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News & Views Curation

August 31, 2017

Copenhagen: I'll Have What It's Having

Legal Eagles: 11 Climate Q/A's

Consider 11 climate law questions raised by Hurricane Harvey + mull over future-facing solutions

Solar Friends/Solar Foes

There are more than 2 sides in today's struggles over advancing rooftop PV

No Zoning, No Building Code, No Defense

In the name of development, Houston has no land use rules + no building codes, so who picks up the tab when disaster strikes?

August 30, 2017

Bye-Bye Nuke Plant Plan...

...Hello $6 billion from Duke Energy Florida for PV, EV chargers, battery storage systems + more

Meteorological Stickiness

Could shifts in global wind circulation induced by a changing climate contribute to the slow-moving calamities like Harvey?

Dockless Bikes: Take 2

It dodged a competitor's bullet, but Citi Bike might adopt its MO + go for a dockless system

Questions That Will Outlast Harvey

What will it take to rethink: flood insurance, oil refinery regulations, human vulnerability to 'natural" disasters, federal climate policy?

Lansing Digs Geothermal

Michigan's state capitol, Lansing, will use geothermal energy for heating + cooling

August 29, 2017

Time To Talk About Climate Change AND

Now's the time to talk about climate change + other systemic injustices turning disasters like Harvey into catastrophes

9 Things We Can Say About Harvey + Climate Chaos

Climate disruption didn't 'cause' Harvey, but it’s a huge part of the story

Germany: The Next Big Energy Thing

City-scale energy storage batteries could be the next big thing as Germany remakes its power supply system

Trouble Ahead In The Deltas

340 million people in delta areas that are sinking as sea levels rise live in increasing peril

Spotted in Sallan

Climate artist Justin Brice Guariglia caught our attention this spring, now he's featured in the Times

August 28, 2017

Clean Tech Investor: Lessons Learned

Why do clean tech investors have such a hard time making a buck + what could change for DER?

Off The Charts

Houston: Where Boom Meets Flood

Consider the climate-linked risks that Houston courts with its zoning-free real estate boom

The Sustainability-Diversity Link

Make the connection by making the good business case

On Cancer And Climate Change

One blogger's personal meditation

Think Bold On Mass Transit

Why stop mass transit upgrades at Penn Station? The Regional Plan Association has a much bigger proposal

August 25, 2017

Buried Treasure In Energy Grid Report

Bright prospects for renewable energy can be found in the Department of Energy grid reliability report, if you look for them

Become A Better Climate Communicator

How to get to "Hey, we’re in. We’re on board with these goals to get to carbon neutrality" whether it’s individually, in companies/corporations, in our cities or our states

I Was An Exxon Scientist

Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, did Exxon-funded, methane research + confirms claims about the contrast between its internal cutting-edge climate research + its external climate disinformation campaign

Clear And Present Danger

US health, safety + environmental protection are under sustained assault by the EPA

August 24, 2017

Go Figure

Listening To Trees

From the Amazon to Manhattan trees offer lessons about nature's connections

Designing For Deep Green

A design competition for net-zero energy building retrofits in NY launches this month

Tilting Against Windmills

The electricity grid reliability report issued by the Department of Energy puts its finger on the scale for fossil fuels + nuke power

August 23, 2017

Climate-Friendly Court Ruling

An appeals court upholds climate impact considerations when a federal regulator reviews gas pipeline project proposals

The Other NWA

The Non-Wires-Alternative electric power revolution gears up in NY and CA

Shanghai: Trees, Trees, Trees

Shareholders/Employees Sue Exxon Mobil

Law suits by Exxon shareholders + employees assert they were misled about the financial risks of their investments due to climate change

Cool Your City

Effective, doable actions to cutdown on the urban heat island effect

August 22, 2017

Very Ferry

Solar Set To Outshine Nuclear

Global capacity to generate solar power could exceed nuclear power by 2022

Solar Aces The Eclipse

California's solar rich power grid did just fine with the eclipse

August 21, 2017

Green Roof Proof

Do green roofs live up to their promise? researchers in Hoboken,NJ to study which designs work best

Know The Score

The first environmental action scorecard for NY state legislators is released by the League of Conservation Voters

London: Reinventing Mobility

The Mayor of London issues a proposal aiming to change the way people choose to travel

Germany: Electricity Now

Shoot The Messenger

Count the ways the Trump administration's disbanding a federal climate change advisory panel is wrong

