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News & Views Curation

March 31, 2015

An End To Range Anxiety

New research finds electric cars can go the distance

Citi Bike 3.0

Maybe Citi Bike will be better this year

Idealsim Has Nothing To Do With It

Remember what Mae West said about goodness when naming the climate action that will make a difference

Chongqing: Urbanization Today

Get acquainted with Chongqing, China the mega-city you never heard of

March 30, 2015

Climate Fact Of The Day

There is at least $1.4 trillion in property within 660 feet of the U.S. coast

Science At Work: Cold Winter Anomaly

A hypothesis about why the northeast winter of 2014-2015 winter was crazy cold, while the rest of the planet set heat records

Can't Make This Stuff Up

Religious belief is the GOP's new epithet for climate science

Lighting By Numbers

Candlelight's romantic but it doesn't compete for energy efficiency with LEDs -do the math

Urban Traffic Jammed

Follow The Carbon Money

Meet the Quebec Province carbon market and find out how it works

China: Capping Coal Use...

...will create many more new jobs in renewable, clean energy & energy efficiency industries than those lost in the traditional coal mining & coal-intensive industries

UN: Green Fund For Coal Burning Is OK


Solar Impulse Update

Leaving Mandalay, Myanmar for Chongqing, China, keep up with the round the world trip of a 100% solar-powered plane

March 27, 2015


Energy industry expert views on what it will take to reach 70% renewable electric power by 2050

Passive In NY

Week's Best Headline

When it comes to investment strategies that are guided by sustainability metrics "Saints beat sinners again for best stock picks"

Sinners Repent

The head of the Episcopal Church decries people who deny climate change based on "political interests" or "willful blindness".


New York will build the world's most up to date smart energy lab, AGILe, where public agencies & private companies can test out new electricity transmission & distribution technologies

More Funding For Northeast Rail

New York Congressmember Jerrold Nadler makes the increased funding case for Amtrak's heavily-traveled northeast corridor

Climate Whatchamacallit

The pen is not as mighty as politics when it comes to prevailing on climate action

March 26, 2015

10 Best Cities For The Carless

NYC leads the list, but there are nine more great cities for mass transit, biking & walking

Go Further, Carbon Free

Tea Power To The People

Tea Party leader Debby Dooley is a big supporter of distributed energy who works with the Sierra Club on a Florida rooftop PV ballot initiative

China: Green Bonds And Oversight

Realizing China's potential to become a big green bond market, third-party regulators to supervise green bond issuers & buyers, and to verify the proceeds actually go to environmental project will be needed

Carbon Stays In The Picture

The IEA predicts by 2040, the world’s energy supply mix divides into four almost-equal parts: oil, gas, coal
and low-carbon sources.

Bright Prospects For NY Solar

Good news about the growth of solar power in NY

Washington DC: Energy Starriest

Washington DC is the #1 Energy-Star city in the US

Sweden: Less Than Zero

Reversing the norm of energy-slurping data centers, Sweden is building the world's first carbon-negative facility

UK: GHG Emissions Drop A Lot

A drop of 8.4% for UK GHG emissions in 2014 is reported, with the biggest decline from less coal-burning at power plants

NYC Adds EV's To The Mix

Australia: Missing The Renewables Boom

Australia's MIA climate policy linked to MIA investments in the renewable energy business, just as coal prices sag

March 25, 2015

A Powerful Thought Experiment

What if a 'civic energy sector' ran tomorrow's electric system based on distributed, low carbon energy?

Introduction To The B Corp

Want to do well by doing good? Here's how

Environmentalism And Empathy

Based on surveys of European residents, those concerned with protecting the environment show distinct psychological traits

Stockholm: Go Walk About

Mind The Storage Gap

California's green energy boom has a problem, lack of storage capacity for all that electricity

An Endangered Species

Meet Bob Inglis a conservative ex-House member & strong supporter of a carbon tax to combat climate change

Climate Committment Failure

Most big polluting nations will miss a March 31 deadline for submitting plans to the UN for cutting carbon emissions

Clean Air At The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court hears argument on March 25 over the role of industry costs when the EPA makes rules limiting toxic air pollutants. Some facts to consider about the mercury rule and some questions raised by the justices

No More Cheap Coal

The royalty for mining coal on government lands hasn't changed since 1976, now's the time to charge coal's real cost

March 24, 2015

What's Glittering Now

What's attractive to energy efficiency investors now?

