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News & Views Curation

September 30, 2015

China: National Carbon Market

History of a global game-changer

The Driving Force Of Energy Innovation

Past performance is no guarantee of future return, so place your bets

ExxonMobil Before The Bar

Critics foresee lawsuits against ExxonMobil based on what its own scientists knew about a changing climate

Inhaling In Nail Salons

A pilot project, staring in January 2016, will monitor worker exposure to air toxics at NYC nail salons

Climate Action: Pope 1, Economist 0

Economist Nordhaus muddles what carbon markets can do, Francis doesn't

NYC Pensioners Won't Have To Live Off Coal

Mayor de Blasio calls for NYC's five pension systems to sell off their coal assets & develop a long-term fossil fuel investment strategy

Election 2016: JEB Embraces A Fossil-Fueled Future

The latest Jeb Bush energy policy supports more fossil power, is mum on climate change & makes vague reference to energy policy innovation

September 29, 2015

Citi Bike - Not For Everyone

The saga of one NYC bike-sharing neophyte

Harder For Big Oil To Make A Buck

Is Shell's retreat from Arctic oil exploration a sign of financial distress in the fossil fuel industry?

The New Customer Service Model

Big utilities find new places to do business -- small rooftop PV installations

The Young, The Red And The Green

Younger adults who identify as Republican want government to cut GHGs & often want to switch to renewable energy

Avoid NY Metro Transit Catastrophe

What the NY metro region needs now, lots of subsidized ferry service

Pollution Politics Make Strange Bedmates

Why would the National Black Chamber of Commerce ally with the National Association of Manufacturers to fight clean air rules?

September 28, 2015

NYC: Fast Forward On Energy Make-Overs

The de Blasio Administrations unveils its retrofit accelerator to make building energy upgrades easier, cheaper & less rare

India And Brazil: No Climate Funding

Unlike China, India & Brazil will not contribute to a global climate fund to help poorer developing nations, but domestic actions are expected

Banks Back Climate Action

Seeing significant business opportunity, six big banks call for concerted government climate action

Microsoft: Profit, Loss And Carbon

Microsoft calculates its own carbon emissions as a kind of internal carbon tax

Trust But Verify

California legislation tackles the verification challenge when it comes to building energy efficiency reports

September 25, 2015

UK: Biz Smack-Down On Energy Policy

Corporate UK is unhappy with the government's 'incoherent' green energy policies

Fossil Fuels Investments Out

Portland Oregon & its Multnomah County vote to divest from fossil fuels

Nuke Industry Faces Clean Power Rule

The good & bad news is that the nuclear power industry gets what it deserves in EPA's Clean Power Rule aimed at cutting power plant carbon emissions

Climate Whatchamacallit

The Associated Press Stylebook dictates that its journalists shun the term "climate denier"

Light, But Don't Ignite, At Home

A new non-flammable storage battery could make storing solar power at home a lot safer

Germany: Offshore Wind Up Now

Offshore wind power is overcoming technical & financing problems, but will growth last?

Where People Will Live Longer

10 places where Clean Air Air impacts will extend people's lives

China: The Market Challenge To Carbon Trading

Given the limits of China's market experience, a carbon cap & trade program might have implementation problems

September 24, 2015

Singapore: Green Building Science

Greenmark 2015 is a new Singapore sustainability scheme and research initiative focused on energy use & building health

Ex-Mayor Still Speaking Out On Cities/Climate Action

Australia: Doing Something About The Weather

Ex-Australian Prime Minister Abbott considered investigating the nation's weather bureau because it reported temperatures that supported climate science

Hillary's Got A Plan...

To modernize the energy infrastructure & up climate protection, but will enviros embrace it?

Obama Takes On Climate Change

The Rolling Stone interview

How NYC Lost Its Foam Ban

The back story on how NYC's ban on plastic foam containers got overturned & how the devil's in the details

REV4NY Conference Live-Streaming

Now you can be two places at once

$175 Million For NY Clean Energy

Governor Cuomo announces $175 for five new clean energy large-scale projects as part of his Reforming the Energy Vision drive

Doing Right By Light

Support the big switch — street lighting day at #CWNYC

Doing Right By Light

September 23, 2015

The Edge In Amsterdam

Could this be the smartest building in the world?