Rx For Congestion And Mass Transit Ills

Tolling the East River bridges is good for what ails NYC transit, editorializes the New work Times and calls for a new state law

Debate: Wrong/Right Path To Climate Action

Consider this: three things wrong with Democrats'/environmentalists' approaches to climate action

In The Summertime

Brighton Beach

August 18, 2017

A Carbon Cheerful Scenario

Consider this: how Dems might get Trump to enact a carbon tax

July: Not Cooling Off

July 2017 ties with July 2016 for record-breaking heat

Clean Energy Industry Downplays Climate

A new Washington lobbying campaign by the renewable energy industry will downplay climate + talk up jobs + grid reliability

Berlin/Hamburg: More District Energy Systems

German district-scale heating systems expand with urban growth -- but most still burn coal

Help Wanted: Sr. Writer Climate/Energy Program

Media Matters for America, a progressive, Washington, D.C.-based, nonprofit research + information center that monitors, analyzes + corrects conservative misinformation in the U.S. media, seeks a Senior Writer for its Climate and Energy Program

August 17, 2017

Climate Science At Work: Clouds

What we know now and what's not yet known about the climate change/cloud nexus

My Summer Reading

Here's a review of 2140, a slightly sci-fi take on a very climate-changed NYC in the not so distant future; I say it's a good read

US Energy Use - From Past To Future

While technological change has been a constant in the history of energy in the US, flat-lining usage is something new

It's China's Fault, Maybe Not

A central question at tariff hearings about failed US solar panel makers is who's to blame, cheap Chinese imports or business errors by US manufacturers?

Climate Lessons From California

Lesson #1, it is possible to cut GHG emissions + have a bragging rights about your economy

Urban Alchemy

Transforming the Fresh Kills garbage dump into a NYC park starts with a $22.9 million contract award

August 16, 2017

Abuzz In The Flatiron


For everyone who uses a car, the vehicle to grid circuit would be transformative

Put A New Spin On Things

Help Is On The Way

With the ability to multi-task, electric vehicle batteries could become much more valuable

Germany: Boosting Onshore Wind

Licenses to create 1 gigawatt of new onshore wind power capacity are issued by German regulators

August 15, 2017

The Dots Are Adding Up

Tell Me Why

What explains the 14% fall in US carbon emissions from 2005-2016?

Fund Manager Urges Climate Risk Disclosure

With $4 trillion under management, Vanguard's call for corporate disclosure of how climate change could affect business affairs + asset valuations will be heard

Just Do Them

Houston: Green For Some

The greening of Houston misses many neighborhoods still burdened with chronic pollution + toxic environmental risks

Australia: Coal Emissions Woes

An Australian environmental justice group reports on emissions from coal-burning power plants that would be illegal elsewhere

Follow The Oil

Which major oil companies are dipping toes into green energy tech?

August 14, 2017

Europe: Powered By Wind

Egypt: Rising Climate Fears

Rising waters raise worries for Egyptians about climate disruption impacts on their lives

On The Public Dole

Failure to complete a $14 billion nuclear power project may be no obstacle to getting federal aid

FAQ's For Offshore Wind

With New York holding public hearingsabout offshore wind this week, check out these FAQ's

Solarize NY Update

Need some good news?, here you go

It's Big, It's Passive, It's East Harlem

The nation's biggest Passive House project, coming to East Harlem, will create 655 affordable housing units

Arctic: Hot And Bothered

Climate scientist Stephen Ramsdorf says, ""The melting of the Arctic will come to haunt us all".

There's A Problem Here

Since most Republicans in Washington deny the climate problem, it's hard to know what will make the party do something about it

August 11, 2017

Introducing REV Connect

REV Connect, a centralized portal for distributed energy providers, could be a game changer for NY

Summer Reading

The rising seas of climate change

The Next Recycling Frontier

Start now to develop recycling capacities for the rising tide of electric vehicle batteries

From Dirty To Clean

Stealth Bike-Share Rides Into Town

A dockless bike-share program drops in unannounced on NYC

UK: Climate Denier Star Gets Fact-Checked

Lord Lawson, a vocal UK climate denier, gets fact checked on his BBC interview remarks

Brain Shrinkage

DOE National Energy Labs face steep cuts in the agency's budget proposal

August 10, 2017

Raising Big Bucks To Save The Subway

Making the case for tolling NYC's free bridges + creating a central business district congestion fee that would create $1.5 billion dedicated to fixing the subway system

