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News & Views Curation

July 29, 2015

Energy Efficiency: What Works

The eight public policies that seem to be saving the most energy now

Variable Enegy: Price And Policy Matter

Top 10 LEEDers

Who are the leading LEED nations?

A Little REV Reading

A government White Paper describes how NY intends to convert electric utilities into "distributed platform providers" in an attempt to encourage development of markets for energy services. Public comment period open until November 1

Move Over Tesla

Rumor has it that BMW and Apple are teaming up to build an electric car

Washington DC; Sinking Fast

New research finds sea level around the Chesapeake Bay is rising at twice the average global rate, increasing future flood damages facing the capital

The Mass Transit Money Dance

To say that properly funding the MTA will take some complicated choreography is an understatement

Atlantic City: Beyond Gambling

Comprehensive resiliency planning for Atlantic City could reposition & redefine a fading coastal economy

Carbon Price With Benefits

The now venerable nine-state RGGI program proves pricing carbon emissions goes with cutting energy costs & economic growth

July 28, 2015

PACE For Solar Panels

Small & medium businesses in California can tap PACE, which will allow them to pay for solar panels as part of their property taxes

Curitiba: BRT Going Global

Doing The Hillary

Yes, the US can meet the solar power goal advocated by Hillary Clinton, but here's what's needed to do it

China: Coastal Cities At Risk

Heat waves & sea level rise are big threats to China's coastal cities with their growing and aging populations

Legal Eagles: Making Eco-Marks Stick

Similar to trademarks eco-marks must meet certain characteristics to be validated

A Better Way To Get To Better Airport

The plan to rebuild LaGuardia airport includes new transit access by AirTrain, a new subway station & ferry service

Chicago: Blessing Benchmarking

The Chicago Catholic archdioceseis the nation’s first to benchmark its 2,700 buildings’ energy and water use

The Uber Effect

True or false? Reining in Uber will cut Manhattan congestion

July 27, 2015

Mind The Climate Information Gap

London: Mayor Boosts Clean Cars

The electric & ultra low emission vehicle campaign gets practical support from London Mayor Boris Johnson

Campaign 2016: Clinton's Energy Vision

Hillary Clinton's energy policy speech offers clean energy & energy efficiency ideas

Feds Lag On Energy Efficiency

Federal agencies miss current energy efficiency goals, but get breathing room in tweaked goals

Foundation For Offshore Wind

Four Continent Drought

Linked to climate change, droughts are changing lives of millions on four continents

For What It's Worth

Will a valet service cut the search time & price of parking a car in NYC?

Won't Fade Away

NY beachfront communities grapple with Post-Sandy rebuilding & the human dimension of staying in place

Elon Musk: The Book

Who is the man propelling Tesla, Powerwall & SpaceX?

July 25, 2015

Sandy's Price Tag

In NY alone, the cost of Superstorm Sandy was $23 billion

July 24, 2015

UK: This Is The End...

...for 9 environmental programs, axed by the UK government

Carless For A Day

246 European cities plan a one-day auto ban as part of a campaign to promote more sustainable transportation

Campaign 2016: None The Above

The Jeb Bush approach to tax tools for energy policy

Acting Too Locally

New In July

The Green Municipal Bond Playbook is coming out next week

Not About Carbon

Watch this video animation about the ozone layer, life depends on it

The Sustainable Supermarket

More than energy efficiency is needed to make a supermarket sustainable

Calculating The Solar Value Proposition

Is there a bright line separating the cost and the value of rooftop and utility-scale solar power?

July 23, 2015

Power Grid Needs New Rules

The future of renewable energy hinges on writing new rules for the power grid

The Cold Economy

In a warming world are we finding new ways to keep things cool?

Speak Out And Listen Up

European Renewables Output Up

Predicting The Energy Future

McKinsey acknowledges its 2007 energy predictions missed the speed of change & tries again

France: Carbon Price Up, Nuke Goals Down

France passes legislation that will quadruple the price of carbon while cutting nuclear power reliance goals

PACE Bond Roundup

$150 million in PACE bond funding raised for energy/water efficiency & renewables projects in CA and FL residential & commercial properties

July 22, 2015

The Most Climate Change Skeptical Country Is...

