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News & Views Curation

October 31, 2013

CO2 More, But Less

While global CO2 emissions hit record highs in 2012, the rate of increase the slowest in a decade

High Performing Urban Infographic

How's your city doing when it comes to going green?

Brazil: 10x21

Brazil aims to get 10% of its electricity from wind power by 2021

Nimbler Rolling Stock

Federal regulators to permit high performance, energy efficient Euro-type trains to operate in the US

UK: Energy Price Fixing's A Crime

UK power utilities could be open to criminal investigation for energy price-fixing

Minneapolis: Bike Share Woes

Do equipment troubles plaguing the company responsible for Minneapolis bike share foreshadow problems with NYC's program?

Germany: Renewables Soar Safely

The German electric grid had no problems when renewable power volume hit an all time high this month

Coastal Rebuilding Is Doomed

A geologist makes the case that coastal rebuilding post-Sandy will fail because it ignores climate realities

Big Plans for Rockaway Revival

Check out the award-winning design by a Swedish firm for community rebuilding & revival in Far Rockaway

October 30, 2013

One Year After: Telecom

What, if anything, has changed in New York's hard-hit telecom industry a year after Sandy?

Australia: Media Climate-Deniers

32% of Australian media is in the climate-denialist camp, according to a study of 602 articles in 10 newspapers

Tokyo: Flood Protection

Tour Tokyo's enormous underground flood protection system

Al Gore Warns - Don't Get Stranded

AL Gore urges investor awareness of increased risk of fossil fuel assets becoming stranded assets that will depress portfolio values, but not everyone agrees

Green Home Label Could Go Extinct

Is a steep requirements upgrade to earn an Energy Star label for new homes producing a sharp decline in program participation?

Boston: Re-Zoning For Resilience

New zoning rules that require large buildings prepare for climate change impacts are on the table in Boston

Wrong Way On Renewables

Global use of non-fossil fuels to supply power dropped, while coal-burning rose over two decades according to the IEA

Social Movement Could Save The Planet

Naomi Klein applauds a report that asks "Is the Earth F*cked?: Dynamical Futility of Global Environmental Management and Possibilities for Sustainability via Direct Action Activism"

Spin The Meter Backwards

Now New Yorkers can get more state-funding to install renewable energy gear on their homes & sell their extra electric to the power company

October 29, 2013

High Performance Building, Test Bed For Tomorrow

Today's cutting edge, net-zero energy buildings are test beds for tomorrow's building, energy & wastewater codes

China: Death By Dirty Air

China to monitor the health impacts of air pollution in 16 worst-hit cities & provinces

The Post-Sandy Election

While climate action & adaptation were not part of the messaging machine in previous Mayoral races, it's more surprising that in the race one year after Sandy nothing's changed

Hamburg: Power To the People

Voters in Hamburg, Germany opt to repurchase their electric power grid to gain control over it

The Political Pull Of Climate Change

Climate change impacts are being felt by Americans, whatever their political orientation, and the Republican Party resists climate action at its peril

One Year After: Changed Or Unchanged

Six things that have changed & five things that haven't one year after Sandy

Going For Gold in B'klyn

A development with 40% affordable/60% market rate apartments seeks LEED-Gold and will open in Brooklyn's cultural district

Green Bank Update

WIth $210 million on tap, what are the NYS Green Bank's plans to make it pay off?

Smart Cities - Meh

Beware the hype around "smart cities" since it relies on buggy, brittle technology & incomplete data sets

October 28, 2013

Israel: Big Solar Power

Israel plans to build three solar power plants to generate 121 MW of electricity

Science At Work: Super Rooftop Savings

Scientists are developing a heat & cooling technology for commercial buildings so energy efficient, it could save 41% over current HVAC costs

Ethiopia: Wind Winner

The largest wind farm in sub-Saharan Africa opens in Ethiopia and will help ensure against drought-linked hydropower losses

UK: Weird Weather Galore

With winds up to 99 MPH, hurricane-like St. Jude lashes the UK before soaking France & Holland

Brooklyn's Big Greenhouse

A 20,000 square foot greenhouse for growing produce to open on the roof of a Brooklyn Whiole Foods market

Cars Are A Public Health Menace

Walk or bike, favor compact communities and live longer

Emissions Surprises

Texas was the state with the biggest GHG cuts while California had the biggest jump the electric power sector last year

