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News & Views Curation

February 28, 2015

Just A a Thought

Dinosaurs are driving us to extinction

February 27, 2015


NYPA chief Gil Quinones talks about his agency's job boosting program and the Governor's utility rules redo, the REV

February 26, 2015

When Zero Is Good

Zero-net-energy building projects around the country

If Solar Power's So Cheap...

...Why doesn't every rooftop sport PV panels

Less Cold Air Here - For Real

February 25, 2015

Canada: Tar-Sands Future Dims

Shell shelves plans for a new Canadian tar-sands extraction project

Energy Policies: Compare and Contrast

Do German and French energy transitions share common features?

UK: Wave/Tide Power Faces Rip-Tides

Financing is not a sure thing for advancing UK wave & tidal power project plans

There's Got To Be An App For That

Visualize your carbon emissions on your mobile device

Climate Threatens Supply Chains

Corporations speak out about climate-linked threats to their supply chains & the need for climate action as a risk management strategy

A Modest Carbon Proposal

The President should negotiate with Canada not Congress to cut carbon emissions, proposes Mike Bloomberg but Bill McKibben says

The Climate Funnies

Fair Share For All New Yorkers

Bronx & Brooklyn community groups want each NYC neighborhood to site its fair share of waste processing

State-Level Carbon Tax

A proposed Massachusetts carbon tax gets some love

February 24, 2015

Cant' Beat 'Em, Join 'Em

What is a yieldCo and why have solar industry competitors joined up to create one?

Solar Biz Shines On Worker Training

Two solar industry leaders, GRID Alternatives & SunEdison, team up on training in low-income neighborhoods

Shanghai: One Capital of the 21st Century

Shanghai Future: Modernity Remade envisions a city that will be like & unlike western metropolises in 2030

Customer Care - What A Concept

What happens when utility customers don't get treated like utility customers?

UK: The Great Energy Shift

Know Your Flood Risk

Things have changed for NYC since 2007

UN Climate Chief Resigns

In the wake of sexual harassment allegations Rajendra Pachauri, chief of the UN International Panel Climate Change, steps down

Work On Energy Savings For UC Berkeley Workers

Using their campus as a living lab, US Berkeley workers experiment with how to get more energy efficient

British Columbia: Carbon Tax Champ

Lessons learned from a carbon tax that works

CEO's: More Federal Energy Research Funding

The heads of Microsoft, GE & other corporate titans call on the government to boost spending on research to advance energy innovation as a strategic national priority. Here's the report

February 23, 2015

East Harlem Waterfront Esplanade

Is now finally the time?

Energy Equity

How low income communities can save money with energy efficient upgrades for their homes -- while improving health, safety and job opportunities & reducing carbon emissions

Solar Bets For 2015

Seven things to expect in the solar power market this year

EU: 60x50

Controversy swirls around EU call for 60% GHG reductions by 2050 goal by the Paris climate summit

CEO's Fuzzy On Energy Costs

Just like us, corporate CEO's don't know how much they're spend on energy bills every year

Australia: Money Wasted On Cheap PVs

Sometimes, you get what you pay for with cheap solar panels

A Greener Euro-Apple

Apple spends big to build 100% renewable energy-powered data centers at its Danish & Irish locations

Obama's Climate Leader-In-Chief

EPA Chief Gina McCarthy has one of the toughest jobs in Washington, climate protection

Appraising Home Solar Panels

Are roof-top solar panels adding to the value of a home?

February 21, 2015

East Coast Freeze: Global Outlier

City Living: It's Good, It's Green

Get with the trend but only in some cities

February 20, 2015

No Laughing Matter

Nothing funny about this animated graph of 135 years of global temperatures

Black Swan Of Climate Change

Like all good risk managers, when it comes to climate change, focus on what we don't know

Deutsche Bank Does Green Bonds Too

Deutsche Bank joins Citibank & Barclays in growing its green bond holdings

Fossil Lobby Loses Mouthpiece

The American Petroleum Institute ends contract with its long-time P.R. firm

Paris Climate Talks Preview

Utilities Want To Recharge Your Car

Will a utility move into EV recharging energize car sales?