...Click here to find out

33 More Resilient Cities

The final round of applications opens to the Rockefeller Foundation Resilient Cities project

NYC Climate Museum News

Progress toward opening a climate museum in NYC passes another milestone

Not So Smart ALEC

Washinton's Gas Tax Impasse

Congress' inability to raise the gas tax says a lot about Washington today and might give some hope to carbon tax advocates because it's not regressive

HP Commits To Texas Wind Power

HP inks a 12-year deal to purchase wind power to operate its Texas data centers

The World Is Your Oyster

Climate-related ocean acidification literally means the world is now in your oyster

July 21, 2015

Arctic: More Sea Ice

Scientists find an increase in Arctic sea ice, mull over the causes, but don't see a recovery happening


The bring-your-own-device trend could determine the future of the smart grid

It's the Economy Stupid, Or Not

Was it the recession or shale gas that drove down US carbon emissions?

Science At Work: The Psychology of Climate Denialism

A link between conspiracy theorizing and denial of climate science is reported in psychology study

Mayor Vows 40x30

At the Vatican climate meetings, Mayor de Blasio commits NYC to cutting its GHG emissions 40% by 2030

London: Onboard With The 'Boris Bus'

A Chinese built, fully electric-powered bus will hit the London streets this fall

Renewable Energy Pace-Setters

Maryland Sets Energy Savings Goals

Starting in 2017, Maryland utilities will be required to have programs that improve customers' energy efficiency by 2% annually

Renwable Buffalo

Buffalo's long-ailing economy is being turned around by a booming renewable energy sector

July 20, 2015

Time For Toulouse

The 9th International Conference on Urban Climate is under way in Toulouse, France, learn more here

Something To Cheer About

Learning From Fourth Avenue

Must taller buildings mean darker city streets? Rethinking zoning & building shapes

Hansen's Newest Research

Climate scientist James Hansen to publish a paper with alarming conclusions about where the planet is headed

Vatican: Climate Meetings With 50 Mayors

Vatican science committees to host meetings with 50 mayors & governors from around the world this week

Beat The Heat

A friendly reminder there's more to staying cool in the summer heat than AC

China: The Emerging Mega-City

On the outskirts of Beijing a massive urban agglomeration with a population six-times larges than the NYC-metro region is is taking shape

Get X-Town Faster

A reporter rides the new 86th Street Express bus & here's his take away

July 17, 2015

Buy Into Hawaiian Community Solar

Hawaii plans a pilot community solar program that allows residential customers to buy a share of the facility and cut monthly electric bills by 45%

The Best Climate Derisking Strategy

Start taking action now to avoid climate catastrophe later

Science At Work: El Nino Events

Why El Nino events are so interesting to climate scientists

Decoding NY's New Energy Plan

New York's ambitious State Energy Plan made (relatively) simple

The Point Of No Return Is Closer Than You Think

China: Air Pollution-Flood Link

Computer models support the hypothesis that soot-laden air caused torrential rains and flooding in China's Sichuan Province

Learning To Be Walkable

Vienna steps toward taking pedestrians seriously

July 16, 2015

2014: Hottest On Record

By every measure, 2014 was the warmest year yet reports NOAA

Melbourne: Ode To An Elm

Tree lovers down under

States Show GHG Cuts Doable

A Renewable Energy Gap

What explains the gap between large and small-scale utilities in generating renewable energy?

Exxon: Promises, Promises

Years after pledging to stop funding climate deniers, Exxon is still at it

The Impact Of Energy Benchmarking

As building energy benchmarking laws multiply & mature, what is being learned?

Cash Flow To Clean Up Bronx River

NYC plans to spend $111 million to clean up the Bronx River by piping rain-contaminated sewage into the East River where it is more likely to be diluted. Next up: storm water controls

Another Climate Change No

Senate Republicans reject for grants for school districts to “develop or improve climate science curriculum and supplementary education materials”.

July 15, 2015

Brazil: Solar Lining In Energy Cloud

Brazil's long-running energy crisis could give a big lift to the spread of solar power

L.A. To Ban Big Wind Turbines

Utility-scale wind turbines will be banned from certain parts of Los Angeles due to residents' opposition

Pants On Fire

Peabody Energy, a giant coal producer, claims GHGs pose a “non-existent harm” in documents submitted to the White House

Keys To Sustainable Transport Planning

San Francisco is learning that successful transportation planning means integrating all options and getting the political and community support to make changes

The Pope Gets Climate Company

A group of Islamic religious scholars calls climate change a dire global threat

The Anthropocene: Bad, Good Or Other

What is the Anthropocene Era and its implications for life on Earth?