Sustaibility-Driven Innovation

Corporate research finds corporate leadership on sustainability spurs value-adding innovation

One Year After: More Local Input

The Bloomberg Administration will solicit more community board input for the recovey of Sandy-savaged neighborhoods

October 25, 2013

Learn More, Click Less

The California Carbon Dashboard is one place to go to learn many things

Resiliency: Progress So Far

A progress report on NYC's growing resilience to weird weather damage & what's on the to-do list

New Model Solar Finance

A Maryland PV & storage project develops an innovative financial plan, using existing technology

Bikes Are So 21 Century

Bike sales now outstrip auto sales in many Europeans nations

Submarine Doors For Subways

The MTA considers installing submarine-style waterproof doors in subway entrances & flood gates at tunnel portals

Let There Be LEDs

All of NYC's 250,000 street lights are being converted to LEDs that should shine for 20 years

Forget All Of The Above

Research suggests that an 'all of the above' energy strategy is not how things work; instead there are winners & losers

Spain: Facts For Wind

New research on Spanish wind power discredits opponents who fear more CO2 pollution

China: See Smog From Space

Gasp and Harbin officials take emergency actions

October 24, 2013

Las Vegas/Los Angeles Love LEDs

Las Vegas & Los Angeles are early urban adopters of super energy-efficient LED light bulbs

One Year After: Hoboken

Why Hoboken, NJ is still drying out a year after Sandy soaked it while considering how to avoid a replay

Hong Kong: Cash For Clunkers

Hong Kong plans to spend $1.5 billion to dump its dirtiest diesel vehicles

Waste In Washington

Why were Energy Star-rated Washington DC office buildings wasting energy & what did they do about it?

Science At Work: The Tricky Business of Prediction

Climate science is certain sea levels will rise, but how much & how fast is hard to say

China: Airpolcalyptic Cancer

ICYMI, the news about Harbin, China's off the charts air polution was reported the same time the World Health Organiation found that such pollution can cause lung & bladder cancer

UK: Energy Politics Heats Up

Causes of and cures for the UK's rising utility bills and the role of green programs ignites a poltiical war of words


Welcome to AdaptNY, a digital news platform for the debate around climate resilience

October 23, 2013

A New Use For Old Phone Booths

250 old phone booths on NYC streets are being re-equipped as touch screen-enabled information kiosks

The Candidates Agree

Bill de Blasio & Joe Lhota agree on one thing, building Seaport City as a buffer from future mega-storms that will pay for itself.

Bike-Sharing Shapes Cities

Here's how bike-sharing programs are transforming their host cities

Germany: Utility Rethinks Itself

Germany's second largest power utility radically thinks its basic business model in the face of insurgent renewables

Wall Street's Sandy Rebound

Wall Street real estate celebrates the speed of its recovery from Sandy's devastation

The Ballad Of Sandy and The Subways

Think Gravity is scary? Go underground to survey NYC subways' flood-risk status

NY Green Party Profile

Yes, there are Green Party candidates on the NYC election ballot this year

UK: Prime Minister To Slash Green

British PM David Cameron vows to roll back energy efficiency programs while utility bills soar

It's The Cultural Context, Stupid

The cultural context of risk-cognition is fingered as the culprit in climate denialism. OK

Put It There

In the wake of Sandy questions surfaced about why key urban infrastructure was built in such vulnerable places, here are some answers

One Year After: Temporary Boilers

All 23 NYC Housing Authority sites that lost their boilers to Sandy are still relying on temporary, mobile equipment for heat & hot water

October 22, 2013

24 Hours Of Reality

Discover the cost of carbon to you, me & everyone

Accounting For Carbon

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants cautions investors over corporations that value fossil fuels which can't be drilled

Middle Class Solar

True or False: Solar Power is just for the green elite?