Heastie Takes Climate Steps

The new NYS Assembly Speaker creates a legislative climate change working group

Future Past

Help build the future of NYC's past, contribute to the Space/Time Directory

February 19, 2015

Green Bonds 101

Learn what green bonds do that others don't

Solar Power Biz Has Money To Grow

With robust revenue growth in 2014, Solar City sets out a 1GW power installation goal

Muni Green Bonds Today

Missed the City Green Bonds presentation hosted at the NYC Comptroller's Office? Hit the deck

Staten Island: Stepping Back From The Sea

In the wake of Superstorm Sandy's devastation Staten Island has become a living lab for a managed retreat from the sheashore

Watch Out Utility Rate Payers

Georgia utility customers bills will rise to cover cost overruns at still-in-construction twin nuclear power plants

Indonesia: Won't Leave It In The Ground

Indonesia will miss its climate action goals if the world's larges coal exporter carries out a plan to triple its use of the fossil fuel at home by 2025

Citibank: $100 B x 25

Targeting sustainable growth, Citibank announces an investment finance goal of $100 billion by 2025

Science At Work: Volancos, Tree Rings, Ice Cores

How to put a date on climate changes of past times & why accuracy matters

Bill Gates Is Wrong

Heavy climate polemics about the core funding direction of the Gates Foundation

Good Times For NYC Solar Installers

Rising numbers of rooftop solar panels is powered by government incentives & lower costs in NYC

February 18, 2015

Tomorrow's Power Grids

Compare & contrast how NY & California are setting the rules for the power grid of the future and the role of distributed energy

The E.U.'s Renewables Laggards

Unlike most E.U. members Holland, Luxembourg & the U.K. aren't meeting their renewable energy targets

Big Data: Urban Mobility Potential

Can big data relieve urban gridlock and help planners design more mobile cities?

IBM: Energy Savings Innovatior

IBM deploys chilled water optimization to save energy, increase employee comfort at its 16 building NY campus & win a award for it

NYC Climate Change Report

"Building the Knowledge Base for Climate Resiliency: New York City Panel on Climate Change 2015 Report", download it here

NYC 2100

Expect NYC sea levels to rise 1-6 feet, by 2100, predicts the NYC Panel on Climate Change & by the '80's average temperatures will soar 5-8 degrees F.

Help Wanted In Brooklyn

Greenpoint Eco-Schools, Project Manager

Market Expectations

Review the record of the role markets play to advance building energy efficiency

February 17, 2015

This Space For Rent Rented

Solar industry vitality shown by SolarCity rental of former Solyndra factory to start up manufacturing operations

Welcome Albany

Governor Cuomo adds Albany to the list of cities able to compete for up to $20 M for advanced energy projects

Sunshine State Cool On Rooftop PV

What holds Florida back from becoming a leader in rooftop solar power?

Voluntarism Is Not Enough

When it comes to curbing our carbon appetite, voluntary business actions are estimable but not enough

Investment For the Public/Private Good

Governments must find ways to engage private investment to advance urban resilience that will benefit both the public good & private property

Weaponizing The Weather

This one's for the CIA-obsessed

Sao Paulo: Running Dry

Brazil's mega-city, Sao Paulo could run out of drinking water due to severe drought, pollution & deforestation

February 16, 2015

Don't Call Them Skeptics

Scientists oppose calling those who reject the human-causes of a changing climate "skeptics"

February 14, 2015

Handicapping States' Clean Power Paths

The EPA plan to cut power plant GHG emissions rests on state action, so what to expect?

De Blasio Launches Green Advisory Group

Who's who on Mayor de Blasio's newly formed Green Buildings Technical Working Group?

Unexpected Solar States

February 13, 2015

Family Feud

Why is red-hot climate activist Naomi Klein cool on carbon taxes?

Setting Sustainabiilty Standards

Creating robust urban sustainability standards is still a work in progress

VT: Gov's Clean Energy Slate

The Green Mountain State has a green energy champion, Governor Shumlin

2 Cheers For Volunteers

Googleplex Catches The Wind

Google inks a 20 year wind power purchase deal for its California HQs

ICYMI: Apple's Big Solar Deal

$850 million is not the only big thing about Apple's new solar power investment

Midwest Megadrought

In the coming decades, NASA predicts the worst drought in 1,000 years will hit the midwest

Inconvenient Facts

How are climate denialists coping with record-setting annual temperatures?