China: Carbon Hero v Carbon Zero

What's the right way to describe China's power supply system?

Carbon Capture Update

The realities of carbon capture technology show how tough is is for fossil-fueled power plants to get green

Bonding With Green Bonds

The corporate green bond market is expected to hit $30 billion this year

Beijing: War On Coal

Beijing will shut its last big coal-burning power plants in 2016

New Congestion Pricing Fan

Manhattan Institute's Nicole Gelinas defines functional mass transit as a NYC necessity & calls congesting pricing a necessary way to fund it

Words To Live By; Danny Schechter, News Dissector

“All I seem to have these days is this keyboard to crank out more condemnations and calls to action, knowing full well, as I do it, that I don’t know what else to do. I am compelled to make media, compelled to do what I can, thinking modestly that perhaps somewhere, in hearts I don’t know, words or images can still stir souls to rise.” Danny Schechter 1942-2015

Tabloid Green

Brooklyn's pot-growing, maraschino cherry factory received $2 million in energy efficiency & Sandy relief funds

Kick Out Koch

Climate scientists & advocacy groups urge America's premier science museums to unseat David Koch from their Boards of Directors

Austin: Ending Energy Poverty

Highlighting programs that help alleviate energy energy poverty in Austin, TX

Where LED's Are Unloved

Some Brooklyn residents are unhappy with their new LED street lights

March 23, 2015

A Sci-Fi Scenario

Scientists fear melting Arctic ice could alter the Gulf Stream, with potentially dire consequences for all

China: Bullish On Renewables

China will buy all the renewable power domestically generated

Transparent Power

Transparent solar power cells could make everything from skyscrapers to iPhones electric generators

Rewable Energy, The Market And The Grid

What lessons are being learned at this teachable moment?

Chicago: Urban Testbed

A university-industry partnership wants Chicago as a testbed for new urban infrastructure

Resiliency: Grassroots And Global

If resiliency is the solution to NYC climate change risks, just what does it mean?

The Mussel: NYC Hero

More mussels in New York Harbor might be the city's best protection against ravages of the next Sandy

Coal Company Shocker

What explains coal companies' public climate-denialist statements and their federal SEC filings which acknowledge climate science?

Maine Guts Energy Efficiency Funds

A $38 million cut to Maine's energy efficiency programs blamed on faulty legislative drafting

March 21, 2015

The Law And Obama's Clean Air Plan

Harvard law professors debate the constitutionality of Obama's plan to cut power plant carbon emissions (Hint: EPA’s power plant rule sets carbon intensity targets for each state, which they can achieve using whatever measures they prefer, including by substituting natural gas for coal, using more renewable energy, and investing in energy efficiency)

EU: Carbon Price Up, Coal Price Down

EU carbon emissions permits rise 8.8% while coal price drops to a 7-year low

March 20, 2015

Oakland: An Ode To Biking

Making the case for making Oakland CA a world-class biking city

Learn Who's Disinvesting

Track the US universities, cities, religious institutions, & foundations selling off their fossil fuel investments

Welcome To The Neighborhood

Get acquainted with Transition Neighborhoods and make your neighborhood more sustainable & resilient

France: Re-Roofing

New French buildings in commercial areas must have roofs partly covered with plants or PVs

Vanishing Man-Made Wilderness in NYC

Take a virtual tour of Hunter's Point before it's retamed or go visit this weekend!

