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News & Views Curation

October 31, 2017

Dear Senators

An open letter to Senators Murkowski + Cantwell from former EPA Region 2 Director Enck about what's needed to help Puerto Rico get back on its feet after hurricanes' devastation

Help Wanted: Chief of Staff

The NYC Office of Climate Policy + Programs is seeking a Chief of Staff who will be a key member of the Climate Policy and Programs (CPP) team + report to the Senior Director for Climate Policy/Programs + Chief Resilience Officer

Imagine: Post-Diesel Cities

Australia: Mapping Renewables

This mapping resource shows the best places in Australia for renewable energy projects

Solarize Trailer Parks

For low-income mobile home residents, solar power could be on way

Climate Change Is Lethal

Climate change related heat is already taking a toll on millions of lives+ damaging public health concludes a new scientific study

Buffalo: Small But innovative Grid Deal

Power from solar power panels on a Buffalo, NY data processing center will be sold to National Grid

October 30, 2017

Film Review: Bill Nye - Science Guy

Science matters, facts matter, defending them matters, see the film

Help Wanted: Associate Editor, Climate Team

Think Progress, based in Washington DC, is seeking an Associate Editor to work directly with the team’s Senior Editor and its climate reporters

UK: Incredible, Shrinking Coal

Just 2% of UK electricity came from burning coal in the first half of 2017

There Is No Climate Sanity Clause

Do Good - Pull The Plug

A text message alerts California utility customers to unplug their devices + cut demand for dirty power while saving money

2016: Global CO2 Spikes

Atmospheric levels of CO2 a hit record high in 2016, but WMO report finds rate of increase may be leveling

Cuomo Pushes Utilities To Get Green

Governor Cuomo leans on electric utilities to invest more in REV projects to improve resiliency + reduce emissions from NY's power supply

October 27, 2017

Science At Work: The Hurricane-Climate Link

Catch up with research on the hurricane-climate disruption connection

Make Plans

Getting More From Less

Advice for getting the right energy efficiency choices to the right customers

Ready And Willing To Pay

A survey of 1,200 households reports Americans are willing to pay a $177 annual carbon tax

Antarctica: More Melting

See + understand what's at stake in Antarctica's melting glaciers

October 26, 2017

From Big U To...

Remember the Big U barrier idea to prevent flooding from the next Sandy? dream on

Hotter Heat Is Here

Yes, Americans, there are more extremely hot summer days than 50 years ago

Amazon Does Texas Wind

Amazon becomes wind power force in Texas

Plan Ahead

Incandescent, Carbon-Spewing Gentrification

Think it's hip to patronize a dimly lit bar in a gentrifying neighborhood? Think again

NYC Is Number One

NYC is ranked first as the US coastal city most in danger of major floods + sea level rise risk, but second for social vulnerability

October 25, 2017

Ocean Breeze: Then And Now

Photos of one Sandy-swamped Staten Island neighborhood, see what 'managed retreat' looks like

Big Companies, Small Plans

Global corporations fall short with "unambitious" carbon cutting targets

The Time Is Now...

...for city buses to go electric, NYC, are you onboard?

No, The Poor Won't Pay More

Sue The Bastards

Lawyers + scientists argue about whether fossil fuels companies can be held legally responsible for climate change

POPS Flops

Privately owned public spaces (POPS), created in exchange for zoning bonuses, are disappearing from NYC, but profits from the zoning bonuses stay

October 24, 2017

Global Solar Prospects Shine, But Not Here

Predictions of plunging solar production prices - except in the US - mean a global boom in solar power demand

Marx Brothers Park - No Comedy

The fate of a proposed housing development that would shut down the E. 96 Street Marx Brothers playground could hinge on whether it's actually on State parkland

China: Schmutz Pales Solar Power

Rising GHG Emissions Detected

While global carbon emissions trends flatten why are other potent greenhouse gas emissions levels rising?

