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News & Views Curation

November 30, 2017

Pathways To Go From Brown To Green

What are we learning about the pathways + policies for making existing buildings better energy performers?


Some experts doubt that the batteries for powering Tesla's newest cars are feasible

A NJ Thought Experiment

Imagine turning the Meadowlands into a climate change national park

A NJ Thought Experiment

Imagine turning the Meadowlands into a climate change national park

Boston: Voluntary Resilience

Can Boston succeed in preparing for climate change impacts by way of voluntary resilience standards?

SOSS - Save Our Subway System

Creating a new state-controlled public benefit corporation responsible for rebuilding the NYC subway system is urged by the Regional Plan Association

November 29, 2017

Benchmarking Gains Clout In Chicago

Climate Change And Credit Downgrades

Moody's warns US coastal cities to lower climate risks or face credit downgrades, cites like NY will have to do more than dump their fossil fuel investments

US: Stuck In Fossil Times

While India uses big data to grow its economy + decarbonize its power supply, The Donald clings to Fossil Times

November 28, 2017

Today's Climate Question

Can you name the one climate-friendly international treaty Trump supports?

Parking Spots v Faster Bus Rides

Boston considers swapping curbside parking for dedicated bus lanes

Waste Should Never Be In Fashion

Stella McCartney urges the fashion industry to end its wasteful ways

A Real 21st Century Question

Is 3D printing the future for rolling out super-tall wind turbine powers?

Canada: Polluters Might Pay

The Trudeau government introduces legislation to put a price on carbon emissions

Oil Pipeline - Big Leaker

Spills from the TransCanada Keystone oil pipeline into the US are much higher + more frequent than predicted by owner

Wendy Talks TED

Watch Wendy Brawer's TED talk, she's the founder of Green Maps

November 27, 2017

No Garbage

Inventing the circular economy where nothing's wasted

Drowning By Flood Insurance

As flood insurance costs spiral up in coastal cities, what should Congress do?

Learn Differently

A revolution in education is a must for a sustainable economy, schooling must meet newly emergent needs

NRP Wins Access to FEMA Flood Info

A court orders FEMA to release flood program lawsuit documents to National Public Radio

Close The Biking Gender Gap

Puerto Rico: Could Lead US On Solar

Will solar power be a key to rebuilding a Puerto Rico ravaged by Hurricane Maria?

November 24, 2017

Australia: Fast Storage

German Greens: Cut Coal For Coalition

The German Green Party would enter a collation government only with an agreement to shut 7 GW of coal-fired power plants

November 22, 2017

Nairobi: Hotter For The Poor

Temperatures in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya were 5 degrees hotter than in richer neighborhoods during the summer of 2015

Australia: Price Sensitivity

Rising electric prices powers a boom in rooftop solar installations

CA: Offshore Wind Prospects

Major Norwegian oil company + wind power developer meets with Governor Brown to discuss prospects for California offshore wind projects

NYCHA's Solar Deal

The rooftops of NYC pubic housing will be hosting solar panels, but the 25 MW of renewable power will be sold for use elsewhere

California Carbon Money

The latest carbon permit auction brought in $860 million for California

What The EPA Wants You To Forget

The EPA website pages on climate have had more content deleted under the Trump presidency than any other federal agency

November 21, 2017

Civil Disobedience

After a MA statehouse sit-in protesting a pipeline plan for fracked natural gas, one participant's thoughts on civil disobedience

The Bill McKibben Effect

What is the impact of the 'radical flank' of the environmental movement on the moderate part of the movement + why?

Women Will Change The World

Why the climate action movement will benefit from boosting women's participation

Green Buildings Should Go For Brokers

Energy efficiency building advocates must make the business case to brokers to get energy performance into the real estate transaction mix

Subway Is Broken...

