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June 30, 2016

Top De Blasio Enviro Brass Leave

Emily Lloyd & Nilda Mesa, two of Bill de Blasio's top environment officials, are calling it quits

Chile: Renewable Energy At Risk

What are the primary drags threatening Chile's once-booming renewable power sector?

India: Solar Floats

India's national energy company plans a water-borne 50 megawatt solar power installation

NY Green Bank Likes Solar Power

The NY Green Bank commits $25 M to grow the solar rooftop revolving credit facility of Sunrun

Exxon Likes A Carbon Tax

The headline is not a typo but the devil will be in the details & other Exxon "gimmes"

World Won't Save Itself On Current Climate Path

While the world's climate goals are good, the current level of promised carbon action won't achieve them

June 29, 2016

Help Wanted: Social Media Editor

The Natural Resources Defense Council is hiring a social media editor to work in the NY office

Recycling NYC's e-Waste

Today's urban recycling is not grandma's metal, glass & plastic, it's e-waste now

By The Sea, By The Beautiful Sea

For New Yorkers planning staycations for the July 4 weekend

Growing To Mainstream

Can the US solar power business advance from 'growing' to mainstream?

Bond Rater Urges Rapid Paris Climate Deal OK

June 28, 2016

Emit And Tell

Companies in the utility sector are most likely to disclose information on their carbon emissions, financial sector firms are the least likely

Why Price Is Not Enough

A Superstorm's Teachable Risk Moment

A study of damage from hurricane storm-surge inundation on the Atlantic & Gulf Coasts finds more than 6.8 million homes are at risk, with a total reconstruction-cost value of more than $1.5 trillion

Air Pollution Impacts The Speed of Warming

Rising levels of man-made aerosol pollutants could explain a 21st C. slowdown in rising global surface temperatures

Sydney: In Hot Water

What explains the unseasonably hot ocean waters around Sydney, Australia?

Oslo: Deep Carbon Cuts

Banning cars from center city by 2019 is just one of the Oslo, Norway paths to cut its carbon emissions 95% by 2030

Congress Can't Use Science As Excuse For Climate Inaction

Congress should use the scientific consensus about climate change to make bold policy for cutting GHG emissions

DC: Votes For 50x32

A bill creating a 50% renewable energy target by 2032 is passed unanimously by the Washington DC City Council

June 27, 2016

Cities For Air

Green Building Bill Round-Up

Three bills in the NYC Council would give a boost to building energy performance and the City's climate action goals

Help Wanted: The Environmental Finance Center/University of North Carolina

The Environmental Finance Center at the University of North Carolina is hiring a data specialist/project manager and an environmental finance community advisor

Best Solar Output

Once again, SunPower is validated as maker of the world's most efficient rooftop PV panels

Life After Nuclear Energy

When the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant closes in 2024-25, California should have enough renewable energy & energy efficiency in place to keep the lights on and climate action on track

June 21, 2016

Rotterdam: Learning To Float

The world is paying close attention to innovations that create flood-resilient places as sea levels rise in Dutch cities like Rotterdam

Never Say Never

The political stars are aligning for tolling NYC's East River bridges

Reports Of Coal's Demise...

...have been greatly exaggerated, especially in Asian markets, according to Glencore, a global commodities giant

And Then There Were None

With the announced closing of the Diablo Creek reactors, California will have no nuclear power plants by 2025 if that happens

June 20, 2016

India: Corporate Big To Put A Price On Carbon

Tata, a giant Indian industrial conglomerate, is creating a 'shadow carbon price' & may buy emission credits in the future

China: 25x30

Expect China to generate 25% of its electricity from wind power by 2030, but could remain world's biggest GHG source

From The White House To Your House

The Brexit Climate Nexus

Consider the impact of a Brexit on upcoming EU and British climate actions

Trump's Art Of the Green Space Deal

Tucked away on the 4th floor of Trump Tower is a badly maintained public garden that earned the building 20 floors worth of extra height

Crafting The Climate Plank

Update on the Democratic platform committee work on the party's climate action plank

White House Accelerates On Renewables

Initiatives to advance energy storage technology & integrate renewables into the power grid are announced the Obama administration

NY Legislature - Pale Green

What;s to celebrate from the just-ended NY legislative session?

Find Your Solar Potential

Get energized, explore New York's new solar map for residential & non-residential buildings

June 17, 2016

Hey Kids - Don't Do This At Daylight Hour

Brazil: Renewables Micro-Loans

A public bank in northeast Brazil will offer lines of credit for mini and micro renewable energy projects

June 16, 2016

New Renewable Power On Existing Wires

NY upgrades existing power transmission lines to bring upstate renewables to downstate users

Los Angeles: Seeks Zero Port Emissions

What might the port of Lost Angeles do to meet the goal of a zero carbon emissions freight system?

The Exxon Empire Strikes Back

Exxon Mobil sues the Massachusetts Attorney General in a Texas court to stop a climate fraud probe

Outer Boro Rails

Hop on board for a NYC outer-boro-only rail proposal discussion

Big Banks Still Bankroll Fossil Fuel

Despite claims of backing away from fossil fuels, big banks still investing billions in them

NY Should Act Now On Climate

Will the NY State Legislature pass the Climate & Community Protection Act and put it on the Governor's desk before the session ends?

June 15, 2016

A Renewable Win-Win In TX

Top 10 Solar Installers

Who are the top US solar installers and do they do to get there?