China: Shutting Down Polluters

Thousands of polluting factories face temporary shutdowns + managers are doing jail time in China

Do Nothing, Pay More

Projected costs of climate disruption are huge, while there's real money to be made in switching to renewable energy

October 23, 2017

Northeast Offshore Wind News

Listen to the podcast featuring Offshore Wind Energy, there's so much happening

London: Surcharge For Dirty Diesel

Owners of older diesel-engine cars will soon pay about $13 a day to drive in London

Sandy Five Years Later: Everything Else

From tall towers to subways, from offshore reefs to social resilience, is NY better prepared for a Sandy-scale storm now?

Sandy Five Years Later: The Electricity Grid

Has the electric power grid in the northeast been made resilient since Sandy?

Technical Terms

Resilient Power

Distributed renewable energy + utility policy changes allowing the power to stay on in the wake of hurricanes would make us safer

Mayor's Rx For Congestion

Mayor de Blasio releases a 5-point plan for decongesting NYC traffic. Critic calls it meager

Transit Options, 1910

With no congestion in sight, an old postcard image of Columbus Circle shows how New Yorkers got around town

October 20, 2017

Meet The New EPA Chief

Pete Lopez, the new head of EPA Region 2 that includes NY, NJ Puerto Rico + the Virgin Islands, doesn't get a thumbs down from environmentalists

Go Grannies

Grandmamas + other 'vintage-age' women make a stand against fossil fuels

Iceland: Undoing Viking Damage

If Iceland succeeds at restoring the tree population decimated by the Vikings, its air pollution problem might get solved

Climate Change, What A Nuisance

San Frannciso's climate law suit against fossil fuel firms could pivot on the power of public nuisance law

Art For You

Celebrate 50 years of public art in NYC parks

Benchmarking Pays Off

Established in 2009, NYC's building energy + water benchmarking law has a lot to tell us now

Science At Work: What Satellites See

Some power plants pollute more than volcanos + other fascinating findings from NASA satellite data

October 19, 2017

Weird Weather And Credit Ratings

Cities at risk of weird weather disasters should worry about taking a hit on their credit ratings + ability to borrow for recovery

Guangzhou: Cleans Up Its Act

The south China region of Guangzhou is a leader in cutting urban pollution, will Chinese leadership follow?

EU: Shield Carbon Markets From Brexit

Plans to prevent the Brexit from destabilizing EU Emissions Trading Scheme prices

Don't Inhale The Grim Reaper

New Mexico: Teaching The Fundamentals

After vigorous public outcry, climate change + evolution have been restored to the New Mexico science curriculum

Regional Mass Transit Plans...

...and how to pay for them

Leaving Diesel In The Dust

Electric buses are starting to appear on city streets, could this be the end of dirty diesel?

Rx For NY Congestion

What is congestion pricing + how could it help NY?

October 18, 2017

Canada: Too Gassy

Methane leaks 20-25% higher than expected resulting from Canadian natural gas + oil extraction

Madrid: Cleaning The Air

Traffic restrictions are in development to cut air pollution in Madrid

Help Wanted: Carbon Lighthouse

San Franciso-based Carbon Lighthouse, an actively managed energy services innovator, is hiring across every team in the company

Offshore Wind For Delaware

A Governor-appointed working group will make recommendations for fast tracking Delaware offshore wind project development

SEC Probes Failed Nuke Project

The Securities + Exchange Commission subpoenas a South Carolina electric utility in the wake of a failed nuclear power project

Ontario: Strategy For A Just Transition

8 steps on the path to a just, green, economy

Get Your Feet Wet

October 17, 2017

Coal Gets Lonelier In the Lone Star State

The shut-down of 3 coal-burning power plants is not the only energy surprise coming from Texas

Trump's Climate Falsies

5 things Trump gets wrong about climate + energy

A Call For Projects

BEEx wants you to help Celebrate NYC: Building a Sustainable City, an exhibit showcasing leadership in building energy efficiency + effective climate action

5 Things Wrong With EPA's Plot To Kill The CPP

Looking for a summary of what's wrong with EPA's move to off the Clean Power Plan? Read this

October 12, 2017

Renewables: Driven By Tax Policy

Tax policy, not the Clean Power Plan, will determine the fate of US renewable energy

October 11, 2017

Solar Prices Declines Vary

Compare the speed at which the cost of residential rooftop solar power will be competitive with fossil-fueled power in cities around the globe

Today's Top Headline

Bloomberg, on Department of Energy plan to subsidize coal: "The Trump administration wants taxpayers to pay more for an earlier death.". Commits $64 million to boost Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign

Ireland: Offshore Wind News

Intro To Environmental Impact Bonds

What are environmental impact bonds + how are they different from conventional municipal bonds?