Question: What Ended The Last Ice Age

Answer: Carbon released from the oceans

February 12, 2015

Japan: Reactors Restarting

Japan starts to OK the reopening of its nuclear power plants

London: Insulate Those Walls

In a city with many old buildings adding wall insulations cuts operating costs

Science At Work: Weather Prediction

With extreme weather on the rise scientists & meteorologists embrace advanced computing power to devise more accurate forecasts & avert disasters

Curb Your Enthusiasm

So what? is the correct response to a GOP vote on the reality of climate change

Storing GHG's Forever

Watch this Iceland video about turning gas to stone

A Teachable Moment

City leaders should closely study extreme weather events and get better prepared for climate change impacts - or else!

Not Enough Teslas

Tesla misses financial projections in the wake of delivery shortfalls of new cars, but promises 70% more this year

MTA In $15 Billion Hole

Diagnosing the $15 billion gap in the MTA capital plan, it's said "We have an Albany problem"

February 11, 2015

Sydney: Green And Gehry

Where Frankfurt Is First

City Buses Should Get Some Love

With better marketing, low cost metro-area buses could win out over high cost rail projects

Rx For Utility Biz Blues

An independent solar power company offers business advice to utilities

3 Cheers For The X Line

The Bronx, Brooklyn & Queens need an inter-borough subway line, call it the X

Geo-Engineering: The Last Resort

If scientists are studying geo-engineering it's because we've failed at combatting climate change

Tomorrow's Power Utility

Do power utilities have a future?

Handicapping Obama's Clean Power Plan

What powers the EPA's proposed rule to cut carbon emissions also makes it a litigation magnet

February 10, 2015

Green Finance: The Next Big Thing

Venture capital is so last decade, now lab-as-tech-incubators are happening

UK: Hey Big Fossil Spender

Despite its pledge, the UK government spends 300 times more on overseas fossil fuel than green energy projects

The Next Great Climate Debate

Green Career Advice

Want to launch or advance your green career? Useful advice here

ICYMI: Congestion Pricing

There's renewed hope in Albany for a congestion pricing-type law to raise mass transit funds by imposing fees for cars coming into Manhattan's CBD

The Educated Solar Consumer

How to make the buy or lease choice for rooftop solar panels

Rating The Holder Years

How does the environmental track record stack up for Attorney General Eric Holder?

EU: Down Down, Up

European energy use hits a 20 year low, but how much is due to a down economy & how much is due to more energy efficiency is hard to say

Iceland: Turning Gas To Stone

Iceland injects CO2 into a basalt mountain to see if the gas will bind with the stone

February 09, 2015

CA Adds 550 MW Of Solar Power

California gets another mega-scale solar power plant

Chicago v Exelon

Since Illinois gets 50% of its power from coal will nuclear power plant-owning Exelon call the shots in defining renewable energy rules?

UK: Home Rental Efficiency

Starting in 2016, UK buildings rented for resdiental use must meet minimum energy performance standards

Act Global, Build Local

How design adapted to local weather conditions could cut the need for AC

India: Industrial-Scale Solar Power

Rajastan will be home to a solar park able to generate up to 10,000 MW of electricity & include a PV module-making facility

Build A Better Brownfields Law

Eleven ideas for fixing up the New York State Brownfields cleanup law

Hispanic American Climate Worries

Growing personal concern about climate change is greater for Hispanic Americans than whites

South Africa: Lights Could Go Out

Decrepit & financially strapped, the South African power grid is at the edge of collapse

February 07, 2015

Sustainability - A New Core Curriculum

Calling climate change a 'wicked design problem', the New School will put sustainability at the core of its curriculum

February 06, 2015

See The Dirt

Working As A Climate Scientist

It didn't seem like a dangerous career choice...

Leave It In The Ground

China and India start to show what happens when habit stops dominating energy policy

Tea Party Parties For Solar

What powers Tea Party members' support for solar power?

