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News & Views Curation

September 30, 2014

Climate Action: Plan B

Consider this proposition: national commitments are more effective than international treaties to tackle climate change

India And US: Talk - Not Walk - Climate

A meeting between Indian PM Modi & President Obama omits talk of capping carbon emissions

Gear Up For January 2025

With a January 2025 compliance deadline now's the time for NY property owners to start planning for sub-metering and lighting efficiency legal requirements

Japan: Nuke Plant/Volcano Mix

The threat of unpredictable volcanoes poses another challenge to Japan's nuclear power policy

The Electric Power Revolution, From A... Zibelman

Buffalo's Back

With 3,000 jobs promised by SolarCity, renewable energy leads the way on reinventing the long-ailing Buffalo, NY economy

Science At Work: Heat And Drought

The extreme heat and climate change link has strong scientific backing, but the drought connection is still a work in progress

Start Counting On The Sun

The authoritative International Energy Agency sees the future of global electric power filled with sunlight

NJ's First Transit Microgrid

$410 million in federal funds will help develop a first-of-its-kind microgrid to keep NJ Transit & Amtrak running when the next superstorm hits

September 29, 2014

NY To Get 68% More Solar Power

Governor Cuomo tops off Climate Week with $469 million in added solar power funding & new tax breaks for residents & business-owners who install solar panels

Laugh While Your Cry

Iran: New Solar Power

By March 2015, Iran will open its largest solar power plant

Give Climate Change The Business

What's the significance of growing corporate presence in the climate change movement?

You Can Lead A Horse To Water

Texas utilities roll out an energy-savings gadget for low-income consumers, but they might not want or use it

Zurich: Flower Power

IBM unveils a solar power sunflower that is 30 feet high that makes both electricity & hot water

Vote Now, Vote Often

Vote for your favorite crowd-sourced MIT climate-change solution projects

We're Tired of Being Afraid

Overcoming opposition DIY solar power users are getting a leg up on utilities & government regulators

Websites We Like

Rockaway Waterfront Alliance

September 26, 2014

Energy Star's Great Leap Forward

The EPA software program for scoring & rating energy performance, Energy Star, is now available for apartment buildings

Climate Concerns Homeland Security

Protecting urban infrastructure from climate change risks is on the to-do list of the Department of Homeland Security

Iowa Could Win With Wind

Iowa's potential for wind power expansion could make it easy to meet EPA carbon-reduction rules

Climate Action Minus India

Can the world decarbonize without India on board?

NYC Energy Efficiency 101

An introduction, or a refresher to NYC condo and co-op residents about the utility of energy benchmarking and auditing

Get Moving On Urban Connectivty

Tomorrow's most sustainable cities will be linked up via transport networks that communicate

September 25, 2014

How To Make City Streets Safe For Kids

In three words , add bikes paths

Micro-CHPs Could Be Tasty

Tiny combined heat/power technology could challenge batteries as the perfect solar panel partner for for off-grid living

Look Who's Calling For Climate Action

Investors like pension funds, insurers & corporate leaders say global climate action makes sense to them

EPA Head Talks About Climate

EPA chief Gina McCarthy spells out the official climate policy

India: Expect More Emissions

Linking economic growth to burning more coal India will be a growing source of GHG emissions

How To Make More Money

For better returns invest in solar or wind energy, not oil, to power buildings & vehicles

NY Energy Getting Climate Friendly

Climate Week is the perfect time for New Yorkers to advance carbon cutting energy initiatives

Flood Wall Street, Not Occupy Wall Street

The Flood Wall Street demonstration suggests a new era of policing protests in the De Blasio administration

RGGI Stands Alone

The northeast states carbon market, RGGI is unlikely to join in the California-Quebec market

Real Estate On Board With Green

Sukayna Paciorek identifies the drivers of better building energy performance for New York real estate

September 24, 2014

UK: A Farewell To Some Coal

UK Prime Minister Cameron tweets that the old coal-burning power plants ought to be phased out & new one must have carbon capture capabilities