Stuck In Denial

Why are online climate denial myths so hard to debunk?

October 10, 2017

Map It

Visualize how the US generates electricity, state by state

The Best Reason For Offshore Power

That's where the most wind is

Wrong Way Corrigan

The US coal industry has been declining for decades, time to support what's next

UK: Different Shades Of Green

Affirming the Clean Power Plan

Gina McCarthy, Obama's EPA chief, explains how the law requires the Clean Power Plan + dismisses EPA's current rationale for overturning it

October 09, 2017

4-Letter Word For Climate Action Impact


Rotterdam: Wrong Way On Carbon

What did Rotterdam get wrong in its climate action policy? Hint: answer starts with "c"

Trump Strikes Again

The EPA formally announces its effort to rescind a key Obama era climate action policy

October 06, 2017

Prospect Park Gets Goats And Greenery

Goats are just part of the Prospect Park restoration project

Tokyo: Dig Deep For Flood Control

Facing rising risks of devastating coastal inundation, Japan has immense underground cisterns to protect Tokyo, but can they do the job?

GHG Emissions Down

Led by the power generating sector, US greenhouse gas emissions down 2% in 2016

Cuomo Advances Decongestion Agenda

A congestion pricing/mass transit funding panel is announced by Governor Cuomo, de Blasio not moved

October 05, 2017

Denmark: Wind Turbine Logistics

Dramatic video of transporting a giant wind turbine blade, now how about building blades close to where they'll be deployed?

$231 Billion Energy Efficiency Investment

Science At Work: Stilling

Scientists are asking if the worldwide slowdown in wind speeds -- stilling -- is linked to climate change

Getting Solar Power To Puerto Rico

A group of mainlanders is organizing a shipment of solar gear to power generators in Puerto Rico

October 04, 2017

Climate Changing Airports

From flooded air strips to hotter runways, climate change will bring some big changes to airport structure + operations

Gina Says

While confident courts will uphold protections EPA created during her tenure, Gina McCarthy is frustrated that so much progress “feels up for grabs.”

We're Still In

Aligning NYC with the Paris Climate Agreement

No Friend Of Renewables

Why would renewable energy be a loser in the tax code changes under consideration in Congress?

October 03, 2017

Wind Turbine Price Plunge

Wind turbine prices dropping faster in the US than globally

The Climate-Alcohol Connection

More CO2 in the atmosphere means more alcohol in grapes, is that a good thing?

Oceans Of Climate Change

Nutty Energy Ideas

DOE's proposal for propping up coal and nuclear power is like a squirrel hoarding nuts, but more systemically risk

RGGI To NJ - Come Back

When New Jersey elects a new Governor, chances are good the state will rejoin the multi-family-state greenhouse gas cap + trade program

Melbourne: Grouping For Renewables

Renewable energy growth needs a reliable customer base, Melbourne, Australia is creating one

October 02, 2017

Climate Action: More Than Carbon

Methane + HFC's pose clear + present dangers to the global climate, curb them now

London: Zero Waste Starts Here

Fight Asthma With Facts

Collecting asthma numbers + demographics would become a NYC requirement with passage of two new City Council bills

Australia: Climate Deniers Are Data Deniers

"The tentacles of the global warming hoax are everywhere", not.

Rescue US Energy Innovation

Under threat from the Trump administration, investing federal dollars in energy research, development + demonstration make good dollars + good sense for the nation

Help Wanted: Senior Director of Programs

Urban Green Council seeks someone responsible for guiding its policy, research + education initiatives as part of the Executive Team