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News & Views Curation

October 31, 2015

Activists Seek Climate Justice At Justce

The Justice Department received a demand from over 40 environmental & social justice groups to investigate whether ExxoxMobil deceived Americans about climate change

October 30, 2015

UN: When Promises Aren't Enough

National carbon reduction pledges are too small to stop rising atmospheric carbon levels says UN

Texas Rules As Biggest Carbon Emitter...

...and California is a distant second

Australia: Extreme October

Climate change gets some blame for making October 2015 the hottest in Australian recorded history

GOP Goes After NOAA E-Mails

What's with the GOP's latest chase after government emails -- this time coming from NOAA climate scientists?

NY Mets: Climate Champs

Whatever the outcome of the World Series, the Mets are champs at cutting their carbon footprint

Prince Charles: Activated By Carbon

The fossil fuel disinvestment movement gets a shout-out from Prince Charles

Batteries' Time Has Come

UNESCO: Urban Sustainability And Historic Districts

What are the best paths for linking urban sustainability to historic preservation?

Climate Science: No Hiatus

Explaining the NOAA 'No More Hiatus' paper for citizens concerned about climate change

October 29, 2015

It Did Happen Here

$3B Doesn't Go Far At Sandy-Hit NYCHA Buildings

Only 219 of the 402 NYCHA buildings damaged during Sandy to share $3 billion in federal FEMA repair & urgrade funds

Exxon's Climate Snow Job

Understand how Exxon tries to sow confusion by hyping uncertainties in climate science

Metro Area Tunnel Trouble

Watch the video that shows just how dire our rail tunnel risks are & what needs to be done ASAP

California U Climate Commitments

The 10 campuses of the University of California commit to acting as living laboratories for devising climate change solutions

The Value Of Carbon Pricing

$22 billion is the government revenue estimate for global carbon pricing in 2015

China: Abating Its Coal Addicition

China tackles its addiction to cheap, coal-fired energy while advancing its economic goals

RIP Greener

In case you've been wondering, now you can enter eternity in an eco-friendly fashion

Melting Leaks Carbon Fast

Melting permafrost leaks carbon dioxide much faster than scientists predicted

October 28, 2015

Australia: Pivot From Coal

Australia's new chief scientist is a strong nuclear power advocate - stay tuned

Sandy: Three Years On

Are NYC neighborhoods better able to withstand storms like Sandy today than they were in 2012? And have we adequately addressed the economic and social inequities in at-risk communities that Sandy laid bare?

Confronting Climate Despair

Author Wen Stephenson talks about how to push back against paralyzing despair over climate change & stay engaged

The Deforestation/Climate Link

How Indonesia's massive deforestation & mega-forest fires impact global climate change

Canada: Green Superpower Speculation

Canadians are asking whether their new leader will make the country into a green energy powerhouse

The Power Of Two

A bi-partisan Congressional caucus (one Dem, one GOP) to advance energy storage technology starts up

Styrofoam Ban - Try Again

NYC will appeal a judge's ruling that overturned its styrofoam container ban

Paris: Climate Price - Non

Any climate agreement struck in Paris will not include putting a global price on carbon emissions

Foes Plan For Fighting Clean Power Plan

How opponents of Obama's Clean Power Plan will attack it

October 27, 2015

Help Wanted: Benchmarking Opportunities

The CUNY Building Performance Lab seeks to fill two positions with the newly-launched NYC Benchmarking Help Center. They involve coordinating the start-up and operations of the Benchmarking Help Center, a technical resource assistance program to support and expand compliance by NYC building/real estate property owners with Local Law 84 energy benchmarking requirements.

For more information: Benchmarking Help Center Manager and Benchmarking Help Center Associate

October 26, 2015

Best Headline Of The Week

"Big Electric Shocks Big Oil", with a mix of good & not good renewables news content

Solar Power On The Florida Ballot

The Florida Supreme Court orders a hotly contested rooftop solar initiative to go to the voters this November

Cuomo's Big Solar Bet

Will New York's $750 million investment in a solar-panel factory pay off for Buffalo?