Transformative Tools

Search this website for useful tools to build greener cities

Make Money Faster

Energy efficiency pays off and at warp-payback speed, so what's stopping you!

NJ: Public Private Water Supplies

Governor Christie signs a law to allow fast tracking the sale of public water supply systems

Energy Storage Gets Sexy

Utility executives pick energy storage as today's most important emerging technology

February 05, 2015

To Ferry Or Not And More

Washington DC: Benchmarking Champ

Building energy benchmarking reporting reveals privately-owned, commercial buildings in Washington DC are superior energy performers

Waiting For El Nino

Despite predictions, a climate-change impacting El Nino hasn't occurred over the last 12 months

He's A Believer

Climate scientist Prof. David Victor makes the optimist's case for the outcome of upcoming Paris climate talks

Australia: Payback Time In Dirty Air

More brown coal is being burned after repeal of Australia's carbon tax

Coal State GOP Offs Clean Energy Law

Although it never had much oomph, the Republican-led legislature overturns West Virginia's renewable energy law

Be A Hero With Zero

How the GSA, the biggest landlord in the US, can go net zero carbon emissions

How To Depolarize Carbon Politics

Create a federal carbon tax and make it revenue neutral

February 04, 2015

Germany: Down Year For Solar

Germans installed 1.89 GW in PV power last year, below the 2 GW target

Boston: Watefront Transit

Now that new transportation options have helped transform Boston's waterfront, what's next for transportation planning?

UK: Green Party Rising

Could May elections create a Green Party breakthrough in UK politics?

Cut Carbon - Recycle

Slicing Renewable Energy Goals In CO

Colorado's renewable portfolio goal would be cut 50% if a State Senate vote prevails

Climate Change And Infrastructure

More climate-linked rainfall means Minnesota cities must tackle their waste water systems to stay on top of things

Cli-Fi: Read All About It

Climate change is inspiring today's novelists

Renewable Energy Cost Trends

6 charts show renewable energy, especially onshore wind, is getting cost-competitive with fossil fuels

February 03, 2015

Legal Eagles: Court Stops Enviro Effort To Cut Coal Exports

Environmental groups lack standing to sue over a US Import-Export Bank loan guarantee for coal exports finds a federal court

California: 50x30

To meet a 50% clean energy goal by 2030, California will consider replacing its renewables benchmark with a broader clean energy standard, but what about comparative costs?

Getting A Lift From Solar Power

De Blasio: Affordable Housing Vision

Ferry service at Metrocard prices is part of the de Blasio affordable housing agenda, but what about energy efficiency in his SOTC speech?

Obama: Let's Guarantee Renewables Incentives

The proposed 2016 Obama budget seeks to make the Production & Investment Tax Credits for renewable energy permanent

Burlington VT: All Renewable

What's the secret to Burlington, VT's success in providing 100% renewably-sourced electricity to its residents, while cutting costs too?

Mass Transit: NJ-Style

Governor Christie's biggest mass transit failure wasn't about a bridge, it was about a tunnel

February 02, 2015

What We've Put In The Water

The evidence for non-stop global heating is found in our oceans

London: Superhighway For Bikes

London cyclists will be the first in Europe to have 2 dedicated cycleways, the longer would run 18 miles, past some of the city's iconic sites

World Bank: Green Bond Trends

In 2015, expect new types of issuers, green bond indices & changing investor expectations

Climate Change: The Elevator Pitch

Watch, learn, pitch

21st Century Infrastructure:Think Different

Cities start to build infrastructure projects for a more chaotic climate

Chicago Investors Don't Prefer Fossils

Compared to other US investors Chicago investors say they prefer energy efficiency & renewables over fossil fuels

Billions For Climate In Obama Budget Proposal

$11.4 billion in climate-related funding is included in the Obama 2016 fiscal budget proposal

1930's Subway Scenes

Depression Era painter Daniel Celentano's images of how things have changed, or not, with NYC mass transit

1965: LBJ Carbon Alert

President Johnson warned of the dangers of carbon emissions in a special message to Congress 50 years ago this month