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News & Views Curation

April 29, 2019

The Cost Of Climate Tipping Points

Climate tipping points, when incremental changes become big irreversible ones, could cost the global economy trillions

Decarbonize + De-Risk NY's Pension Funds

Experts advise on a decarbonization path for NY State's $209 billion Common Retirement Fund

'We Can't Afford To Wait'

New York must speed up its process for approving new renewable energy projects say 11 environmental groups

Women Saving Mother Earth

Put these 12 women on your global climate activist map

What's Been Learned Over 50 Years

3 climate activist lessons learned from experience + useful for going forward

Oh, Rats

Your Break It, You Buy It

April 26, 2019

Millions For Bike/Walk Upgrades

NYC gets $14.6 million from the State to upgrade its bike + pedestrian infrastructures

April 25, 2019

Get A Timeline

Advocates want more than promises from the MTA, they want a detailed timeline for the electrification of its entire bus fleet

The Power Of One - Or Not

What do climate scientists say about the meaning of individual carbon cutting choices?

15 Year Old Nails Our Climate Project

Greta Thunberg's climate action insight "“Avoiding climate breakdown will require cathedral thinking...We must lay the foundation while we may not know exactly how to build the ceiling.”

Food Fish Die As Oceans Warm

Eat fish or know someone who does? then the impacts of ocean warming on sealife should worry you

Let Them Drown: Climate Conflict In The Mideast

Naomi Klein looks at the Israel-Palenstine conflict through the lens of climate catastrophe + sees global patterns of colonialism + xenophobia

London: Extinction Rebellion Demands

The 3 top climate action demands of London's Extinction Rebellion

Through A Glass Darkly

Neither Mayor De Blasio's pronouncement on banning construction of glass-fronted buildings nor real estate industry reactions could be called models of transparency

April 24, 2019

The Unknowns In Congestion Pricing

The details of the state-mandated congestion pricing plan going into force in 2021 have yet to be written

Climate Trolls

14 Street Going Bus Only

During L train reconstruction, most car + truck through-traffic will be banned on 14th Street from 3 - 9 Avenues, freeing lanes for faster bus transport

Valuing Building Rating Systems

LEED green building ratings were launched in the 1990's, what's been gained with experience?

April 23, 2019

NYC's Lessons In Sustainability

Help Wanted: Senior Advisor For Future Risks

The NYC Mayor's Office of Resiliency Land Use + Building Team seeks a Senior Policy Advisor, Future Risks Focus

Advice Column: BYOB

Bring your own bag when you shop, reduce waste, avoid fees

April 22, 2019

Don't Go Near The Water

With inexorably rising sea levels, should NYC take the path of resiliency or retreat?

Another Climate Disruption - Inequality Accelerant

Breathe A Teeny Bit Easier During Summer Dog Days

Proposed NY regulations could cut ozone-forming pollution from power plants used on the hottest summer days. (Note: It would even better to ramp up building/appliance energy efficiency so no peaker plants required, ever!)

Needed: An Urban Policy For The GND

So far, the Green New Deal launched by NYC-based Ocasio-Cortez, doesn't lay out urban policy aspirations, but it should

April 18, 2019

Securing Our Energy Future

Can US nuke power plants be climate-proofed?

Lovins' Green New Deal Message

"Harness America’s immensely powerful + creative economic engine", Amory Lovins' map to a GND

Help Wanted: Communications Director

The Climate Mobilization seeks a highly motivated, self-directed communicator with experience writing, editing, speaking + networking

April 17, 2019

Q/A With NYC's Sustainability Point Man

Mark Chambers, Director of NYC's Office of Sustainability, weighs in on what congestion pricing, a plastic bag ban + a bill to close local fossil-fueled power plants could mean for everyday New Yorkers

Mass Transit News Roundup

From good news (Paris) to bad news (Washington DC) to hopeful news (NOLA)

Psst. See AOC's New Video Here

The Case Of The Kidnadpped Scientist

Compelling climate change journalism can start with mysteries + lead unexpected places

Bankers Of The World Unite: Limit Climate Risks

The top UK + French central bankers have an urgent message for global banks: conduct climate stress tests + work together to lessen risks of great loss

Old Tunnel Boosts 2nd Ave Subway Plans

A tunnel built in the 1970's can be used to expand the 2nd Avenue subway north of 96 Street + save $500 million in construction costs

The Cost Of Ferry Ride For Taxpayers: $24.75

Mind the gap between the projected true cost of taking a NYC ferry ride + the actual true cost

April 16, 2019

Notre Dame As Tragedy, Notre Dame As Metaphor

Concern Over Climate Preparedness Of Pentagon Contractors

Senators Elizabeth Warren + Jack Reed call for an investigation of the climate risks faced by the Defense Department's network of contractors

London: Arrests At Climate Protest

122 people arrested at an Extinction Rebellion, climate action demonstration in London

A Climate Road Less Traveled

How one climate denier figured out his opposition to big government misled him on climate science + his top four talking points for taking climate action

Weaponizing Freedom Of Information Laws

Why would California consider limiting its 50-year old access to public records law?