Wetlands Protection

Why NYC is restoring its wetlands & why you should care

What Retreat Looks Like

What would managed retreat mean for the NYC coastline?

Bacteria To Save The Planet

Scientists target deep sea bacteria able to convent GHG's into baking soda or chalk

October 23, 2015

Built-In Wellness

Are buildings that promise wellness for occupants the next big thing in urban development?

The Carbon War

Listen up, how we can win in a time of energy transition

Word Power In Paris

By adding the word 'decarbonization" the UN carbon deal gets resituated

Office Buildings: Green Is Good

Evidence for the financial benefits of green office buildings is amassing in real world settings

Save The Planet - Get Connected

Help is on the way for climate action, it's called the Third Industrial Revolution that will transform consciousness with connective media says Jeremy Rivkin

October 22, 2015

What Climate-Forward Cities Do

Take note of and take notes on Boston, San Francisco & Washington D.C.

After The Fall

ExxonMobil: First, Sow Doubt

Lessons from the master merchant of doubt for weaponizing climate science uncertainties

The Cost Of Climate Change

New research calculates the economic damage of climate change on the global economy. Hint: more than an arm & a leg

PV Cap Gets Raised For Now

Until the NY REV determiners the value of distributed energy resources, the State will lift net metering caps on PV installations

NY's Ninth

New York State ranks ninth for energy efficiency in the annual ACEEE survey

El Ñino 101

What is El Ñino & why is it important now?

October 21, 2015

2015: Hottest Ever

2015 is on track to break world temperature records & be even hotter than during the El Ñino of 1997-98

Big Bucks For Green Brooklyn Condos

Residential energy efficiency gets a boost with a $1.8 million construction loan to a Brooklyn condo development

Japan: Won't Quit Coal

Japan stands by coal, with plans for 48 new coal-burning power plants at home & export credits to fund other carbon-intensive ventures

NYC's Millionth Tree

A Bronx park named for the poet who penned "Trees" is the site of tree planting 1,000,000 in the One Million Tree campaign

Green The Ghetto

Van Jones weighs in on today's green jobs gap and how to close it

EU: Carbon Hits New Lows, But...

While EU carbon emissions are at record lows, evidence points to a slowing of this trend & some members are missing policy targets

How To 'Blur' Climate Facts

The Global Warming Policy Foundation is a master of climate denialism, here's what it does

October 20, 2015

Sanders Calls For ExxonMobil Investigation

Bernie Sanders requests a DOJ investigation of the alleged ExxonMobil cover-up of its own climate science & corporate fraud

Oakland: EJ And Coal Exports

There's a red hot fight in Oakland over plans to build a coal export shipping terminal

Pulp Fiction

Burning 'bio-fuel' wood pellets for fuel is not a climate-friendly thing to do

OneNYC Has Its Eyes On The Planet

Can Bill de Blasio's OneNYC blueprint help to green the planet while benefiting local folks?

Carbon Markets - Plan B

If the Paris climate talks don't produce an international carbon emissions trading market, the US is said to be working on a fallback trading market coalition

Canada: Climate Policy Reality Check

Hoping for a U-turn on climate policy after Canada's election? Not so fast

Canada: Climate Foe Ousted

With the electoral defeat of Canada's anti-climate action party, an international voting pattern emerges

The ExxonMobil Racket

The lawyer who prosecuted Big Tobacco under RICO for its cover-up of health science sees ExxonMobil as ripe for a possible racketeering investigation by the Justice Department into its climate science smoke & mirrors

Bonn: Climate Conference Illuminated

Climate Innovators

What's new, from finalists in the 2015 Sustainia Award?

October 19, 2015

International Climate Plan "Unbalanced"

A bloc of African nations demand amendments to even consider the international climate proposal at the final negotiating session

Upsetting The PACE

Could PACE energy financing be harming home sales in California?

Obama/CEO Climate Meeting

To bolster support for international & domestic climate action Obama meets with 10 CEOs

Retiring US Nuke Generators

Weird Gas Economics

Go figure - when gasoline gets cheaper, Americans fill 'er up with more expensive gas

Oslo: 0x19

Oslo proposes to ban all private autos from its center center within four years

Meeting Urban Energy Demands

Are mega-projects the best answer to a sustainable energy future?

