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News & Views Curation

February 28, 2019

Think Concretely

The ubiquity of concrete will never seem OK again

Local Competition In Store For Tesla

Stony Brook University's energy incubator is home to a battery start-up firm that could vie with the Tesla Powerwall

Clean Energy's Urban Innovators

Plug into forward-thinking ways 4 cities are transitioning to clean energy futures

Steam Heat: Q And A

If steam heat is a hot topic for you, keep reading

Updating Dylan

"Come all you investors who believed Exxon’s claims,
And admit you were wrong, even Wales is in flames.
Remember you said, “Surely there will be gains?”
Now there’s no limit to the blamin’
What a shame that the old folk didn’t use their brains,
For the climate is a-changin’."
Tip o the hat to @henrymance over at the Financial Times

Help Wanted: NYC Resiliency Fellowship

A Growing Divide On Climate Science: Trump vs. The Rest Of The World

This may not be news but it bears repeating

February 27, 2019

England: Burning Hot

February's record heat + wildfires shock England

Senate Dems Rally Round The Climate

It's not the Green New Deal but all 47 Senate Democrats will offer a resolution calling for immediate action on climate change

Making Energy Efficiency Affordable And Accessible

With funds borrowed from the federal government, local utilities make energy improvements to affordable housing, with on-bill repayments that ensure customers' bills will be lower than pre-upgrade

February 26, 2019

Demonstrating Support For Congestion Pricing

Where Electrification Makes Sense

Which 34 nations that are low-middle income or deemed emerging markets are good candidates for electrifying their overall energy supplies?

Sea Level Rising From A To A

It's not just dramatic storms,, its the drip, drip drip of sea level rise that threaten east coast cities like Annapolis, MD + Atlantic City, NJ

The Science Of Climate Change: No Doubt About It

February 25, 2019

It's An Ill Wind That Blows Nobody Any Good

Reinventing Transit Tech

NY has a new Transit Tech Lab, what's it doing?

Buses Could Solve NYC's Congestion Problem...

...If only New Yorkers would take them. What would it take to boost ridership?

Greening The Public Advocate Race

With a February 26 election, time to find out where Public Advocate candidates stand on environmental issues

The Future is Not Plastic

It can't be said too often -- use less plastic -- 9 suggestions

February 22, 2019

When Free Is The Problem

Is free street parking an urban right? an urban amenity? or a blight?

Making The Price Right

What's to be gained if states align electric power demand with pricing?

Science Vandalism

US national security being put in the hands of a far-out climate denier

February 21, 2019

EU: Wind Power Becalmed

While wind now provides 14% of the EU's electric power, public policy + permitting pose problems for growth

February 20, 2019

London: EV's For London Cabbies

With high demand, the Mayor of London increases funding to convert the taxi fleet to electric vehicles

Planet: Hot January

While one month of data is not proof of a trend, January 2019 was the 3rd hottest since 1880

South Africa: Big Money Weighs On Energy Policy

Dirty money corrupts the South African electricity sector

February 19, 2019

State Senate Takes Up Climate Bill

A bill mandating 100% renewable energy + climate equity gets its first NY State Senate hearing

Greening Your Cleaning

Tips for cleaning up your laundry routines

Congestion Pricing Now - Or Not

The state of play for passing a congestion pricing law in Albany this year

Why Mass Transit Ridership's Down

Lack of access + bad service + more car ownership = depressed urban mass transit ridership, can this trend be changed?

February 15, 2019

Our Environment And Our Infrastructure 1/2

Do no environmental harm + protect natural systems when upgrading infrastructure

Green's In At NY Fashion Week

What If The US Can't Build The Infrastructure It Needs 2/2

Is the fiasco of the California high-speed rail project a sign that the US is not up to the GND promise of modernizing + greening its vital infrastructure?

China: EV Plug-In Leader

February 14, 2019

Doing Right By Climate Front-Line Communities

Does the Green New Deal correct the environmental justice problems for climate front-line communities that undermine carbon cap + trade programs?

For Your Consideration

The Green New Deal's "everything-and-the-carbon-sink strategy is actually a feature of the approach, not a bug, + not only for reasons of ideological branding. In the 21st century, environmental policy is economic policy. Keeping the two separate isn’t a feat of intellectual discipline. It’s an anachronism." NYT, Jedediah Britton-Purdy, Op-Ed

February 13, 2019

Offshore Wind Will Energize A Green New Deal For NY

Offshore wind is a major climate asset for NY + an economic boon for NY Harbor

The Ambition Of The Green New Deal

The Green New Deal aims to transform the US economy + the Democratic Party while saving the planet, but how?

