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News & Views Curation

March 29, 2019

How To Pay for A Green New Deal

Paying for the GND would be just like how the federal government pays for anything + why inflation's not a worry, argues Forbes contributor/public policy professor

Summer Internships

The Climate Museum is offering a summer 2019 internship program for high school students

Wind Power - Here But Not There

March 28, 2019

EV's Are Not Enough

Expanding mass transit + doing it right will do more to save the climate than any EV-reliant plan

Anatomy Of A Shutdown

What happens when a big coal-burning power plant shuts down in a small town?

Climate Perils - Stand Together Or Hang Together

Can a shared sense of vulnerability propel climate activism rooted in "civic republicanism"?

MTA Back Tracks On The L

Despite an earlier stance, the MTA's Board won't have an independent review of its L train repair plan before work starts in April

Making The Climate/Water Poverty Link

March 27, 2019

Zimbabwe: Cool Lessons From Termites

What termites can teach us about cooling our buildings better. Really

Follow The Cap And Trade Money

What is California buying with the $3.4 billion in carbon cap + trade it's collected since 2012?

Comments On Congestion Pricing

Wherever you stand on congestion pricing, don't skip the readers' comments section in this NYT story

Public Support for GND, But Media Coverage Spotty

Polling finds more support for a Green New Deal than Senator McConnell might expect, but those most likely to have heard of it, learned about it from Fox News

Senate's Climate Squabble

The state of play for federal climate politics + a GND on full display in the Senate

March 26, 2019

Keep The Whole City Safe

New York City must keep every neighborhood safe from flooding, not just one

Virginia's Solar Battlefield

In the 21st century, Virginia's civil war battlefield is a solar power farm proposal

Reporting On Climate

The climate/new media nexus was fraught even before Trump was elected, but many issues + insights remain relevant

Don't Forget Chernobyl, It Hasn't Forgotten You

Despite decades of cover-ups + denialism, the toxic legacy of the Chernobyl nuclear power disaster comes into focus

True Or False: Backsliding On Energy Efficiency Is Illegal

March 25, 2019

Meet Isra Hirsi

What's it like to be a 16 year-old, black, woman, muslim climate activist?

Hamilton's Lessons For A GND And A New Labor Agenda

Fulfilling the potential of the Green New Deal can mean deploying lessons learned since the 1930's about maximizing government policy impacts. It also can mean a post-AFL-CIO labor + social justice movement

Confronting Climate Gentrification

Four responses to urban climate gentrification, where real estate prices in environmentally safe but historically affordable areas skyrocket + displace vulnerable residents

Oslo: Wireless EV Charging

Oslo's electric taxis will be able to recharge wirelessly by 2023 + Norway has a goal of all new cars being zero emission by 2025

Copenhagen: Getting Carbon Neutral

The world's cities will watch to see what Copenhagen does to become net-carbon neutral by 2025

If You Don't Want To Say "Goodnight Planet"

March 22, 2019

A Better Balance Between People And Water

In climate-disrupted times, states like NJ + NY are on the front lines of finding better ways to relate communities + coastlines

Dems Divided On Climate Action Path

Will Democrats in Congress break out of their circular firing squad to meet our climate challenges?

Siting Decisions - Weak Link In Renewable Energy Chain

The Rhode Island controversy over siting solar power farms illustrates a chronic challenge to clean energy advances

Climate Impacts The Game

A new wave of board games shows players how climate change will reshape cities + to think about getting ahead of the rising tides

Exxon's Smear At EU Parliament

March 21, 2019

Company Chosen For NYC's Biggest Rooftop PV

Siemens wins the contract for doing NYC's biggest solar rooftop installation at the Javits Center

What To Do When It Hasn't Been Done Before

Freeze On Natural Gas Connections

Why has Con Edison put a moratorium on new natural gas connections for new Westchester customers?

March 20, 2019

Fossil Fuel's Bankers

The 10th edition of Banking on Climate Change totals the lending + underwriting from 33 global banks to 1,800 companies across the fossil fuel industry

Help Wanted: Program Coordinator

New York Passive House seeks a Program Coordinator to support office management, HR + programming

Nature Is The Best Resiliency Teacher

Tom Friedman does what he does best, he offers optimism about solving our climate problem by learning from Mother Nature

Stop The Pipeline

The Willams gas pipeline proposal is not justified by future utility customer needs according to a new 350 Brooklyn report, False Demand

Con Ed Tests Congestion Pricing

With 15,000 customers signed up, Con Ed pilots variable electric rates linked to peak + off-peak demand in order to de-stress the grid

March 19, 2019

Landscape Architecture Awards

Award-winning green design - in both senses - for projects by NYC-based firms

Perservance Pays

After a long swoon, Americans are mobilizing on climate change again

Saving NYC Taxpayers Money Now

Germany: Energy Storage Buy In

Over 120,000 German households + small-business owners have bought solar panels with battery storage since lower-cost systems appeared on the market 5 years ago

Federal Failure On Flood Mapping

Cities do their own flood maps as they lose confidence in FEMA's flood risk designations + are imposing more robust building standards

Regret For What Didn't Get Done

If Hotter Weather Is Health-Harmful...

...What is known about different health risks if global temperatures rise 1.5 degrees or 2 degrees?