It Can't Be Said Too Often

Climate change will be solved by cities or not at all

September 23, 2014

UK: What Women Want

74% of women polled in the UK, want climate action now

If We Talk The Talk, We'll Walk The Walk

Start taking responsibility for climate change by talking about it differently, says UK scholar George Marshall

Germany: Growing Energiewende Trends

Germany burned coal for 45% of its power last year, the highest level since 2007 as utility bills rise

De Blasio 80x50 Vow At UN

Mayor De Blasio spotlights energy efficiency as key to cutting NYC GHG emissions 80% by 2050 at the UN climate summit

Distributed Power In The Empire State

The primer on distributed energy resources in NY & how they compare to other states

California: More Solar In Less Time

By cutting the red tape for permitting solar projects in California, there will be less time & money needed

Keys To Utility 2.0

If NY's new model for regulating energy aims at maximizing system efficiency, we'll all need to do our part

Healthcare Shouldn't Make You Sick

Greening Health Care, the book review

Anchorage, Detroit, NYC, Other

Which US cities will be safest from direct climate change assaults?

September 22, 2014

Flood Wall Street, 09.22.14

What did you do on your lunch hour?

De Blasio Steps Up For Climate Week

Mayor De Blasio commits to boosting building energy performance to demonstrate his climate stance, Details here

Fossil Fuel Firms' Eye On Paris

Fossil fuel companies will keep an eye on the Paris climate talks, much has changed since the last round

Citi Bike Audit

NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer announces his office will audit the finances and management of the Citi Bike program

September 20, 2014

NYC Council's New Climate Agenda

The NYC Council puts itself on the urban climate action map

The Cost Of Cutting Carbon

Why EPA's proposed carbon emissions rules won't drive 840,000 Americans into poverty

September 19, 2014

iPhone 6 For Climate Metrics


Solar Deals, NY Style

Two solar questions What incentives will Governor Cuomo offer Tesla to build a PV factory in Buffalo? Should he?

Diagnosing A PV Plant's Demise

What explains the failure of a Chinese-owned solar panel business in Arizona?

Monopolizing The Sun

Fears that Duke Energy might monopolize North Carolina's emerging renewables sector cloud its future

Climate Change Isn't Volcanic

Humans cannot shift the blame to volcanoes for our changing climate, period

2014: Taking The Hot Cake

Summer 2014 is the hottest on record and the whole year is trending to set another one

Up From Zero

Build It Back is starting to get repair & replacement money to home owners flooded out by Sandy

Krugman's A Climate Optimist

It won't break the bank to save the planet, here's why

Interboro Rapid Transit 1918

September 18, 2014

Finland: Atomic Fission

Finland's government coalition splits over support for nuclear power with a Green Party walkout

Marching To 11th Avenue

What's up with NYC's designated route for the People's Climate March channeled to 11th Avenue?

What If...

...a Category 3 storm similar to the 1821 monster slammed into NYC today?

Changing The Inveitable

ICYMI, we are not doomed to climate chaos & governments that don't govern for the greater good, but not everyone agrees

Urban Dwelling

By 2050, 70% of humanity will live in cities, what should we be doing now?

September 17, 2014

Where Power Investments Are Paying Off

New England's flat demand for power from the grid points to energy efficiency & distributed power as today's better bets (while power prices soar in the region)

Don't Lose Billions

Will the chance to save $1.3 billion by way of energy efficiency gains be lost for mid-Atlantic region utility customers?

09.21 Peoples Climate March

Logistics information

China And Japan: Making The Most Of PV

REVing Up

Industry & public comments due September 22 on the latest outline of New York's Reforming The Energy Vision (REV) proposal

DERMS: An Energy Acronym To Remember

Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems could be the sweet spot for a centralized/distributed renewable energy future

Australia: Undoing Renewables

Government efforts to undo Australia's renewable energy targets meet resistance

Going Dutch

Holland announces a $25 billion, 30-year plan to protect itself from rising sea levels

Carbon Tax: Running With A Great Idea

Is a national carbon tax just for idealists?

September 16, 2014

August 2014

A month for the climate record books

Higher Solar Education

Learn how the University of California will get 60% of its power from solar sources as part of its Net Zero Carbon campaign

September 15, 2014

China: Fateful Decisions

The fate of Earth's climate is largely up to China, so what's happening there?