Likes The Pope, Loves The Market

While praising the Pope's climate advocacy, economist William Nordhaus has issues with the Pontiff's anti-market POV

UN: Sustainable City Goals

It's not easy being a city, so specifics on how to become a sustainable city are a big help

Real $ For Solar Research

The Department of Energy will invest $100 million for the next generation research on more efficient & lower cost solar power

Reading By Daylight

Germany: Merkel's VW Problem

The German Prime Minister's climate-friendly reputation may be dented by the VW pollution scandal

This May Come As A Shock

It's lobby, not cost, that is key to climate policy-making

VW's Stealth Software

VW's proprietary software allowed it to game its pollution control systems, argues Columbia Law School professor, Here are 3 ideas to stop such cheating

Lungs Win In South Bronx

Replacing dirty diesel trucks making deliveries to the Bronx Hunts Point market is a clean air & public health success story

September 22, 2015

China: Mega-Cities Do Climate Membership

Get To Know Your Building Better

California amplifies the impact of energy benchmarking with a bill that gives owners access to whole building data from their utility

Campaign 2016: Trump's Climate

Fact-checking what The Donald said about climate change during a radio interview

Newark: Prize For Riverfront Park

Newark, NJ gets an EPA award for the cleanup & park development in its Ironbound District waterfront

Don't Go Backwards

German Giant Makes Big Carbon Pledge

German industrial giant Siemens vows to cut its global carbon footprint 50x20 and be carbon neutral by 2030

Senate Climate Bill - Priceless

Senate Democrats to launch a climate action bill that doesn't impose a price on carbon emissions

What Exxon Knew In 1982

Exxon's own climate modeling supported the emerging scientific warming position in 1982 with a prediction of "noticeable temperature changes starting "early in the 21 Century & going up from there

September 21, 2015

Walk Into History

Hudson River Ferries - Fuggedaboutit

Manhattan's westside north of 72nd Street not on the list new ferry service promised by Mayor de Blasio

Feds Need Better Climate Impact Planning

While federal infrastructure project proposals must undergo environmental impact review, authorities rarely require projects to incorporate climate impact considerations

Put A Price On It

435 corporations are reported to now be putting internal prices on their carbon emissions

September 18, 2015

Stick With Plan A

Australia: Energy Storage First

Tesla Powewall, energy storage units that work with rooftop PV, will be available to Australian home owners by year's end

The Pause That Never Was

New statistical studies show there has been no 'pause' in global warming

Letterman Will Be Living Dangerously

Dave Letterman will be a correspondent on the climate change documentary series, Years of Living Dangerously

Enviros Add Resiliency To Miami Budget

After climate planning was shut out from Miami-budget making, greens get $300,000 added to start making local infrastructure climate resilient

Climate-Friendly Affordable Housing

Super-energy efficient Passive House design is adopted for a Portland OR affordable housing development

Heartwarming News

The City Council passes a bill requiring all NYC street-level businesses to keep their front doors closed when the AC is on

September 17, 2015

Cut Parking Spots, Save Lives

A NYC City Council bill would cut 200 parking spots at targeted intersections to make the streets safer for GHG-free pedestrians & bikers

GOP Debate - The Climate Moment

At minute 149 of the 3-hour GOP candidate debate, the topic of climate change appeared

EU: Wind Power Prediction

25% of EU electricity could be wind-powered by 2030 according to industry insiders

Fracking: Its Cost In Water

Marcellus Shale hydrofracking uses more water per well than any other fracking region in the US

September 16, 2015

The C-Word On CNN

Unlike the Fox broadcast, will CNN bring up climate change at tonight's GOP debate?

Using The Sun At Night

The day is nearer when you can use solar power at night

Google Autofill

Are climate scientists...