March 18, 2019

East Asia: Beyond Coal

Investor moves to renewables could be the beginning of the end for coal power in East Asia

Turn NY Money Into NY Time

Investing congestion pricing revenues in better subway signals would save time for both rail + car commuters

Renewables Now: Less Is More

With the price of renewable energy plummeting, clean is already cheaper than coal, expect more

Today's Climate Funnies

Under The Sea

Scientists are discovering the historical record of climate change under the ocean floor

Advice To Young Climate Strikers

To maintain climate engagement momentum, 1. "don't grow up" + 2. grow the climate justice movement

NYC's Climate Is Changing

The urgency of rolling out effective adaptation measures is underscored by the 2019 update of the NYC Panel on Climate Change report, which finds hotter temperatures, rising seal levels + more intense precipitation are already here

March 15, 2019

Knock, Knock

The Four Seasons Get Weird

Spring isn't what it used to be in a climate-changed world

Global Youth Climate Strike

Here, there, everywhere

The Army Corps' Not So Modest Proposals

While there's no question that NY's metro region is at grave risk for climate-linked flooding, there are many questions about the Army Corps of Engineers' 5 proposals to protect the coastline

March 14, 2019

Smartest Tweet Of The Week

It's 2050, Here's How We Stopped Climate Change

A history lesson we aspire to

Cooling Must Become Hot

Seeing opportunities for economic + climate leadership in China by developing new air-conditioning technologies

Public Relations Biz And Climate Change

What do major public relations firms stand on having climate change position statements, doing internal carbon accounting + having rules about clients selection?

Arctic: So Long

New UN research projects 5 degree - 9 degree Centigrade temperature increases in the Arctic by 2100, even if the world meets its Paris Accord goals

Cover The BQE With Green

NYC Comptroller Stringer proposes extending a green promenade over the BQE along with other upgrades, but will it cut traffic + improve air quality?

March 13, 2019

True. Dat.

March 12, 2019

Solar Afloat

March 11, 2019

Fusing Infrastructure Bills To Climate Actions

Congressional Democrats start linking infrastructure bill particulars to addressing climate needs, stay tuned

Climate Signals Are Flashing

Good For Walkers, Good For Bikers

Three ways to enhance street safety for both urban pedestrians + bike riders

From Big U To Landfill

More than 6 years post-Superstorm Sandy, NYC floats yet another resiliency idea, landfilling near the Seaport + FiDi

To Measure Is To Manage - Just Not Yet

How hard can it be + how long does it take to get useful information on the energy appetite of NYC's building stock + harness it to action?

March 08, 2019

Losing A Global Recycling Linchpin

With China shutting its doors to the world's recyclable waste, are there other processing destinations + better ways to recycle?

Bridging The Gaps

Written for the NYC 2030 District, this study identifies the power of peer-to-peer collaborations, which are partnerships between organizations that provide the foundation for facilitating building energy efficiency project aggregation + knowledge-sharing

Permafrost: Warming

Data reveals rising temperatures in soil frozen since the last Ice Age that could lead to release of GHG's + further climate change

LED'S Lead Energy Revolution

The switch to LED's from incandescent light bulbs has cut our energy appetite in just 6 years, but Trump threatens to rescind lighting energy efficiency standards

March 07, 2019

Here's A Trend That's A Friend

Trump Ignores Climate Intelligence

Yes, Donald Trump, climate disruption is a threat to national security

Quote Of The Day

"A small minority of Republicans don't deserve a pat on the back for acknowledging 40 years of scientific consensus." Lukas Ross — Friends of the Earth

When Failure is Not An Option

Overwhelmed by the dire climate news? “Blow up the dichotomy” between fear + hope, or truth + positivity, push back against powerlessness in the struggle for a fossil fuel-free economy

Enough With California Dreamin'

Now, it's reveille for California building decarbonization

Resiliency - Easier Than Rocket Science And Closer To Home

AOC: The New Yorker Interview

"'It still feels terrifying every time. I am trying to pick my battles, but, until there are more people running toward the fire, it's hard to take a break." Ocasio-Cortez to David Remnick

March 05, 2019

India: 7 Cities Where Inhaling Is Dangerous

GND Yes, Carbon Tax, Maybe

If a broad program of policies + rules is the first order of climate action, then a carbon tax is less important, why's that?

Ocean Heat Waves

Evidence of marine heat waves is rising, the impact of climate change isn't only happening on land

Quote Of The Day

Political strategist David Axelrod on newfound salience of climate change to some Senate Democrats, "Now we’re a decade down the road, + the road is surrounded by floods + fires in a way that is becoming more and more visible.”

March 04, 2019

Climate Denier Delayer

Would Alexandria Ocasio Cortez call you a 'climate delayer'?

Congestion Pricing - Whys And Wherefores

The case for why congestion pricing is a must to help fund NYC mass transit

The Big Apple Isn't Green, It's Indifferent

Hey New Yorkers, we can do better! Take the OneNew York survey today and help shape the future of New York City...

OneNYC survey mapped

Meeting NY's Renewable Energy Goals...

...Means solving specific systemic problems called out in a NYLCV White Paper

"Freeing People For Meaningful Work"

Catchy blog title, thought-leader sustainability content

March 01, 2019

Toronto: Development, Data Privacy And Google

A waterfront development proposal by Sidewalks Labs,, a firm owned by Alphabet, the parent of Google, is raising data privacy, control + profit issues

The Greening Of Maine

Recently-elected Maine Governor Mills sets state renewable energy goals + more in her climate-action speech

Climate Advocate Enters 2020 Race

Jay Insleee, Governor of Washington, announces his Presidential candidacy, spotlighting US climate action + its global leadership role in low-carbon energy technology