use + plunging projections for mass transit ridership prove right

August 14, 2020

Urban Coastal Flooding: Ho Chi Minh City And Bristol

There's much to learn from comparing the options for coastal flood management in two very different cities, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam and Bristol, England

An Eyeball-Grabbing Headline

"DOT guts its own bus lane project", means Staten Island smacks down City Hall. Mass transit's the loser

Asia/Pacific: Facing A Tough Climate Future

What are the climate risks facing Asia/Pacific? Are there effective + achievable mitigation strategies?

August 13, 2020

Good Mass Transit Will Remain Good Business

Yes! Well-funded urban mass transit is good for both the business climate + the planet's climate. (Comment: True, pre-COVID + will be true post-COVID)

The Annual AC Refresher Course

Tips on staying cool without spending a fortune

Tropical Soil: Fear Of Methane Release

Scientific attention turns to the climate threat of more methane releases from tropical soils as the world gets hotter

Turn Off The Natural Fossil Gas

What can cities do to end their addiction to fossil gas?

August 12, 2020

Even Aardvarks Aren't Safe

Rising heat + drought are harming desert-dwelling aardvarks

August 11, 2020

NY'ers Get Their Own Climate Law Tracker

Now you can track progress in both New York State (CLCPA) + City (CMA) climate action laws, thanks to the Sabin Center, Columbia Law School

Dear Dr. Fauci

As a climate scientist, I feel your pain for the media abuse, political hacks + the death threats hurled at you, Michael Mann

August 10, 2020

Connect To The Wind

Designing a transmission grid is a key component to deliver on the promise of offshore wind power. Watch this webinar + discover what's on the drawing board

Keep Cool, Your Life Depends On It

Bad News For Vermin

NYC's got new rules for putting trash out for collection, rats won't like it, but you will

Germany: Facing EU Challenge

If you think Germany is got a firm grip on getting all members to meet EU climate goals, think again

NY Bans PA Fracking Waste

NY closes a loophole in its anti-fracking laws by banning the import of fracking waste water from Pennsylvania

Streets Should Be For...

Had my first dinner out at a street-sited restaurant, time for NYC to catch up with other cities in ending its auto addiction. There are so many better things to do with all that urban space

August 07, 2020

Ocasio-Cortez And Harris Together On Climate Bill

Is there a message about Democratic unity, as Congress member Ocasio-Cortez + Senator Harris team up on a bill that targets climate action + social equity?

Bus Delays

The NY Post reports the Mayor's ballyhooed busway program for speeding up transit is delayed

Biking Barcelona

With its hills + hot summers, Barcelona's success at rapidly becoming a bike-friendly city demands our attention

NYC Still Needs Transit Oriented Development

It's been said before, + in this time of a pandemic-driven 'carpocalypse', it's time to act on the fact that NYC needs to drive mass transit-oriented housing. Here's how

Green Bonds Grow For Home Buying

Fannie-Mae expands its Mortgage Backed Securities program to encourage green home purchases

August 06, 2020

A Properly Ventilated School's A Healthy School

What's actually known about the performance of ventilation systems + the operability of windows in NYC schools, now that students + teachers are expected back next month in the face of ongoing COVID-19?

Park Size Skewed By Race And Income

Some of the best things in life may be free, but parks in majority white areas are double the size of parks in minority + lower income neighborhoods

The Green New Deal Technical Manual

MacArthur "Genius" Saul Griffith makes a thrilling technical + finance case for how to massively electrify the economy + solve to the climate crisis

August 04, 2020

Germany: Electric Highways

Electric highways starting to pass the laugh test in Germany, with the possibility of a 4,000 K autobahn

Immobilizing Mass Transit

Disappearing mass transit ridership + plummeting revenues makes federal funding more important than ever, but that doesn't mean help is on the way

Don't Zero Out Zero-Waste Goals

Defunding NYC's organics waste collection in the 2021 budget, doesn't have to mean closing the books on zero waste programs + goals

Dire Climate Prediction Looks Robust

The possibility is strong that high end climate crisis temperature predictions are "the most realistic for planning purposes"