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News & Views Curation

December 31, 2018

Do Inhale

The Story Of Year

Nothing else measures up to the rising toll + enormous dangers of climate change

December 28, 2018

Science At Work: The Climate 'Domino Effect'

Researchers seek an understanding of how climate change creates cascading impacts on agriculture, energy, transportation + other human systems

Trump Imperils the Planet

Do you agree with this New York Times editorial?

December 27, 2018

Washington Steps Up On Climate Action

The District of Columbia advances bold climate action legislation

Fuggedabout A Carbon Tax

True or false? Strong building codes, clean energy requirements + fuel efficiency standards for vehicles have more potential for political acceptance + practical impact than a carbon tax

December 26, 2018

You Are Not Alone

12 communities fighting on the front lines of climate action now

December 24, 2018

Help Wanted: Renewable Energy Advocate

NRDC is hiring a Renewable Energy Specialist for its Eastern regional Climate + Clean Energy team. The advocate will shape, advance + accelerate renewable energy deployment in priority Eastern states + help leverage lessons learned there across the country + at the federal level

Take Note: 2018

A climate journalist's Year-in-Review

Our Selfie

December 21, 2018

Trouble In Mind

When planners look ahead 25 years, what do they see as the NY metro area's biggest challenges?

The Old Guard Supports The New Green Wave

Former Congress member Waxman spells out why he's a supporter of the Green New Deal

December 20, 2018

Welcome Back Tibbetts Brook

Plans are afloat to bring Tibbetts Brook in the Bronx back into the daylight

France: It's Not The Climate, It's The Politics

France's Yellow Vest protest reveal a lot about domestic politics +the economy, but not much about public opinion on carbon taxes

Billionaires Back Battery Storage

Looks who's investing big bucks in molten salt energy storage technology

Act For The Climate - Vote

The ballot box is a power tool for extracting climate denying politicians from office

December 19, 2018

Australia: Move Over Coal

2018 is banner year for renewable energy in Australis, with $20 billion in the pipeline to create 14.6 gigawatts of power + deliver 13,000 direct jobs across 80 projects

Know Your Building's Energy Appetite And GHG Emissions

Is your NYC building an energy sipper or a slurper?

Tick, Tick, Tick...

"This huge spread of possible futures —from very bad to very good...create such powerful feelings of urgency and disorientation" Kim Stanley Robinson

Quote Of The Day, Decade

"To be aware of the wonder and enchantment of the world, its astonishing creatures and complex interactions, and to be aware simultaneously of the remarkably rapid destruction of almost every living system, is to take on a burden of grief that is almost unbearable." — Georg Monibot, writer

NY MIA From Bold Transportation System Plan

9 northeast states + Washington DC gear up to create a climate-smart, economy-boosting regional transportation system proposal, but NY's not part of it despite significant support

December 18, 2018

Building Passive House High Rises

Experienced professionals share lessons leaned about Passive House high rise construction in NYC

Act On Climate For Job Gains

Climate action is not a job loser, by 2030 it will be a worldwide winner

0 x 40 in NY

By 2040, Governor Cuomo pledges that NY's electric power system will be carbon-free, stay tuned for details in 2019

December 17, 2018

You Must Remember This

Lessons From California for Global Climate Talks

As the COP24 climate talks in Poland struggled to end with a to-do list, California strides forward on its climate agenda

Pension Divestment Pressure

Fossil fuel divestment activists will be pressing NY Comptroller diNapoli to rid the state's pension fund of fossil fuel assets

December 14, 2018

Not Big Enough For The News

COP24: Expect Some Kind Of Deal

COP 24 in Kantowice, Poland is likely to conclude with a climate 'rulebook', but it's unlikely to lead to climate security

Endangerment Evidence

After a decade on the books, 'endangerment finding' evidence keeps mounting to support this keystone of US climate policy

Controversial Flood-Proofing In Miami

Climate-proofing projects are just as controversial as any other urban construction work

A Rose Is A Rose Is A ...

What do you call climate impact planning in Texas?

Solar Tariffs Dim PV Industry

Trump's tariffs spread gloom for US utility-scale solar power markets

December 13, 2018

Hopes For Climate Rulebook Fade

Writing a rulebook for how to cut GHG's, the key goal of the COP24 climate meeting in Kantowice, Poland may well not happen

Annual RGGI Report

How's RGGI doing? Here's the newest annual report from the 9 state Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cooperative effort to reduce emissions of CO2, a major greenhouse gas

Worries Over Germany's Energy Transition

Why has Germany's drive to decarbonize stalled + can it be re-energized?

Climate Change/Presidency 2020

How climate change, usually an election also-ran for voters, could become a potent factor in the next Presidential race

Minneapolis Uses Zoning As A Power Tool

To tackle climate change, racial segregation + the lack of affordable housing, Minneapolis will eliminate zoning that allows only single-family homes

0 x 50 In NY

Meet the Climate + Community Protection Act, a bill in the NY State legislature that would set a zero-carbon emission goal for the state's' electric power supply + pathways, including job standards to convert to an all-renewables system, but will it have legislative legs?

