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News & Views Curation

January 31, 2018

Shanghai PV Maker Has US Plans

With a $24 million local inducement, a Shanghai-based solar panel maker announces it will open a US plant

Winter Loses Its Cool

Warming winter trends state-by-state, city-by-city

NYC: Shrinking Culture Footprint

A generational changing of the guard or something else? (no, not climate change)

Dems Silent On Climate Change

The Democrats rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union speech, said nothing about climate change, but Bernie Sanders spoke u

NY Solar Snapshot

Up to the minute news about solar power progress in NY

Cape Town: Running Toward Empty

Despite massive conservation efforts, Cape Town, South Africa could run out of drinking water by April 1

Biking And Gender

Listen Up: Podcasts We Like

MIT energy researcher Jesse Jenkins lays out what a deeply decarbonized electric power grid might be

January 30, 2018

Bill Nye Doesn't Speak For Us

500 women scientists issue a bill of particulars against the recently-revered Bill Nye

When A Tariff Is Not Just A Tariff

Think through some of possible implications arising from the US tariff imposed on Chinese-made solar panel

Baked Alaska

Your State's Carbon Footprint

Changes in state carbon footprints vary greatly. Why?

The Path To Energy Efficient Buildings...

...Runs through mortgage lending

The Price Is Wrong

Why is the cost of creating urban rail in the US so much higher than in Europe + are there better ways to build?

January 29, 2018

Not Moved By Mayor's Transportation Stance

Mayor De Blasio gets low scores from transportation advocates

Climate Policy Tactics

You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime you find...

Beyond Petroleum -Take 2

Why British Petroleum is reviving, while downsizing, its decades old renewable energy campaign now

Go Figure, Or Don't Bother

Trumps says he'd be open to sticking with the Paris climate accord, while dissing climate science

Newark: Largest Urban Farm On Earth

Get some good news, watch the video

NJ Rethinks Nukes, Efficiency, Renewables

A bill to bail out NJ's nuclear power plants would include energy efficiency + solar incentives

Europe: Divided By The Air

Masterplan For Offshore Wind

NY's got big plans for developing a $6B offshore wind industry by 2028

January 26, 2018

Design, Justice & Zero Waste Conference + Research Collaborative

Submit your proposal for presentations + workshops at the May 8-9 conference: Design, Justice & Zero Waste: Exploring Pathways to a Circular Economy. Be part of a discussion with a global audience of innovative creative eco-minded collaborators. Proposal deadline: Feb. 18

Not A Frill

What's a frill + what's a must when building public infrastructure that's used by millions + lasts a 100 years?

China: Complex Carbon Trends

What to make of the recent increase in China's greenhouse gas emissions?

The United States Of Climate Change

50 states, 50 stories, what's happening now

Climate Competition Winners

Here are the winningest ideas in MIT's latest ClimateCoLab contest

Climate Disruption's A Public Nuisance

Today's climate law suits rely on the old, reliable legal standard of public nuisance, so what's that?

Summer In The City, Sustainably

January 25, 2018

What Today's EPA Celebrates

Watch Out Below

Due to rising climate risks, below-grade private property in coastal cities could soon be uninsurable

Congestion Pricing - The Fight

Even if Albany gets to yes on congestion pricing for Manhattan, expect battles over how to spend the revenue, which could make or break the final deal

Assessing Trump's Solar Tariff

It could have been worse, but the President's geographic base is the most likely loser

January 24, 2018

More Wind Than Water

More US electricity will come from wind than hydropower, a history-making shift predicted by US Energy Information Agency

3rd Try For Pricing Carbon

Washington Governor + former House Member Jay Inslee keeps trying to at put a price on carbon

2/3 Of Big-City Mayors Agree

Nearly 70% of US big-city mayors say cities should play a big role in reducing climate change effects, a new survey of 115 mayors finds

Aran Islands: Big Boulders Relocate

When a winter storm moves a 620 ton boulder in the Aran Islands, the power of climate-enhanced weather changes to disrupt things is shown

Iran v Trump v Climate Change

The truthful tweet Trump won't be sending about Iran

Tick, Tick, Tick...