UK: Risky Nuclear Business

Untested & costly technology has been approved for the UK's new nuclear power project

London: All About Sewage

Everything is controversial about London's plans for modernizing it's 19th Century sewage system

Christchurch: Sensing City

Rebuilding after the earthquake of 2011, Christchurch, New Zealand installs a network of sensors to gather information on resource use to help make more informed choices and cut consumption

San Franciso: The New Reverse Commute

Newly trendy San Francisco neighborhoods see an influx of shuttle buses to take residents to their Silicon Valley Jobs

Nevada Utility Finds Less Is More

Nevada's electric utility runs the numbers for demand response and energy efficiency cost savings for the grid and finds they add up

LIPA Looks Ahead

Long Island's power utility, LIPA, seeks 280 MW in local sources of renewable power & replacing up to 1,630 MW of power from polluting 'peaker' plants

October 21, 2013

Blue-Green Alliance - Work In Progress

To forge a climate-labor coalition, hammering out a path to a green jobs economy is a must

Munis And Micros

Now is the time for municipalities to kick-start the microgrid model of robust 21st century urban power supplies

Fracking Outcomes: The Take Away

Why the fracking-fueled shale gas boom won't be the bridge to a low carbon future

Here Comes Lots of Sun

Mega-scale solar power installations are on a roll

$32 Million For Weather Hazard Reserach

The National Science Foundation makes $32 million in research grants to advance understanding & responses to weather hazards

Doing Better But Not Enough

Al Gore predicts the US will beat its goal of cutting GHG emission 17% by, 2020 but calls the goal 'entirely inadequate'

Malmo: Getting Carbon Neutral

Malmo, Sweden is working to create Europe's first carbon-neutral district

China: Don't Breathe

Schools, airports & roads are shut in Harbin, China, a city of 10 million, due to smothering air pollution

Legal Low-Down On Supreme Court Carbon Case

What is the key legal issue in the Supreme Court review of EPA's authority to regulate CO2?

UK: $26 B Nuke Deal Signed

French utility giant EDF & two Chinese companies will build a $26 billion nuclear power plant in the UK

October 20, 2013

Insurance Industry Sees Climate Problem

The US insurance industry calculates that climate science predictions are right

October 19, 2013

Invest In Tomorrow Today

NREL makes the case that utilities are well-placed to access low cost capital for investing in solar power & energy storage

After The Carbon Age

Los Angeles emerged during the Carbon Age, what's needed now to move into the Era of Sustainability?

The Dakota: Way Ahead Of Its Time

When planned in the 1880's the Dakota apartment building included a neighborhood combined heat & power system

Graphic Power Shift

Maps and charts show what the decentralized power-supply revolution is all about

October 18, 2013

Australia: Green Bank, Political Casualty

Australia's conservative government is likely to shut down the green development bank, although it's turning a profit

For The New Mayor To Do

Real estate leaders, architects & builders urge action by NYC's next Mayor on climate change, resiliency & infrastructure

Banksy's Here

ICYMI, in NYC's Meatpacking District, (in)famous British artist Banksy protests against cruelty to farm animals

Berlin Building: Eye-Catching and Energy Smart

A new Berlin office tower rates a LEED-Gold equivalence with an advanced building envelope

Getting Around Town

A brief history of the long reign of the car in urban America, with a surprising new twist

US Energy IQ

Q: What do Americans know about energy? A: Not a lot

See The Light

These solar-powered LED street lights can be sited anywhere, no electric grid needed

Everything You Need To Know About...

The California energy storage rule for renewable power

Good Code, Good Building

Better energy codes make for better, less costly to run commercial buildings

October 17, 2013

New Zealand: Ice Die-Off

In just four years the New Zealand Alps have lost 15% of their ice

China: Carbon Pricing Update

While China continues to beta-test carbon trading schemes, it's also considering a carbon tax

Trash And Cash

NYC's garbage has to go somewhere, but at what cost?

The Next New York

While there is an enormous to-do list for the next Mayor to tackle, here are Bloomberg legacies that should be 'no-brainers' to retain, foster and sustain

Go With The Flow

New York City gets its third water tunnel, 43 years in the making

A Green Ribbon For Boston

The story of Boston's climate action plan 'In a nation that has become accustomed to political polarization, gridlock, and government dysfunction, the story of Boston’s efforts to activate a wide-ranging and powerful network to work toward a common goal deserves a wide audience'

Think Power Utility, Think Rotary Phone

Elon Musk is part of an insurgency that is making today's utility industry go the way of the rotary phone

Gotta Store It

California to require utilities to deploy energy storage equipment as part of its renewable energy program

NY's New Environmental Advocate

Peter Iwanowicz is named Executive Director of Environmental Advocates, New York's green watchdog group