Costa Rica: All Renewable In 2015

Since January 1, Costa Rica has gotten its electricity from 100% renewable hydro & geothermal power

Europe: Solar Eclipse Solar Worries

Europe's solar eclipse, which generated worries about solar power disruptions, passed without harm in the UK

REV's Climate Implications

The emerging landscape for New York's electric power system has big climate implications to be spelled out in the REV Track 2 document

NYC Council - Climate Activist

NYC climate activists have high hopes for NYC Council climate activism

March 19, 2015

Fishable/Swimmable Soon

White House Blogs On Wind Power

With 600,00 new jobs and $108 billion saved by reducing health & economic damage caused by dirty air, wind power could do a lot for the US by 2050

Seize The Day

Will energy efficiency projects make the most of today's investment opportunities?

January/February Set Heat Record

Except for the northeastern US the first two months of this year are the warmest on 1981-2015 global record

Buffett: Murky On Climate

World famous businessman Warren Buffet gives mixed signals on climate change

Carbon Disinvestment - Meh

Is there a credible alternative to The Guardian fossil fuel disinvestment campaign?

No Climate Plan, No FEMA Money

States lacking climate hazard mitigation plans will not qualify for FEMA disaster preparedness funds

Keep Carbon Cheap

GOP House Transportation & Infrastructure Chairman says gas tax hike is DOA

NY Path To Offshore Wind

How to cut the cost offshore wind power costs and make it a renewable energy contender in NY

Not Everyone's A YieldCo Fan

Are yieldco's a boon or a bane for renewable energy investments?

March 18, 2015

Guide For The Antarctic Ice Perplexed

A Smoggy Day In Paris Town...

...has us low, has us down

The Brooklyn Strand

See the first draft of a greenway for downtown Brooklyn

Regulatory Evolution

Electric utilities (dinosaurs) seek regulatory protection against upstart renenwable energy providers (mammals), get evolved and click here

South Africa: Pension's Solar Investment

A publicly owned South African pension fund puts $1.8 billion into utiity-scale solar power plants

International Carbon Action

Quebec & California hold their first joint carbon emissions permits auction

Elevator Shafts=Heat Waste

Open elevator shaft vents waste heat & money in NYC apartment buildings

Get A Horse — Just Kidding

WNYC's Brian Lehrer leads conversation with Gene Russianoff about why NYC subway rush hour service has been so bad this winter.
packed L train

Compare Building Rating Systems

Explore this interactive on-line tool to compare building energy/water disclosure data in diverse jurisdictions

At Last, Making Parked Cars Useful

March 17, 2015

Obama Sees Hope

President Obama is confident that Republicans will take action on climate change because voters will insist on it

Solar: Cheaper Than Grid Power

Today, solar power is cheaper in 30 countries than power bought from the grid

NYC On Leading Edge At Grid Edge

Is NYC becoming best in class for distributed power & energy storage at the grid edge?

What Makes Weather Weird

How Arctic warming could be altering the jet stream & boosting weird weather

Yes Or No

Do we know how to grow the economy while making steep cuts in carbon emissions?

Germany: EV Plan On Ice

State governments reject a federal corporate tax break proposal to encourage the purchase of EVs

Dow Does Wind

Dow Chemical contracts for 200 MW of wind power every year for a corporate facility in Texas

Solar Optimist For Cities

How utility scale solar installations can power cities

March 16, 2015

Why Disinvest

Al Gore Sees Hope

In the fast-paced adoption of renewable energy and efficiency measures, Al Gore sees signs for climate hope

Future Utility Models

Everything you want to know about Distributed System Platform Providers (DSPPs) and how it differs from today's utility model. Watch full event video.

How To Decarbonize

Another chapter in the fierce debate over the primacy of regulation v technology advances for making impactful cuts in our energy intensity

Solar Biz: Utillity Critic Morphs

SolarCity, critic of old-style utilities, enters the business as a stand-alone microgrid energy provider

Locally Sourced Wind Power

A locally planned wind farm project near Ithaca, NY would be the first of its kind in the state

Facing Flooding In Florida

Will necessity be the mother of invention for adapting to coastal flooding in Florida

March 12, 2015

Guide For The REVplexed

Wrap your brain around Track 1 of the NY REV with its vision of reinventing the electric power system

What Investors Want

Standardization is the key to investor confidence in green building projects

EU: 3 Cheers For 4 Nations

Sweden, Bulgaria, Estonia, & Lithuania meet or beat their EU renewable power goals ahead of schedule

Recipe For Urban Parklets

What are the best ingredients for producing successful urban parklets?