If Arctic permafrost melts, expect global climate disruptions

January 23, 2018

Australia: Renewable Pledge To Be Kept

Australia is on track to meet its 2020 target with 6,532 MWs of new large-scale renewable power generation "firmly announced"

Growing The 21 Century Grid

Reliability + decarbonization should guide NY for developing the power grid we need now

Climate Risk Raises The Cost Of Money

Why climate risks could raise the cost of borrowing for many

TED Talk: Conservative(s) For Climate Action

Federal Funds For X-Harbor Rail Tunnel

Gateway? Fuggedaboutit

Impact Of Trump Tariff

The impact of new tariffs on solar panels + washing machines will be felt widely, not necessarily as the US intends. At home, it will seriously harm solar installers

January 22, 2018

France: The Long Nuclear Goodbye

By the end of the year, France will decide on which nuke power plants will be shut down + when

Media Talks Energy/Climate In Trump Era

Year 1 of the Trump Administration as seen by NY Times + Washington Post energy + climate beat reporters

Wind Power Surprises

Three changes slashing the cost of wind power now

Plug In With Drinking Water

Portland, Oregon experiments with installing hydropower generators in its drinking water pipes

Sun Set For PV Trade War

Is this a winning way to end the US-China trade war over imported PV panels?

City Heat

2017's urban weather reports

Eine Kleine Climate Musik

Rapping about climate destruction

Nancy Resists With Myriad New Yorkers

Women's March 2018

January 19, 2018

Climate Change And Mental Health 2

Rx for boosting redirection + resistance

Stop Silencing Science

The new Silencing Science Tracker will keep tabs on actions restricting or prohibiting scientific research, education, or discussion, or the publication or use of scientific information

Behind The Global Heat Records

Now that you know 2017 was the 2nd or 3rd hottest year on record, some related things worth knowing

Climate Change And Mental Health 1

Feeling anxious or depressed? climate change worries could be the culprit

Thumbs Up On Congestion Price Plan

Streetsblog likes what it sees in Governor Cuomo's mid-Manhattan congestion pricing proposal

January 18, 2018

France: Doubling Down On Wind Power

With a new 10-point plan, France seeks to double its wind power capacity in 5 years

"Garbage In, Garbage Out"

The Daily News weighs in on a State commission that failed to make recommendations on banning plastic bags

Norway Plug-In Aviation

Science: Out Of The Ivory Tower...

...And into popular culture

Legal Eagles: States' Role In Upholding Federal Enviro Law

If less federal enforcement of environmental law is a trend, what can states do?

Cheerleading for Offshore Wind

Big benefits for Massachusetts if it boosts its offshore wind ambitions

Making Money From Grid Risk

Rising risk of attacks on the power grid lure investors to promises of cyber-security enhancements

Securing NYC's Greatest Liquid Asset

NYC's drinking water system, 90% of which is unfiltered, gets a $1 billion monitoring upgrade

January 17, 2018

Cape Town: This Is Not A Test

Renewable Energy - Lessons To Learn

Lesson #1, focus on the cost to own not the cost to buy

India: Citizen Climate Engagement

Green roofs + recycling projects help boost citizen climate action in India

UK: Shifting Energy Policy Cuts Investment

Investments in renewable energy plunge as UK policy wobbles

Offshore Oil Could Give East Coast A Miss

Even with an 'open for business' sign, the Administration's invitation to drill for oil off the east coast might not have many takers

National Security Is Climate Security

A bi-patisan group of 106 law makers urges the US President to retain climate change as a threat in defining national security strategy

Christianity Not Greening

Why aren't US Christian believers supporting the climate?

The Wages Of Biking Should Never Be Death

After several bicyclists died, NYC will install safe east-west bike lanes in Midtown Manhattan

Tracking Solar Tariffs

A pending decision about imposing tariffs on imported solar panels may be delayed regarding available remedies + other complex matters

January 16, 2018

Creating Climate Emojis

"Climojis" are a new thing now

Help Wanted: Global Clean Energy Campaign Director

Waxman Strategies seeks an experienced + talented professional to manage a major new campaign focused on driving a global shift from fossil fuels to clean energy, focused initially on heavy industrial consumers of electricity. Resumes + cover letters should be submitted to by 6pm Eastern on January 19, 2018

Exxon "Hearts" The 1st Amendment

Exxon seeks to derail climate fraud probes with First Amendment free speech claims

Energy Predictions For 2018

10 trends to keep an eye on in renewable + fossil energy

January 12, 2018

Australia: Renewables News

A new solar thermal project + more battery storage are in the works Down Under

Finding Common Ground On Climate

Tips for friendly persuasion about climate change

Worse Than Trashy

An investigate journalist finds the private trash collection business in NYC is dangerous, exploitive, even deadly

Arctic No More

A new study predicts the Arctic won't return to being a frozen region of recent past decades

January 11, 2018

Green Living Hacks

Offshore Wind Power Momentum

US prospects for a boom in offshore wind gather speed + strength + US manufacturing takes note

NY: Move Markets To Store Energy

NY's plan to install 1,500 MW of energy storage by 2025 is designed to be met by markets + Green Bank financing, not mandates

Today's Climate Voters

Think climate change concerns are restricted to affluent white voters? Think again

What Chicago Could Teach NY

Introduction of swipeless mass transit passes in Chicago was glitchy, will the same tech supplier do better in NYC?