October 16, 2013

Worst Urban Air In Europe

Don't inhale in these ten European cities

Benchmarking USA

There are some surprises on this US map of cities and states with building energy use disclosure laws

China's Mandatory Green Credit Rules

A comment on China's new mandatory environmental review guidelines for evaluating green project financing

Germany: No Coalition Yet

The German Green Party bows out of coalition talks with the Christian Democrats

Mexico: Eco-Labeling

Mexico will develop a products & services eco-labeling system to promote efficiency and sustainable production

From Marfa TX to NY NY

Visual artists, architects & performers tackle climate change as part of Marfa Dialogues/New York in two-months series of public events

After Sandy: Microgrids

Since a self-contained microgrid kept the lights & heat on at NYU when Con Ed was wiped out by Sandy, what's the takeaway?

Waiting For Godot FEMA

Still waiting for FEMA to rethink the federal flood insurance program, in the wake of rising seas & storm damage

Court Nixes NJ Power Plant Plan

Governor Christie's plan to use ratepayer subsidies to lure developers of new natural-gas fired power plants to NJ is upended by a federal court decision

October 15, 2013

Science At Work: Sea Level Rise

Dive into the fast-evolving science of sea level rise to see what's coming

Supreme Court To Hear Climate Challenge

The Supreme Court agrees to hear a challenge to EPA's decision to regulate auto GHG emissions required it to regulate emissions from stationary sources too. Preliminary reactions here

Germany: The Price Of Renewables

Will rising renewable energy prices become a political hot potato for PM Merkel?

Germany: No To Auto Efficiency

Why did Germany block EU auto efficiency standards?

Start With Sustainable Neighborhoods

Sustainable neighborhoods are the building blocks of sustainable cities & metro areas

Build A Better Gizmo

The number of US patents for renewable energy inventions has been soaring since 2000


Urban open-space activists use an on-line tool to find small sites ideal for multiple green uses

Ontario Renwables: High Demand, Low Supply

The roll-out of Ontario's post-coal energy plan founders , with renewable power demand far exceeding the utility's ability to supply it

October 14, 2013

California's Spending Skeptics

California's vigorous funding for renewable energy raises questions about project impacts & benefits

Solar Decathlon Winner

Team Austria wins DOE's competition to design, build & operate the most cost-effective, energy-efficient solar-powered house

Fly Efficiently

Check out this interactive about the fuel efficiency of airlines based on the selected domestic routes

ICYMI: Wind Power Mega-Merger

A Norwegian and a German wind power firm merge and competitors fret

Solar Potential

A radiation map based on satellite data of global regions with the greatest solar power potential

Citizen's Choice

Vote here for the city project demonstrating the most climate action leadership potential

Soft Solutions For Storm-Proofing Cities

Robust natural systems are crucial for protecting coastal cities from storms and sea-surges

Funds Fall For Renewables

2013 could become the second year in a row for falling investment in clean energy

Himmalayas: Floods Wash Away Lives & Tourism

Climate change is blamed for Himmalayan floods that killed 6,000 & washed away a tourist economy

Repair, Rebuild, Renew

What would be the infrastructure priorities of a de Blasio or a Lhota administration?

October 12, 2013

$450 Bilion Bet On Climate Science

US firms like Nike and Microsoft, with a total worth of $450 billion, have their own internal policies and agendas for tackling climate change want US climate action

Utilities Face Existential Threat

Renewable energy poses an 'existential threat' to European utilities stuck on conventional fuel & business models

October 11, 2013

Cheap Thrills

Low global coal prices boost plans for new power plants

China: Peaking Faster Or Not

Will China hit it's peak carbon output and start shrinking its footprint by 2020 or stay on a long-term plateau

Shutdown Shuts Down Offshore Wind Lease

Lease approval for a 2 GW Virginia offshore wind project is put on hold by the federal government shutdown

Look At The Long Tail

While 2047 might or might not be the benchmark year for a heating planet, the upper range of predicted impacts should be a call to action today

France: No Fracking

The French constitutional court upholds a law banning hydrofracking

Cities Can't Duck The Climate Challenge

Really useful knowledge for greener cities with game theory supporting the logic of local action

Three Cheers For RE-188

The organizations that sets international buildings code standards adopts RE-188, guidelines to make it easier for home builders to go energy efficient

Google Greener

Google leads the energy-slurping Internet pack for investing in renewable power supplies

Victim And Villain

If today's energy supply system is both victim & villain of climate change impacts, what is to be done?

