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News & Views Curation

February 28, 2018

Less Will Lead

Energy efficiency will be a star in tomorrow's distributed power grid world

Keep The Sea Out Of The Sewage

California coastal communities working to keep sewage treatment plants safe from more ocean flooding

Wait No More, NYer's

The time is now for the Governor to deliver on congestion pricing + the Mayor to advance the Brooklyn Queens Connector project

Help Wanted: Environmental Finance Project

The Environmental Finance Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is hiring now: Project Director and Environmental Finance Community Advisor

Congressional Eco-Scores

How does your member of Congress score on the League of Conservation Voters' 2017 ranking?

February 27, 2018

Electrical Freak-Out

Divest v Shareholder Engagement

Who's more likely to succeed, NYC, with its plan to divest from fossil fuel stocks, or NY State, which uses its investments as leverage to make fossil fuel companies more climate friendly?

Sizing Up China's Carbon Trading Scheme

Will China's emissions trading scheme avoid the pitfalls hobbling EU's market for cutting carbon emissions?

Needed Now: Clean Transportation Policy

States need both climate-friendly transportation as well as power plants

More Than Mere Water

Celebrate a NYC liquid treasure you're never heard of

February 26, 2018

Ireland: Billions For A Zero-Carbon Future

With a 22 billion Euro pledge, Ireland looks to make a zero-energy energy future a reality

NYC - Get Over Yourself

It's time to admit that NYC has a lot to learn from how other cities tangle with traffic congestion

February 23, 2018


China Looks Ahead, US Looks Back

China's focus on developing clean energy technologies could push it ahead of the US in global energy markets

Derisking Tunnels

Massive new flood gates will protect NYC tunnels from future superstorms

A Spending Dip To Cheer

Thanks to rising energy efficiency, Americans spend a smaller fraction of their income on electricity than any time since 1959

UPS Trends Electric

EV vans, ordered by UPS, will start making deliveries this year

February 22, 2018

Germany: Get A Free Ride

5 German cities will offer free rides on public transport to help the EU meet its GHG reduction goals

Saving Energy Star From Trump

Will Congress step up to save the popular Energy Star program from Trump's budget ax?

Plug-In Ships

Electrification of shipping fleets takes its first steps in Europe

Putting Data To Work

Now there's a toolkit for urban stakeholders to benefit from building benchmarking laws to establish effective programs to turbo-drive energy efficiency

Weird Weather Now

It's Smart, It's Sustainable, You Can Do It

How renters can save money on energy + heating bills, while helping to save the planet

February 21, 2018

Australia: Renewables Campaign Pledge

A Labor Party candidate pledges to raise the South Australia renewable energy goal to 75% if elected

Subway Delays - Better Diagnosis Needed

Stop saying 'overcrowding' is the cause of subway delays says new transit chief

Blockchain Skepticism

Despite its appeal, blockchain technology may not deliver on its promise of facilitating low cost, distributed, renewable energy

Mayors To EPA: Don't Kill The Clean Power Plan

236 mayors from 47 states + territories write to Trump + EPA in opposition to dismantling the Clean Power Plan

More Science, Less Climate Tribalism

February 20, 2018

Better Science Boosts Lawsuits' Chances

It's no slam dunk, but better climate attribution science improves chances for municipal plaintiffs in a new wave of lawsuits against fossil fuel firms

Sun Rises Over Politics

Tump's solar tariffs + embrace of fossil fuel have not been fatal for solar power markets

Word Of The Day: Boulevard

Treehugging - It's Healthy

Pay for trees as part of the urban public health infrastructure budget

Shreds Of Hope

It's not impossible that the Senate will ok + the President sign an international treaty extender which phases out a dangerous refrigerant

Tesla Might Miss Jobs Pledges

Tesla has yet to meet its hiring + production promises at its Buffalo, NY solar equipment plant

Trouble Ahead

Paris Climate promises were one thing, fulfilling them is quite another + the consequences will be immense

Stop Dirty Deals

A call for Senate Democrats to stop the GOP from passing bills, as part of an omnibus budget package, harmful to our natural resources

February 19, 2018

Build Them Right, Now

It's smart to decarbonize new building construction, rather than upgrading it later, what's needed to remove obstacles on this path?

Help Wanted: Clean Economy Journalist

Quote Of The Week

“We have been smoking fossil fuels for hundreds of years. This (American Association for the Advancement of Science) report is an X-ray of our lungs. They are in a very serious condition." Professor Katherine Hayoe

Expect More Flight Delays

Climate change impacts predicted to disrupt air travel

Climate: Getting Worse Faster

Impacts of a changing climate, are happening even faster in the US than recently predicted

February 16, 2018

Community Organizing Advances Divestment

Who are the community organizers who pushed for the NYC pension system's decision to sell off its fossil fuel investments?

Holland: Something New Under The Sun

An offshore solar power plant is in the works in Holland

See You In Court

Legal Eagles: Re-Think Leasing

Green up your legal skills, learn what net zero leases can do

February 15, 2018

Egypt: Solar Has Everything But Money

Private investment stays scarce for Egypt's big Benban solar power plan

Sustainable Energy Now

The 2018 Sustainable Energy Facebook finds economic growth doesn't mean rising energy use

Nice Work If You Can Get It

EPA chief has an unusual waiver to fly first class on the taxpayer's dime

Viet Nam: Solar Rising

With new solar power projects underway, Viet Nam strives to close energy gap resulting from cancellation of costly nuclear energy deals

February 14, 2018

NYC's Recycling Grandma's

Elderly, immigrant Chinese women do the hard work of street level recycling

Green's Valentine To Cuomo

49 NY green groups send Governor Cuomo a Valentine's Day message calling on him to show his love for energy efficiency

Roadblocking Offshore Wind

Wind Power - Failure To Transmit

There are many ways to fail at transmitting onshore wind power, could boost offshore sources

Molten Salt For 24/7 Solar Power

What does molten salt have to do with providing solar power 24/7?

