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News & Views Curation

July 31, 2014

Talkin' To Me And You

What are the right words for engaging people in climate action?

An Electrifying Prediction

'We’re not just reducing demand for electricity—we’re destroying it.'

Germany: Grid Stabilization Super-Payments

German power utilities receive fees 400 times higher than wholesale prices for providing standby power

Exxon Trending Down

Exxon, the world's largest energy company loses stock market value as its output drops

Crystal Ball Gazing For Indian Point

What does the state proposal to shut Indian Point 3 months a year mean for the future of nuclear power in NY?

Denmark: Closed Loops, No Waste

Starting with combined heat & power systems Kalundborg, Denmark has created a near zero-waste city

Parks Need Pals

Want to show NYC parks some love? Start here

7 Is First, 2 Is Last

The 7 line is the top-rated NYC subway line, the 2 rates last

Unpaved Path To A Carbon Price

No consensus yet among carbon pricing advocates

July 30, 2014

Germany: Renewable Energy Defeat

Plans to build transmission lines for renewable energy in Germany are withdrawn in the face of public opposition

Utility Regulators' Climate Role

State energy utility regulators can play a key role in cutting the nation's carbon footprint

France: $13.4 Billion New Energy Direction

To advance energy efficiency & renewables France will mobilize #13.4 billion in new investments

Carbon Tax: Part 3

Why political decisions on what to do with a carbon tax revenue are so important

Cambridge Benchmarks

Cambridge, MA joins the urban A-list with its new building energy & water benchmarking law

Flood Maps Are All Wet

Now's the time to revise outdated federal flood plain maps for NYC

Actionable Fiction

Can books or movies about climate change move people's climate change dial?

De Blasio's Eco-Skeptics

NYC environmentalists raise questions about the level of Mayor De Blasio's climate and sustainability commitments

July 29, 2014

Japan: Fuel-Cells In Motion

Japan takes the lead in advancing fuel-cell powered vehicles

London: Low-Pollution Zones

To cut urban air pollution London considers a fee for driving diesel-burning cars

Deep Decarbonization

Why Jeffrey Sachs believes in the prospect for decarbonizing the world's economies

Who's Who In Electric Cars

$3.3 Million For NY Energy Research

New York supports smart grid innovation with $3.3 million in grants for seven projects

Not Your Grandma's Utility

Utilities seek new opportunities in response to lower energy deamnd & invest in edgy fuel cell projects

Now, For A Limited Time Only

Republicans should support climate action now because it will cost 40% more in another decade and think of what that will do to government deficits

Australia: Coal Mining For India

Australia approves a $15.5 billion coal mining/rail freight project for export to India

Making Corporate Sustainabilty Work

McKinsey finds that corporations must make sustainability integral to their strategy to capture its full value

July 28, 2014

China: PV Prices Should Rise

Domestic prices for solar panels in China could start to rise, anticipating more local demand

Natural Gas Price Plunge

Natural gas prices sink to $4 as power plant output hits a 13 year low

Pre-Fab Nuke Plants Fall Short

The promise of prefabrication to make nuclear power plant construction faster & cheaper has not been met

Know Your Window's Carbon Footprint

What makes best energy sense for new windows or replacements?

Shrinking Apple's Carbon Footprint

Apple's solar farmspower its data centers & will soon help make device components in the US

Securing A Liveable Future

Watch Ed Mazria, founder of Architecture 2030, present his blueprint for a carbon-free and just built environment by 2050

Moving Electrons To EVs

Are electric vehicles a huge, but overlooked, economic opportunity for power utilities?

July 26, 2014

NJ: Resiliency Bank

With $200 million New Jersey launches its energy resiliency bank with a focus on vital infrastructure facilities

July 25, 2014

Germany: Renewables And Risks

Germany grapples with a high stakes balancing act on its path toward renewable energy

Another Way To Stay Plugged In

Buildings with fuel cells, which are energy efficient efficient and run on natural gas, can keep the power on, regardless of the weather 24/7

Climate Change, A Clear and Present Danger

Former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin wants climate change risks baked into in economic policy, fiscal & business decisions because of their potential magnitude

Improving Urban Mobility

How about a no-cell-phone pedestrian path?