October 10, 2013

Viet Nam-US: Nuclear OK

A new agreement allows export of US nuclear power technology to Viet Nam

Weird Weather Risks: Media Asks, Carrion Answers

In a wide-ranging interview of Independent mayoral candidate Adolfo Carrion, Gotham Gazette probes his views on NYC's climate risks & resiliency plans

Science At Work: Understanding IPCC-Speak

What a difference a few words make in the new IPCC report

Norway: Sovereign Wealth Green Fund

Norway's incoming Conservative government may redirect a portion of its $720 B sovereign wealth fund to direct investments in infrastructure for the production & distribution of renewable energy

Green Economy Needs Green Financing

Ten ideas for revving-up green finance mechanisms to advance climate solutions in the economy

Korea: Carbon Could Cost A Lot

Korea's developing carbon market could set the world's highest prices for emissions permits

Save Energy With Data

Interact with this infographic of every state's energy use profile & get ideas for doing better

Pitt Rocks The Rockaways

Brad Pitt's Build It Right funds the design & construction of a storm-resilient Rockaway bungalow

San Francisco Here I Come

87% of San Franciscans believe in climate change and 77% are at least somewhat worried about it

October 09, 2013

Generation X, Y, Red Hot

By 2047, scientists project that the coldest years may be hotter than anything seen before, Find out more about your city's climate future

Tish James: Recycling Champion

Tish James, candidate for Public Advocate, has a record of accomplishment on expanding NYC's recycling law

Conservatives Split Over Energy Policy

What can solve the deep divide among ruling UK Conservatives over energy policy?

Developing Nations: Climate Fund Woes

With rock-bottom prices for carbon emissions permits, the UN climate adaptation fund for developing nations gets squeezed

The Way Things Work: Power Plants

Cool & ample water plays a critical role in the operation of the power plants but the rules for pricing the power are just as key

The Cheaper Way To Cut Carbon

According to an OECD 15 nation study, carbon emissions trading prices are 16 times cheaper than government subsidies to renewable power suppliers

$1 Million Citi Bike Suit

In what could be a legal first, a pedestrian knocked down by a Citi Bike pedaler sues for $1 million

UK: Costing Decarbonization

Follow the political skirmish over projected costs of cutting electric utility carbon emissions in the UK

An Animated History Of The High-Rise

See it here!

Pittsburgh: Demand Less, Get More

Pittsburgh's biggest energy users gain when cutting demand on hot summer days, coal loses

California Uitlities v Customers

Tensions rise in California between utilities & their customers over net metering of roof-top solar power installations with battery storage

October 08, 2013

UK: Spare Our Scenery

Will local opponents of rooftop solar power slow down future growth in the UK?

Con Ed Rate Battle

Con Ed wants New Yorkers to pay more for their gas and electric but state regulators don't

8 Cheers For Energy Efficiency

8 great energy efficiency achievements & 1 not-there-yet

Fine Print Supports Climate Action

How can the legal terms setting up a corporation help Cleveland, OH meet its goal of cutting GHGs 80% by 2050?

The 'Pause' That Isn't

What explains the rise of the rising temperature 'pause' myth?

Rethinking The Grid

Imagine a metro power supply that's regional, distributed & resilient

Energy Efficiency And Household Income

New research in Austin, TX will shine a light on energy use and efficiency opportunities for low-income households

October 07, 2013

Beijing: 0x14

Beijing will shut all its coal-fired power plants by the end of 2014

A Movement Die-Off

Sustainability - who cares?

Canadian Funding For US Solar

A Canadian solar panel maker to offer up to $40,000 for home installation of rooftop PVs in the US

Climate Risk Management

What are US cities & states doing to plan for climate change adaptation/resilience?

