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News & Views Curation

May 31, 2016

'Ocean State' Senator: Climate Warrior

Rhode Island Senator Whitehouse pulls no punches about who's to blame for Congressional inaction & climate change denial among elected officials

Rain Gardens For Queens

What are rain gardens and why is NYC spending $7.3 M to build 321 of them in Queens?

Never Easy To Take Out The Trash

A $3.3 B deal to dump some of NYC's solid waste at an upstate landfill breaks down

Cities Committing To Climate Action

Secretary Of The Future

Want the next President to take the future seriously? Here's a climate/infrastructure place to start

Not Your Parents' Urban Planning

Community planning becoming essential to post-Sandy urban climate resiliency designs

No Snow Days Here

May 27, 2016

Week's Best Quote

In his energy policy speech Trump said "We will work with conservationists whose only concern is protecting nature." & journalists Cushman & Hirji observed,"He did not elaborate on where the line might be drawn between nature and the planet's climate."

The Only Home We Have

May 26, 2016

Trump's Energy Policy Speech

The takeaway

Zoning: Flawed Power Tool

Readers comment on a New York Times article reporting 40% of Manhattan buildings could not have been erected with today's zoning rules

Weighing The Alternatives

Making the case (a bit reluctantly) for step-wise climate incrementalism rather than the big binding international deal

Climate Activists' ExxonMobil Strategies

For climate activists what works best, advocating disinvestment or using stock ownership to prod the firm in new directions?

Time For Another NYC Bike Expo

May 25, 2016

Cambridge: Benchmarking Findings

University-heavy Cambridge, MA reports on its first round of building energy benchmarking data, with 95% of covered properties reporting

MTA Budget On Track

Governor Cuomo ok's a $27 billion MTA budget for subway system extensions, upgrades & repairs

May 24, 2016

NYC: Park Make-Over

Eight City parks are just the latest New Yorkers slated to get make-overs

An Inconvenient Truth: 10 Years After

Overcoming his initial disinterest in doing a documentary, the impact of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth grows larger a decade along

US Probe Of Mold And Lead At City Housing

NYCHA to hir lawyers to deal with a federal investigation into mold & lead paint problems at its multi-family properties

German Solar: Growing But Not Shining

Germany loses its global solar leader position, although growth resumes

Affordable Green For East Harlem

The de Blasio administration seeks bidders to develop a square block of below-market rate, super green apartments in East Harlem [$ub]

May 23, 2016

Poland: Sucks Air Out Of Wind Power

The coal-embracing Polish government limits development options for wind power

Ireland: Trump Seeks Rising Seas Protection

Trump seeks to construct a sea-wall to protect his Irish golf course from "global warming & its effects"

Book Review: Bicycles, Airships And Things That Go

Now, kids 3-8 have their own book about urban sustainability

Do A Goolge Solar Search

Search Google's Project Sunroof in 42 states to find out if you have a roof suitable for solar panels

Visit The Park Poe Loved

Spend some time in Riverside Park at the spot Edgar Allan Pie called Mt. Tom

Climate Science Now

A digest of current climate science research for us civilians

May 21, 2016

Move NY

Consider this proposal for funding necessary upgrades & repairs to the NYC subway system

The Culture Page

The Colorado is a passionate, informed, visually & sonically compelling eco-documentary

May 20, 2016

Chinese Wind Power In Texas

Goldwind, China's biggest wind turbine maker, buys the largest wind farm development in the US in Texas

Help Paying Utility Bills

The NY Public Service Commission will help low income customers pay their utility bills, saving them $250 million & expanding access to clean energy

Interact With This Map


Today's trends in hydroelectric dams is illustrated by comparing the US & Costa Rica

Summer Weather Forecast

The northeast and the west coast likely to have a hot summer, but what's in store for the rest of the US?

Meet The Big U And The Neighbors

New Yorkers talk about the Big U, the structure to save lower Manhattan from the next superstorm

May 19, 2016

Not Your Grandma's East Harlem Waterfront

Plans are afoot for transforming the East Harlem Esplanade & neighborhood waterfront recreational access

2015-16 Potent El Nino, And Then...