China: Coal-Capping

Urban anger over filthy air could weigh China toward cappinng coal burning rather than cutting carbon emissions

Mass Transit Payments - KISS

A single payment system will attract more riders to multi-modal mass transit

Singapore: Decongestion Pricing

Early morning rush hour commuters ride for free in Singapore

Science At Work: Climate Impact Of Global Chimney

Research begins on the climate implications of how atmospheric temperature and gases get circulated from the Earth's surface to the upper atmosphere

July 24, 2014

Holland: Home Heating, Surprising Source

How the ocean heats homes of low-income residents in Duindorp, Holland

Carbon Tax: More Than Economics Part 2

Deciding how carbon tax revenues should be used will be as important as the rate they're set at

ID'ing A Smart City

Smart city promises deliver when citizens become makers and crowd-source manufacturing for the needs of their neighborhood

Time To Go Now

The 64-year old Port Authority Bus Terminal gets $90 million for a makeover, but not for a replacement facility

White Knight For Citi Bike

A top-tier real estate developer could be the new investor to expand the Citi Bike program

TX: Wind Power Lab

With Texas building transmission lines for its wind power bonanza, what are the lessons for the other 49 states?

When Failure Is Not An Option

Lessons learned from the failure of today's climate movements

July 23, 2014

Take The G Train Ferry

With the G train off-line for repairs Greenpoint get another mass transit option

Watch The Renewable Energy Revolution

Charting the choreography of reliable renewable electric power

Dawn Of the Green Bond Era

Valued at just $4 billion in 2012 $18.35 billion in green bonds have already been issued this year

Global Economies: Scoring Energy Efficiency

Germany & Italy score high, the US scores low on energy efficient economies, surprised?

Managing A Power Revolution

Does the future of renewable energy lie in new management modalities or new technology?

EU: The Dirty 30

Germany, the UK & Poland top the list of EU countries with dirty coal-burning power plants

Utility Industry Group Supports EVs

The Edison Electric Institute endorses the purchase of electric vehicles for utility fleet use

India: More Coal Tax, More Renewables

India doubles its coal tax to $1.67/metric ton, revenue will help develop fossil-free energy

Needy Urban Infratructure

Getting New York's mass transit, water supply & other infrastructure systems into a state of good repair won't be cheap & dedicated funding is a must

July 22, 2014

Anti-Science Stance Is Unbalanced

Routinely citing climate deniers is not journalism, it's just wrong

Sustainable Park In Bushwick

Summer is the time to check out NYC's award-winning sustainable park at Bushwick Inlet

Help Wanted: Greening NYC

Senior policy advisor positions open in the NYC Office of Long Term Planning & Sustainability

Rhode Island: 85x50

The nation's smallest state has the biggest carbon cutting goals, 85% below 1990 level by 2050

Australia: Clean/Efficient Energy Finance Lives

Showing survival skills, a government program that also deploys private investments for $3 billion in clean energy efficiency projects hangs on

Solar Finance Lessons

Can energy efficiency upgrades be financed like third-party rooftop solar projects?

Carbon Tax: More Than Economics

Taxation is always a political decision, never just economics

July 21, 2014

Sustainable Hockey

The National Hockey League scores big with its sustainability report

Australia: Cyclists In Danger

Why are bike fatalities at a 16-year high in Australia

Hot June

Total global & sea temperatures for June are the highest ever, especially at sea

Lifelike Climate Models

Today's scientific climate models prove to be good predictors of change

Legal Eagles: Demand Response Ruling

While a federal appeals court shot down FERC Order 745 that gave robust market value to demand response energy saving, all is not lost

Energy Star Label Truth

If Whirlpool gets its way consumers who bought underperforming Energy Star consumer products will lose the right to bring class-action suits

Light-Rail Likers

Denver, Los Angeles, Phoenix & Salt Lake City all get taxpayer approval to build light rail systems

EPA Questions NY Bridge Loan

The $255.7 million NY took from an environmental clean up fund to pay for the new Tappan Zee Bridge bothers the EPA

Enter To Win

An invitation to change everything Needed: one design to plaster the NYC subway for the month leading up to the September People's Climate March

July 20, 2014

Australia: The Fatal Carbon Tax Flaw

The lack of revenue neutrality helped doom Australia's politically fraught carbon tax

July 18, 2014

Take Back The Asphalt

Paint the pavement to make urban neighborhoods safer & more beautiful

10 Renewable Power Surprises

Surprise #1, "this stuff is really cheap",

EC: Urban Eco-Optimist

Dominique Ristori, Director General for Energy at the European Commission believes in chances for creating sustainable cities

UK: Climate Skeptic Comes Out

After stepping down as the UK Environment Minister, Owen Paterson keynotes at a climate skeptics' conference

Ghana: Solar U

Ghana proposes to fund solar power installations at 10 universities

Save The Fish

NY proposes an Indian Point nuke plant shutdown in the summer to protect Hudson River fist

How to Spend $2.2 Billion

New York could get $2.2 billion from a settlement with a French bank and the NY Post says it should go into the state's capital budget

EPA Urban Waterway Grants

EPA award $2.1 million to 37 organizations for urban waterway cleanups

July 17, 2014

State Of the Climate 2013

This annual report offers cold comfort for the climate anxious

Wind Turbines: Fire Risk

Until now, who thought lightning & mechanical failures could be setting wind turbines afire?

