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July 31, 2017

Carbon Cap Adds Up To Big Bucks

EXCLUSIVE: Tightest pollution cap could get #RGGI states $3.2B more via @NRDC #CT #DE #MA #ME #MD #NH #NY #RI #VT

— NRDC Energy Team (@NRDCEnergy) July 31, 2017

Mayor Gets His Greens

The NY League of Conservation Voters endorses Bill de Blasio for re-election

Australia: EV Laggard

Why is a pro-EV policy not on the fast-track in Australia?

Bullet-Proofing Trump's Eco-cide

Trump's eco and climate hostile Executive Orders will gain strength if Congress makes them law

Energy Bill Update

A sweeping, bi-partisan energy bill, with controversial provisions on pipelines, has a chance to become federal law

Digging Dirt

Citizen engagement is the key to winning the Greenest Block in Brooklyn award

July 28, 2017

Exhibit Sustainability

The Building Energy Exchange invites building owners, designers, engineers, consultants, contractors + others involved in energy efficiency retrofit projects to submit their projects for inclusion in its upcoming exhibit, Celebrate NYC

Energy White Paper For NYC

What are the principal electric system paths for getting NYC to its 80x50 climate action goal?

Northern Hemisphere: Matter Over Mind

Yes, more extremely hot summers are pounding the northern hemisphere

Movie Review: An Inconvenient Sequel

Al Gore's new climate documentary gets a thumbs up

Singapore: Vertical Green

Singapore's central business district is home to a towering wall of greenery cladding a new mixed-use building

July 27, 2017

Carbon-Free City

Being built from scratch, Peña Station Next, Colorado will aim to be carbon-free

The Transit Blame Game

Governor Cuomo points the finger at Con Edison for subway system woes

Risky Career Choice

'It's never been harder to be a climate scientist'

Advancing Renewable Energy Goals

State renewable energy portfolio standards have been key in state clean electricity advances - now market demand is beginning to rise

Greenland: Cracking Up

July 26, 2017

The Facts Of Life

The Five Risks

What are the 5 gravest risks the Department of Energy must grapple with?

Financing Urban Goals

A World Bank study of 500 cities found few had credit ratings high enough to borrow in domestic + international markets, so how will their climate action + social equality goals be financed?

Help Wanted: National Campaigns Manager

The Audubon Society seeks a national campaigns manager responsible for building political power + ensuring the advancement of its conservation priorities

Climate Question For The Mayor

Are Mayor de Blasio's climate actions moving the dial toward 80x50?

July 25, 2017

To Resist Or Not To Resist

What's the issue that could blow up a bipartisan energy bill?

Metropolitan Resilience

Listen up to experts from NYC, Mexico City + Boston

Green Building Index - 2017

Dive into data on the greening of US office buildings + find today's key trends. Note: for NYC, #10 on a list of 30 cities, only Manhattan properties are counted

UK: Batteries For Homes

Large scale adoption of residential storage batteries could create a new normal for UK energy policy

Stumbling Block For Energy Efficiency

Federal law pre-empts cities + states from setting appliance/equipment energy efficiency standards, even if the Trump Administration stops engaging. Are there work arounds?

Fossil Energy Embraces Clean Tech

Gas-burning power plant makers start installing batteries to create energy hybrid systems

July 24, 2017

Refuting Pruitt

Taking down Scott Pruitt's rationale for gutting EPA climate + fuel efficiency policies

China: Pretty As A Picture

Finding Climate Unicorns

What are carbon unicorns + how can cities find them?

Cool Gear

Cool as in not overheating in a changing climate

Help Wanted: Director Of Programs

The NY League of Conservation Voters Eduction Fund is looking for someone to prospect, solicit and cultivate corporate + foundation support, as well as to manage programs

Our 81 Percent Problem

The world's been stuck at getting 81% of its energy from fossil fuels for 30 years + carbon capture's unlikely

Smarter + Safer

Do you agree? Smart tech will help make weird weather challenged cities safer

Imagine If These Trains Derailed

Living with mass transit, c. 1880

July 20, 2017

A Mass Transit Enigma

Everybody talks about the subway mess, but who's doing something to fix it?

July 19, 2017

Urban Heat Island

Dangerous Urban Heat Islands

Satellites detect dangerous Philadelphia urban heat islands with the most vulnerable populations

France: 'Make Our Planet Great Again'

Climate scientists are taking note of the French President's call to come work in his nation

Welcome To Sunny Minnesota

Surprised about Minnesota solar growth? Get the facts

Help Wanted: Campaign Project Managers

Greenpeace is hiring project managers to build + task manage multidisciplinary teams made up of campaign, engagement + action specialists. Loctations: Washington DC + San Francisco

Science At Work: Measuring Heat

For climate science, measuring temperatures on land + sea is evolving + this affects understanding the historical data

Help Wanted: Coalition Organizer

NY Renews is hiring a Coalition Organizer to work with coalition partners, build a statewide climate / jobs/ justice movement + ramp up legislative campaigns

July 18, 2017

Seattle: Climate Words And Deeds

Is Seattle leadership delivering on its climate action promises?