EV Eye Candy

Sea Walls, Sponge Zones And More

Exuberant ideas from seven cities for confronting the chaos of climate change

July 14, 2015

On Being A Climate Scientist

Why doom & gloom are occupational hazards

Campaign 2016: Scott Walker

Anything but green, based on his record in Wisconsin, called "One of the worst" by a national environmental group

Climate-Health Links

Climate disruption is just one of many risks to global public health & US heat -related deaths have decreased by half since 1987

Help Wanted: NYC Mayor's Office of Sustainability

1. Community-Based Retrofit Accelerator Policy Advisor AND
2. Carbon Challenge Coordinator

From Austria To Malta

From leaders to laggards among European renewable energy users

DiCaprio's Millions For Mother Earth

Leonardo DiCaprio's foundation gives out $15 million in grants to environmental activists

Investor Confidence In Energy Performance

Climate Headline Of The Day

World's largest steel company to use rabbit gut microbe to cut emissions

Global Coal In 2040, Far From Zero

July 13, 2015

Mark Twain "Get A Bicycle"...

...And take a spin to the Smithsonian's Object Project exhibit

Engineers At Work: Wind Pioneer

Meet Palmer Carlin and get a first-hand history of wind power in the US

Canada: IKEA Recharges EV's

All 12 Canadian IKEAs will install EV recharging stations for customers & the general public

NYC's Most Toxic Waste

Since tossing your old electronic stuff creates a city's biggest toxic waste recycling headache, what's NYC's solution?

Delhi: The Price Of Fresh Air

With the world's most polluted air, making Delhi more breathable cold be its most pressing environmental & public health challenge for market innovators

One Million x 15 -- Not Yet

While the US will miss the Administration goal a million advanced tech vehicles on the road by the end of the year, what can be done to pick up the pace?

Dixie Gets Wind Power

The first big wind farm in the south will be built in North Carolina by a Spanish developer and designed to generate over 200 megawatts of electricity

Australia: Off Switch For Solar

The Abbott government shuts off support for solar-powered homes in Australia after ending its support for wind power projects

July 10, 2015

Time To Worry About Snow No-Show

Be concerned, very concerned about the impacts of record low snowfall in the northern hemisphere

No Sweat

Umbra's advice for having at made in the shade at home this summer

UK: Cancels Zero-Carbon Policy

The Cameron government revokes policies on zero-carbon building & enhanced energy efficiency standards

Climate Action Plan C

Nobel prize-winning economist says a single global price for carbon is the only effective climate action plan

Hey NYC - Grow Your Own

A modest proposal for New Yorkers to grow the food they eat

Weather Forecast

Staying Above Water

In light of our geological history, scientists are sounding the alarm about potential climate-linked sea-level rise

GOP On Climate Treaty, The Winehouse Mantra

Senator James Imhoff does an Amy Winehouse vowing not to allow the US to comply with a international climate treaty, "They tried to make me go to rehab I said, "no, no, no"

July 09, 2015

Bean Town Is The New Green Town

Boston is a hotbed of green tech start-ups, check them out

Statue Of Liberty Goes Green

Science At Work: Top Climate Research Questions

The four leading research areas climate scientists want to tackle include improved understanding of climate sensitivity

Politicians Who Just Say No

If offered fossil-fuel industry funding, which three Presidential hopefuls would turn it down?

Shanghai: Fire Fly Furor

Why did Chinese conservationists demand the shut-down of a Shanghai firefly park?

Hope For New Cross-Hudson Rail Tunnels

The Chairman of Amtrak says his organization could begin its environmental review this fall and has already spent about $300 million for preparatory work & land acquisition

Germany: Home Of The Energy Paradox

Take a deep look into the struggle for making green energy the new normal in a nation that's burning more brown coal

July 08, 2015

The Lucky 83

Do you live in one of the 83 NY communities that got a NY Prize award for innovative microgrid proposals?