January 10, 2018

Exxon Alleges Urban Conspiracy

Exxon claims California cities suing it for climate damages are engaged in a conspiracy

Carbon Tax 2.0

The Governor of Washington makes a second try for a state carbon tax, but the GOP is opposed and Democrats are divided

China: Flexes Renewables Funding Muscle

China moves toward global leadership in renewable energy with billions in tech investment as the US retreats from the climate action front

Snowy Sahara

It's Not Just The Heat

As global humidity rises along with temperatures, the threat to human life rises with it

POTUS Loves Coal's Wish List

A memo from coal-magnate Murray looks like a template for the President's coal goals

NYC: Pull Pension Funds Out Of Fossil Fuels

The NYC Mayor + Comptroller agree to divest $5 billion in fossil fuel investments from the City's pension funds

January 09, 2018

Pittsburgh: Making Climate Dreams A Reality

Why environmentalists worry about Pittsburgh's climate action plan

Put A Number On Your Flood Risk

Explore this interactive NYC map to determine your flood risk + resiliency options

Australia: Hot Sex

Rx For High Solar Costs

Interested in residential solar? here's one way to cut costs by 50%

Italy: Botched Plastic Bag Ban

Plastic bags v Italy, the bags win

Help Wanted: Digital Communications Manager

The New York League of Conservation Voters seeks a dynamic individual who will work closely with the Communications Director to develop + market its brand + message across multiple platforms, primarily through digital channels

January 08, 2018

Regulation 2.0

3 ideas for reinventing regulation: apply strategic thinking; deploy communications/information technology; + engage in innovative marketing

The Way It Was

It's said the parts of lower Manhattan created by landfill are the most flood-prone as result of rising seas + storm surges, so consider the island in 1642 next time you move

Gowanus: Carpe Diem

The pending growth spurt around the Gowanus Canal is a unique opportunity to reduce the urban heat island effect

A WEDG For Our Times

The Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines aim to make NYC's buildings resilient + its waterfront accessible to all in an era of climate disruptions

The Fine Art Of Drawing Flood Maps

NY is big but when it comes to flood maps, inches can be worth millions

January 05, 2018

The Truth About Truthiness

Maybe, just maybe, we don't live in a post-truth age after all

Boston: Winter Storm And Flood

The havoc wreaked on Boston from a blizzard-linked storm surge forecasts what climate disruption can look like in winter

Washington's Carbon Tax Push

Washington State makes a second try to craft a carbon tax, what's changed this time?

It Used To Be A Dump

Two former City landfills on the Brooklyn shoreline could become a 407 acre park

Divergent Fates For Urban Open Spaces

In post-Katrina NOLA, the highs + lows of open spaces offer lessons for communities + city planners

Connectivity, Resiliency, Community

In NYC, creating healthy digital eco-systems can enhance community capacity for resiliency

January 03, 2018

NYC Fire Dept. Leads On Battery Safety

Rules for energy storage gear safety will be issued by NYC Fire Department in 2018

It Should Have Been Cooler

Here's why 2017 global temperatures should set off alarms

Debate Over Spending Carbon Revenue

Environmentalists are concerned that revenue from the New Hampshire RGGI program will be diverted to ratepayers + away from green projects

NY: The State Of The State For Climate

Expected climate + energy highlights of Governor Cuomo's State-of-the-State address

China: A Different Kind Of 1 Percent

Production of cars in China that don't meet emissions standards, 1% of the total, is being suspended

January 02, 2018

New North American Carbon Market

Anti-Urban States Hurt More Than Cities

States hostile to their cities do widespread harm to all their residents + business prospects too

Watch Out For Wet Bulb Risks

Where climate disruption raises temperatures + humidity, mortality risks rise with them

NYC: Cleaner Air A Big Plus For Trump

Streetcar Updates

Funding setbacks loom as time grows for completing a Brooklyn/Queens streetcar project feasibility study, but projects in other cities fare better

Drying Earth

Unchecked global warming means a disruptive, drier planet for 20% of humanity

TVA: Wind Power Killer

A promising wind power project won't advance due to the Tennessee Valley Authority

BYO In Flatbush

Teens in Flatbush campaign to cut plastics pollution, watch the video

8 Issues For 2018

Keep an eye on how these thorny environment + energy issues play out this year