Sydney: Cutting Tourism's Cimate Impact

A hotel in Sydney Australia starts cutting down tourism's big carbon footprint

Obituary: Adam Purple

A New Yorker who was an eco-visionary and made New York inimitable dies at 84

What Exxon Knew In 1977

A senior Exxon scientist spelled out the human sourced carbon emissions-climate change link to company management 38 years ago

The Times They Are a Changin'

It's no longer OK to be the paid mouthpiece for climate deniers and coal companies according to the world largest PR firm

September 15, 2015

Aspen: Totally Renewable

How Aspen, CO became the third US city to get all its electric power from renewable sources

Hippe Icon To Go Electric

If you remember the 60's, now you might drive into retirement in a electric-powered VW microbus

NYC Gets Smart Vehicle Tech Grant

Up to $20 million in federal funds will pay for a NYC smart vehicle pilot project to cut congestion & improve pedestrian safety

CA Fires Damage Jumbo Geothermal Plant

Damage to the world's largest geothermal power plant, sited in Sonoma, California, inflicted by raging forest fires

China And US: Joint GHG Actions

City, state & regional GHG cuts to be the focus of a joint Chinese and US climate announcement on 09/15, City-by-city action goals here

September 14, 2015

Mr. President - Leave It In The Ground

Green groups want Obama to immediately stop selling new leases for extracting any fossil fuels on federal property

Left Coast Energy Bills

It was a busy week with winners & losers for California climate-friendly energy legislation

Australia: Climate-Foe PM Ousted

Tony Abbott is out as Australia's Prime Minister replaced by Malcolm Turnbull, said to be more open to climate action

In Defense Of Public-Private Park Partnerships

A former NYC Parks Commissioner finds lots to like in the public-private partnership model for financing parks, the latest in a long history of urban public goods paid for by private wealth

Utilities For A Climate-Friendly Future

More of Dave Roberts must-read column

ClimateWeekNYC Countdown

Shut The Door On AC

A new City Council bill would create a closed door rule for all street level NYC businesses running their AC's

September 11, 2015

China/US: Power Research Agreement

China & the US agree to coordinate research on improving their electric power grids and their role in renewable energy

Whole Lotta Gas Leaking Going On

A newly published report finds Manhattan's aging natural gas lines leak much more per mile than those in cities with newer systems

In Mourning, Still Organizing

Even if NY Magazine's newly-minted climate optimism is ahistorical, organizing for climate justice remains a must says movement stalwart

UK: Habit-Forming Rejection

The Tory government is set to reject yet another application for a green energy project

Oil Industry Victory Smaller Than It Looks

For Carl Pope the oil industry defeat of California legislation to cut oil use by 50% is not a sign of strength - but don't relax just yet

Climate Change Statistics 101

What's the risk message in the 'fat tail' of climate change statistics?

NY Nuke Shutdown Likely

Although its operating license does not expire until 2034, financial woes could shut down a New York nuclear power plant by 2017

The Subway Squeeze

3 million people enter Manhattan subway stations every day, here's a station by station map of where they are

NYC Biz OK On Composting

NYC commercial businesses with a composting mandate can live with it but fret over expansion to smaller venues

September 10, 2015

Decarbonizing Our Future - The Value Proposition

Beyond The Photovoltaic Bikini

It's not a minute too soon to start envisioning new tasks for solar power

Russia: EV Rechargers Everywhere

By late 2016, all Russian gas stations will have to install electric vehicle recharging gear

UK: Nuke Plant Economics Not So Hot

Plans for a new French-owned UK nuclear power plant face grim economic numbers

Climate Inaction Is Immoral

Failure to take effective climate action equals immoral discrimination against future generations says UK climate economist

California Climate Bill Fails

Facing prospects of defeat supporters withdraw California legislation to cut petroleum by 50% (EDITOR NOTE: It is my understanding that sections of the bill mandating increased renewables 50% by 2030 & upping building energy efficiency 50% by 2050 are still in play & likely to pass)

Get Granular On Climate Beliefs

The New Red Green Scare

An Arizona Congressman wants to impeach EPA chief Gina McCarthy

Join The Dave Roberts Fan Club

Why utility monopolies are failing us now

September 09, 2015

Record Hot/Record Cold - Says It All

Cabling NY Wind To VT

With NY's growing wind power capacity, an underwater cable is proposed to bring some to VT

Obama: Clean Energy Champ

The Department of Energy has facts on the ground & $1 billion in interest payments to prove its loan program advances a renewable energy agenda

Decongestion Rx

Gridlock Sam prescribes congestion pricing as the best cure for chronically clogged NYC traffic

CEOs' Low Expectations

CEO's voice low expectations for the outcome of the Paris climate talks, but do they really care?

