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News & Views Curation

September 28, 2016

EPA Climate Action Rules' Day In Court

What did judges, lawyers + observers say about the federal Appeals Court hearing on the EPA Clean Power Plan?

A Map To Remember

How NYC Will Decarbonize - In Depth

Developing the details, NYC's action plan to cut its carbon footprint 80% by 2030. Next up, stand + deliver!

Bloomberg's Legacy

Shrinking NYC's carbon footprint will be Mayor Bloomberg's biggest positive policy legacy

NYC: Confronting Mortal Threats

Facing the existential threat of rising sea levels, NYC's next climate change challenge is making renewable energy + broad decarbonization its new normal

September 27, 2016

Micro-Grids - Demonstration, Legislation, Policy

Catch up with the latest microgrid developments in NY, CA + MD

China: Rising Nuclar Power Power

I'm Shocked, Shocked

Globally, the price of carbon emissions fails to reflect their climate cost, finds the Organization of Economic Cooperation + Development

September 26, 2016

Wayback On Trump's Climate Go-To Guy

Myron Ebell, Trump's newly named EPA transition advisor, is an old climate change denier

Candidates' Climate Positions

NYC: PV And Solar Jobs Shine

The amount of installed rooftop solar power + the number of solar related jobs rising in NYC

Sunrise For Green Resilience

Clean Air Clerical Error Could Change History

The federal appeal court decision on Obama's Clean Power Plan could pivot on a clerical error in the 1990 Clean Air Act

September 23, 2016

Weekend Activity: Visit The Zoo

Reinforce your climate commitments at a zoo or aquarium, it can raise your awareness of the importance of conservation

2 For The Price Of 1

An international agreement to eliminate HFC's, a chemical widely used in air-conditioning + foam insulation, would help slow climate change while healing the ozone hole

MA: Funding Medical Resilience

Critical care facilities can receive $14 M in grants from Massachusetts for microgrids and other resiliency-raising equipment

Uncertainty Is The New Urban Normal

Get a bike + deal with it

9.22: Urban Resilience - Come Hell Or High Water

Community Microgrid Power

What are community microgrids and why would New York neighborhoods need them?

September 22, 2016

Do The Carbon Math

What will happen to Earth if all its fossil fuel resources are drilled, pumped + burned?

EJ Bill Defeated

California legislators vote down a bill that would have added 3 environmental justice members to the state's biggest air quality organization

Green Is The Color Of Urban Resiliency

Put A Lid On Heat

What's important about trying to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees Centigrade?

Urban Mining For Precious Metals

Portable micro-factories could extract precious metals from urban e-waste "mines"

Living Vulnerability Assessments

Using satellite data + on-the-ground social conditions information, a new generation of flood vulnerable communities is born

China: Do No Small Solar Thing

Imagine a Chinese solar power project so vast that it would cover 7,000 city blocks

Rising Seas/National Insecurity

Climate-caused rising sea levels endanger US military coastal installations, posing national security dangers

Climate Changing For Investor Capital

Blackrock, a global investment firm, gives 4 reasons for why the US + China should ive up to their Paris Agreement climate commitments

September 21, 2016

Guess Who

UN: Obama Links Climate Finance And Equality

During his final UN speech President Obama appeals for more global climate investment to cut inequality

Sustainable Investment Forum Takeaway

September 20, 2016

Today's Quote

"Lots of millennials care deeply about climate change," said Edward Maibach, director of the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University. "The surprising news is they are no more likely to care more than their parents or grandparents."

SEC Probes Exxon Valuations

In light of current oil market plunges + long term climate change prospects, the SEC starts a probe of how Exxon values its assets

Clinton's Climate Cuts

Clinton Foundation climate programs faces deep downsizing if Hillary becomes President

NYC Resilience Report Shout-Out

Doesn't Look Like A Good Plan B

September 19, 2016

UK: Don't Do Stupid Energy Sh*t

There are lots better ways to decarbonize the UK energy supply than building the Hinkley nuclear power plant

The Sound Of Silence

Nutrient pollution + acidification are silencing the sounds of oceanic life

Green Urban Street Art

How Trump Could Exit Paris Pact

Off ramps from the Paris climate pact for a President Trump

Climate Change Rx

Electrify everything, here's why

Canada: DIY Carbon Pricing Or Else

Canadian provinces must put a price on carbon emissions or the federal government will do it for them

France: Sarkozy Downplays Climate Change

Former French Prime Minister + current contender Nicolas Sarkozy rates population growth, not climate change, as the world's biggest environmental threat

NYC's Busy Bee Keeper

NYC's 540 rooftop bee hives keep the city's only bee keeper buzzing around

The L Train Fix

What's in store for commuters + drivers during the L train shutdown?

September 16, 2016

It's Not An 'Act Of God'

It's climate change and FEMA flood maps are failing to keep current

Rx For Toxic Hot Spots

A carbon tax, although the need to solve EJ and undocumented folks' equity compensation issues remains

Expect More Climate Agreement OK's

An additional 20 nations expected to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement next week, bringing the total to 47

Consider The Oyster

Climate-induced ocean acidification harms oysters, but seaweed could come to the rescue (at least for the oysters)

Politics v Energy Research

A breakdown in trust between Department of Energy research labs and Congress creates a vicious circle imperiling both funding and research output

Solar Build-Out In Buffalo

The $900 million, 1.2 million square foot SolarCity solar panel plant in Buffalo, NY is closer to opening day

Fashion Week Trash

Imagine a fashion line inspired by NYC's Sanitation Department uniforms

September 15, 2016

Top 20 Sustainale Cities...