March 24, 1900

Starting construction on the NYC subway system was something to celebrate --still is!

Boise Bike Lanes: Gone In A Month

What explains the outcome of a one-month bike lanes pilot project in Boise Idaho?

Glasgow: River Heat

The University of Glasgow will cut its fuel demand 25% by drawing heat from the River Clyde

France: Time To Retire

EDF's fleet of 58 aging nuclear reactors imposes high maintenance costs

The Power Of Wind Power

Wind power's energy output is 1,164% greater than it input

Mind The Eco-Gap

Expect a big partisan gap on the importance of environmental issues in November's elections

Beyond The Data Dump

Manhattan Boro President Brewer wants to make sure citizen community boards can make effective use of on-line municipal data

German Renewables - Just The Facts Ma'am

Energiewende charts & data galore

September 14, 2014

Germany: Renewable's Tomorrowland Today

What's happening with renewable energy in Germany, won't stay in Germany

September 13, 2014

Driving Energy Performance Investment

Advice from five real estate pros about what will drive investment in energy efficiency

Better Than Your Average Hairdryer

On-Grid Stats Of The Week

Let's start with zero for new coal and move on from there

September 12, 2014

Be There Or Be Square

10 top places to be in NYC during Climate Week

Seemed Like A Good Idea

Drilling a geothermal well in the posh Grammercy Park neighborhood generates a lot of heat

MIA From Climate Summit

The leaders of Canada, China & India will not attend the 2014 UN Climate Summit

Oahu To Destress Its Grid

Oahu to install 1 MW of energy storage batteries to take some pressure off its electric power grid

World Falls Far Short On Cutting Carbon

Expect the world to get 4 o centigrade hotter at current levels of decreasing carbon intensity

Japan: Floating Solar Power

A floating solar power plant with recyclable parts begins construction in Kato City, Japan

Live With It

From now on we will live in a global climate that we changed, so let's consider what that will mean writes Andy Revkin

Whole Foods Is Ready For Anything

With its microgrid installation the Brooklyn branch of Whole Foods can keep the power and heat on when the grid goes down

September 11, 2014

California's Different

Solar panels face south in most of the US, but not in California

China: Contemplating Coal Caps

China might cap burning starting 2016, ban import of dirtier-burning coal & regulate fine particulate matter, SO2 & NOX emissions

England: Tories Are Climate Skeptics

Is it politics that makes English Tories & Us GOP'ers climate change deniers?

You Do Need A Weatherman

Mock 2050 weather forecasts can help mobilize climate action now

Climate March - It'll Be Big

Organizers predict a mega turn-out for the NYC People's Climate March on September 21

Natural Gas - Not A Bridge

Natural gas could be an 'exit ramp' to a zero-carbon future says national environmental organization

GOP On The Attack

15 Republican Governors call Obama's climate action plan illegal

A Grid Without Energy Storage... like a factory without a warehouse, it's time to build smarter

Help Wanted

Director of Media Strategy to highlight the impacts of climate change and clean energy solutions

September 10, 2014

They're REV'ing Our Tune

This NRP story on New York's Reforming the Energy Vision sounds a lot like our "There'll Be Some Changes Made" conference

Compare The Costs

The World's Best Fuel

If investing in energy efficiency is so great, why is it so undervalued?

Climate Thought For The Day

"Sometimes doing your best is not good enough. Sometimes, you must do what is required." – Winston Churchill

Ending Europe's Russian Addiction

Energy efficiency could be Europe's path to cutting dependency on Russian natural gas imports by a third

Clean Cars Less Rare Now

Over 100,00 electric and hybrid cars are on California road now

Higher Solar For Higher Ed

The University of California makes the biggest solar power purchase of any higher education institution in the US

Renewnable Energy Fans Friend Obama

The President's domestic carbon control plan could add momentum for an international climate agreement and boost demands for renewable power

For The Birds

Reality check: climate change could wipe out 50% of North American birds, not solar panels or wind turbines

September 09, 2014

Sky High CO2

In 2013, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide took its biggest jump in 30 years

Bike Riding Makes Cars Go Faster

NYC traffic flows faster on streets with dedicated bike lanes, honest!