Seeing CO2

Scientists find a better way to see carbon dioxide from a satellite & upgrade climate change forecasting

Green Bond Boom

$600 billion is the estimated valued of today's global green bond market

Hawaii: Wave Hello

Hawaii gets some wave power, a US first

Solve One Problem, Add To Another, Solve Again

When ozone layer-eating CFC gas was banned, the EPA didn't foresee the substitute gases would be potent climate change agents, now they'll be banned in the US

Meet "Metered"

Browse public benchmarking data to find out how much energy NYC buildings use, how much greenhouse gas they produce & how they can improve

A Deep Proposition

True or false? northeast transit requires new Hudson River rail tunnels

False Promises Fine: $1.25 Million

HIKO Energy is fined $1.25 million for ripping off customers who were lured with promises of lower utility bills

July 07, 2015

Australia: Carbon Tax Impact

Rising emissions prove the value of a carbon tax in a country that repealed it

More Organics Recycling Needs More

Mayor de Blasio's plan to expand organic waste recycling is good, but doesn't go far enough says green group NYCLV

NY Gets More Solar

New York's solar power capacity jumps 300% between 20111-2014, making it the nation's seventh most solar state

Obama Solar Announcement

A program to help moderate income households to go solar gets a White House release

What The SCOTUS Mercury Decision Won't Do

Here's whythe recent mercury emissions decision by the Supreme Court won't be any game changer

July 06, 2015

Energy Agency Gets Some Love

The public profile of the federal Energy Department loan office gets a big upgrade, check out the numbers

Nice: Not Nice For Energy Storage

A pilot energy storage project in Nice, France finds the technology remains too costly

Climate Gets A Budget Line

OMB wants agencies to factor in climate change in budget requests for construction & maintenance of federal facilities

UN: Facing Mass Displacement Risks

A call to UN action for coping with climate-linked risks of mass population displacements

China: Climate Actions/River Risks

If it's not one dam thing...

Hidden Cetnral Park Reservoir

Once a primary reservoir for 19th Century NYC, its remains can be spotted near the Central Park Great Lawn

Nevada: Slow Sun Rise

An update on solar power developments in a very sunny state

July 05, 2015

Baby, It's Cold Inside

Why is it so cold indoors every summer?

July 02, 2015

Pittsburgh: There's A Robot In The Sewer

Pittsburgh deploys a robot in its sewer system to inspect for leaks & save water

Cool Website For For House Hunters

Now London home-hunters & owners are just a click away from data on air pollution exposure

Help Wanted: Artist-in-Residence

The Lower East Side Ecology Center is looking for an Artist-in-Residence

Germany: A Tesla Alternative

A German wind-to-hydrogen system could soon be powering a new kind of clean fuel car

New US Business Trend

Nearly 55% of large US businesses now generate some of their (green or not) power on site to cut costs & boost competitive advantages

Science At Work: Energy Efficiency Metric

The power of consumers to control their energy consumption could get a boost with new metrics

Germany: Brown Coal Phase Out

By 2020, Germany will stop burning brown coal, which now creates 2.7 GW of electricity

China: Carbon Market Weak Start

Will problems with China's 7 pilot carbon emissions markets be solved once the national market is launched?

Foam: RIP

NYC bans most foam packaging

July 01, 2015

Liking LEDs More

US consumers start to take a shine to LED bulbs, but misinformation lingers

Heat Wave Alert

Much of Europe is blanketed in a heat wave, UN urges better early warning alerts to help people protect themselves

Benchmarking Goes To Kansas City

Building energy & water benchmarking is now the law in Kansas City, MO

Fracking Slurps

Citi-Bike: Let's Go Mets

One lucky rider on a 50-strong fleet of Citi-Bikes bearing a NY Mets logo, will get to throw out the first pitch at an August 2 home game

Australia: Could Be A Battery Storage Contender

New South Wales & Victoria could lead the way on new solar homes equipped with energy storage tech

Compare And Contrast

The evolving energy policies of France and Germany reveal different but possibly converging climate action paths

Isn't It Ironic

New national climate action plans are good but they won't keep global temperatures from rising above a critical threshold

Cities On The Front Line

Ann Hidalgo, the Mayor of Paris, explains why cities are both on the front lines of climate impact & will be vital to the success of the upcoming international climate talks