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News & Views Curation

July 31, 2018

Nowhere Will Be Safe

Think you'll be safe from climate change inside a room with AC? Think again

Light Of The Stars - A Book Review

What can an astrophysicist teach us about living in the era of climate disruption?

MA Bill Could Boost Renewable Energy

A bill to raise utility renewable energy buys 2% a year could get signed by the Governor of Massachusetts, but it's got some controversial bits

What's Outside Is Inside

Kolkata: Home Won't Be The Same

The Ganges delta city of Kolkata becomes a climate casualty, but it could have been otherwise

July 30, 2018

Teen Green

A teen team takes the challenge of designing a sustainable building for a climate-changed future

Microgrids Not Substations

This Brooklyn affordable housing complex get microgrid power to keep the lights on + boost system-wide resiliency

How Clean Energy Leaders Lead

What leadership in urban renewable energy looks like today

July 27, 2018

UK: Everyone Must Talk About The Climate

The media isn't the only party that must make climate disruptions part of an ongoing national conversation

Finland: Heat Cuts Nuke Power

Unusually warm sea water leads Finnish nuclear power plant output cuts due to diminished cooling capacity

Dear Abby: How To Talk With A Climate Science Denier

Better responses than silence or snark for conversational comebacks with climate deniers

Speed Up On Congestion Pricing

4 things to do now to speed up planning + execution of a NY congestion pricing mandate

Enough Already

The NYC Council will try to cap the number of ride-hailing vehicles on the streets

The Zero Must For Every Building

July 26, 2018

Virginia Wants To Be A Wind Biz Contender

Looking to create an offshore wind power business hub, Virginia hires a consultant

Science At Work: Event Attribution

What can climate science tell us about extreme weather events?

Plan Ahead Now

National Grid offers a utility blueprint for northeast states to cut their GHG emissions 80% by 2050

July 25, 2018

Climate Change - Still Niche News

Even the most climate-conscious news media still silo climate reporting from weird weather disasters, why?

San Francisco To Insurers - Us Or Fossil Fuels

San Francisco resolves to screen its insurance contracts over investments in fossil fuel assets

Dockless Bikes Come To Town

First impressions of using a dockless bike in NYC

Use Taxes To Grow Green Roofs

Legal eagles propose a NYC tax strategy to install more green roofs, which, so far, have been few + far between

New Haven Wins Green Infrastructure Prize

A New Haven-based partnership wins the Roy Family Award for reducing sewage overflows + advancing social justice by deploying local "green" infrastructure solutions

Tokyo: The Road To Cool

Tokyo tackles the urban heat island effect with thermal barrier coatings + water-retaining pavement for roadways

Why Nuke Industry's Endangered

Aging + costly to operate, today's nuclear power plants can't compete with natural gas-fired plants + could close, even though they're climate-friendlier

UK: Recharge Resource Boost

July 24, 2018

When Someone Says "Climate Change"...

...the first association is "weather", it used to be "polar bears"

The Hoover Dam As Battery

What are the prospects for converting the Hoover Dam into a battery to store renewable energy?

Wind Turbines In Court

A Maine judge dismisses environmentalists' challenge to the Governor's Executive Order to drag out wind turbine project permits

Hanoi: Facing Up To Air Pollution

Hanoi, where motor bike mobility is massive, takes first steps to improve its severely and chronically polluted air

July 23, 2018

Climate Change Isn't Free

A new study calculates the combined value of market + nonmarket climate-induced damage - it's not cheap + it's not equally distributed

Yes Sir

Putting Energy Data To Work

The NYC Retrofit Accelerator, a case study of a project to advance energy upgrades in existing buildings

Canada: Climate Politics Get Tenser

Prime Minister Trudeau faces fossil fuel decisions with big impacts on Canadian climate policies

Unreliable: The New MTA Normal

A year after the MTA vowed to fix the subways, service delays + breakdowns remain rampant

Needed: Deep Transit Make-Over

City + state transit systems are dysfunctional or worse + don't meet climate action needs, what must be changed?

Warming With Heat Pumps

Called 'reversible refrigerators', heat pumps are warming homes while cutting soot + CO2 emissions in China + the EU

This Energy Revolution Is Underway

Once, everyone talked about the coming solar power/energy storage revolution, now, it's happening

July 20, 2018

Don't Miss It

Japan: Cool Clothes

During Japan's scorching summer, clothes with built-in fans offer personal comfort

On Your Mark, Get Set

The 2nd Avenue subway's next phase is slated to open in 2029

Everyone Knows Heat Kills...

...Here's what NYC grassroots environmental justice activists are doing about it

Science At Work: Climate Change Changes The Seasons

The temperature contrast between seasons is amplifying due to human-caused climate change impacts, new research finds

Australia: Billionaire Does A Koch Brothers

Gina Rinehart, an Australian mining magnate, gives millions to a Koch Brothers-style climate denial institute

Utilities Help NYer's Buy EV's

Why are Con Ed + National Grid stepping in to make it easier for New Yorkers to buy electric vehicles? If a Tesla is a stretch, Con Ed also rebates the cost of LED's

Judge Tosses NYC Climate Case As Baltimore Brings Another

US District Judge Keenan dismisses NYC's climate damages suit against Big Oil 'with prejudice', meanwhile, Baltimore files a climate lawsuit based on coastal flood damage risks threatening its waterfront revitalization

July 19, 2018

See Climate Disruptions Now


Help Wanted: Executive Director

The Power Shift Network seeks a new Executive Director. PSN mobilizes the collective power of young people to mitigate climate change + create a just, clean energy future + resilient, thriving communities for all.

July 18, 2018

EU: Amber Light On EV Sales

Why is EV sales growth slowing in the EU, even as demand for diesel cars sinks?