City Futures

Major trends transforming urban energy + mobility systems, called out in World Economic Forum report

Droning For Climate Action

Deliveries by drone, with the right logistics, can be more climate friendly than shipments by diesel truck

February 13, 2018

Deafening Silence

NYS Pension Climate Impact

Giant utility AEP will set GHG reduction targets + the NYS pension system will withdraws its shareholder disclosure request

Ancient Ice Stars At NYC Climate Museum

Ancient Greenland ice cores are the inspiration for the first-ever exhibit of the NYC Climate Museum

The Climate War Nexus

Does climate change cause more war? No clear answer here

Better Than Gas

Solar + battery storage is beating natural gas on price + moving power market decisions

February 12, 2018

Drill Holes For Warmth + Cooling

Prospects grow with new tax breaks for geothermal heat pumps that provide both heating + cooling

China: Shift Pollution Around

While Bejing's air quality improves, elsewhere in China it's getting worse, why?

It's All About Batteries

Forget Tesla's sexy EV's, batteries are what will drive its business

Denver: What Benchmarking Finds

Denver releases its 1st annual building energy benchmarking report, headlining an average Energy Start score of 68

Grow Now, Pay Later

Message to developing global cities fuggedabout it

I. Can't. Even.

Make NY Great Again, a 1916 bizarro idea

Media Climate Coverage Up

Why, in 2017, did media coverage of climate change increase?

Another City Sues Exxon

Richmond, California is the 9th US jurisdiction to sue 29 fossil fuel firms for climate harms

February 09, 2018

EPA Chief: Trump's Scariest Cabinet Pick

It's been said about Trump's EPA chief," In the United States envisioned by Pruitt + his funders, personal liberty is everywhere. So is trichloroethylene."

Clouds On Tesla Solar Biz

Prospects dim for Tesla's rooftop solar business

Science At Work: Ice Age Climate Clues

Ice age trees buried in the Gulf of Mexico holds scientific clues to what happens when the climate changes

Don't Tread On Me

Connecticut wins a law suit that will make the EPA stop pollution from a coal burning power plant in Pennsylvania

Behind The Budget Headlines

Energy tax winners in the latest federal budget deal + some losers

February 08, 2018

If You See Something, Say Something

Stop Stumbling Over Split Incentives

Building owners often point to gaps between who pays for energy upgrades + who benefits from them as an obstacle to action. Here's a fresh take

Australia: Visit Before It's Too Late

From the Barrier Reef to the outback, Australia's natural wonders are threatened by climate disruptions

Offshore Wind Surge

Global offshore wind capacity reaches new highs, with growth concentrated in Europe

Austria: Deploying Blockchain For Renewables

An Austrian utility will add blockchain technology to boost green energy in Vienna

Comptroller Defends Fossil Fuel Disinvestment

Ridding NYC pension fund investments of fossil fuels makes good financial + fiduciary sense, writes Comptroller Stringer

February 07, 2018

Doing What's Required

There's a worrisome gap between urban climate action promises + accomplishments

Greening NYC Landmark Rules

Love sustainability + landmark buildings? NYC working on greening its landmark protection rules

UK: Tops In Offshore Wind

More than half of Europe's new offshore wind power was installed in the UK least year

Paris-NY Nexus

Downbeat Data For Solar

US solar job losses, a first for 2017

Eco-Scores For NYC Council

Stay current with the League of Conservation Voter's NYC Council Scorecard for 2017 + ratings for many in 2018 leadership positions

The Great Energy Debate In 2 Parts

Part 1. Climate hawks agree, a 100% renewable energy is the right goal, the big debate is over whether it's achievable + how. Part 2

PV Tariff Consequences

Truth is, Administration-imposed tariffs on imported PVs are unlikely to boost domestic manufacturing

February 05, 2018

Geothermal Energy - Hot But Not

Will geothermal energy remain the "forgotten renewable"?

Climate Change For Kids

Say What You Mean

A glossary of climate terms to help everyone, from citizens to presidents, say what they mean

Be An Earth-Loving Valentine

Give anything but roses to your loved one on Valentine's Day

Step Lively

Doing the Subway Glide, 1912, some things don't change

February 02, 2018

LEED Leadership

Let's Talk About This

Seeking climate solutions across political divides

VT: Carbon Tax Insurgency

Despite the Governor's opposition, Vermont lawmakers advance a fossil fuel tax plan

February 01, 2018

Recycling: 19th Century Style

Germany: Coalition Coalesces On Climate

German parties likely to be part of a new government coalition agree on climate policy

Two Little Words

"Climate change" was MIA in the official Democratic rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union speech - was that strategic or stupid?

Wind Power Not OK In OK

Oklahoma, the second biggest wind power state in the US, may turn its back on a big new project

NY State Climate-Friendly Investment Plan

Instead of selling its fossil fuel investments, NY's $200 billion public pension fund will put money in climate friendly firms