See Ya Later Texas Coal

A coal-dependent Texas utility moves into utility-scale solar power purchase deal with SunEdison

EPA Clean Power Plan - A Messaging Triumph

Some environmental justice advocates dismiss the EPA Clean Power Plan as 'grossly insufficient'', but a perfect example of Obama's brand of political practice

September 08, 2015

Really Big Solar On The Way

Family Feuds Over EPA Clean Power Plan

Conflicts emerge within states over response to the EPA Clean Power Plan

France: Climate Talks At Risk

French President Holland warns upcoming climate talks could founder over the issue of payments for emerging nations

Passive House For Kansas City

The nation's largest Passvie House multi-family project is on tap for Kansas City

GOP: More Bark Than Bite On Climate Talks

Reasons to allay your fears about Republican bad-mouthing of the Paris climate talks to foreign governments

Do Or Die For California Climate Action

It's down to the wire for passage of SB 350, a California bill with 3 ambitious climate and energy goals

Australia: Climate Chairman Quits

The chair of Australia's Climate Change Authority quits, leaving 5 of its 9 positions vacant

It Could Be Worse

New research suggests a climate-linked collapse of North Atlantic circulation system may not be such long-shot

Overload for Glass Wall Demand

Soaring demand for glass curtain walls in new building collides with production limits

September 04, 2015

China: Climate Action Prediction

China's current economic woes should not hamper outcomes at December's UN climate negotiations

Don't Be A Drip

The San Diego water academy teaches citizens how to save water

Japan: Indoor Lettuce

An automated vertical factory farm could be growing lots of lettuce in Japan by 2017

Nordic Wind Investments Sag

Up On The Roofs

NYC rooftops have the potential to host 11 gigawatts of solar power-making

NY Funds Green Higher Ed

14 SUNY campuses to share $400K to advance research in energy, environment, economics & education

California To Fossil Fuels: Bye-Bye

With The Governor's signature, California's public pension systems will have to sell parts of their fossil fuel stock holdings, more climate legislation expected this year

Solar Decathalons: 2002-2015

See what students have been envisioning for the Department of Energy solar home design competition since 2002

Friday Movie Review

Chloe & Theo, a tale about an Inuit who tries to warn “elders” at the UN about climate change

September 03, 2015

Cash For Coal Clunkers

A utility with clunky old coal-burning power plants (+ one nuke plant) wants Ohio regulators to make consumers buy their electricity

Climate Week NYC Countdown

Click-Bait Energy Headline

NYC eyes dog waste as energy source

NYC 30x17 - Maybe Not

A NYC audit finds municipal buildings are at risk of missing the City's own GHG emissions reduction goals

September 02, 2015

3.04 Trillion

There are lots & lots more trees on Earth than previously thought

Indian Solar Plant, Chinese Partner

A factory to make solar cell modules is slated for India with partnership with a Chinese firm

Asia: Clinging To Coal

Christie On Climate - Breathless

Breathing, according to Governor Christie, is one cause of climate change (he denies saying it)

Carbon Tax Brawl

Don't miss the red-hot climate debate over the potency & probability of a US carbon tax

Fossil Fuel CEO's Big Bucks

Facts & figures on executive compensation in the fossil fuel industry

Utility Scale Solar Power - Hrumph

Based on Ivanpah, California's jumbo solar power project, the debate is on over the future of this renewable energy technology

September 01, 2015

Fossil Fuels Losing Market Edge

As solar & wind energy prices drop, fossil fuels risk loss of dominance

General Mills 28x25

General Mills to cut its carbon emissions 28% by 2025, but impacting emissions in its supply chain will be harder

Clean Energy Boosts Military Security

Renewable energy installations add to the security of the US military & saves taxpayer dollars

Bigger Is Better

True or false? a few big urban parks have more impact than numerous small green spaces

Religious Messaging Gap

Are U.S. Catholics hearing the Pope's climate change message?

Nesting Now

A review of the third generation Nest home thermostat

Possible Come-Back For Alaska Climate Policy

Alaska's Governor mulls the revival of his state's climate change policy group, dormant since 2009