The Politics Of Climate Change

Bill McKibben interviewed by Brian Lehrer

Solar Benefits By The Numbers

Security Risks Of Climate Change, 'Very Real'

Robert Gates, a Defense Secretary to both Bush & Obama, spells out his concerns about the impacts of climate change on setting national security priorities

Today's Best Question

Can a 700 MPH train in a tube be for real?

NY Green Bank Does Energy Efficiency

Although small compared to its solar deals, the NY Green Bank provides a $5 million line of credit to an energy efficiency consultant

Brazil: New Gov't Set To Roll Back Eco Rules

Brazil's post-Rouseff government sponsors legislation to roll-back major environmental protections regulating infrastructure projects

UK: Bank Chief Urges Climate Insurance

The head of the Bank of England supports insurance industry assistance for poor nations to help them cope with climate threats

May 18, 2016

Earth: Hotter Faster

What's most alarming about the planet's temperature trends?

WIsh I'd Thought Of This

Researchers new way to test climate deniers' data interpretations & conclusions

Green Legal Eagles Mount New Exxon Challenge

A new law suit contents if Exxon knew about rising climate risks facing its facilities, then it had a legal responsibility to take protective steps, but it did not

Portugal: All Renewable Interlude

How did Portugal suspend its fossil fuel addiction for 107 hours?

More Solar Training For Vets

Veterans wil get more opportunities to learn solar panel installation skills thanks to the Department of Energy

Birds Of Paradise

See them here, make your day

May 17, 2016

China: Markets, No, Carbon Trading, Yes

Oil Rig Lessons For Offshore Wind

Yes, Virginia, there is something the offshore wind industry can learn from offshore oil extraction

Location, Location, Location

If you were a clean tech company in which state or city would you most like to locate & why?

Doubts Cloud SolarCity Funding

By postponing its vote on $485 million for a SolarCity solar panel factory, a NY State oversight board meeting stirs up doubt for the project's future

Australia: Kill The Climate Messenger

A leading Australian sea level rise researcher loses his job with a national science agency

LES Grassroots Culture Center Rebuilds Green

With a green roof & energy efficient design the new ABC No Rio arts center will showcase sustainability on the Lower East Side

The Billion Oyster Project

Reviving NY Harbor's once booming oyster-culture provides environmental education opportunities

Spend Nickles, Save Communities

New York's low-income communities will be big winners with the new nickle plastic bag fee

May 16, 2016

Trump's Climate

"I will not support or endorse a carbon tax", Trump tweets

NY Could Cut Renewables' Gordian Knot

Can the NY REV solve a renewable rate setting problem that's got other state utility regulators & customers tied up in knots?

Drink Coffee, Save The Planet

Starbuck's $496 million sustainability bond program will help advance 'responsibly grown' coffee, & research centers for farmers in developing nations

Renwable Energy Today

The global growth of renewable energy is soaring but further progress faces challenges from the conventional power grid

NY Green Bank's Newest Deals

Four new loans to grow clean energy & the economy are the latest NY Green Bank deals

Fossils Inch Toward Renewables

Shell Europe takes baby steps into renewable energy

Sleuthing Spike In New England CO2 Emissions

Did the 2014 shutdown of a New England nuclear power plant cause a recent spike in area CO2 emissions?

Getting Around NY, 1894

May 15, 2016

Ray Of Hope In The Mid-East

A privately-owned solar array that pumps water for crop irrigation in the West Bank comes from joint Jewish/Muslim funding

May 13, 2016

DOE Cuts Off Funds For TX Carbon Project

What's up with DOE suspending money for a carbon capture & storage project in Texas?

Sea Level Rise Will Soak Housing

Federal housing fiance authorities warn that home flooding & abandonment as sea level rises would lead to catastrophe

The Utility Times They Are A Changing

The Edison Electric Institute, the voice of the electric utility industry, says disruption is happening, innovate or else

May 12, 2016

San Francisco: Delivering On Renewables Vow

San Francisco starts to deliver on its renewable energy targets

Get In On the Secret

Now you can find 30 of New York City's secret publc gardens

Win The Building Energy Performance Trifecta

Eight tin-depth proposals for making buildings into energy efficiency champions


Climate change, what you need to know now

Taking The Ick Out Of Algae

May 11, 2016

One GIF Thats Worth A Thousand Words

What explains the power of the climate GIF that's taken social media by storm?

