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News & Views Curation

September 30, 2013

Rail v Rapid Bus

Should urban mass transit systems invest in bus rapid transit or rail?

EU: Carbon Market Doing 'Brilliantly'

Market efficiency not market price is the measure of the EU-ETS success says godfather Richard Sandor

Funding Mass Transit: The Hong Kong Way

Hong Kong mass transit is financed through property acquisition & development deals

IPCC Expiration Date

A glimpse into the fraught nature of IPCC framing and decision-making raises questions about what scientists should do now

Another Government Shutdown

Federal renewable energy production tax credits will end this year without Congressional action

Corporate Calls On Climate Report

Corporate reactions to the IPCC climate report are sector-specific

Bad Vibrations For East Side Access

The slo-mo East Side Access LIRR rail-iink project riles its Sunnyside neighbors

Korea: Go With E. Coli

Korean scientists tweak E. coli bacteria to produce gasoline

Too Much Noise

What's that you said Washington Irving?

September 29, 2013

Welcome To The Makeover Club

Two more NYC office towers complete LEED-EB renovations

September 28, 2013

Surprising Energy Scores

New York City's yearly building benchmarking grades show some surprising residential energy sippers and slurpers

ICYMI: Prospects For Federal Enery Funds

What are the chances of renewed federal funding for leading-edge clean energy technologies?

EBay: Waste Not Want Not

EBay will buy waste heat to power its Salt Lake City UT data center

September 27, 2013

Cast Your Ballot

Vote for your choice of the city with the most innovative climate leadership program

Leave It In The Ground

To combat climate change, the world must stop extracting its remaining fossil fuel (Good luck!)

NYC: Sunny Side Up

With 5.3 MW of solar power added so far this year New York City is becoming friend of solar power

Tweet Of The Day

The Heat Is On

Take a deeper dive into the IPCC Climate report and renewed calls to face up to reality

Climate Panel Sounds An Alarm

The world is heading toward exceeding a key carbon limit according to the new UN 2,000-page IPCC report authored by 257 scientists & a 36-page summary for policymakers

Blowin' In The Wind

Forecasting the future of US off-shore wind power is still is hard to do

September 26, 2013


NYC's air is the cleanest in half a century, with less polluting heating fuel getting a lot of credit

And The Renewable Energy Winner Is...

Bloomberg NEF predicts that in 2013 new solar PV installations will top the renewable energy charts for the first time

Clean Vehicles Clean Up

US sale of electric & hybrid vehicles accelerated in August to nearly 12,000

More Threat, Less Glamour

While the threats of global climate chaos increase, climate action stars fade away

Be Prepared For New Climate Report

Before the Fifth IPCC Climate report is released, take a quick refresher on four key climate facts

Don't Inhale Here

Mapping the places around the world where breathing poses the greatest health threats & why

Benchmarking Data - Come And Get It

NYC releases its 2nd annual report on building energy and water use; for the first time, apartment dwellers have direct access to data on their own building’s energy consumption

Toolkit For Power System Resilience

What are the tools NYC needs to climate-proof its critical electric power supply system?

Jet Stream Woes

An anomalous summertime split jet stream over the US is linked to weird weather this year

Glass: The Good, The Bad And The Climate

The controversies over the popularity of glass-walled urban buildings are crystal clear

September 25, 2013

Renewable Power: Do The Math

Fuel cost savings outweigh added costs of using more renewable energy in the west, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Australia: Carbon Price RIP

Australia's new conservative government may lack business backing to kill its carbon price law

Catch The Clean Heat Wave

Rooftop solar thermal installations hold a key to clean heat for the Big Apple

Inclusive Urban Sustainability

Expand your urban sustainability horizons, it means a lot

Storm-Proofing: New Must-Have

Making luxury real estate storm-proof is no longer an afterthought in NYC

UN: Fitful Climate Funding

Slow global economic conditions are cited as a problem for the UN Global Climate Fund

Science At Work - Warming Oceans

What do rising ocean temperatures reveal about how climate chance happens?

New Zealand: Marketing Smart Meters

Will offering smart electric meters as a customer service make people want them?

