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News & Views Curation

February 28, 2013

Unplug On March 1

It may not be easy but try to take part in National Unplugging Day

China: New Nuke Surge

40% of the world's nuclear power plants now in development are located in China

All Tomorows' Flood Protection

Tune in to a multi-sided discussion of the Dutch style harbor barrier idea to protect New Yorkers from all tomorrows' floods

Save Water, Grow Jobs

Here's how water conservation projects can be a good way to grow green jobs

Japan: Re-Nuking

Closed since Fukushima, Japan will restart its nuclear generator fleet this year

Science At Work - Weird Weather

New research finds climate-induced slo-mo airflows explain weird weather events in the US and Europe

NYC Green Infrastrcuture Grants

Consult the map to see if you are eligible to apply for a NYC Green Infrastructure grant

Imagination Seizes Power

Some people just have the best ideas about carbonfree energy

Resilient Shelter In A Storm

The NYC Building Resiliency Task Force spotlights clean distributed energy as key to making urban structures safer in a storm

February 27, 2013

UK: Boiling Over

Gas-fired home boilers and fossil-fueled vehicles must be phased out by 2050 for the UK to meet its carbon-cut commitments

Thin-Film PV Maker Slips

First quarter earnings miss targets for the world's largest thin-film PV panel maker

Australia: Politics And Carbon Prices

Handicapping the price of CO2 emissions after elections in Australia this fall

Chu's Energy Bequest

What will be the most lasting energy initiatives from Steven Chu's tenure at DOE?

Climate Learning Opportunities

Someday, politicians in the Capitol will learn climate action lessons from the advance work done in California

Fed Nuke Watchdog Doesn't Bark

Post-Fukushima disputes over safety rules and industry muscle roil the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Climate On GAO High-Risk List

The GAO adds climate change and weather satellites to its list of things that put federal installations at high risk

Decongestion Pricing

The cost of a new car in New York City could discourage ownership

Video Diaries

Harlem Education Action Fund youth eco-interviews now on YouTube

February 26, 2013

The Tideline Project

This video was made two years prior to Superstorm Sandy

Australia: Dim Outlook For Climate Politics

When American climate activism seems more politically effective than its Australian counterpart, that's not good

Solar Football For San Francisco

The new San Francisco 49ers stadium scores with 400 kW of solar power

Going For Gold In Times Square

A LEED-Gold tower in Times Square leases 70% of its office space and 100% of its retail space

Canada: We Can Have It All

The premier of Alberta Canada, home to the XL Keystone project, sees no conflict between fighting climate change and exploiting its tar sands

Millions For Upstate Energy Efficiency

New York State makes grants of $4 million for three energy efficiency projects in the Buffalo-Niagara region

Fossilist Financial Bias

Finding the pro-fossil fuel biases in the financial system

Germany: E-Buses Go Wireless

Mannheim, Germany hosts the newest pilot program for electric-powered buses that recharge wirelessly

Bi-Partisan Energy Research

Republicans and Democrats alike love ARPA-E's cutting-edge energy research, but alone it can't be a game changer

February 25, 2013

Taking The Heat

If climate science is right, why haven't air temperatures soared over the last decade?

Japan: The Body Electric

Fujifilm invents a nano-technology that converts body heat into electricity

3D For PV

A revolution in 3D printing could transform solar panel industry

The Trend In Current - Decentralization

Why distributed, decentralized power supplies could become the new normal

Venture Capital Repositions

Silicon Valley venture capital is shifting from financing renewables to demand response by way of smart grid technologies

Retail Efficiency

How is Macy's pursuing its energy efficient better buildings goals?

Take The J Train

Here's why the subway is a great way to explore NYC

Energy Market Flaws Hurt Flow

Structural flaws in New England's power market lie at the root of recent electricity shortages

Australia: Snapping Up Shale Gas Assets

US fossil fuel giant, Chevron, spends $349 million on Australian shale gas resources

February 23, 2013

Out Of Oil

Bill McKibben makes his case for the oil disinvestment movement

The Long March

The environmental movement has energy, what it needs is power

Affordable Heat And Power

Affordable housing in a former Bronx hospital building saves everyone money with a combined heat and power system

Not The Next Big Thing

Climate policy reliant on energy tech innovation won't be our silver bullet

February 22, 2013

UK: Prince Of Wales' Waste Gas

Methane from a biogas plant on land owned by Prince Charles will be sold into the national grid

Maryland Moves On Offshore Wind

A bill to foster development of offshore wind passes a key vote in Maryland

Going Dutch

How is Holland using natural systems to face threats in the 21st century?