City Subways - Compare And Contrast

Riders compare about their cities' subways + with the NYC system

Climate Graphics - Fun And Participation

Charting paths to serious carbon footprint cutting

February 12, 2019

Surviving Steam Heat

Most NYC apartments use century-old heating systems, can anything be done to modernize steam heat, boost occupant comfort, save money + cut carbon footprints?

No Money For New Gas-Fired Power Plants

Los Angeles decides against spending money to rebuild 3 natural-gas burning power plants

Help Wanted: Green Infrastructure Research Scientist

The Brooklyn College, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies + University of Arizona seek an independent, responsible, scientist with a knowledge of hydrology + good people skills to assist in a green infrastructure project. To be considered for the position please send a resume and cover letter detailing your fit to the position to project PI Brianne Smith,

February 08, 2019

Quote Of The Day

"I’ve indeed read over the Green New Deal put forward by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. On the one hand, I love the bigness of it; I can’t remember the last time I saw this kind of bold language + lofty goals in a piece of legislation. And I like that; in the same way that I admired AOC for not standing up + clapping mindlessly during the SOTU, I admire her for proposing a moon shot. But aside from needing a lot more detail, the plan will also require a lot of political wrangling. Labour, which should be one of her natural allies, won’t love the job implications of shutting down steel plants that run on fossil fuels. And she’ll need to schmooze business with the language of sustainable investment. I suspect the way to bridge the gap will be to somehow position all this within the context of competitiveness, job creation + the US-China tech/trade war. That’s a lot of string pulling to do." Rana Foroohar, Associate Editor, Financial Times

She Has A Green Dream

AOC's the best kind of dreamer + for supporters of the Green New Deal it is about reaching for the stars, an effort to reshape expectations about the scale of actions needed to address an existential crisis

Polar Vortex - Teachable Moment

The frigid weather brought by the polar vortex gives reporters a a vivid opportunity to focus on amplified climate risks like increased frequency + intensity of extreme weather events

February 07, 2019

Get More Sun On The Water

We know how to float PV installations on water, but will it catch on in the US?

Offshore Wind Closer To Japan

MA Gov Urges Federal Climate Action

Charlie Baker, GOP Governor of Massachusetts, shows that the other party doesn't have to be the only one willing to stand up for climate action

Phoenix: Life After The Colorado

40% of Phoenix, Arizona's water needs are met by the Colorado River, what happens when the river's gone?

Green New Deal Now, Next Up, Organize

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez + Sen. Markey release their Green New Deal, now a "non-binding resolution" but binding legislative is the goal. Click on podcast link for AOC's interview on NPR

February 06, 2019

More Heat Means More Cooling

What is the future of air conditioning + its impacts as the world heats up? The International Energy Agency reports

14 Decades Of Global Temperatures

GND: The Back Story

A brief history of the organizing that propels the startling rise of the Green New Deal

The 5 Warmest Years On Record...

...Have been over the last 5 years

February 05, 2019

Ain't It The Truth

Help Wanted: Carbon Reduction Strategist

NYC Department of Administrative Services seeks a Carbon Reduction Strategist to do strategic planning, develop a resource toolkit, perform data analysis + more

4 Climate Actions Congress Can Take Now

Cut through the Congressional climate fog by increasing the research budget, tax support for renewables, modernizing the electric grid + aiding displaced coal industry workers

Climate Science Explained

Learn by listening to working climate scientists

February 04, 2019

Arctic: On Thin Ice

What's going on up there + how it affects the non-Arctic part of the world

NY Real Estate Influence Wanes

News reports on the beginning-of-the-end for the dominant political influence of NYC real estate may be premature, but still...

When Climate Change Hits Home

You think you get it about climate change, until you see it through your kids' eyes

I'd Rather Be In Philadelphia

First, Australia blistered with scorching heat, now Queensland is submerged in record-breaking floods

Hot Blast On NYC Apartment Heat

Why are so many NYC apartments crazy hot in winter? If this sounds familiar, don't skip the readers' comments

Serious Play

UK: The Good News

UK carbon emissions down 38% since 1990, how did that happen?

Think Globally, Green Sanitation Trucks Locally

By using methane from organic waste to fuel NYC Sanitation collection trucks, the Mayor would be doing something big to honor his climate action vows

February 01, 2019

AOC On Carbon Pricing And More

Carbon pricing + much more got covered in a conversation between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez + Ta-Nehisi Coates. "We don’t have to compromise our values to find common ground with other people."

The Navy Wants A Wall

To keep out climate-linked floods at an historic Washington DC site, the Navy wants to build a barrier wall

No Way To Cool The Planet

Europe's murderous colonization of the Americas led to climate cooling, here's how