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News & Views Curation

August 30, 2019

Testimony: East Side Resiliency Project

The Municipal Arts Society offers some tough love for NYC's latest East Side Coastal Resiliency proposal

The Long Anthropocene

Impact of human activity on planet Earth have a longer record than previously understood by archaeologists

August 29, 2019

Mekong Delta: Millions At Risk

Climate-linked flood risks found higher than previously believed in Vietnam's Mekong Delta, millions of people could face displacement

More Low Carbon Transit For Greta

Cities Build Climate Innovation

US cities step up with emissions-curbing policies + can learn from each other

Methane Man

The Trump Administration is set to issue draft rules that will allow more emissions of climate-harming methane by the oil + gas industry

August 28, 2019

NYC BIke Lane Masterplan

Think NYC should have a protected bike lane masterplan? The Regional Association creates a committee to draft one+ host 'town hall' meetings in 2020

August 27, 2019

Getting Comfortable With Energy Efficient Comfort

Energy Star puts numbers on keeping comfortable in the heat while keeping control of your energy use, not everyone agrees

The Hot-Pocalypse

Extreme heat is already transforming our world. More's coming + more people will die, especially the poor

Words Matter

it's catchy to say we've got just 12 years to save our climate, but is it what climate scientists are saying?

The Yang Climate Action Plan

Democratic Presidential hopeful Andrew Yang releases his climate action plan, it's not timid

China: Peak Coal Predicted

August 26, 2019

Denying The Climate Crisis 2.0

No, the climate risks we face won't be eliminated with technical fixes while holding on to our fossil fuel addiction

A Fairy Tale For Our Times

The 3 Little Pigs + Climate Change. Will it end happily?

Lab Seeks Food Waste Solutions

Drexel University scientists seek to convert the food waste problem into a resource opportunity for Philadelphia

August 23, 2019

Truckin' Addiction

Why is is so hard to grow NYC rail freight + marine resources, as well as other innovative ideas, for cutting reliance on trucking?

August 22, 2019

Follow @LeahStokes Thread On Sanders Climate Plan

Rockaways Rock Dockless Bikes

A City plan to scrap its dockless bike rental program in the Rockaways is scrapped in the face of community pushback

If Elected President...

Bernie Sanders has a Green New Deal for the nation. For other first impressions click here and here

No Person's An Island, Even In the Hamptons

White Nationalists Talk Green, Fuel Hate

White nationalists fear everyone else is source of the climate crisis + this fans their ecofacsist zeal

Cooler In The Streets

Three doable proposals for taming the heat on city streets

August 21, 2019

Help Wanted: 3 Jobs

NY Renews is hiring for 3 positions: Coalition Coordinator; Lead Policy Organizer: + Lead Coalition Organizer

Listen To Your Mothers - Of Invention

Feminist climate action podcast targets the fashion industry + aims at sustainability

The Bias In Climate Science

A new book examines why climate scientist have underestimated the velocity of climate change

Kill Without Consequences

Why, with 119 bike rider deaths in NYC so far this year + 114 pedestrians killed by cars in 2018, will most of the driver killers never be taken to court?

August 20, 2019

Get The Message

How Nature Can Aid NY/NJ To Withstand Climate Change

Why nature-based infrastructure should be a key to NY + NJ plans to withstand rising sea levels+ fiercer storms

August 19, 2019

NYC Traffic: Slower Than Ever

NYC reports that traffic is moving at its slowest in a decade, even as subway + bus ridership drops. Is congestion the new joyriding?

Iceland: Requium For A Glacier

Funeral services held in Iceland for the first glacier to expire from climate change


Miami, photos on the front line of our global climate crisis

New Recycling Ideas For NY

Next-gen plastics recycling has potential to get more plastics out of NYC's trash + into new products

August 16, 2019

Let's Look At The Heat Record

NOAA data leaves no doubt about the global temperature rise, shattering 140 year old records

Buffalo: Big Solar Push

A 350 MW solar power project could be sited near Buffalo, NY, but host community agreements not yet in place

India: Old Lessons For New Building

India's architectural history holds lessons for heat-beating, climate-friendly construction now. Watch the embedded video about a Jaipur project

When Doing Your Best Is Not Enough

Even early climate-adapter cities can't overcome the climate crisis on their own, what should they be doing now?

August 15, 2019

Week's Best Climate Headline

"How 'green' concrete' can help cities fight climate change"

Book Review: Kochland

Starting in 1991, the Koch brothers began fanning the flames of climate denialism, a discovery documented by business reporter Christopher Leonard in his new book

Don't Mourn, Act, Organize, Vote

A Venerable Cap And Trade Post Mortem

Read it now as a roadmap for today to advance a Green New Deal (highlights + comments are mine, not author's)

Global Dope Coal Peddling

In Australia, one billionaire's coal mine investments would fuel coal-burning power plants in India, which sell that electricity to Bangladesh

August 14, 2019

Help Wanted; Frontline Campaign Organizer

Greenpeace seeking a frontline campaign organizer to take its people-powered work to the next level

August 13, 2019

California: GHG's Down As Renewables Beat Fossils

GHG emissions in California down 1% in 2017, as more electricity was power generated from renewables than from fossil fuels, but other power sectors not doing as well

August 12, 2019

EV's Will Only Get Cleaner, ICE Vehicles, Not

EV's Aren't Unicorns

What's driving rising sales of electric vehicles in the US?

Smart Urban Design - Climate Action Power Tool

As the urban heat island effect gets worse when the global climate heats up, but here are 4 doable strategies to keep cities livable

August 09, 2019

Bushwick: A Tale Of Two Bike Cities

Think long-time residents + newcomers to Bushwick see see to eye on bike infrastructure? Think again

Berlin: Small Auto-Free Steps

Berlin to make first moves for auto free zones, but not as bold as other big European cities

Where Summer Is Hotter In The City

Urban heat islands can be 20 degrees hotter than other city areas in the summer

August 08, 2019

Canada: Green Worker Transition Plan

Forging a just transition for fossil fuel workers to a renewable energy economy is a priority for Canada's Green Party

Experiment In Motion

Most cars will be banned from 14th Street, starting mid-August. Sty tuned for the outcome of this experiment

Harm To Food, Water, Land - Happening Now

Climate change impacts are already harming our water, land + food supply systems + these changes could become irreversible, new UN report finds

Offshore Wind: Lessons From Europe

NY has big plans for offshore wind power, what are the takeaways from 4 European wind power leaders?

August 07, 2019

Oakland: Down With Jet Fuel, Up With Batteries

A community energy provider will bring an energy storage project to Oakland, CA to replace a dirty jet-fueled "peaker"power plant

Climate Patent Slump

Worldwide patent applications for climate change mitigation technologies are down sharply since 2012, while overall patent application numbers have not dropped

Climate Tweet Of The Day

Greenland: The Big Melt

Witness climate history, photos of Greenland's meltdown must be seen

August 06, 2019

NY Dairy Farm Hosts Solar/Steam Installation

The winner of a NY competition unveils locally-made solar panels producing steam for industrial use at an upstate dairy farm

Making Waste Unfashionable

Can the fashion industry, with an addiction to waste, become eco-friendly while staying on trend?

When Green Is White It's Bad

White nationalists blame non-European immigrants for our climate crisis + call for their exclusion + elimination

The Hot New Wave

The occurrence of ocean heat waves is rising, bringing unprecedented disruptions

August 05, 2019

Imagine It's 2053...

....You're visiting the Carbon Museum to see what life was like back in the Fossil Age + how it ended