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News & Views Curation

July 31, 2019

Neighbors To Australia: Stop Coal Mining

Will Australia heed the pleas of Pacific island nations + stop mining coal?

From Farm To Table

In NYC, the farming can be Egyptian + the table found in trend-setting restaurants

Dumb And Dumber

New home construction in floods-vulnerable coastal areas is a thing. Why?

Must Move From A (Climate Plan) To B (Follow-Thru)

NY makes climate action vows. Don't stop there. Carry them out. Start now

When Paradise Becomes Hell

As our climate becomes disfigured, this is what's in store

July 30, 2019

Houston Gets A Climate Plan

“Ten years ago, a mayor in Houston probably wouldn’t be talking about climate change", Mayor Sylvester Turner said. “But things have changed. It’s a new reality" + a draft 4-focus climate action plan is out for public comment

Inslee's Climate Justice Ideas Are A Real Green New Deal

Presidential climate contender Jay Inslee has specific plans for prioritizing environmental justice in his Administration. Environmental justice activists weigh in

Don't Despair: Good News Story Of The Week

Scientists Shocked By Speed Of Climate Change

Remember when irreversible climate impacts were predicted to start mid-century? Wrong, they're starting now

7 Train: What's Old Is Old Again

A five year delay + cost overruns plague the signal system upgrade of the 7 train, finds NY State Comptroller's audit

UK: The Climate Of Johnson's Cabinet

Expect anti-climate action policies from Boris Johnson's cabinet picks

July 29, 2019

When Climate Denial Isn't Enough...

...Electric utilities turn to delaying laws

Offshore Wind Project Delayed

Are permit delays for Massachusetts offshore wind project just red tape or is there something fishier going on?

Big Glassy Objects Gotta Go

Summer 2019: This Is What Climate Disruption Looks Like

The flash floods + heat waves of NYC's summer 2019 are what the new climate normal looks like. Ditto for the rest of the planet

July 26, 2019

Mind NYC's Resiliency Gaps

A new City Council Committee turns its attention to gaps in NYC's climate resiliency efforts, what's on its to-do list?

July 25, 2019

Big City Green Scorecard

Boston is #1, Oklahoma City is #75 in 2019 rankings for renewables + energy efficiency efforts

True Or False

Renewable natural gas could be the Next Big Thing in green energy

Offshore Wind To Bring Jobs Upstate

NY's big offshore wind projects wiil bring manufacturing + assembly jobs to the Albany region + beyond

Advice To The Auto Lovelorn

If the century-long Auto Era was a case of unrequited love, how can we get over it?

Working Class Green

Grand-Synthe, France is a living laboratory for the Green New Deal or as the Mayor calls it "social environmentalism"

Be Prepared - Or Not

Con Ed is 5 years overdue in writing its analysis of the power grid's ability to cope with heat waves + ways for avoiding more blackouts

July 24, 2019

France: Red Hotter

France's second heatwave of 2019 is a scorcher, with the city of Bordeaux being the hottest place of all

UK: Red Hot

July 23, 2019

The Climate Emergency Now

Life In NYC's Tallest Passive House

What's it like to live in a Passive House apartment building rather than any ordinary NYC hi-rise?

New Use For Vacant Lots

Miami is converting a vacant lot into a park designed to lower risk of neighborhood floods

July 22, 2019

Stay Cooling Doesn't Have To Cost A Fortune

Hot tips for surviving summer in the city without seeing your energy bill soar

Replacing Grandpa's Electric Power Grid

Creating a climate -friendly + reliable electric power grid in NY requires concerted public + private commitments, either/or won't do it

Cap Uber Cruising

Decongesting Manhattan streets requires capping for-hire-vehicle cruising along with continuing the 'pause' in new FHV licenses + that's what NYC is doing

India: Resetting A 'Normal' Monsoon

Facing persistent droughts, India to set a lower 'normal' monsoon baseline, with greater regional extremes

July: Could Break Heat Record

With a record-hot July, climate disruption impacts are playing out in real time

July 19, 2019

Gooaal - Not

Building Out Of Harm's Way

Building industry group, the NY Building Congress, offers a menu of ideas for putting NYC buildings out of climate harm's way along its 500 mile long coastline

Showrunner's Advice On TV Climate Debate

Is there hope for making a political climate debate compelling TV? A hit-making showrunner has some tips

Renewable Energy Question Of The Week

Could sand or concrete be used for energy storage batteries?

Mapping NY's Offshore Wind Future

With a new law committing to a ultra-low carbon future, NY maps out its offshore wind future

July 18, 2019

Hey Big Polluter

With GHG emissions soaring, Australia is on track to become one of world's top climate threats

Speed Up Bike Equity

What will it take to make the Mayor move faster to expand the Citi Bike program into Brooklyn + the other boroughs?