London: Decarbonize The Pension Fund

By a non-binding vote the London Assembly tells the Mayor to divest pension assets from fossil fuel firms

Merchants Of Climate Denialism

A who's who list of think tankers, academics & consultants that sought to derail climate documentary Merchants of Doubt

New Delhi: Data Delayed Is Data Denied

Deliberate delays in releasing New Delhi air pollution data raises concerns

100% Renewables Now

Is there a plausible path to 100% renewable energy now?

Thought For The Day

You can't 'believe' in climate change, it's scientific fact, not religion

March 11, 2015

If At First You Don't Succeed...

A bill to foster energy efficient buildings is being re-introduced in the Senate, after several tries since 2011

Not Your Mama's North Pole

The Business Case For Dumping Carbon

Hanging on to carbon assets is a bad business proposition for long-term investors

A Thought Experiment

What would it take for solar energy to overtake natural gas as the biggest electric power fuel in the US?

Eco-Scoring The City Council

Environmental ratings of NYC Council members, from 100 down to 42

US: 26-28x25

In a lead up to the UN Paris climate negotiations, the US targets a 26-28% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 and how it will get there

California: 50x30

Governor Brown has has plan for how California could get 50% of its power from renewables by 2030

Hawaii: 100x40

Hawaii could get 100% of its power from renewables by 2040, if promising legislation becomes law

March 10, 2015

Heat Pumps 101

Interested in locally-sourced renewable energy? check out heat pumps

China: The Costs Of Combatting Pollution

Passing pollution control laws is just one step in China's need to remake its model of economic growth

Wind Power Race: Germany v UK

How Germany could overtake the UK as the dominant offshore wind power producer

Fossil Fuels - Not So Hot

In 2014, new wind & solar power capacity outstripped new fossil-fueled power plants, but remain a tiny par of the total energy picture

Don't Be Evil Dumb

Students Rate City Streets

Students from Bushwick give NYC streets a grade of "Incomplete" for cleanliness

UK: Green Bond Pledge

If elected, the UK Labor Party pledges the Green Investment Bank will oversee new “green bonds”, which could yield higher rates of return than many traditional methods of saving.

Science At Work: Weird Winters

Warmer tropical oceans identified as the culprit in cold/wet east coast winters & warm/dry west coast winters, but author stipulates he's not "address[ing] the question of whether the probability or intensity of this pattern might be influenced by global warming."

Measuring Urban IQ

What makes the world's smartest cities smart?

March 09, 2015

Questioning The NY REV

Will New York's Reforming The Energy Vision (REV) policy hinder energy efficiency efforts?

EU: Sino-Climate Diplomacy

Climate & energy diplomacy will be central to the EU's relationship with China in 2015

Nasty News For Coastal Cities

Florida: Climate Talk Gag Order

Employees of Florida's Department of Environmental Protection are ordered not to use the term 'climate change' or "global warming'

Climate Lethargy Diagnosis

The historic coincidence of an economic oligarchy & a climate crisis blocks channels of change says Naomi Klein

Texas: Wind-Power Leader

What happens when wind power become a bargain

A Call To NYC Sustianability Action

It's time for Mayor de Blasio to build on the momentum of NYC's sustainability plan

Australia: Carbon Neutral Cities

Sydney's city government is carbon neutral and so is Melbourne's

Japan: Solar Power From Space

Jut think, no local siting problems!

March 06, 2015

Cooling The Urban Heat Island

The latest on the contestfor ideas that work in Cambridge, MA

Getting The Best Solar Deal

How to get better deals on solar panels and installations

Reaching Solar Socket Parity

What is socket parity and why is this good news for solar power?