De Blasio's Boat Bet

$325 million could expand NYC ferry service to carry carry 4.5 million passengers a year & ease today's mass transit crush

Smart Cities And Smart Grid Prizes

With prizes of $25,000, find out if you qualify for the NYC ACRE Urban Future Competition

Street Trees Have Value

California's street trees provide $1 billion in value to the state's cities & their residents

Walking Spurs Property Development

Smart urban growth by way of walkable cities is lined to more valued development

June 10, 2016

Obama: Green The Supply Chain

Suppliers of goods to the federal government,, when bidding on contracts, might have to report whether they publicly disclose GHG emissions, plans for cutting them & risks climate change poses to their operations

Candidates On Energy And Climate

What Clinton & Trump are saying now on about their energy and climate policies

Thought For The Week

[Destroying rain forest for economic gain] is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal. - E.O. Wilson

Linking Two Human Scourges

At a Papal conference on human trafficking, its link to climate change is exposed

A Flood Of Letters To The Editor

Can infrastructure innovations & insurance pricing keep cities flood safe in a changed climate?

When Failure Is Not An Option

If urban sustainability is a necessary goal, how will it be achieved?

June 09, 2016

The Methane Melee

Microgrids Win The Prize

Microgrids can be an alternative to the old-fashioned centralized electric power plant and NY gives out $100,000 in prizes to seven projects

Carbon Tax Optimists

Making the case for the possibility of success

Adaptable Philadelphia

ICYMI, Philadelphia publishes its first climate adaptation report

NYC's Earliest Rooftop Farm

Where is NYC's "Wedding Cake" apartment building, which was built with a farm on top?

June 08, 2016

NY State Legislature: Another Session Passes

BAU when it comes to incommensurate energy & climate bills in the State Assembly and Senate

Persian Gulf: Risk Of Going Uninhabitable

Sandy-Struck Homes Find New Footing

To recover from Superstorm Sandy's devastation, it's as important to have new rot-proof floors underfoot as roofs overhead for low-incomes New Yorkers

TX: Small Solar Jobs Haven

The Texas residential solar industry hires workers displaced from the oil drilling industry, but this is not a seamless transition

Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks - Lots

In 2016, Arctic Sea ice on the way to hitting record lows

Stop Urban Heat Death

Adding the heat of climate change to the urban heat island effect, puts cities on notice to create workable cooling strategies and precautions now

June 07, 2016

Bloomberg Rx For China's Urban Climate

One former NYC Mayor has some smart growth proposals for China's burgeoning cities

India-US Climate Co-operation

To deliver on Paris accord promises, India & the US announce new climate coordination

Washington's Dirty Secret

Even industries with climate skin in the game don't lobby for climate action in Washington, writes Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

What The World Needs Now

Scientists invent a bionic leaf that can absorb carbon dioxide & make liquid fuel

Imagine: A World Without Fossil-Fueled Cars

London: Zip Around In A VW Hybrid

Zipcar partners with VW to expand its hybrid plug-in fleet in central London

June 06, 2016

The Future Is EV

For everyone who doesn't rely on mass transit, bikes or their feet to get around, electric vehicles could become the inevitable

Rain Gardens Clean Water And Keep Cities Cooler

Albany: Plastic Bag Paladin

What explains NY politicians' embrace of the plastic bag status quo?

Bronzeville: The Future Of Urban Energy

Chicago's southside Bronzeville neighborhood will be the living lab for big time energy system innovations

Donald-Proofing US Climate Commitments

What steps is President Obama taking to prevent a Trump administration from running riot over the US commitment to the Paris climate accord?

Upgrade Appliances To Cool The Planet

The need for greener appliances has become part of the international climate action agenda

A Lone Star Blow To Coal

As Texas coal-burning power plants retire, nearly 100 % their energy will be replaced by solar sources

June 03, 2016

Sewage Harbor, Methane Included

Energy Revolutionary

Professor Mark Z. Jacobson is a leading advocated of saving the planet by converting to a 100% renewable energy economy

Cities Get Smarter

Budget Watchdog's Climate Warning

The Congressional Budget Office sounds the alert about the dent climate change-linked hurricane damage will make in the federal budget

Intro To REV's Revenue Roadmap

Underpinning success of the NY REV, a new carbon-conscious approach to utility regulation, is a road map that will make it feasible for utilities to earn revenue from new sources

Bernie's Climate Meets The Press

Everyone knows Bernie Sanders holds activist climate positions, so what goes down at his press conferences?

June 02, 2016

No More Tears

NY REV Update: How To Make Money

New rate design is a major tool created by NY's Reforming the Energy Vision for enabling utilities to make money in a transformed business model context

Build It Right, Build It Green

Better building standards should be a top global climate action priority

Trump Cashes In On Clean Air

Think clean air rules have been bad for Trump's NYC real estate business? Think again

Chile: The Free Solar Power Problem

Chile is creating so much solar power, 2016 prices dropped to zero 116 days this year & investors lose money

Washington: Getting To Yes On Cutting GHGs

Seeking to overcome industry hurdles, Washington State Governor Inslee proposes revised rules to cut GHG emissions

Help Wanted: Climate Media Researcher

Work with Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything team and be responsible for primary research and fact checking for speeches, feature articles & op-eds in major media outlets

0 x 50 - Or Not

The NY State Assembly takes climate & environmental justice action by passing a bill to ban almost all non-vehicular greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, now keep an eye on what the State Senate does

June 01, 2016

Europe: Once A Renewable Energy Leader... becoming a laggard

Paris Climate Negotiator To Trump "You're Wrong"

Todd Stern, the US negotiator at the Paris Climate Accords, sets the record straight for The Donald

Charting Solar Growth