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News & Views Curation

August 31, 2016

Promise Makers - Promise Keepers

Nobel Prize Winner's Climate Advice

Stiglitz to Clinton, tax carbon

Not A Call To Climate Arms

A polemic about Bill McKibben's polemic/metaphor/literal climate action call to arms

Seth Meyer Does Climate Change

Laughter can't hurt, but climate denialism can

New Use For Old EV Batteries

Maybe, just maybe old EV batteries can be repurposed to store power on the grid

August 30, 2016

China: EV Industry Shake-Out

Why is the Chinese government hitting the brakes hard on permits for EV start-ups?

Earth: Hotter Faster

Analyzing 1,000 years of data, NASA scientists find the planet is heating up faster than ever

Diesel Doesn't Clean Up Its Act

Think diesel car makers have come clean on reporting emissions post-VW scandal? Think again

Heads Up For NYC Climate Week

So Sue Me

Gov. Cuomo's $1 trillion proposal to bail out three nuclear power plants likely to stir up litigation

Pricing Decarbonization

Economists don't agree over how many trillions in investment are needed to end US fossil fuel use

Eighth Avenue Microgrid

Here's the Eighth Avenue microgrid feasibility study, in case you don't have time to real all 83 NY Prize proposals

83 Microgrid Contenders

Plug into the applications for NY Prize funding by 83 microgrid project proposers around the state

83 Microgrid Contenders

Plug into the feasibility studies for NY Prize funding submitted by 83 microgrid project proposers

August 29, 2016

Human See, Human Do

Electric vehicles could catch on with the public way faster than predicted

Shetlands: The Tide's Power Comes In

Student Journalists Active On Idling

Routine violations of NYC's vehicle anti-idling law uncovered by student journalists

Help Wanted: Climate Editor

The New York Times is searching for a climate change editor

Another "Ma Bell"

The SOP's of today's electric utilities threaten them with extinction

Needed Now: Smarter Policies

Seeking The Holy Grail Of Batteries

Why is so hard to build -and commercialize - a better storage battery?

August 26, 2016

Give It A Whirl

Renewably Deep In The Heart Of Texas

How old Texas oil + gas wells could be converted into underground storage capacity for renewable energy

Cap And Trade And Enviro Justice

Would limits to California's carbon cap + trade program, as set forth in new legislation, be a good thing for the environmental justice movement?

Twin Cities: Net-Zero Neighborhoods

Three development sites are being planned as net-zero neighborhoods in the Twin Cities

If You See Something, Say Something

August 25, 2016

Brazil: Climate Action Champion

China: Greening Data Centers

With a huge on-line population, China starts to make computer data centers more energy + water efficient

August 24, 2016

Australia: Blows Its Carbon Budget

Australia must actually remove CO2 from the air to do its part in keeping the planet from overheating says new science report

In A NY State (Of Community Solar) Mind

What portion of the nearly 2 gigawatts of proposed community solar projects in NY be built?

At Long Last

NYC's latest annual energy + water benchmarking report, analyzing data and trends from 2013

August 23, 2016

LA: Solar Utility

Will community-scale solar power installations be the springboard to form a Los Angeles area solar utility?

Bridging With Gas

The potential for natural gas to be a useful bridge fuel to a renewable energy future hinges on how long we'll stay on that bridge

Chile: Where Solar Power's Cheaper Than Coal

Big Props For Doing More With Less

Get the big picture on US energy efficiency achievements that work well with economic growth

PCB Clean Up Not Clean Enought

For NY environmental regulators, the clean up of PCB's General Electric dumped into the Hudson River isn't good enough + seek federal approval to do more

Sports: Rethinking The Olympics' SOPs

What sustainability lessons can be learned fro Rio + other Olympic venues that can be effectively applied to future games?

August 22, 2016

America's Worst Post-Sandy Flood

Understanding the devastating Louisiana floods in the climate chaos context

Tweet About Hot Subways

No AC in your subway car? Tweet the Transit Authority

NYC Waterways - Cleaner But Inaccessible

While NYC's done a lot to clean up its waterways, New Yorkers can't do much to access their natural liquid resources

F For Efficiency

Which countries are flunking their energy efficiency report cards + is there hope for improvements?

City Sustainability...

...Just another urban legend?