Building Fads To Avoid

Smart building mechanical systems cannot compensate for dumb building envelopes

Tanks Alot

It's a bird, it's a plane it's 2014 NYC water tank art

New Buildings Chief On Deck

Crain's reports Rick Chandler will be named Mayor De Blasio's new Buildings Department Commissioner

From Russia With Coal

Why did a New Hampshire power plant by coal from Russia?

Australia: Carbon Tax Killed

Australian conservatives prevail by repealing the nation's carbon tax on large emitters

Cities: Make Data Matter

For the first time, cities have a standardized matrix for gathering & making sense of performance data

Consider The Flush Toilet

Seemed like a good idea at at he time

July 16, 2014

Antwerp: Passive And Diverse Highrise

Imagine, an urban apartment building that's a super-energy sipper but not a mono-culture

Japan: Nuclear Revival

For the first time since the Fukushima disaster, Japan approves plans for re-opening a nuclear power plant

Australia: Carbon Tax Not Dead Yet

The Australian Senate still debating a carbon tax repeal

Science At Work: Dating The Anthopocene

Humans have a long history of altering ecosystems but exactly how & when?

Google-Mapping Methane

Google Street Maps finds methane that's leaking from under city streets to reduce its climate impacts

Loss, Grief and Climate Change

Taking climate change personally

Atlanta: Green Building Biggie

Atlanta, GA has more green buildings than Milwaukee, WI, but Washington, DC still has the most

Honey For Clean Energy Bees

What factors attract clean energy start ups to locate in your state?

Legal Eagles: Patent Law For The Public Good

Amend US patent law and help save the planet

July 15, 2014

The Path To More Solar Power

Cut rooftop installation costs

China: Peak Carbon

China dots more i's for for imposing a ceiling on CO2 emissions

Switzerland: Cut GHG Emissions Or Else

Switzerland to raise its GHG tax by 40% if industry fails to meet emissions reduction goals this year

Just Do It

Are you electrifying? Take the energy industry pop quiz and find out

Switzerland: Green Bond Boom

Zurich Insurance likes green bonds, $2 billion worth

Tolling, Tolling....

High on the City's traffic to-do list are potholes, traffic safety & the bike program but tolling East River bridges isn't ruled out

A Crisis Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

Superstorm Sandy's devastation has made a compelling case for more distributed power

July 14, 2014

Solar Decathlon Winners

Italy wins the gold at the 2014 Solar Decathlon design competition, France rates silver & Holland gets the bronze

Arctic: Brick-By-Brick Destruction

Lego withdraws its objections to a Greenpeace parody video that targets oil industry devastation of the Arctic

Mayor's First Eco-Report Card

Six months into his Mayoralty the NY League of Conservation Voters gives Mayor De Blasio his first green grade

Climate Scientist Wins In Court

Climate scientists Michael Mann is awarded damages from a Virginia court in a FOIA case about his emails

Heat's The Killer

Extreme heat has replaced drought as the biggest climate-related global cause of death

Price That Carbon

Democrats & Republicans agree, we must put a price on carbon, but exactly how?

Natural Gas Price Predictions

With rising supplies & production natural gas price increases should ease off for the upcoming heating season

Climate Action: It's As Easy As 1, 2, 3

The three key policy actions we need to combat climate change

Japan: Save Power, Go Shop

To lure people from their air-conditioned homes, Japanese retailers team up with utilities to offer residents shopping coupons

Green Securitiziation: CT's Pathfinding For PACE

The Connecticut Green Bank pioneers on securitizing PACE bonds for energy efficiency projects in commercial buildings

July 10, 2014

Australia: Carbon Tax RIP...

Not just yet, it could be kept alive by a Labor-minority party coalition

Helsinki: Ending The Private Auto Era

Helsinki Finland's mobility plan for ridding itself of privately-owned cars in 10 years

Connecting Climate Change And Financial Necessity

Yes, indeed climate risks impact national economies & creditworthiness

Green Cart Woes In Crotona

What's ailing a program to foster fresh food street vendors in the South Bronx?

Science At Work: Carbon In The Ocean

While research finds acidification of top ocean waters to be underway, climate change may slow CO2 impacts down deep

Changing Of The Energy Guard

Meet the six new members of NYSERDA's Board of Directors

ICYMI: NY Grows Clean Energy Workforce

New York expands its training program for a clean energy workforce in 14 regions of the state

Summer In The City -- 2100

Future summertimes in 1001 cities

Trends With Benefits

Feel the attraction of microgrids

July 09, 2014

The Next Big Solar Thing

A high-efficiency PV maker stakes its future on domestic production

Climate Change And Malaria

The analytic power to study local climate impacts can pinpoint malaria risks

Netherlands: Making Pre-Fab Cool

Bay Area: Plugs Into EVs

10 San Francisco Bay Area cities/government agencies link up to to add 90 electric vehicles to their fleets

It Takes A Lab

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's new Flexlab uses real world conditions to pinpoint where buildings waste energy

EU: Fixing ETS Won't Be Easy

What will it take to fix the EU's deeply flawed carbon emissions market?