September 08, 2014

Death Of Venice

What corruption & political dysfunction look like in one of the most flood prone cities on Earth [NYRB $ub]

Scotland: Independence And Renewables Might Not Mix

Renewable energy investment in Scotland could take a $23 billion hit with a vote for independence, say some

9/11 Memorial Underground

A fading 9/11 memorial in the Union Square subway station

South Carolina Friends Solar Power

A new law is being drafted to make South Carolina solar power-friendly

E-7: Less Carbon Intense

Seven top emerging economies shed 1.7% of their carbon intensity in 2013, outperforming countries like Germany, Japan & the US

Welcome Back Climate Beat

The New York Times re-establishes a full-time climate science beat with editor Adam Bryant

September 05, 2014

Japan: Out With The Old

To boost public trust in nuclear power Japan may seek closure of its oldest reactors

China: Renewable Energy Debt Trap

High levels of bond debt pose default threats for Chinese clean energy firms

Clinton Likes (Clean) Power

Hillary Clinton embraces a nexus of economic growth and clean/efficient energy policy

A Hot Vicious Circle

A hotter planet will speed up release of CO2 from soil, thus creating more warming

What If....

...Challenges to the EPA carbon rule proposal succeed?

The Business Side Of Climate Change

Today's Cost Of Carbon

The latest RGGI auction price for emitting a ton of CO2 is $4.88

Bespoke Energy

Will customers' demands custom tailor the utility business model?

Bloomberg Blamed For Not Building It Back

The New York Times does a demolition piece on Mayor Bloomberg's Build It Back Sandy recovery program

September 04, 2014

Beijing: Recycle For A Ticket To Ride

Reverse vending machines take recyclable containers and print out mass transit passes in Beijing

"Ruin Is Forever"

Best header ever for an essay on the precautionary principle

Mainstreaming TX Wind Power

A 110 MW Texas wind power farm built & operated by Duke Energy will open in 2015

Australia: A Taxing Tale

After killing off its carbon tax Australian power plant carbon emissions hit an eight-year high

Uber Grid

What if the electric power grid underwent an Uber-like revolution?

China: Pilot Carbon Market

Learn about the world's biggest emerging market for trading carbon emissions permits

From Chaos To Compassion: Sandy's Lesson

Revered Susan Karlson reflects

September 03, 2014

A Global Apollo Project

Since battling climate change is a defining 21 century challenge, how much should nations spend to create cheap renewable energy supplies?

MI: Solar Disconnect

While Michigan is a hotbed of solar tech innovation state markets for solar power languish

Clarifying Certainty

Beware of climate change deniers who misuse the concept of scientific certainty to create uncertainty

It's Raining Extremely

More extreme rain events are a NY reality and both climate action & incorporating resiliency design into our built environments are needed now

September 02, 2014

Science At Work: Heath Impacts Of Traffic Congestion

Air pollution from urban traffic congestion elevates serious health risks; this research links traffic flow data with specific pollutants

Paris: Geothermal Revival

For the first time in 30 years Paris drills for new geothermal wells for local heating

Austin: Making The Cost Case For Solar

Classifying solar as a default power source because it's cost competitive with natural gas will give it a big boost in Austin TX

Australia: Coal Port Can't Dump On Barrier Reef

Australia's Great Barrier Reef wins a reprieve from a massive dumping scheme linked to building a coal-export faciilty

Back On Track

After completing repairs Sandy-caused damage G train service is restored

NYC's Climate Ick Factor

A changing climate means heavier rainfallthat will make it harder to keep New Yorkers safe from their sewage and the ick factor is not limited to the Big Apple

Sustainability - Sippers And Slurpers

When it comes to corporate sustainability actions sipping is not enough

China: No Water No Fracking

Lack of water resources likely to limit China's ability to frack for its natural gas reserves

September 01, 2014

Singapore: Green Building Fund

Small and medium-sized enterprises, both landlords and tenants, can tap into a $50 million fund for energy efficiency enhancements