NYC: Cycling In The Gilded-Era

The century ride and other biking fads of yore

August 19, 2016

On Thin Ice

Global Cities: Becoming Contenders

International relations are in for a change as global cities flex their own diplomatic muscle on climate change + a range of other issues

Korea: Solar Flight Battery

A Korean battery maker takes credit for powering the Solar Impulse round the world flight

Summer Streets For The People

On August 20, here's where you can chill on car-free streets in NYC

NY AG: Investigate Exxon's Future

The Exxon investigation by Eric Schneiderman, NY's Attorney General, is said to focus more around future impact on corporate investors in a climate constrained world than on Exxon's past knowledge

Share Your Climate Story

Yale Climate Connections is looking for personal climate change stories to share on its daily radio show

Legal Eagles: Thumbs Down On Court Fracking Decision

A federal court decision striking down an Interior Department fracking regulation gets poor reviews from legal scholars

August 18, 2016

Solar Sag

Once high-flying SolarCity cuts workers + pay for its co-founders

In Love With Biophilia

Big Data For Wind Power

A Danish wind power leader finds big data boosts its business

It's War Or Not

Bill McKibben issues a call to World War level mobilization for tackling climate change, but Dave Roberts asks whether it's "war" that Americans want + if that can jolt the political dial

Rx For Death By Heat: Air-Conditioning

Poor, ailing + aged city dwellers without air conditioning, run the highest risk of death or sickness in the summer heat

Meet What's Under Your Feet

First lesson in urban resilience, get acquainted with the vital infrastructure that's underground

August 17, 2016

Trash Talk

Making waste management policy in NYC resembles a rumble

CA Cap And Trade Endangered

Is there a real risk that California's cap + trade program will expire in 2020?

Mark November On Your Calendar

August 16, 2016

Exxon At The Rio Olympics...


Not The Usual Opponents

Enviros clash with Big Solar over California desert installations

Think Like A Wall Street Investor

Why a master of investor risk management is an carbon tax advocate

Pro Soccer Tips To Beat The Heat

UK: OK's Biggest Offshore Wind Farm

UK authorities greenlight a 300 turbine, 1.8 GW offshore wind power project, the world's biggest yet

Hotter Than Ever

ID'ing Super Methane Leakers

New research pinpoints major methane hot-spots around the US and finds they're linked to leaks from fossil fuel production, processing + transport

August 15, 2016

Climate Change Is The 21st C Axis Threat

Bill McKibben writes we must wage war on climate change now with the all-out commitment we brought to WW II

Army Saves A Bundle On Its Energy Bills

Energy performance contracts save the US Army $1 billion on energy bills

The Ick Factor - It's Not Just Rio

While the Olympics has spotlighted the failure to treat sewage waste, it's not the only city with this problem

Hard To Teach Old Dogs New Tricks

The trials & travails of a major fossil-fueled utility seeking greener energy paths

Less Trash

What does a sell-by date mean for a decision to keep food or throw it out?

August 12, 2016

Oslo: Re Moving

From Coal Jobs To Solar Jobs

A new university study makes the case that retraining coal industry workers for solar power jobs is feasible, but acknowledges obstacles

Houston: Mayor Backs "Ike-Dike"

Houston's Mayor backs a storm surge barrier to protect his vulnerable coastal city

An Ex-Solar Skeptic Explains

What converted this solar skeptic to seeing its bright future?

CA Mayors Support State Climate Action

A bi-partisan group of mayors supports a bill extending the time for a key California climate law

August 11, 2016

Everywhere: Nights Get Hotter, Watch Out

The rise in nighttime temperatures poses a potent health risk because people without AC can't cool down

India: Renewably-Powered Ports

Wind Politics Blows Into VT Gov's Race

Pro-wind power candidate Sue Minter beat an anti-wind power rival in the Democratic primary + faces an anti-wind GOP candidate in November

Green Lease Tools Handy For Renters

When making rental decisions commercial building tenants now can compare a location's energy performance + other business-relevant productivity metrics

Not Onboard The Bus (Terminal)

West Side elected officials shun a Port Authority discussion meeting about a new bus terminal

NYC's Natural 10,000 Acres

Feeling hemmed in? Explore the Natural Areas Conservancy guide + map to NYC's 10,000 acres of natural areas


The hanging meadows proposal wins a design competition to re-imagine the NY Pavilion from the 1964 World's Fair

