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News & Views Curation

March 31, 2017

Bloomberg's Climate Message - Don't Despair

Mike Bloomberg makes the case why coal wasn't killed by Obama + Trump won't kill climate progress

UK: More Than A Passing Trend

Rezoning Rockaway

In an area at risk from storms + sea level rise, will rezoning increase safety for Far Rockaway residents + businesses? Draw your own conclusions

South Australia: Big Time Solar/Storage

The world's biggest battery will store energy from a solar power farm coming to South Australia in 2017

Strike, Spare, Gutter

Going Backwards On Clean Energy

The lower house of Ohio's legislature passes a bill to weaken the state's clean energy requirement, but Senate might not go along

Coming To NY - Exxon Climate Case

A federal judge in Texas sends his part of the Exxon climate fraud investigation to a federal court in NY

Citizens Step Up As Trump Retreats

As Trump reverses federal climate momentum citizens step up, calling for a carbon tax

March 30, 2017

Now Everyone Can Be A Loser

Lower fuel economy standards are bad for everyone, even US car makers

Conservative Climate Converts

There aren't many, but the conservatives at the Niskanen Center have become climate tax advocates

Solar Shadows

The mid-size US rooftop solar industry faces 'consolidation'

March 29, 2017

Climate, Cuomo, House of Cards

Ambitious NY climate legislation could get a boost as House of Cards creator Beau Willimon + others, urge Governor Cuomo to give it his full support

China To Lead As US Lags

As the US goes climate retro, China set to lead the world on climate action

March 28, 2017

Help Wanted: Program Engagement Director

Greenpeace, San Francisco office seeks a Program Engagement Director to ensure a supporter engagement focus is embedded in the department’s work + to lead the development + implementation of strategies designed to engage supporters + help to develop engagement-centric campaign projects

Mayors Unite Against POTUS Climate Attack

#ClimateMayors give POTUS an earful about his attack on climate protection and they pledge to stand up "for our constituents and all Americans harmed by climate change"

DER: Put A Price On It

Now, NY will create a road map for pricing distributed energy resources, let's get going

Maryland To Fracking: Bye-Bye

Expect Maryland's GOP Governor to sign a bill that will ban in-state fracking

No Retreat, No Surrender

For communities on the front lines of climate disruption, other answers may be better

Nuclear Power SOS

Can technology + regulatory changes save the nuclear power industry?

Korea: Destination for US Coal

Citing lower costs, South Korean utilities to import US coal

UK: Solar Surprise

For the first time, the UK creates enough solar power to bend the conventional-fuel electric use curve down

March 27, 2017

Science At Work: Climate And X-Treme Weather

Evidence mounts for blaming recent extreme weather on planet-scale that shift due to climate change - don't miss the video

That's Not Amore

Energy efficient LED streetlights get no love in Rome

China Does North Carolina PV

8 large-scale solar projects will be developed in North Carolina by a Chinese firm

NY: A Rising Solar Star

How come NY outstrips 'sunshine states' for installed capacity rooftop PV installations?

Vancouver: Getting More Passive

Help Wanted: Policy Director

The London-based Climate Bonds Initiative seeks Director of Policy engaged in growing global markets for green financial instruments. Interested? Contact quoting “Policy Director” in the subject line.

Phoenix: Death Valley With Subdivisions

Will climate adaptation be doable for Phoenix, AZ as it gets even hotter + drier?

Trump Puts Planet In Hotter Water

Expect a sweeping reversals of federal climate policy this week

March 24, 2017

Meet Mustafa Ali

For 24 years, Mustafa Ali spent 24 years worked to advance environmental justice at the EPA, now he reflects

On The Climate Beat

The competition heats up between newer climate coverage media and the old

6 Ways President's Energy Plan Doesn't Add Up...

...but who's counting?

The State Of Your Block

If data can paint a portrait, here's how NYC looks at the block-by-block scale

Madison: Pledges 100% Renwewable Power

Pledging to get to 100% renewable electric energy, Madison, WI is the latest US city to step up on clean

Beijing: Green Necklace Plan

China's air-pollution control plan for Beijing, plant a ring of trees around the city, may fail due to smog-smothering changes in wind patterns

Australia: Climate Advisors Quit

Citing anti-science extremism two advisors quit the Australian government's Climate Change Authority

March 23, 2017

Keeping Our Paris Promises

Scientists' must-do list to meet Paris Accord climate goals by 2050

Carbon Technology To The Rescue

With the right carbon-capture technology, the global economy can be carbon free by 2050

Help Wanted: Chief Of Staff

The NYC Mayor's Office of Recovery + Resiliency seeks a Chief of Staff to increase collaboration + facilitate strategic thinking, planning/execution, reports to the Director

How POTUS Tweets Could Backfire

Legal eagles worry that Trump's tweets + other verbiage about killing climate regulations could be a liability in the court room

House "Science" Panel Hearings

Next week, Congress' Science Committee, chaired by climate change denier Lamar Smith, will hold hearings to challenge dominant climate science findings

China: Greening The Supply Chain

Big Chinese property developers roll out a green supply chain index for crucial materials like steel + cement

March 22, 2017

Cutting Wind Energy Costs

Watch out coal, the prices for wind power have already plunged, more coming

Cities Of The World...