Take The Pledge

With a specific 10 point agenda, America's Pledge offers a road map for carbon-cutting, bottom-up action by businesses, cities + states

Citi Bikes For All

New Yorkers qualifying for food stamps can buy $5/month Citi Bike memberships

Storage Batteries To Light Up The Night

Fast Food Giants - Build A Better Cup

Recyclable + sustainable serving cups development is a new joint project paid for by McDonald's + Starbucks

July 17, 2018

A Freighted Idea

Freight NYC is a new idea for shifting freight transit from trucks to rail + water, here's the EDC report

Honolulu: Start Sea Level Rise Plan Now

Expecting a 3 foot sea level rise by mid-century, the Mayor of Honlulu directs climate mitigation + adaption planning to start now

July 16, 2018

Really Unseasonal

Why is Los Angeles having such weird weather this summer?

Clean As...

Sarcasm As Climate Persuader

Sarcastic writing in The Onion alters the attitudes of the climate indifferent new research finds

July 13, 2018

Autonomous Vehicles Are Coming

Can cities do more than just expect the unexpected with the arrival of self-driving vehicles?

Why New Yorkers Need Their Subway

Growth in NYC's labor force participation is linked to growth in subway ridership + what that means

Immortal Quotes

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
- Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

The Body Electric

Take a spin class in Emeryville, CA, send electricity to the grid

Busy Anti-Idling Activist

Wish someone would do something about idling, emissions-spewing vehicles on NYC streets? Meet George Pakenham

NY: Where Offshore Wind's A Winner

Governor Cuomo reveals a plan to procure 800 Megawatts of offshore wind + jumpsuit industry in NY

China: Art Confronts Dirty Water

An art exhibit displaying bottles filled with polluted water gets a reaction from Chinese officials

July 12, 2018

Where Restoring Power Is Not Enough

It's power grid + its people battered by storms, grid restoration is not enough for Puerto Rico, now solar power + microgrids enter the scene

Ireland: Putting Fossil Fuel Funds Elsewhere

With its vote to divest from fossil fuels, Ireland becomes the first nation to take this climate action pledge

Transit Equity, Now

Community Solar Comes To NYC

Want solar, but don't have the rooftop for it?. Now, NYC apartment dwellers can get what they want

July 11, 2018

The New High Life

Worried about floods + storm surges? If you can afford it, you can literally move up

Maine: The Offshore Wind Vote

Maine's opposition to offshore wind development could pivot on the 2018 election for Governor

Lease That Electric Bus

A new Warren Buffet-backed Chinese joint venture forms to lease electric buses to cities, schools + firms in the US

Nixon Urges NY "Polluter Fee"

What's in Nixon's call for a $7 billion yearly NY carbon tax + how is it different from what Cuomo is doing?

More See Changing Climate

US public opinion shifts toward acknowledgement of climate change + human activity links, but political polarization very high

IPCC: Decarbonize Or Else

A sustainable + thriving global economy requires rapid + deep decarbonization says head of IPCC

July 09, 2018

Death By Heat Wave

Old or frail? This is how hot weather can kill you

Quote Of The Day

“So triggering climate change was not our fault, but not doing something about it now that we've recognized it, not switching energy infrastructures now that we've recognized it - yeah, not only would that be our fault, but it would be our folly because what it would mean is - is that that would be the reason why we didn't make it across the other side. Some civilizations make it, and some don't. And that would be the reason why we wouldn't make it.” - Adam Frank, astrophysicist

The Cosmos And The Climate

Astrophysicist Adam Frank reflects on what we've learned about other planets + climate prospects for ours

Animated Science Super Stars

The Post-Pruitt Era

States, cities + communities will remain on the front lines of environmental protection, ex-EPA chief Pruitt was just a bit player in a larger drama

July 06, 2018

EV Battery Afterlife

With the world's population of EV batteries rising, where will they go when they retire?

New Options For Solar Siting

Siting solar panels on brownfield + landfills in NY, just got much easier

NY Aims To Slash Wind Costs

What's up in NY?, cutting costs of offshore wind power with an industry-led R+D consortium

Fracking For Plastics

A new petrochemical corridor emerges in the Ohio River Valley as fracking floods the region with petrochemicals

No Worries - At Taxpayers' Expense

Federal standards on insurance payments for flood-damaged homes are being ignored + that has a price

Knoxville Does Energy Make-Overs

Home energy efficiency upgrades in Knoxville, TN are saving 1,200 low-income home owners 30% on their utility bills

The Stain Of Scott Pruitt

Will the bad works of Scott Pruitt endure long after his departure as the EPA Administrator?

July 03, 2018

Independence Day 242

Hot's Hotter Now

Poland: Chilling The Political Climate

Participants at at upcoming UN climate action conference in Poland will have to content with a new intrusive surveillance law

Ready, Set, Ocasio-Cortez

Are climate scientists + policy types down with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's call for a Green New Deal?

Timelines On Climate Litigation

Catch up with 3 years of news related to climate litigation against Big Fossils

Australian Investors: Big Bucks For No Coal

Just say "no" to coal is Australian investors' rising global strategy

Think Global, Act Local - The Update

With local funds + a local workforce Washington DC grows its new green economy

July 02, 2018

Dominica: Living Resilience Lab

Despite obstacles + setbacks, the Caribbean island nation of Dominica still aspires to be a climate resilience leader

Sizing Up Urban Climate Footprints

Data collected from 13,000 cities reveals a lot about the urban climate footprint - some cities have very big feet

What A Waste

More Disastrous Disasters

Expect Americans' vulnerability to disasters to rise, here's why

Environmental Regulation At Risk

With a long-lasting conservative majority in the Supreme Court, decades of environmental regulation could be overturned, along with other key parts of US law