May 10, 2016

The Climate Funnies

Denmark: Rx For Its Carbon Addiction

What can the world learn from Denmark about breaking the fossil fuel habit?

Future Ferry Landings

As a city both linked & separated by water, see what's coming to upgrade 15 NYC ferry terminals

Some Hotels Stop Their Energy Slurping

Although lagging behind global industry practices, US hotels are starting to manage energy use in guest rooms

Puebla: 90x50

Today it's not just national government tackling climate change, learn what Puebla Mexico & others are doing

Take Their Lumps, Please

NY: Making Markets Drive Climate Action

If the NY REV succeeds it will transform the energy utility sector, encourage job-growing new businesses & help save the planet

May 09, 2016

France: Fossil Fuel Giant Buys Into Renewables

French oil & gas giant Total buys into renewable energy with its purchase of an battery storage maker

Help Is Here

Paris: Car-Free Every Sunday

With the popularity of a car-free Sunday on the Champs Elysees, the Mayor of Paris makes it a weekly event

California And Brazil: Cap And Trade Together

What is the controversy over a proposal for Brazil to join California's carbon cap & trade program?

Car Free NYC Revival

Time to accelerate the car-free streets movement by looking back at NYC in the 1970's

SUNY Buffalo Tops Green Power List

Here's why SUNY Buffalo ranks #1 by the EPA as the campus using the most green power in the nation

Limits To Urban Climate Powers

Cities face 6 big barriers to climate action, especially when national political commitment is lacking

Don't Call That Clean

NYC's dry cleaning business is still exposing workers to dirty, toxic chemicals

May 06, 2016

What Solar Growth Looks Like Now

Expanding form rooftop PV to solar farms is a new trend in the solar power business

TGI Eagle Cam

Happy Mom's Day, enjoy this live web cam broadcast of two bald eagle nestlings all weekend long

Top 10 Green Projects

What makes a winner in the 2016 sustainable architecture project awards?

Fort McMurray: The Firestorm And The Climate

What does climate change have to do with the massive fire & evacuation of Fort McMurray Canada?

Green Bonds Are Red Hot

No longer just do-gooding, investing in green bond issues means doing well too

Asia: Coal Plant Warrning

The World Bank calls plans for new coal burning power plants in Asia a "disaster"

Public Unaware Of Climate Rule

Obama's Clean Power Plan, a landmark & controversial climate rule, but most Americans have never heard of it

May 05, 2016

EU: Euro Cities Plan to Sue

Spat pits national governments that want to protect their car manufacturers against cities that need to achieve emissions reductions

YO! Microgrids With Blockchain Technology

And the utilities go, "OY! Two Brooklyn residents just swapped watts for dollars"

What Can We Do?

It's not about you

May 04, 2016

Ireland: COP21 Opportunity

Applied research remains critical to Ireland's ability to meet its future commitments

Fifty Million Millennials

Will they vote? NextGen Climate thinks that if do vote they could swing it. Here's their analysis

May 03, 2016

American Climate Refugees

First-of-its-kind climate resilience grant to resettle Native Americans

May 02, 2016

Move NY Fair Plan

Legislation modeled after Gridlock Sam's ideas introduced into the New York State Assembly is inching closer to reality

EU: Blockchain for Prosumers

Novel trading paradigm for buying and selling green energy in the smart grid

If I Only Had A Brain

Team Heila Technologies wins MIT Clean Energy Prize (CEP) for creating a "brain" for microgrids

Paris: More Traffic Free

Paris accelerates its drive against auto pollution & its very dirty air

Passive House Apts. For The Bronx

A 241 unit affordable Passive House type apartment project is rising in the South Bronx

Christie: Just Say No To Climate Action

A senior NJ official says the Christie administration won't comply with the federal Clean Power Plan

Greenland/UK: Linked By Warming

What's the jet stream link between soaring temperatures in Greenland and storms & flooding in the UK?

Something's Got To Change