Bangladesh And India: Growing Solar Powers

With a boom in off-grid solar power for homes in Bangladesh and large arrays for solar grid power in India, a new energy era dawns

Stockholm: Getting Around Town

Stockholm's multi-modal transit system is designed to make easy connections

China: Making Environmental Choices

The environmental impacts of relentless growth are felt in China along with awareness that the nation must take action

New Subway Transports Developers

The imminent ribbon-cutting for the #7 subway west side extension mobilizers developers' interest

MTA Plans Ahead

The MTA, responsible for planning & operating the nation's biggest mass transit system, lays out 20 years of project & budget projections

October 05, 2013

Learning To Be Bill McKibben

A must-read review of Bill McKibben's new book Oil and Honey: The Education of an Unlikely Activist

Facing Up To Climate Risks

"If the United States were run like a business, its board of directors would fire its financial advisers for failing to disclose the significant and material risks associated with unmitigated climate change" Michael Bloomberg

October 04, 2013

Why Nuclear Power Is Fading

According to Citi Research, the cost is too damn high

Not Your Mom's VW

The new Volkswagen x|1 is designed to get 200 MPG, but it might not be sold in the US

Queensland: Cheaper Than Grids

The electric utility for Queensland, Australia predicts renewable energy with battery storage will become cheaper than power plants & grids

India: Better Solar Panels

Silicon-free, thin-fim solar panels installed in Gujarat, India, reach new efficiency heights

Energy Efficiency Grows Biz

A study of 6 utility energy efficiency programs in Wisconsin tracked the uptake in work for 46 midwest manufacturers

Only In NY

Don't have a car? This Queens drive-in movie theater is for you!

Show Us The Plan

The New York League of Conservation Voters campaigns for Mayoral candidates to reveal their plans for making the city storm & climate resilient

Cities As Levers

How can cities act as potent levers to move climate action forward?

Iceland: Renwable Exports

Iceland begins to use its geothermal assets to produce and export renewable energy resources

October 03, 2013

Norway: Buy Unused Carbon Credits

Norway plans to bolster the carbon emissions markets by purchasing excess clean development permits

'Repeal Reality' (Thanks Paul Krugman)

What do climate deniers & Obamacare foes have in common?

California Greenin'

Full speed ahead for climate-friendly California energy policies

UK: Carbon Budget Doubts

Will the UK governing coalitionweaken it's "climate budget"?

Acidic Oceans Today

Rising levels of CO2 in the air lead to the highest level of ocean acidity in 300 million years, with impacts happening now

Mind Those Black Elephants

When it comes to climate chaos, black elephants are "major events which are treated in politics or business as extremely unlikely, or even impossible… but are known to many to be entirely possible, maybe even likely"

Walmart, IKEA: The Energy Tipping Point

With Walmart selling low-price LEDs & IKEA offering rooftop solar panel kits, renewable energy is going mass market

Parking Parklets

How cities can convert street parking into bite-sized urban oases

October 02, 2013

Supreme Court Unlikely To Tackle Carbon

A Supreme Court list of cases accepted for the new session cited none of the industry challenges to Obama''s authority to regulate carbon emissions

Popular Home Gizmos

Energy efficiency controls are today's most popular automated home gadgets

When In Rome

Ancient Roman concrete was more climate-friendly than the stuff used now

Southeast Asia: Coal Boom

Coal to become the electric energy source of choice in Southeast Asia, predicts IEA

Energy Disclosure: Challenges Ahead

With the growing popularity of building energy benchmarking laws comes insight and awareness of data and action challenges ahead

Storm-Proofing Ahead

Government & private efforts to Sandy-proof NYC must not stop on December 31

UK: Energy Efficient Printing

A case study of how a UK printing firm made itself energy efficient

Renewable Power: Price Is Right

A major electric utility plans to buy solar and wind power because it's price-competitive with natural gas

Wanted: US Infrastructure Bank

What is the value of a national infrastructure bank?

What A Waste

While commercial waste haulers could recycle 90% of what's collected, they only hit 40% now

Make Money With Efficiency

Energy efficiency service providers, ESCOs, are doing well by doing good

October 01, 2013

Intel Gets Smarter

Global chip maker Intel, expands into the smart grid market with energy-saving micro-processors

US Military Re-Powers

Government funded solar projects that will change the energy supply for the US military

Three Men Walk Into A Bar...

Michael Bloomberg, Henry Paulson & Tom Steyer join forces to persuade investors, policy makers to make the business case for climate action

Build It Better

NY architects & planners report on new ideas for building a better New York using lessons learned from Sandy

Voters In Motion

Q: What moves NYC voters? A: Mass transit

Watch The Climate Change

Using IPCC data, watch this video of 21st Century climate changing

Frail Rail

The shut down of a major Metro North rail line reveals the fragility of an aged electric system & lack of reliable backup