Boston: Green Messaging In Mayor's Race

Boston Mayoral candidates John Connolly and Martin Walsh feature environmental issues in their campaign literature

Norfolk, VA: Sea-Level Rise

Doing nothing in a region of 1.6 million people is not an option

September 24, 2013

Not Just Big

Former Wold Bank chief economist Lord Stern calls the risks posed by a changing climate "immense"

What Certainty Means To Scientists

Smoking causes cancer is as scientifically certain as human action causes climate change

Greenpeace At The Heritage Foundation

Watch this confrontational video

Canada: Green Bond Update

Canada's green bond market to finance climate-friendly energy & infrastructure projects trends up

London: Carbon Boiler Room Bust

Unscrupulous brokers who tried to sell carbon emissions credits have been arrested by London police

NYC Solar Map

See where sunshine is put to work creating power on NYC rooftops

Love Those Bronx River Oysters

Bronx River oysters make a comeback with a little help from their friends

Solar Power Casts Shadows

Four ways the rise of solar power gives traditional utilities agita

Science At Work: Worse Thunderstorms

New research suggests a role for global warming in more severe thunderstorms

September 23, 2013

Germany: Red Light For Green Energy

After Angela Merkel's re-election, business urges the government to leave the current path to renewable energy

Talk Shouldn't Be Cheap

Al Gore wants climate deniers to pay the political price for ignoring science

Salty Sandy

Sandy flooded the region's infrastructure with salt water and its corrosive legacy lingers

Where Green Jobs Grow

Massachusetts reports a third consecutive year of clean energy sector job growth

China v US: Making PV Peace

Easing trade tensions between China and the US over solar panels could be on tap

Carbon Cuts Not Guaranteed

Continuing the trend in lower carbon emissions & gains in clean fuels will take sustained energy

Global Green Cities: From A To V

Get a sustainability snapshot of cities from Amsterdam to Vancouver — and more

Urban Alchemy

The former Fresh Kills landfill is on its way to becoming a 2,200 acre urban park

Solar-Powered iGizmos

Will thin-film solar technology soon be powering your iGizomos?

September 22, 2013

Repurposed Gas Station

See what happened to a former Getty gas station!

September 21, 2013

Texas-Style Science Education

Texas science textbooks soon could be teaching creationism, climate denialism & advancing an anti-abortion agenda

Lessons From Virtual Energy Audits

Five take aways from virtual energy audits of 60 million square feet of building space

The ABC's Of EPA's Carbon Proposal

What's the EPA carbon rule proposal all about?

September 20, 2013

UN: Convene A Climate Summit

Trying to restart international climate action momentum, th UN invites world leaders to a summit meeting

Germany: Less Power For Renewables

A political ally of Chancellor Merkel calls for ending power grid priorities for renewables

Wind Map

Check out this dynamic map of US wind patterns and think about the renewable energy potential

Science At Work: Sea Level Rise

Why is is hard for climate science to predict how much and how fast sea level will rise?

California Low-Carbon Rule Saved

A federal appeals court upholds the California low carbon fuel standard; here's why

See How Benchmarking Saves Money

One energy benchmarking infographic is worth a thousand words

Saving A Solar Program

A popular solar panel rebate program on Long Island gets a reprieve with $5 million from the Governor

Hamburg: The Flood-Proofed City

Tour a newly built flood-proofed neighborhood in Hamburg Germany; see lessons for other vulnerable cities?

Building Out And Renting Up

According to the NYC Independent Budget Office, there's enough demand for office space to fill the new buildings that would be permitted under controversial mid-town zoning changes; let's hope they're all very energy efficient

September 19, 2013

NYC Gets Strategic

Sustainability, disaster & strategic planning get a new director in NYC

Australia: Climate Watchdog RIP

Australia's new conservative government shuts down the independent climate change commission

September 18, 2013

Biking In The Apocalypse

Slightly tongue-in-cheek praise for urban bike programs

Suck It Up

Vacuum tube trash disposal?