June 2017: Global Temperatures

UK: Investor Climate Warning

The UK's largest public investment firm, Schroeder, warns that missing Paris climate targets, which is likely, will cost the world billions

Tweet Of The Day

"Asking individuals to fix climate change is like asking drivers stuck in traffic to fix traffic patterns." Eric Roston

The Electric Vehicle Age

With electric vehicles entering the mainstream, a route to greater climate security gets clearer

July 17, 2017

Kill The Messenger

Defunding climate data-collecting NASA research is a bizarre choice for an Administration that calls climate science iffy

The Great Los Angeles Anti-Car Revolt

Really? Yes!

Big Oil's New Enemies

Coal + nuclear power join the list with renewables of electric industry players targeted by Big Oil

Help For The Working Horse

Back, when NYC moved by horse-power, what helped them handle heat waves?

Staff Draft Of Energy Grid Report Makes Waves

A leaked DOE staff-written draft of a report assessing power grid reliability undermines Secretary Perry's renewables skepticism

July 14, 2017

Practical Advice From EPA Alums

A practical guide for resisting Trump's EPA agenda, written by former agency employees

Best Mass Transit News Of The Week

Boulder: 80x50

Cutting GHG's 80% by 2050, the Boulder, Colorado way

Climate Funds For Coal

Trump wants to use $1 billion from a global climate action fund to build coal-burning power plants

We May Lose Rockaway

The safety + resilience of Rockaway in a post-Sandy world is far from assured, but City still approves area rezoning

Haifa: Starting Out On Sustainability

Home to many polluting industries, environmentalists in Haifa, Israel start sustainability initiatives for all

July 13, 2017

$46 Million To Make Solar Better/Cheaper

The US Department of Energy awards $46.2 million in research grants to improve solar energy technologies + cut costs to 3 cents per kilowatt-hour

July 12, 2017

Free, Fresh Food

In the Bronx? Yes!

Shut It Down Together

How a green-blue alliance found the right way to shut down a coal-burning power plant in a Buffalo, NY suburb

Batteries Are The Game, Set, Match

Illigetimi Non Carborundum

Climate scientist Ben Santer has reasons for hope + perseverance in the face of the Trump administration

July 11, 2017

What Ails The Subway

If 'overcrowding' is a red herring, what actually explains the woeful state of NYC subways + what's the cure?

Boiling The Frog

Al Franken + David Letterman are doing a 6-part web broadcast series to offset climate pessimism + foster acton

Offshore Wind: Cleveland's New BFF

With abundant offshore wind an a history of manufacturing knowhow, Cleveland sees renewable energy as a path to a sustainable economy

Climate News v Climate Porn

The climate doomsday scenario laid out in NY Magazine raises big questions for journalists, scientists + activists

July 10, 2017

Intro To Other Renewables

Wind + solar are not the only renewable power sources

Tweet Of The Week

"Despair is not action; "we're doomed" is not a critique; "unless we change" is not a solution, without a vision of what change looks like" Alex Steffen

Madrid's Green Envelope

Brooklyn Does Solar Its Way

Neighbor-to-neighbor solar power trending in Brooklyn

Stockholm Lab Prize

There's still time to enter the competition to draft a model treaty that aims to encourage investment in climate change mitigation + adaptation

Yieldco's Out, Green Bonds In

Once a darling of green investors, yieldco's now shunned in favor of green bonds

The GHG Giants

Just 100 fossil fuel firms have been the source of 70% of global GHG emissions since 1988, says new report

The Uninhabitable Earth

"It is, I promise, worse than you think, is the first line of NY Magazine's climate disruption feature story

July 07, 2017

Broad Channel Restoration At Risk

Meager federal funding means, 5 years after Sandy, Broad Channel marsh restoration may not happen any time soon

Young People Who Want A Future

Litigation brought by young folks against the federal government's failure to protect their climate future goes to trial in February 2018

How Cities Can Drive Sustainability

Can they? Read the comment section

July 06, 2017

Trump Can't Sink Solar

A curious thing has happened to US solar power stock prices since Trump took office, they've risen

July 05, 2017

India: Color-Coding Urban Air Quality

India bets on a color-coding public awareness campaign to help curb sky-high urban air pollution

The 21st Century Penthouse

MTA Should Award A Financial Genius

The Daily News urges Governor Cuomo to add a solution for financial MTA needs to his Genius Transit Challenge awards

100% Aspen

Getting 100% of its electricity from renewable sources, is Aspen, CO a role model for other cities or a one-off case?

Quote Of The Day

"Most institutions demand unqualified faith; but the institution of science makes skepticism a virtue", Robert K. Merton

July 03, 2017

Entitled To Your Own Opinions, Not Your Own Facts

Trump's Paris Exit Is Bad Economics

Economist Joseph Stiglitz deplores Trump's abandonment of the Paris climate accord, something that would have been very good for the US

China: Prospecting For 'Combustible Ice'

Deep sea frozen methane attracts Chinas attention as an energy source for the future

Vietnam: Intimidating Activists

Mother Mushroom, a social media eco-activist, is sentenced to 10 years in prison + she's not the only one to suffer government repression

Energy Inertia In NYC

The campaign to make buildings energy energy efficient in NYC isn't reaching critical mass

BANANAs Over Wind Farms

What's moving some upstate towns in NY into the anti-wind power column?

The Way We Ate

Turtle soup was all the rage in 18-19th Century NYC, then what happened?