April 15, 2019

Help Wanted: Staff Researcher

The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law seeks a staff researcher to assist with the Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization project

America's Climate-Refuge Cities

If NY, LA or Miami are lost to climate chaos, think of Duluth or Buffalo as urban climate refuges

We'll Always Have Sea Spiders

April 12, 2019

Coal Power: Washington v Washington

Compare + contrast the approach of Washinton State to Washington DC on the future of coal-burning power plants

Germany: Update On The Transition To EV's

Manufacturing EV's won't be like today's internal combustion industry in some big ways

Mass Transit Crisis Won The Day For Congestion Pricing

Hedging On Climate Chaos

Consider this: Practically no one in the financial system sees near-term incentives to worry about the biggest risk conceivable, deep climate disruptions

April 11, 2019

Automakers' Nightmare

What's Trump doing with CAFE rules that has US automakers losing sleep?

Mass Timber: An Assessment

Does mass timber live up to the hype as the latest, greatest green building material?

It Could Get Very Bad

Bill McKibben foresees climate chaos as a world ender. Is it to late for a happier future?

The Long Goodbye Is Getting Shorter

April 09, 2019

Hearing The Climate Talk

How do you talk about the climate emergency when it seems as if no one is listening?

Norway: Leaves It In The Ground

Norway decides not to drill for offshore oil + gas

Make Me A Climate Offer...

April 08, 2019

Climate Change Is Sickening, Already

Big Climate/Community Bill Pending In Albany

Will 2019 be the year for enacting a NY Climate + Community Protection Act?

The Arctic: Feeling The Heat

Fast-rising Arctic temperatures are changing almost everything

Viet Nam: John Kerry Returns

Ending Viet Nam's reliance on coal, is a new mission for Viet Nam vet + former Secretary of State John Kerry

Decarbonization: No One's Waiting On Washington

Decarbonizing technologies are disruptive in ways that can be slowed, but not stopped

April 05, 2019

Beware The Great Indoors

The lowdown on air pollution at home

Study Environmental Journalism

Here's a summer 2019 environmental journalism program for high school students + recent grads

Overcoming Solar Inequality

Not all communities have equal access to solar power + what to do about that

How To Talk About Climate Change With Friends And Family

Advice for the climate passionate about improving your social skills

Singapore: Net-Zero U

April 04, 2019

The National Community Climate Assessment

With a core membership from the National Climate Assessment advisory panel disbanded by Trump, comes a new report to help communities prepare for the climate changes that will confront them

NY Boosts EV's And Energy Storge Tech

The New York Power Authority launches a partnership program to pave commercialization pathways for EV's + energy storage technologies

EVs' New BFFs

Electric power utilities are not the only ones who see business opportunities in a growing electric vehicle market

Brooklyn Green - Building Industry Influencer

Architect + 475 founder Ken Levenson highlights the impact of universities on the spread + advances in high performance, energy-saving building

Roads Have Never Been Free

Driving has always been heavily subsidized in the US, so why think cutting NY's congestion would be free?

April 03, 2019

Australia: Ends UN Climate Funding

Australia stops paying into the UN Green Climate Fund, reversing its Paris Accord commitment

Germany: GHG Emissions Down

In 2018, German GHG emissions drop 4.2%, but 2020 targets are unlikely to be met

April 02, 2019

Rooftop Solar Gets Some Investor Love

Blackrock will invest in CleanCapital, which owns + manages small-scale US solar power systems worth $300 million

Intro To Water Batteries

Using hydro power to store energy isn't new, but better ways to use water for energy storage are on the horizon

Jay Inslee - THE Climate Candidate

Running as the climate advocate candidate, Jay Inslee spells out his campaign for the Presidency in this interview

April 01, 2019

Budget Airline - Big Carbon Pollutor

From Climate Policy To Model Laws

Borrowing a powerful legislative strategy from climate deniers 2 climate legal scholars publish an 1,100-page compendium of policy ideas + are organizing lawyers to write model statutes based on these ideas, which can then be distributed to local, state + federal lawmakers

The GND - Let's Get Realistic

If the 'center' has disappeared from US politics, what does the mean for a Green New Deal strategy? Read, ponder + draw your own conclusion

Talk The Talk Right

"Power vs. energy: Though in common parlance, people use 'energy' + 'power' interchangeably, it’s important to differentiate between them when talking about batteries. Power is the rate at which energy can be released." - The Complete Guide To the Battery Revolution, Quartz

Rising Waters - When Solutions Cause Problems

Louisiana's levees are creating more flood risk than flood protection as the coast disappears