September 17, 2013

Do Well By Doing Good

Investor alert! opportunities ahead in energy efficiency

MTA Capital Budget

Mass transit runs on money, what's in store for NY?

Watch Out Boston

With coming climate change impacts called "weather on steroids" , what's ahead for Boston?

Science At Work: The End Of An Era

11,000 years of global temperatures show 100 years of hotter weather reverse 5,000 years of cooler temperatures

Thre Ought To Be A Rule

Microgrid growth in New York is hobbled by the state's current regulatory framework

September 16, 2013

Think Ahead: Urban Impact Biz

Why urban impact entrepreneurs should look ahead to working out a relationship with municipalities

Millenials: The Eco-Poll

What are the beliefs and behaviors of today's Millenials?

Data Center Slurps Energy

The lease for a new data center in lower Manhattan is a window into the challenge of cutting energy demand

Scotland: Europe's Biggest Tidal Power Project

The first stage of a 398 MW tidal power project in the Firth of Pentland gets a government green light

Solar Power Stacks Up

Researchers develop a super-efficient stacked solar cell system

Climate, Energy And Syria

Weigh on on whether climate change impacts and energy markets are adding to the Syrian tragedy

Recycling Grows Organically

NYC's venerable but under-performing recycling program expands to capture food scraps

September 15, 2013

Pollution Profits

How banks make a bundle on trading in ethanol permits

September 13, 2013

Budget Cuts Cut Nuke Site Cleanup

Budget cuts force 465 layoffs, delaying clean up at the highly contaminated Savannah River facility, once used to make weapons grade plutonium

Summer's Not Over

Stressful demands on the power grid are not limited to July and August anymore

Talk Their Talk

How to talk to folks about climate change? Hint:in other words

LIPA Likes Rooftop PV

Why some utilities, like LIPA, pay developers to install rooftop solar panels

Yes We Have

America's greatest domestic energy resource and security is energy efficiency, 'nuff said!

Finding Sandy's Latent Damage

Why does it take so long to discover the all the infrastructure damage wreaked by Superstorm Sandy and will the City lose millions in federal aid?

Japan: Paying The Nuclear Power Price

With the shutdown of Japan's nuclear power plants, utilities scramble for funds and fuel


What's generating the buzz about microgrids as an alternative to the old-time electric power grid?

September 12, 2013

Germany: Tesla Arrives

Tesla to open 6 showrooms in Germany to get its autos on the autobahn

Grist Looks At de Blasio

Seattle-based Grist magazine weighs in on Bill de Blasio's environmental record & policy positions

China: Pollution Protests Matter

Popular protests over filthy air impact Chinese policy in a commitment to cutting coal consumption

Arctic Ocean Acidification

Why is Arctic Ocean acidity increasing?

Doing Well and Doing Good

Top corporate financial performers are also climate action leaders

De Blasio's Green Plank

The printed word on Bill de Blasio's sustainability & environmental agenda

Eco-Bond Vote 2014

Next year, New Yorkers will vote on a $5 billion state bond act to pay for clean water, a less polluted urban environment & sewage system upgrades, but is there a spending plan?

A Tale of Two Cities

After Sandy and despite no clear regulatory path, Hartford CT is developing microgrids, but what is Sandy-slammed NYC doing?

1 WTC Goes For Green Gold

The new World Trade Center's green features could win a LEED Gold rating

No, No Naomi

What Naomi Klein gets wrong in her attack on mainstream environmentalists, according to a mainstreamer

If Turbines Could Talk

With growing data gathering & communications capacity, discovering productivity gains in wind power will be key to the industry's future

September 11, 2013

Vienna: Tall And Passive

Vienna gets its first 20-story certified Passive House office tower

France: Carbon Tax Coming

France will add a revenue neutral carbon levy to fuel taxes in 2014, details to follow


HEMS, the Home Energy Management Systems market, is evolving fast

Australia: King Coal Re-elected

As long as China continues to buy up Australian coal, there will be no durable cap on carbon down under

Caffeinate Your Car

Processed coffee grounds could become a clean car fuel

Germany: Getting Past Market Limits

To create an energy system that gets more than 25% of its power from renewables, Germany must rethink supply and price models rooted in fossil & nuclear fuels

NY Green Bank Start Up

With $165.6 million from electric utility surcharges, New York State readies its Green Bank

Hurricane Mystery

Experts & commentators weigh on on why there have been no hurricanes -- yet -- this year and what this means to climate science

Legislative Snooze Fest

Why is it so hard for Congress to pass an energy efficiency bill?