Don't Blame It All On Trump

If climate action falters + fails, it's not just the US President's fossil-fuel loving, fact- denialisms at work, per John Kerry

December 12, 2018

UK: Home To Greenest Football Club (a/k/a Soccer In The US)

Sizing Up The Green New Deal

Is youthful idealism v tempered pragmatism a useful way to analyze the Green New Deal movement?

2018: Climate News, Not Silence

Here's a multi-media recap of 2018, quite a year in climate news

May The Congestion Force Be With You

Buying electric buses + cleaner air would be two big wins for New Yorkers if Albany ok's congestion pricing

A Lot Of Mouth But Not Much Money

Funding for clean energy R+D is way below national pledges

December 11, 2018

Opinion: If, Then

If the US won't do what's needed on climate change, then China must. (Check out Readers' Comments)

What Happens In The Arctic Impacts You

L.A. Mayor Talks The Climate Talk...

...but driving hasn't gone down while Metro transit ridership has dropped during Mayor Garcetti's tenure at City Hall

Amazon Meets NYC Infrastructure

NYC's wastewater infrastructure can handle the added volume of a Amazon HQ2, except on rainy days when it's already overwhelmed

December 10, 2018

Yes We Can

Paris to Pittsburgh, a Bloomberg-sponsored National Geographic documentary, shows how cities can lead on global climate action

Kantiwice Impressions

One visitor's views on COP24, the UN climate conference + it's host city, Kantowice, Poland

Billions More For NY Sustainable Investments

NY's Comptroller announces an additional $3 billion for the State's Common Retirement Fund’s Sustainable Investment Program

Net Zero-Energy Makes Dollars and Sense

Even with cold midwest winters the payback time for spending money on building net-zero energy homes is a proven fact

Climate Legal Eagles - Keep At It

Watch the Lisa Heinzerling lecture on the role of climate litigation during the Trump Era

This Is Not A Fish Tale

Saving Europe And The Climate

Thomas Picketty's plan to revitalize the European Union with a “new, sovereign European assembly capable of producing a set of fundamental public goods + services,” paid for by four new taxes, including a carbon tax set at a minimum of 30 euros per metric ton

December 07, 2018

MTA's New Signals

A top signaling expert is coming on board at the MTA to fix the subway's ailing system

Reasons For Climate Cheer

Signs of low-carbon cheer (sort of) based on an understanding of the business cycle, not the Paris Climate Accord

Tuscon's Struggle With Extreme Heat Gap

What's working, what's not in Tuscon Arizona programs to ease the impact of extreme heat on all its residents?

Schumer - Green Upgrades For Infrastructure

Senator Schumer urges the President to work with Congress for a climate friendly, clean energy modernization of the nation's infrastructure

December 06, 2018

To-Do's For New Enviro Leader

Julie Tighe, the new President of the NY League of Conservation Voters, has a lot on her mind + on her to-do list

New Zealand: Climate Change Is Top Security Threat

Climate change, not China, is cited in a defense policy report as the New Zealand's top security threat

Protecting Against Climate Displacement

In Miami, climate change is a force for displacement by gentrification, what can be done?

On The Road To Cap/Trade For Cars

Why They Stay

Why do home owners + local government insist on standing pat in one California inundation-threatened sea-side town?


For babies born in 2018, imagine the implications of a Green New Deal when they graduate from college

December 05, 2018

Picture Of The Day

Warning: This News May Cause Palpitations

Like a speeding freight train is the headline for 2018's rise in global carbon emissions

Warning: This News May Cause Palpitations

"Like a 'speeding freight train'" is the headline for 2018's rise in global GHG emissions - find out what are the biggest culprits

December 04, 2018

World Bank Lending For Climate

Between 2021-2025, the World Bank will provide $200 billion to fund climate adaptation + resiliency projects

Solar Installations Sag

Although US solar installations slumped 9% last year in the wake os Trump's 30% tariff on imported panels, the industry predicts brighter times as the tariffs drop to 15%

Help Wanted: Campaign Director/Communications Assoc.

Harlem-based WEACT for Environmental Justice is hiring a National Campaign Director + a Communications Associate for its Washington, DC office

Together, City Council And Citizens Can Be Climate Bold

December 03, 2018

Climate Dropout Clout

Consider the 'Trump Effect' on the trajectory of the Paris Climate Accord + international commitment to climate action

Demonstrating For A Green New Deal

Climate Adaptation Planning Uptake

A downbeat report on the state of climate adaption, but with insight on pathways forward

Meet The NY Green Bank

What is the NY Green Bank + what does it do?

Learning From TMI

Remember the near melt-down at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant? Does it answer questions about what to do with nuclear energy now?

Mid-Atlantic Homes Will Get Soaked

From Philly to the Jersey shore, homes at grave risk of storm damage + neighborhoods at risk of chronic nuisance flooding, expect flood insurance costs to soar