On The Road To Paris...

...Cities play the starring role to advance climate friendly energy reforms, per four Euro mayors

MTA Funding - Try To Do The Math Politics

A perfect SAT score won't boost your confidence in MTA funding promises

October 16, 2015

Powering Earthquake Resilience

Solar power + energy storage gear would help keep the lights on after earthquakes in San Francisco

McKibben Busted

Climate activist Bill McKibben gets arrested for his solo protest at an ExxonMobil station

Norway: Model EV Marketer

What other nations can learn from Norway's successful electric vehicle marketing policy

NY: Three Years After Sandy

Are we safer now?

China: Growing Into a Low-Carbon Future

True Or False

Nuclear power is needed to meet US climate goals

An ExxonMobil Racket Query

Two California Congress members ask the Justice Department to investigate whether ExxonMobil violated the federal racketeering law in failing to disclose what it knew about climate change

Cap And Trade - A Cautionary Tale

RGGI, the carbon cap and trade program of 9 northeast states, doesn't get much love from the Congressional Research Service

October 15, 2015

Singapore: Climate Laggard

Singapore has the means but lacks the will to take serious steps on climate change

India: Urban Mobility Trailblazer

For innovative work on Indian urban sustainability Madhav Pai gets a 'trailblazer' award

Al Gore: Doing Very Well By Doing Good

A look inside Al Gore's very successful, planet-saving investment firm

Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em

Even coal companies are calling for international climate action in Paris this year

Sustainability Now: The VW Lesson

True or false? Sustainability has become a potent agent of product die-off & creative market destruction

Distributed Generation - 19th Century Style

The famed Dakota apartment building was designed with its very own distributed generation system

Handwriting On The Wall

What The US Is Powerless To Do

Usually, US conservatives claim US power has no limits, but not when it comes to taking action on climate change

October 14, 2015

Accentate The Climate Positive

Hoesung Lee, the new top-guy at the UN IPCC, urges a focus on climate solutions, not problems

38 Climate-Winning CIties

Is NYC on the C40 awards list of 38 finalists?

Energy Storage Tomorrow - BYOB

Bring Your Own Battery

Solar Success Stories

The college town of Blacksburg, VA didn't seem like a good rooftop solar program candidate, but look at it now

Getting Concrete About The NY-NJ Gateway

It's no longer just a rail transit planning pipe dream, although it's no sure thing

Another Hot Month

September 2015, second hottest on record, and more record setting heat is on the way

Zoning For Affordable Housing

Striking a zoning rule that requires provision of off-street parking can help make NYC housing more affordable (but will it alter car ownership?)

Volkswagen: EVs In Its Future

It could be greenwash, but VW announces an increased focus on plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles

Toyota: Nearly 0x50

By 2050, Toyota aims to sell only cars that burn almost no gasoline

October 13, 2015

Utilities Won't Mount The CPP Barricades

Understanding the significance of electric utilities as non-combatants in the fight over EPA's Clean Power Plan

Shuttle Bus Robots

"Self-driving" buses to get tested in the Bay Area

Big Waste Roll Call

Paris: Climate Meeting Prediction

Expect all carrots, no sticks to come out of the Paris climate change talks

Dem Debate Prep: Climate/Energy

What to expect on climate & energy at tonight's Democratic Presidential contender debate

Social Science Studies People's Climate March

What made the 2014 NYC Climate March a success?

Protect the Urban Climate - Fight Forest Fires

Urban air quality and climate are threatened by forest fires & indiscriminate forest burning

October 10, 2015

Blowing Smoke In Our Eyes

ExxonMobil set back climate progress by decades through denial & active obfuscation

October 09, 2015

Washington, DC: Electric Sludge

Washington, DC the first US city to use its sewage sludge for generating electricity

Mull Over This Mantra

Asking how much CO2 emitting is safe is just like asking how much cigarette smoking is safe

French Utility Issues Green Bonds For Renewables Energy Projects

Grid Neutrality

What is grid neutrality & what's it got to do with empowering customers?