March 05, 2015

Office Illumination

It takes a lot of work to light Seattle & NYC offices only using natural light

Around The World In A Solar Plane

Science At Work: War And Climate Change

Get a taste of the methodological controversy stirred up by a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that inks the Syrian war to climate-change stressors

China: The Less Coal Goal

China tackles its coal problem with targeted zero-growth in coal burning and shaving its overall energy intensity

Renewable Energy Law Survives

A Colorado Senate effort to repeal the state's renewable energy requirements is shot down in the House

Congestion Pricing DIY

How NYC could achieve the goals of congestion pricing without having to get Albany's ok

Northern Ireland: A Solar First

Northern Ireland's first community-owned solar project is seeking investors

Signs Of Climate Realignment

The ClearPath Foundation could lead the way for moderates & conservatives who want to take action on climate change

Let's Hear It For Hoboken

Why the UN calls Hoboken, NJ a model for urban flood resiliency

March 04, 2015

UK: Focus On Climate Tech

Green technology will be as key as international agreements for tackling climate change says top UK negotiator

McConnell To Clean Power - No

Senate Majority Leader McConnell urges states to not write rules to comply with the EPA's plan for curbing power plant carbon emissions

Open Patents: Hype? Hope?

Look under the hood of Tesla's EV & Toyota's fuel cell open patent pledges

Past Performance is Not Indicative Of Future Results

"It took less than an hour to make the atoms, a few hundred million years to make the stars and planets, but five billion years to make man!" George Gamow, physicist and cosmologist (4 Mar 1904-1968)

Germany: Share For Climate Action

Germany rolls out an EV-sharing plan at key urban transit hubs

Japan: Utilities Dim On Solar Power

Japanese utilities try to halt an emerging solar power boom

Sydney: Green Leases For All

How can small-scale office renters get into the green lease arena where everyone's a winner?

Urban Composting Catches On

With San Francisco & Seattle composters in the lead, other cities can catch up on kitchen efficiency

Rx For Offshore Wind Woes

What can save the US offshore wind industry?

March 03, 2015

Washington: Code Green

Learning from the greening of Washington D.C.'s construction code

Hotter Summers In The Cities

Hawaii: Solar Struggle Continues

In the latest fight over the future of rooftop PV, Hawaii's regulator orders the electric company to OK more applications

Google Campus 2.0

From movable buildings to solar canopies, the redesigned Google HQ in California will be something else

A History Of French Nuclear Power

A German Energiewende POV

Oslo: Coal Sell-Off

Oslo's pension fund to sell off $7 million in coal company investments

China: The Clean Air Contradiction

Scientists raise concerns that China's efforts to cut urban air pollution could worsen carbon emissions & cite need for pricing them

Bank Of England Warns On Fossil Fuels

Insurance companies with fossil fuel investments face huge risks from action on climate change

Hurdles For Thriftier Energy Users

Why don't utility customers love time-of-day pricing?

Climate Invesment Advice

Institutional investors should put money in green bonds, but give fossil asset disinvesting a miss

NY: What Utilities Can't Do

In a major REV order, New York's Public Service Commission draws a bright line between utilities & ownership of renewable energy assets and to dig even deeper on distributed energy click here

March 02, 2015

India: Double The Coal Tax

Indian PM Modi proposes to double taxes on coal production & advance renewable energy

Climate: Shock And Tax

If ending our fossil fuel addiction will be hard, what does that imply for taxing carbon?

Science At Work: The Faux Pause

Climate scientist Michael Mann explains what's wrong with denialists' claims that the world isn't heating up

Cape Wind: Not Dead Yet

Was January's obituary for the off-shore Cape Wind project premature?

Sweden: Build A Better Data Center

Plans for the world's first carbon negative data are underway in Sweden

Boston: Living With Water

Design finalists in the Boston resiliency design competition

Switzerland: First On Climate Pledge

The upcoming UN climate talks get their first GHG-cutting commitment, Switzerland

How To Decide Who's An Expert

To neutralize biases that skew our thinking, motivated reasoning -- trust the scientific community as a whole but not necessarily any individual scientist -- is a good guide

Powering NY - Going Mega For Micro

Expect microgrids to play a big role in New York's future power supply system