September 10, 2013

Australia: The Carbon Promise

The election victory of Australia's conservative coalition comes with promises to kill the carbon tax & cut renewable energy support

Gas/Oil Drilling Leases Abandoned

Chesapeake Energy walks away from hydrofracking leases on 13,00 acres in New York State

Big Green Denialists

Naomi Klein calls big environmental organizations the obstacle to potent grass-roots activism

Labors Of A Climate Sisyphus

Undoing the damage of climate deniers is unending

Science At Work: Ocean Acidification

The quest for data-driven climate science will advance with a $1 million prize for improved monitoring of ocean acidification

Record-Setting Green Energy Loans

Development banks made $108.9 billion in energy efficiency and renewable energy loans in 2012, an all-time high

Rise-Averse Climate Science

The leaked draft IPCC climate report makes very conservative projections on sea level & temperature, why?

CA: Low-End Carbon Prices

Allowance prices in California's cap-and-trade system should be near the minimum floor established by the state, $13 per ton averaged through 2020, 66% lower than previous estimates, thanks to other carbon-cutting policies that are working as expected [ClimateWire $ub]

September 09, 2013

Unsustainable Behavior

We underestimate climate change impacts while underfunding the innovations needed to face its challenges

Los Angeles: 4.7 x 50

Using supercomputer power, a UCLA scientists predicts Los Angeles temperature averages could soar 4.7 degrees by 2050

NY Post Lkes Bikes

The New York Post praises the City's traffic calming & bike programs as a plus for public safety and urges GOP Mayoral candidates' support

Pipeline Politics

The campaign to make Obama's decision on the Keystone XL pipeline a litmus test of his climate cred

India: Decaffeinated

A changing climate threatens tea production in India

Energy Efficiency: Federal Update

Guesstimates about prospects for action on energy efficiency in Washington

The Many Flavors of Microgrids

Since Sandy gave a big boost to the idea of microgrids, it's time to consider their variety

Rio: Get Smart

Using cell-phone cameras. kids map problems in five Rio favelas, a first step to fixing them

China: Stay With Sustainability

China's premier Li Keqiang, publicly vows to stay on the sustainable development path

Omaha: Greening The Code

Omaha could become the latest city to adopt a cost-saving energy efficiency code

Tallying Tesla's Green

Measuring the climate friendliness of Tesla autos depends on the electric power supply they use

Sandy Doesn't Storm Election

Sandy recovery & rebuilding are not stirring a Staten Island City Council race

September 06, 2013

Citizens Choice Award

10 Winning Cities announced for the City Climate Leadership Awards but the awards process for 2013 isn't over until the public from around the world weighs in — vote for the project you believe should have won. Voting just started.

Green-and-Blue Roof

Bronx nonprofit, Osborne Association, helps ex-cons forge new lives. They will use their new $668K state-of-the-art green-and-blue rooftop to help prevent sewer overflows, save energy and for on-site green jobs training.

September 05, 2013

About That Weird Weather

Like the impact of highway speeding on accidents, a hotter world makes weird weather worse, but is a wavy jet stream to blame?

Locked Into Massive Rates

In southern Illinois, Prairie State Energy Campus's $5B coal plant construction costs passed onto homeowners and municipal rate payers locked into paying $75.04 a megawatt for the next 28 years triggers SEC investigation

Climate Skeptic Funded PAC

Koch family cash infusion received by New Yorkers for Proven Leadership, a new pro-Lhota PAC shifts focus

Navy Links Micro Grids

First-of-a-kind US Navy project in San Diego creates secure, centrally managed microgrid

September 04, 2013

Millions For Green Tech Centers

Columbia University partners with Polytech in a $15 million green tech proof of concept program