Deep Decarbonization

Shoulda, woulda, coulda

EPA Steps On Up Climate Adaptation

The EPA's 2014 policy pronouncement on climate adaptation urges creation of a strong social infrastructure to cope with the inevitable

Cleveland: Sustainable GOP

Think the Republican Party chose Cleveland for the 2016 convention to get close with its climate action plan?

July 08, 2014

Australia: The New Sun King

Pluiging solar power costs in Australia could mean the end of coal

Australia: The New Sun King

Plunging solar power costs in Australia could mean the end of coal

New York Rates A Green B-

New York State's 2014 environmental legislation get a B- from the League of Conservation Voters

The Original Highline

An elevated public park opened at the Manhattan end of the Williamsburg Bridge 100 years ago

And The Winner Is...

Looks like coal is winning the 'war on coal'

UK: Green Office App

The resource for greening the workplace on your smartphone

Fast-Acting Climate Relief

Carbon black & other short-lived super climate warmers could be targeted by Congress


What would the future be like if global fossil energy use soars as some gloaters predict?

Kickstart Fusion

How do you crowdsource nuclear fusion?

July 07, 2014

It's Not Easy Trading Green

Lowering trade barriers for green products may prove tough for international negotiators

India: Coal Imports Soar

With cheap coal prices & monsoon-delayed hydropower losses, India's Prime Minister's vow of universal electrification lights up coal imports

July 05, 2014

We Are The Problem

We have the perfect way to prevent summer power blackouts, but we just don't sign up for it

July 04, 2014

Save The Planet With Food Scraps

How compost made from urban food waste, when spread on grasslands, can be a super-sponge for soaking up CO2

July 03, 2014


An electric grid that plugs in power from renewables could be more vulnerable to hacking

Versailles: From Sun King To Solar Decathlon

The 2014 Solar Decathlon Europe shines in Versailles

Dhaka: Swamped By Traffic

What are the lessons for today's megacities to be learned from the traffic nightmare that is Dhaka, Bangladesh?

It Is A Risky Business

Listen up, why CEO's Republicans & Democrats alike are calling for investment grade climate action now

Microgrids Come Of Age

First it was Connecticut, now it's Maryland that's trending microgrid

July 02, 2014

Buenos Aires Province Atlantis

Half of Argentina's coastal Buenos Aires province could go missing with climate-linked rising seas

World Bank: Climate And Growth

Focusing on Brazil, China, India, Mexico & the US, the global economy will grow with climate-friendly public policies says World Bank report

E-Gamers Waste More Than Time

Inefficient home electronic devices can waste $120 billion in energy every year

NYC: We'll Always Have Venice

Venetian-type canals could be NYC's best bet to survive climate change

Saying So Long

What will the Earth be like after the climate departs from the conditions we've ever known?

Let's Look At The Record

By spotlighting three policy areas — climate resiliency, infrastructure & housing — what can be learned about Mayor de Blasio's sustainability and resilience track record during his first six months in office?

A Tale Of Two Cities: Parks

What will it take to get some parks & playground equity in NYC?

Court OKs Gas Pipeline To NYC

A federal appellate court upholds FERC approval of a pipeline carrying natural gas into NYC

Needed: Big Biz Climate Pivot

With the reality of climate change becoming a mianstream business leader reality, what will they do about it?

July 01, 2014

Half-Way Through The Fourth Quarter

Bill McKibben's sports metaphor captures the urgent need for global climate action now

SCOTUS Rejects Clean Fuel Challenge

The Supreme Court won't hear a challenge by fuel makers to California's first-in-the-US clean fuel standard

US Military: Cut It And Clean It Up

The US military strategy for deploying energy efficiency and renewable power

Philadelphia: Where Green Collides WIth Cars

Why haven't Philadelphia's green plans made a dent in auto use?

Don't Be A Heat Victim

How to survive summer in the city

Russian Malware Threatens Global Power Supplies

Global energy suppliers have been infected with a virus believed to originate with the Russian government

Con Ed Asks For Customer Assistance

Brooklyn & Queens Con Ed customers will be asked to reduce energy use so the utility won't have to build a new $1 billion substation & raise rates

New, Improved, Faster Too

Explore this revamped building rating website and learn more about building energy benchmarking policies