...None of them are in North America

2 Cheers For A Carbon Tax

For Bill McKibben, pricing carbon is a must, but it's not enough

It Only Hurts When You Laugh

The comic climate change timeline

Washington Takes Climate Action

Washington State caps + cuts GHG's

Help Wanted

Headlines We Like

Americans appear willing to pay for a carbon tax policy

September 14, 2016

Showing Progress Is Not Good Enough

The Great Re-Naming

Want cities to take action on climate change? Call it something else

The Rise And Fall And Rise Of Methane

It's known that methane is a potent GHG, but its specific sources + why air concentrations change can be hard to explain, until now

Not Your Grandma's Electric Company

In Brooklyn + Queens Con Edison's energy efficiency/demand management project is so 21st Century

Never Waste A Good Crisis

The 18-month shutdown of the L train is the perfect opportunity for NYC to transform its transit system

Moving Money Around

Detecting polluted drinking water in an upstate community raises questions about Governor Cuomo's diversion of environmental facility funds to rebuild the Tappan Zee Bridge

Japan: Nuke Plant Near Active Volcano

Scientists predict a major volcanic eruption not far from an operating nuclear power plant

London: Taking Back The Streets

Local Solar Politics Now

When it comes to solar power, local politics plays a pivotal role, so what's new now?

September 13, 2016

Reykjavits: Going Carbon Neutral

With a big boost from thermal energy Iceland's capital, Reykjavits, pledges to go carbon neutral by 2040

Science Citizens Ask

20 questions for Presidential candidates about science

Growing A Greener Elephant

September 12, 2016

Redoing Red Hook

Imagine extending the 1 train to Red Hook as part of a massive waterfront development designed to upgrade climate change resilience

Under The Sea...

Oceans are absorbing the planet's climate changing excess heat

Wind Power Price Plummet

Why wind power is on the verge of getting a whole lot cheaper

Today's Quote

No, It's Not Hot Flashes

India And China: Political SOP

How Indian/Chinese tit-for-tat politics impacted agreement at the Paris Climate Summit

Nothing Lasts Forever

Post-mortem planning for wind farms is now a thing

September 09, 2016

Smoother Sailing For Off-Shore Wind

Federal agencies announce a strategic plan to ease the path to offshore wind projects

Join The Citizens' Climate Brigade

Citizen observations can make great contributions to the science of climate change + the practice of climate resilience

Costa Rica: Sets Renewables Record

76 days and counting, the Costa Rican record for getting 100% of its electricity from renewable sources

Manifesto For Maintenance Art

World-Changing Technologies

On on the frontier of energy storage innovation now, [think of what refrigeration did for food storage last century]

California: 40x30

Governor Brown signs legislation setting California on the path to cutting its GHG emissions 40% by 2030, while its population & economy continue to grow

September 07, 2016


An update on Exxon's efforts to dodge the bullets of Attorney Generals and the public about its climate change knowledge + its denialst campaign to derail climate action


An update on Exxon's efforts to dodge the bullets of Attorney Generals and the public about its climate change knowledge + its denialst campaign to derail climate action

Science At Work: Cyclones And Climate Change

Predicting cyclones in Europe provides insight on why it's hard for climate science to make accurate weather predictions

Corporate Climate Shuck And Jive

Which US corporate giants talk the climate action talk while donating to climate denying politicians?


Here's who's advising Hillary on climate + energy policy + who might be short-listed for cabinet posts

UK: Labor Leader's Big Green Goal

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the UK Labor Party urges a 65% renewable energy goal for 2030

September 06, 2016

Shh! It's A Secret

Now it can be told, learn about the 14 year secret solar power society of industry + thought leaders, the Solar Circle

Mapping Renewable Power Potential

India: Hybrid Clean Power Systems

Hybrid solar/wind power equipment energizes Indian turbine makers

Communities Rethink The Power Grid

What are New Yorkers doing in response to an aging, at-risk electricity distribution system?

Staten Island's Loca-Bird

A young bald eagle living on Staten Island could be a native

Suffolk County Sets The PACE

Businesses + non-profits in Suffolk County now have access to PACE, a green energy loan program with payments made via property tax bills

Reviving The Oyster

Natural selection may help oysters survive human microbial threats + climate change, new research finds

September 02, 2016

Climate Chronograph

Design proposal for Washington DC, plant a field of cherry trees at a vulnerable spot for sea-level rise. When saltwater floods the land, trees closest to the shore will begin to die and then row after row of trees will turn brown, providing a publicly-visible marker of rising seas

Eco-Sinners Repent

Pope Francis urges the faithful to care for the environment, calling its destruction a sin

Public Divide Grows Despite Scientific Unity On Climate Change

The partisan gap in the US over climate change enlarges as the unity of scientific agreement strengthens

The Status Of Smart Grids

Are investor-owned utilities making advances in developing smart grids and networks?

NYC Underground 1902

G20: 40 Mayors Urge Climate Action

Mayors of 30 global cities urge the G20 nations meeting in China to work with them to build a low carbon, climate safe world

September 01, 2016

Watch Out Fossil Fuel Investors

The price of installed solar power hits historic lows, expect trend to extend

Consider This

Getting Fossil Fuel Out Of Your Deodorant

Didn't know deodorant contained petroleum derivatives?

Help Wanted: Environmental Educators

The Growing a Wild NYC program is looking for 2 part-time educators for a year-long program that enlists the help of NYC public school students to restore local pollinator habitats while learning about their environment.

The Mother of All Risks

Calling climate change 'the mother of all risks', major insurers urge G20 nations to end fossil fuel industry subsidies within 4 years

Irene: 5 years After

It was just a Category 1 storm, but 5 years after Irene, there are many resilience lessons for Vermont