August 10, 2016

Smart City, Smart Grid, $50K In Prizes

More Years Of Living Dangerously

Year 2 of the climate-themed tv series, Years of Living Dangerously will kick off on October 30

Big PV Maker Shrinks

SunPower, the second-largest US solar panel maker, cuts jobs + revenue forecasts

C40 Welcomes Chennai

Chennai is the 86th city to join C40 and the 6th Indian city to commit to a low carbon + resilient economy

Too Hot To Compete

Norilsk: Arctic, Urban, Polluted

Take a documentary visit to Norilsk, a Russian city north of the Arctic circle, home to mining for the rare but much-in-demand palladium

August 09, 2016

Forget About Tomorrow...

... Climate change is happening now + the world may have reached a point of no return

Charting World Power Trends

Explore The Bronx River

Get What You Pay For, Not

US utility customers could cough up $2.5 billion to pay for nuclear power plants that don't get built

China: Social Unrest Over Nuke Waste

Plans to build a nuclear waste reprocessing plant in the Chinese city of Lianyungang stir local protest as demonstrators take to social media

Trump: Driven By Fossil Fuel

Some glaring errors in Trump's energy proposals

Paradise Found

It's on East 25th Street in Brooklyn

August 08, 2016

'Nuf Said

Ferry Review Advances Climate Analysis

The Environmental Impact Statement written for NYC's plan to expand ferry service considers both the environmental impact of new ferry service + the impact of climate change on the the project

Roadblocks To NYC Trolley Plan

Why would Brooklyn manufacturers not be onboard with de Blasio's Brooklyn waterfront trolley plan?

RECs For Clean Energy in NY

To help meet its mandatory clean energy goals, New York now requires utilities + other power suppliers to buy RECs - renewable energy credits

UK: An End To Plastic Bags, Not The World

A UK 5-pence-a-plastic-bag fee leads to an 85% drop in use in less than 1 year

August 06, 2016

Stalking A Climate Leader

Climate activist Bill McKibben writes about what it's like to be stalked by right-wing groups

August 05, 2016

NYC's Ex-Garbage Dump

Composing 'Ear Worms'

Will the Rap Guide to Climate Chaos stick in your mind?

Former Bush Advisor Says...

...Climate change will compound the global refugee crisis + pose national security threats

CA Gov's Last Green Hurrah

In his final term in office California's Governor Brown considers how to protect the state's climate activist momentum

Smarter Grid, Safer Food

A $137 million microgrid for the Hunts Point Food Distribution center moves closer to reality with NY Prize money to fund a project feasibility study

Help Wanted: Climate Reporter

The Pulitzer Prize-winning Pro Publica is looking for an investigative journalist to cover its climate change beat

The Birth Of Virtual Power Plants

What are virtual power plants + what is driving demand for them?

A Railway Station That Wasn't

August 04, 2016

Second Chances, Cleaner City

A NYC jobs program for the homeless + formerly incarcerated will focus on cleaner streets + graffiti removal

August 03, 2016

London: More Brexit Fallout

What's the link between the Brexit and the return of London's air pollution?

Picture This

MA May Make Energy Storage A Must

A a bill requiring energy storage at set capacities by electric utilities awaits the signature of the Massachusetts Governor

Some Things Haven't Changed

Float Your Boat

Consider the pros + cons of Mayor De Blasio's citywide ferry plan launching in 2017

Growing Green Storm-Water Control For NYC

With funding from legal settlements, NYC is expanding green ways to manage storm water run off and cut pollution to its waterways

August 02, 2016

Rio: No Olympic Air Here

Rio fails to meet its promise to clean up its dirty air in time for the Olympics

The China Syndrome - Not The Movie

China opting for nuclear over coal to get its energy, even with post-Fukushima disaster pause

Relocate Now Or Lose Trillions

10 states at greatest risk for massive residential real estate losses due to rising sea levels

Extreme Heat: Today's Public Enemy

Get the facts in 70 seconds

Big Bucks For Harlem Energy Upgrades

Five Harlem residential towers will get $16 million in energy efficiency improvements

UK: 'Postpones' Nuke Project

The new British Prime Minster riles China + France by 'postponing' a long-planned $23.7 billion nuclear power plant

Compare Thee To A Summer's Day

Weird Weather - Seeking Climate Links

How can science can attribute weird weather in the headlines to underlying climate change