...Leading the way on effective climate action, when will their countries help out?

We're In Uncharted Weather Territory

The World Meteorological Society finds that extreme weather has entered "uncharted territory"

Weather Report: Hot And Stormy

Not On Presidential To-Do List

A carbon tax

China/India: Slow Coal Leaders

The slowdown in developing coal-burning power plants is being lead by China + India

It's Not Just Climate Science In The Crosshairs

In the Trump Era, attacks on mainstream media put independent journalism at risk + erode the foundations of democracy

March 21, 2017

Working The Energy Beat

Steve Mufson + Amy Harder discuss the biggest issues + changing landscape for energy beat journalists today

March 20, 2017

Beijing: Climate Change Strikes Again

Beijing's 'airpocalypses' will happen more often due to shifting wind patterns linked to climate change

The Deep Decarbonization Debate

Yes we can, but what belongs in the renewable energy mix?

Gorsuch Stance On Standing

How SCOTUS nominee Gorsuch's interpretation of "standing" could sound taps for the environment's' day in court

Offshore Wind Is On The Way

Roll over fossil fuels, Atlantic coast developers are figuring out how to do offshore wind

NY's 3 Environmental Budget Proposals

A first look at environmental funding in the budgets proposed by the NY State Assembly, Senate + Governor

UK: Filthy-Air Inquiry

An inquiry into the UK's toxic air pollution launched by members of Parliament

So-Long Sheridan

Sometimes tear-downs are the best infrastructure projects, think South Bronx Sheridan Expressway

Energy Star Shines In City Centers

Beijing: Bikes Are Back

Will Beijing's new bike-sharing program return pedal power to its former status?

March 17, 2017

Oil Think

G-20: Drops Climate Fund Mention

Pressured by the US, Saudi Arabia + others, a G-20 meeting document drops its reference to climate action funding

So Much For Federal Infrastructure Dollars

Gateway, a new rail tunnel for NY-NJ Harbor, won't be built under Trump's budget, which slams the door on federal funding

Australia: The Tesla Battery Bet

Tesla offers to install 100 MW of battery storage in just 100 day in South Australia - or do it for free if it misses the deadline

Clean Energy Job Boom

The lives behind the numbers

Extinguishing Energy Star


Local Pain From Proposed Budget Cuts

Consider the environmental threats to NY + NJ that would result from Trump's proposed budget cuts guts

Nose News

How climate conditions shape the human nose

March 16, 2017

The Grey And The Green

Design parks for older adults, here's why

Chinese City Aims For Carbon Neutrality

Rizhao, China aims at going carbon neutral by drawing on the venerable tradition of wasting nothing

If Only It Was A City PH

Melbourne: Heat Stress At Home

With hotter summers, apartments in cities like Melbourne Australia can't afford to fail heat stress tests

Rx For Urban Public Transit

The All Transportation is Local report, is a toolbox of ideas for cities to make better public transit project choices

Follow Spread The Money

Bloomberg reports the Obama Administration put climate-action money into myriad federal programs, making it harder for climate deniers to find + cut

Climate Change Makes You Sick

It's not just the polar bear that's threatened by climate change, your health is too, says new doctor's coalition

Washington Mayor Wants A Green Bank

Starting with $7 M, Washington DC Mayor Bowser proposes to establish a green bank to help fund local GHG-cutting projects

What $80 Billion Didn't Buy

Obama's $80 billion auto industry bailout, which came along with higher fuel efficiency standards, goes down the drain as Trump pledges to roll them back

March 15, 2017

Changes In Climate Polling

Snow Day

Don't Inhale

Air pollution denial could be the next climate denial in Washington

Blockchains 101

Want a sustainable planet? Here's how blockchains could help

March 13, 2017

Get A Free Tree

Want to get a tree planted on your NYC block? Here's how to do it for free

The Big Kill

Fukushima: Six Years After

What failure looks like as clean up at the ruined Fukushima nuclear power plant stalls

The End Of Energy Star

The federal energy performance rating system for appliances + buildings, Energy Star, may be shut down by the current administration

Scientists MIA

Filling senior scientist posts is moving slo--mo in the Trump administration

Cuomo Flat Utility Tax - Bad

At least one critic calls Governor Cuomo's new state-wide flat tax on utility bills both regressive + unfair to NYC

Melbourne: Think Pink

No, the pink lake in Melbourne, Australia is not microbes making a fashion statement