Don't Be Idle - Stop Air Pollutors

Join NYC's Citizens Air Complaint Program, it's good for your health + your wallet

New EU Chief: Climate Action Supporter

Ursula von der Leyen, the newly elected EU President, says she will make climate + the environment top priorities in all EU policy areas, but Green Party leaders are skeptical

July 17, 2019

Energy Efficiency Messaging

Here's what amps up energy savings when utilities get smart about customer communications

Bolivia: Millenia Of Ice Melts Away

Beat The Heat

Find the cooling center nearest to you in NYC before the heat wave hits

Dutch Expertise For Texas Flood Control

With a hurricane/flood vulnerable coast, Texas turns to Dutch expertise for protection

July 16, 2019

Giant Batteries Show Their Power

Giant energy storage batteries + cheap solar energy start to push fossil fuels off the electric grid

July 15, 2019

Green New Deal Meets Green City Force

Like most public policies, fulfilling the promise of social equity requires sustained focus; what is the Green City Force doing to advance NY's new Green New Deal environmental justice potential?

Wind Power Now

NY must act now to fulfill its legal + budget capabilities for growing offshore wind power

Quote Of The Day

"The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart." Iris Murdoch

Biking In Brooklyn

This could be NYC's first dedicated bike lane

July 12, 2019

No Fossil Fuel Independence In NY

Death By Biking

Alarmed by rising numbers of fatalities, NYC bike riders take to the streets to protest + demand change

Euro Heatwave's Climate Fingerprints

How does Europe's 2019 heat crisis link to the climate crisis?

July 11, 2019

It's New, It's Brooklyn, It's Complicated

McKibben Nails Trump Eco-Talk

Bill McKibben sees rising public climate concern + the 2020 Presidential election as the explainer for Trump's talk about the environment

Quote Of The Day

"I would argue congestion pricing is the cornerstone of how we can start changing our transportation policy...This is going to be something more complex than dealing with the power sector. The power sector is used to being regulated; people are not." June Tighe, President - NY League of Conservation Voters

Lessons Learned From Tokyo Emissions Trading

Are there lessons for NYC in the Tokyo buildings emissions trade scheme launched in 2010?

NY Dairy Farm Seeks Solar Future

Can solar power mix well with dairy farming?

July 10, 2019

Ear Inn: From 1817 To Farm-To-Table

One of NYC's oldest eating establishments, the Ear Inn now has a farm-to-table menu

Lessons Learned From DC Flood

Experiencing the climate crisis first hand, Washington DC learns that just FEMA flood map information won't save it

July 09, 2019

And Now For Some Good News

New York City homeowners embrace rooftop solar installations, with Queens leading the way + Brooklyn rising

Australia: Breaking Emissions Records

With electric power leading the way, and fugitive LNG emissions rising, Australian GHG levels reach an all time high

Here, There And Everywhere: Weird Weather

Don't say you weren't warned about the weirding of the world's weather

Sanders/AOC Climate Emergency Resolution

Senator Sanders + Congress member Ocasio Cortez are introducing a climate emergency resolution in Congress, here's the latest draft

July 08, 2019

And The Winner Is...

Will it be California or NY to lead the nation toward a zero-carbon emissions tomorrow?

Mass Transit Customer Rewards

Public transit agencies look into customer rewards programs to boost ridership but skeptics weigh in

6 Towns Aggregate On Energy

6 Hudson River townschose community aggregation to get 100% solar power for homes + businesses

Timing That Train

July 03, 2019

Paris: Scooting Along

Scooters are a thing in the evolution of micro-mobility in Paris

Summertime Tip

Human Role In French Scorcher

No, not the Women's Soccer World Cup, the record shattering heat wave

06.19: Hottest June On Record

What's not to understand about the climate crisis?

July 02, 2019

What Americans Think About When They Think About Climate Change

Among the findings of an April 2019 survey "About six in ten Americans (63%) say they “rarely” or “never” discuss global warming with family and friends, while 37% say they do so 'occasionally' or 'often'”. How will the Presidential campaigns affect Americans' discussion? stay tuned

Speculative Futurology

It's the 22nd Century, who should live in flooded old NYC?

July 01, 2019

Climate Solidarity: 19 Of 20

What The Dem. Debate Showed About The Climate Debate

The Democratic 20 candidate debates reveal why America needs a debate dedicated to the candidates' climate policy intentions

Pentagon's Outsized Climate-Combat Role

From thinking through SNAFU's to valuing shorter supply lines + a reliable tech-research budget, the Pentagon has the motive + the resources to be a climate-forward contributor