...Governor Guomo orders Con Ed to fix its electrical systems

Green-Blue Agenda For NY

A 'polluter pays' carbon tax tops the legislative agenda of a NY environmentalist-labor coalition

What Pruitt Says, What He's Done

Let' look at the record of Trump's EPA chief, Scott Pruitt

November 20, 2017

Blood Types, Heart Attacks, Dirty Air

People with type A, B or AB blood may be at greater risk of a heart attack when exposed high levels of fine particles in the air

Norway: Turn From Fossil Fuel

Norway's $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund considers an end to its fossil fuel investments

Tulsa: Learning From Flooding

It's not a coastal city, but with a history of devastating floods, Tulsa has become a resilience leader

Congestion Pricing: Harder Than It Looks

If congestion pricing is a good answer to traffic congestion + a big part of ending the NYC subway system failures, the question is what's blocking congestion pricing? (Note: decades of political decisions that injured the subway system are also to blame + congestion pricing revenue isn't guaranteed to ensure better decisions now)

More Storage Space

November 17, 2017

Community Solar Now

Community solar power allows for shared access, think community garden, but for solar

Solar Windows, Starting Now

Think of all the windows in a skyscraper, now imagine if they could all create solar power

TGIF: We'll Always Have Coney Island

The first rollercoaster installed at a US amusement park was in Coney Island

Senate Tax Bill Spares Some Clean Power

Tax breaks survive in Senate bill for wind power, electric cars - and oil -, but clean energy provisions cut in the House version

November 16, 2017

Climate Risk Is Insurance Risk

The biggest insurers see financial risks growing 'exponentially' due to a disrupted climate

Science v Politics

While it's not news that politics can outmaneuver science, what is news is the lack of political consequences for ignoring science. Here's a rating for the current administration

Driving The Wrong Way On Carbon

Germany's love affair with gas-guzzling cars makes it harder for the country to shrink its carbon footprint

2017: 2nd Warmest

Trump's Drill Baby Drill Meme

Is Trump's fossil fuel worship a tactic to buy time for domestic carbon industry investments as a defense against doing anything about climate chaos?

Science At Work: Evaporative Energy

More dependable than solar or wind, evaporation could become a major renewable energy source

Green In Gramercy

High-end, green-minded condo coming to Gramercy Park, but the eco-friendly elements are not the cost drivers

November 15, 2017

Meet the Enemy

Are people the problem in high tech green buildings?

TOD's The Way To Go

Transit Oriented Development would solve myriad problems for communities in the NY metro area

Scale Up, Scale Up Fast

If energy efficiency is is what's needed, then how to scale up investment rapidly?

Pay Now And Pay Later

Climate change damage has already cost the US economy $240 billion, expect that figure to rise

You Could Be A Winner

Thanks to BP, New York Community Trust + NYSERDA, the Urban Future Lab will offer each of three winners a $50,000 cash prize and admission into the ACRE incubator — NYC’s longest running cleantech incubator program. Application deadline December 1st

As Alexander Hamilton Would Have Said

November 14, 2017

Brooklyn Trolley Sighting

While the outcome is unknown, the Brooklyn-Queens trolley project inches forward with a prototype

Letter To The Editor

A rebuttal to Financial Times reporting on the life cycle pollution associated with EV's

The Economics For Making NY A Clean Energy Leader

The good jobs + climate benefits of large-scale clean energy investments by NY spelled out in new report

Missing The Target

Microsoft Does Big Wind Deal

Microsoft signs on to the biggest corporate power purchase agreement in Europe + will purchase it from a Dutch wind farm

North America: Joint Climate Leadership

Canada, Mexico + 15 US Governors announce the North American Climate Leadership Dialogue

Energy: Trending Now

The US as fossil fuel exporter + global growth or renewables are 2 of today's top global energy trends

Grid Resilience And EV's

Resilient power grids + EV's make a high-performance combo

November 13, 2017

Net Zero x 50

25 cities commit to hit net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 + launch a new global standard to measure + report emissions from cities and local governments, starting 2018

Time To Build Even Better LED's

While they're environmentally excellent, LED's are not perfect, yet

We're Still In

America's Pledge, a coalition of 20 states, 50 US cities as well as universities private firms, vow to abide by the Paris climate agreement

Koch Brothers In Your Drinking Water

Look who's supporting the use of plastic rather than iron water pipes around the US

Fossil Frolics

November 10, 2017

Lahore: The 5th Season

In Pakistan's 2nd largest city Lahore, smog is called 'the 5th season'

Enough With The Messaging

The time for climate persuasion is over, what's next?

Quote Of The Day

"If you don't insulate your roof, then you're just paying to heat outer space." Neil deGrasse Tyson

Bonn: More Than One US Voice

American activists offer an alternative to Trump at the Bonn climate talks

Connector Disconnect

The Brooklyn-Queens Connector trolley plan may not go anywhere

Bonn: Climate Talks

What's at stake in Bonn's international climate accord conference?