Don't Get SRUB'ed

Want to protect public health + safety? Meet SCRUB, the bill seeking to undermine them + has already passed in the House of Representatives

EPA: What Matters Now

When it comes to EPA chief Pruitt, outrage over his science-free climate denialism is beside the point

March 09, 2017

Oops, There Go The Oceans

Oceans face multiple risks from climate disruption damage by 2030 under a BAU scenaria

Funding Fears For NYCHA

Facing a loss of $35 million in federal funding, many NYCHA modernization plans, including climate-friendly upgrades, are in peril

Bill Gates: No Energy Storage Bellweather

Maybe it's just bad luck, but Bill Gates' energy storage tech investment in Aquion was the kiss of death

Pruitt: Not A Believer

CO2 emissions are not a primary cause of climate change in the opinion of EPA Administrator Pruitt

March 08, 2017

Think Globally, Act Globally

When it comes to slowing or reversing climate change global action is necessary, cities can't do it on their own, but here's what they can do that matters

UK: Climate Friendlier Real Estate

The UK's largest real estate company aims to cut its properties' GHG emissions 80% by 2050

The 50% Solution

EPA Science

“Science” is removed from the EPA Science + Technology Office mission statement + why it matters

Worse Weather Reports

With NOAA facing a 17% budget cut weather forecasting, which is linked to immediate public safety + climate research, which is linked to long-term public safety, are being jeopardized

EPA's Changing Climate

Trump's EPA hires senior staffers known to be climate disruption doubters + intent on reversing agency regulations

Help Wanted: Climate & Energy Program Director

Media Matters for America is a Washington, D.C-based, nonprofit research + information center that monitors, analyzes + corrects conservative misinformation in the US media. The Climate & Energy Program Director oversees a team + assists in developing overall work in this issue area

March 07, 2017

Another Reason To Love Energy Efficiency

With the closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plant, NY's best opportunity for balancing electric power supply + demand is more energy efficiency

Exxon: What Its Auditors Knew

In the hot battle between Exxon + the NY Attorney General over the corporation's climate change awareness and investor risk disclosure, its auditing firm might hold key information

Finland: Farewell To Coal

By 2030, Finland will replace all its coal-burning electric power generators with renewables and nuclear sources

Share A Ride, Add To Gridlock

Think NYC traffic is worse than ever? Blame ride-sharing

Australia: Expect Irreversible Harm

An Australian government report warns of irreversible environmental damage + the higher risks to "disadvantaged populations"

Exxon And Trump: Fossil Fuel Fans, Divided By Facts

Exxon announces $20 B domestic fossil fuel spending + Trump takes credit for it, although many parts predate his election

France: Candidates' Climate

Help Wanted: Carbon Lighthouse

Engineering + sales opportunities as well as summer internships available in San Francisco + New York offices of the Carbon Lighthouse

March 06, 2017

EV Capital Cities

Why LA Needs To Be More Llike NYC

Greater residential building density will be key to Los Angeles meeting its climate change goals

EV Rebates In NY

Buying a car in NY? Starting April 1, get a rebate from the state if you buy a hybrid or all electric vehicle

Australia: Follow The Fossil Fuel Money

Australian bank fossil fuel investments far outstripped clean energy investments in 2016

Stockholm: Madam Mayor Wanngard

What does a Mayor do who's a climate action leader?

NY 2140 - The Novel

Imagine life in a climate-flooded NYC + the role climate fiction can play in thinking through the experiment humans are conducting with the world’s climate system

March 03, 2017

Decoding Pruitt

Consider what new EPA chief Pruitt said, didn't say, + what he meant in his first address to the agency

WSJ Doesn't Set The PACE

Fast-growing Property Assessed Clean Energy financing is nothing like a sub-prime loan crisis, sorry Wall Street Journal

After Nature - Opening Night

The Wall of Resiliency

Brooklyn's 19th C Empire Stores will count on 21 C mobile flood wall panels to stay safe from the next Sandy

March 02, 2017

Sydney: Too Darn Hot

Finding climate disruption fingerprints on Sydney's sweltering summers

Yes In My Backyard

The Bronx will be home to its first affordable, passive house project

Eco-Design Upgrade

March 01, 2017

Why Debate Solar Power...

...when real estate developers can make money from installing PV?

Governors Matter

The election of a new Governor in NJ is an opportunity to reshape the state's clean-energy profile

China: Industrial Strength Pollution Curbs

China is reported to order cuts in steel + aluminum-making in 28 cities to limit pollution

EPA And DOE Budget Outlooks

Trump's proposed EPA budget haircut divides Congressional GOP'ers but steep cuts at DOE predicted. Update: White House EPA budget proposal

Picturing Pollution

Once upon a time, think the 60's, when breathing NYC could make you ill + the water wasn't so clean either

Making Sense of China's Carbon Data

It appears Chinese carbon emissions are trending down, but what does this mean?

Americans Don't Talk About Climate Change