Too Smart For Your Own Good

What does your smart home know about you that you don't?

UK: Bank Of England Stands Firm On Climate Stance

Stressing its financial destabilization implications , the head of the Bank of England stands by his climate change remarks

How To Print A Green Building

3-D printing is deployed by the Oakridge National Lab to construct an energy efficient one-room building linked to a hybrid-power vehicle

Cuomo's Climate Causes

Governor Cuomo tees up four climate goals, a mix of promises to keep and money to spend

October 08, 2015

Austin: Community-Solar Leader

Rooftop solar to become a standard feature of new homes in Lennar, an Austin, TX neighborhood

Solar Power For The People

California crafting new ways to get solar power to EJ communities

Our Clinton-Era Gas Tax

1993 was the last time the US raised its gas tax

UN: Climate Bond Information Portal

Calling all climate finance folks, data galore now available

Solar Research Dims

How can the US be a world leader in solar energy when it lays off its next-gen solar researchers?

Greenpeace: Buy Coal, Don't Burn It

To shut down a German-sited, Swedish-owned coal business Greenpeace seeks to buy it

SASB: Your Time To Be Heard

The public comment period opens on proposed Sustainability Accounting Standards Board investor disclosure guidance for publicly-traded infrastructure firms

What Works With Weatherization

Q & A about the cost-effectiveness of a federal home weatherization program

October 07, 2015

Funding For Top Climate Finance Ideas

Got a good idea for climate change mitigation or how to drive private investment into adaptation in poor nations? Apply to the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance funding competition

Some Call This Climate Realpolitik 2

A climate scientist who signed a petition calling for a racketeering investigation of fossil fuel companies will have his research organization investigated by Congress

Some Call This Climate Realpolitik 1

EPA's legal authority to regulate GHG emissions are repeatedly challenged. Here's a controversial political solution

Fit Bit For Your Carbon Footprint

Check out this concept: a wearable device to monitor your carbon footprint in real time

The India/Germany Renewables Duo

Germany offers big bucks to help build dedicated renewable power transmission lines in India

Wind Power: Scotland v England

Scotland's ahead with on-shore wind projects while England advances with off-shore wind power

The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind

Climate Action: Keep Hope Alive

Climate scientist Michael Mann thinks climate action can save the planet & the denial of hope is a dangerous thing

GOP: Exiling Us From Eden

As China & India move toward climate action, the GOP remains 'intolerably intransient' writes Tom Friedman

Multiple Urban Benefits

All the ways energy efficiency add to urban resiliency

October 06, 2015

Hello Back There

England: 5 Pence A Bag

What happened when England imposed a 5 pence plastic bag fee this week?

Australia: Bank Busts Coal Investments

ANZ to end its funding for coal mines, won't fund "conventional" coal-fired power plants & will put $10 billion into clean energy projects

Citibank Cuts Coal

With a nod to climate change, Citibank to cut coal mining financing

What We're Fighting For Now Is Each Other

A review of book that takes civil disobedience as a path for climate activism

Scotland: Better Than Water To Wine

A Scottish scientists converts whiskey waste into biofuel

NY Takes Top Efficiency Spot

For 2015, NY ranks as the most energy-efficient state in the US

Energy Efficiency: Do Better Faster

When it comes to energy efficiency doing good enough is not enough because time is not on our side


What's so revolutionary for power utilities about New York's Reforming the Energy Vision?

October 02, 2015

Climate Pledge Trends

What are the trends in the UN climate actions pledges by 143 nations?

Port Authority: Follow The Infrastructure Money

Did the Port Authority break the law by diverting $1.8 billion from an agency rail project to repair the Pulaski Skyway in New Jersey?

PV: Bragging Rights

It's good to see a campaign to win the most-efficient PV panel title

India: Setting A Carbon Goal

By 2030 India intends to India intends to shrink its GDP emissions intensity 33-35% by 2030 & aims to for a 40% installed renewable energy target too

October 01, 2015

Campaign 2016: Carson On Climate

No surprise, but read it anyway

Words To The Wise