EU: Improving Its Carbon Trading

Plagued with a glut of carbon emissions permits, the EU proposes tailoring a new funding mechanism

November 09, 2017

Renewables' Price Plunge Slows

Why is the dizzying plunge in the cost of renewable energy slowing?

It's A Swamp Thing

After decades of dredging + draining restoration of the Florida everglades begins

Hoboken: New Mayor's For Carbon Neutrality

Ravindar Bhalla, Hoboken's new Mayor, sponsored a resolution passed by the City Council that would set a carbon neutrality goal to be met by 2027

Be A Good Traveler

With peak travel season on the way, consider cutting your carbon footprint with the Good Traveler program

Call It Something Else

Since Trump is allergic to any thought of climate change, can disaster planning officials get more resources by calling their work "resilience building"?

Handicapping The EV Race

Which cities are leading the way on electric vehicle markets?

November 08, 2017

Solar For Stuy Town

Solar panels to create 3.2 megawatts of electricity will be installed on Stuyvesant Town + Peter Cooper Village rooftops by 2019

Energy Companies Ally Against Trump

The Trump Administration proposal to give special favors to coal + nuke-generated electricity transmission unites other energy suppliers in opposition

No More Excuses

Climate scientist Michael Mann says we know from the science that the time for action is now, more political debate is just hot air

EU: The EV Race Is On

It's China, not Tesla that's the big challenge for the EV industry emerging in the EU

Calculating Climate Change Costs

It's not just floods + wildfires that belong in climate change cost calculations, it's the social + political consequences

Germany: Climate v Coal

Germany needs to decide whether to be a climate leader or to hang on to its coal industry

November 07, 2017

really, Elections Matter

A Bi-Partisan Hope

Imagine getting enough bi-partisan support for energy efficiency to surge ahead

Elections Matter

Outcomes of Election 2017 could impact the success of a green agenda

Why Cool Is Hard, Not Impossible

Even if every nation meets its Paris Accord pledged goals, keeping emissions below a key threshold is unlikely, but tougher goals could do the job

Food For Capitol Energy Thought

A critic finds fault with NY's proposal for heating/cooling the Empire State Plaza in Albany + offers an alternative

November 06, 2017

Help Wanted: Climate Campaign Director

Greenpeace seeks a Climate Campaign Director who will be responsible for developing the long-term GPUS Climate Campaign Strategy, ensuring it aligns with the goals identified in Greenpeace’s Global Framework

Big Bank, Big Bucks

HSBC pledge $100 billion for financing + investment by 2025 for the transition to a low carbon economy

The Only Planet We Have

Climate scientists remind us we're all in this together + we know what we have to do to make things better

November 03, 2017

Re: Mayor's Green Cred

Mayor de Blasio talks the environmental talk, but does he walk it?

Sabotaging Science

What's with EPA's plan to get rid of its science advisors in the name of 'avoiding financial entanglements'?

EU: Beyond Coal

With a first target of 30 dirty power plants, Beyond Coal Europe launches

Go Verdigris

Elders organize for climate action

Slow-Going For Storm-Proofing NY

NYC is trying to mitigate the impact of a future Sandy-like disaster, but turning ideas into reality has been slow, complicated. Why?

November 02, 2017

Quote Of The Day

"We have probed the earth, excavated it, burned it, ripped things from it, buried things in it, chopped down its forests, leveled its hills, muddied its waters, and dirtied its air. That does not fit my definition of a good tenant. If we were here on a month-to-month basis, we would have been evicted long ago." Rose Bird, Chief Justice of California Supreme Court (2 Nov 1936-1999)

Notable Findings

The National Climate Assessment's findings about confirmed + emergent science issues in the final draft, version, report release date Nov. 3

November 01, 2017

China: Less Renewable Power Wasted

China cuts the gap between the quantity of renewable energy it creates + the amount it uses, but still has a long way to go

Offshore Wind Seeks Partner

With offshore site lease in hand, Statoil seeks a power purchase agreement in NY by 2018

Big Bucks For New Waterfront Park

NYC allocates $17.5 million toward developing the Bushwick Inlet Park project

Phila: Link Water Rates To Income

Philadelphia experiments with pegging household water +sewer rates to income levels

Tax Anxiety For Renewables

The wind + solar industries are on the alert about the fate of current Production and Investor Tax Credits in soon-to-be-unveiled GOP tax proposal