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News & Views Curation

May 30, 2020

The Heat Index: What You Need to Know

Climate Migration: Here At Home

Climate change is happening now + climate migrants soon will be your fellow Americans

May 27, 2020

EU: Green Recovery Plan

First look at financial promises + program goals of the EU-wide green economic recovery plan

Indian Point: Not The Time To RIP

Keeping a climate-dubious promise, NY's giant Indian Point nuclear power plant begins its end-of-life shut down

Birding While Black

Feeling cooped up? Caged? Thoughts on racism, environmentalism + birdwatching in Central Park

Parks And Recreation

Take these NYC or national urban parks surveys about what matters to you during the pandemic

Just Because Energy Efficiency Is A Must-Do...

...Doesn't mean it will get done in the post-pandemic recession -- or what are the odds for compliance with NYC'S building energy law?

Students Translate Climate

A new project earns students community service credits for translating climate change documents to help spread the word + boost youth mobilization

May 26, 2020

Quote Of The Day

"The deepest problems of modern life derive from the claim of the individual to preserve the autonomy + individuality of his existence in the face of overwhelming social forces, of historical heritage, of external culture, + of the technique of life", Georg Simmel, The Metropolis + Mental Life

Denmark: Give It Up For Hydrogen

More Open Streets Now

Demand grows for Mayor De Blasio to speed up + expand his Open Streets promise. It's a key to NYC's pandemic recovery

Data-Driven, Low Carbon Urban Transit Pick

Data from 38 cities shows urban bike share programs increase bike commuting

Moving Forward Is The Only Option

One Columbia sustainability professor's account, take heart

May 25, 2020

Euro Rx: The Covid Recovery Must Be Green

Resilience, inclusiveness + climate-forward should be the three pillars of Europe's pandemic recovery strategy

May 22, 2020

Denmark: Wind Power Farms Islands

What comes after wind farms? in Denmark it's offshore wind 'islands'

Brooklyn Bridge Park - Complete At Last

With the OK of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, the final parcel of land to complete the Brooklyn Bridge Park is acquired

NY Makes Pipeline + Climate History

In asserting the requirements of its 2019 climate action statute, NY leads on new legal ways to stop natural gas pipelines

Climate Hawk Elected To DNC

Climate hawk R.L. Miller elected to the Democratic National Committee, targets its low-performing leadership

Climate Must-Reads, Guides to Must-Do's

12 books on climate activism that belong on your reading list

Worldwide: the Answer Is No...

...To the question will the pandemic-induced drop is CO2 emissions fend off a climate crisis?

Australia: Build A Better Solar Cell

Durability is key to accelerating the uptake of solar-sourced power + Australian researchers take the lead

May 21, 2020

Big Bucks For Energy Efficiency

Con Edison commits $1.5 billion in incentives to encourage NY customers to install air or ground source heat pumps to help cut carbon emissions from utility consumption of natural gas

May 20, 2020

'Cool Dudes' Don't Fear Contagion Or Climate

"What, me worry?" sums up views on COVID-19 + climate risks for a segment of American males

May 19, 2020

End Auto Addiction

Virus Doesn't Cut Climate Anxiety

Americans' climate anxiety has not been diminished by the COVID-19 pandemic

NY's Big No To Gas Pipeline

Relying on both the federal Clean Water Act + a state climate law enacted in 2019, New York denies a permit for a natural gas pipeline project for fracked gas coming from Pennsylvania, NJ nixes project too

May 12, 2020

COVID-19 Threatens Clean Energy

With ultra stressed NY health care providers seeking breaks on their utility bills, the state's clean energy/energy efficiency fund would shrink

May 11, 2020

When 'Back To Normal' Is A Dire Prediction

What can two climate and energy journalists with different POV's agree on?

May 07, 2020

Sweden: Peek Into A Mast

Wind power’s towering future — a single full-sized wooden turbine would avoid the 2,000 tons of carbon emissions produced by making a steel analog.

Peakers Get Outed

NY's array of small, but highly polluting "peaker" power plant emissions now will be included in the state's annual carbon report tally

May 06, 2020

NY's Financial Watchdog Unleashes Sustainability

Nina Chen fills the newly-created position of Sustainability and Climate Initiatives Director at the NYS Department of Financial Services

May 02, 2020

Three Percent Is No Solution

A new climate tracker report by the NY League of Conservation Voters finds that since Mayor De Blasio entered office in January 2014, NYC has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by a scant 3%. At this rate, what will it take for the City to meet its 80% cuts by 2050?