Subway Needs New Power System

Governor Cuomo says the subway system's whole power distribution system needs an overhaul

Target The Wind

Target to buy 100 megawatts of Kansas wind energy, enough to offset carbon emissions from 150 of its California stores

The Strength Of Weak Ties

With 80% of the world's populations projected to live in cities by 2100, reliance on the creativity that urban life sparks to grow sustainable + resiliently will be a must

The Strength Of Weak Ties

With 80% of the world's population living in cities by 2100, reliance on the creativity urban life sparks to grow sustainably + resiliently will be a must

August 09, 2017

Conservative Climate Split

EPA chief Pruitt's attacks on climate science opens rifts among conservatives allies

Australia: Shareholder Climate Suit

The Australian Commonwealth Bank is sued by shareholders over inadequate disclosure of climate change risks

Stranger Than Fiction

Right-wing sting artist blows his cover in possible attack on national environmental organization

August 08, 2017

Consider This

According to the draft National Climate Assessment, which the Trump Administration may never finalize + release "Many lines of evidence demonstrate that it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid 20th century. Over the last century, there are no convincing alternative explanations supported by the extent of observational evidence."

Paradise Soon

Solar power + battery storage equal a clean energy "paradise" to come in Kauai

An Inconvenient Sequel

If Al Gore isn't the real star of his new climate documentary, who is?

Climate-Prudent Re-Insurance

Re-insurance giant Swiss Re, with $155 billion in assets has already moved more than $110 billion of it into ESG funds.

Congestion Pricing - A Definite Maybe

Congestion pricing might be on Cuomo's to do list for NYC transit, stay tuned

Mass Transit, Media, City Hall

Just because City Hall is out of sight, don't think its out of mind when it comes to mass transit and mass media circa 1900

August 07, 2017

Fossil Fuel Feeds On Subsidies

With global subsidies worth trillions, fossil fuels don't live or die on market forces

Carbon Rising

Making Green Bills Better

The Environmental Defense Fund has suggestions for making proposed NYC energy efficiency bills even more efficient

Wind Makes Work - Or Doesn't

Spin into the controversy about whether the wind energy industry is creating (enough) job domestic jobs

30 In, 20 To Go

Big Headaches For NYC Straphangers

It's not just subway delays, scheduled runs are actually cancelled, the New York Times reports

Get Indivisible On Environmental Action

Environmental protections are at risk in Washington -- get informed and do something about that

Cuts In NYC Flood Protection

Planning + construction delay at a big NYC flood protection project, an East River Park, may both put New Yorkers + federal project funding at risk

August 04, 2017

San Antonio: Texas Solar Star

How San Antonio, TX became a solar powerhouse

9 States Mull New Carbon Caps

The nine RGGI-member states plan their next carbon cap + trade moves, despite Trump's climate rollbacks

Fact-Checking POTUS

What's fact + what's something else in Trump's energy + environment remarks made in West Virginia?

Death Rattle In US Nuke Industry

Strong signs that the US is running out of nuclear power options

Jacobson v Clack

Mark Jacobson makes the case for a 100% renewable energy system while Christopher Clack calls this goal a dead end

August 03, 2017

South Asia: Heat-Humidity-Death

Heat waves in South Asia nearing heat + humidity levels that kill

How Cool Is That

Developers And Trade Unions Agree...

...NYC's next Mayor needs to get reach the goal of making buildings energy efficient, here's a Roadmap

NYC's 1st Mass Transit Hub

Moving Past The Summer Of Hell

Suggestions for Governor + Mayor to make the NYC transit system great again

August 02, 2017

Holland: The Great Cycling Revival

How Holland revived urban biking by way of a modern cycling infrastructure

Sue EPA For Smog Control Delay

Eric Schneiderman + 13 other state Attorney Generals sue the EPA for delaying its new ozone control rule

Science v Administration

Scientists are apprehensive about what the Trump Administration might do to a draft technical climate change report

August 01, 2017

2020 Wish List

A climate action champion would make a great 2020 Presidential candidate

Offshore Wind: Early Days

US offshore wind projects being inked by European energy companies, despite uncertainties

Nuke Plan RIP: Lots Of Losers

South Carolina utility customers will foot much of the bill for a failed nuclear power project