China: Blistering PV Sales

Yingli, a Chinese solar panel maker, is on track to become the world's biggest

Korea: Big Green Bond

Korea issues its first $500 million bond deal to finance projects promoting 'low carbon and climate resilient growth'

Oops, There Goes The Permafrost

Scientists fear a major, methane-releasing meltdown of the Earth's permafrost is on the way

Scoring Congress

The League of Conservation Voters scores Congress in 2012, state by state, including NY

Learning From Keystone

Win. lose or draw, what are the organizing lessons from the battle over importing Canadian tar sand oil?

Renewable Power Surge

January 2013 saw 1,231 MW of new renewable power capacity, almost triple that of last January

February 21, 2013

Australia: What Goes Around

Australian use and export of coal outstrips the climate impact of its domestic carbon tax policy

Kerry's Climate Shout-Out

Secretary of State Kerry spotlights the importance of taking action on climate change in his first big speech

Sandy's Silver Lining

Smart grid advocates spotlight rebuilding lessons to be learned from Superstorm Sandy

February 20, 2013

Last Leg Of The High Line

Photos show the progress in building the final section of NYC's High Line Park

Japan: Seeking US Shale Gas

Prime Minister Abe will ask President Obama to allow the export of US liquefied natural gas to Japan

EU: Carbon Market Quakes

Skepticism about the impact of an EU vote sends carbon emissions permit prices down 20%

Obama's EPA And Energy Picks

The President will name Gina McCarthy to lead the EPA and Ernest Moniz to head the Department of Energy

Rx For Vulnerable Port Cities

Urban planners & port authorities rethink what's needed to keep their cities safe and their assets operational as weird weather encroaches

NJ: Business As Usual Is Not Enough

New Jersey's biggest power utility proposes, in the wake of Sandy's devastation, to invest $4B for growing system resilience

Climate Uproar

Few things are as controversial as climate action agendas where they cross with fossil fuel projects

Get Ready For The 17th Century

Climate scientists foresee an America without New Orleans and coastal cities like Boston retreating to their 17th Century footprint

February 19, 2013

What An Energy Czar Can Do

Richard Kauffman, New York's new Chair of Energy Policy & Finance speaks about the rise of distributed power and the role of a green bank

Advocates For A Climate Tool

Section 115 of the Clean Air Act could be a potent legal lever for combating climate change according to an NYU Law School-linked petition to the EPA

China: Shale Gas Gloom

China is unlikely to meet its goals for producing shale gas industry and moving toward energy independence

UK: Green Tech Fails To Thrive

The UK low carbon, high tech sector is not keeping up with the competition and calls more more government R&D

Smart Fenestration

Today, laboratory researchers are developing first generation high performance windows

The Green Jobs Climate

Letters-to-the-Editor tackle a Leonhardt NYT column about the climate-green jobs nexus

Gaming Power

Think Enron-type scams of energy prices are a thing of the past?

Canada: Oozing Pits

Leaking pits that store waste from tar sands drilling in Alberta, Canada contaminate ground water

February 18, 2013

Clean Tech Investing RIP

Reports of the death of clean tech investing are premature

Mind The Gap

The federal GAO reports on worrying gaps in US weather satellites' data reporting abilities

Engineers To The Rescue

What are the prospects for bioengineering and carbon capture to slash global GHG emissions?

Global Cities: Killing Streets

As global city traffic grows, solutions to soaring pedestrian fatalities are needed

Liverpool: Offshore Wind Shipyard

A venerable Liverpool shipyard gets 10-15% of its revenues from handling equipment destined for offshore wind projects

China: More City Solar

The Chinese city of Xuchang gets $115 million to install 60 MW of rooftop solar power by 2015

Argentina: Solar Dawn

For the first time, Argentina plans to grow its solar power capacity

February 17, 2013

Soft Solutions

Creating or restoring soft edge ecosystems can play a big part in flood-proofing Manhattan

February 16, 2013

Turn Down, Screw In, Unplug

Tips from NYERSDA & Con Ed for making homes more energy efficient

February 15, 2013

Renewables Take A Bow

The recent rise of on-tap renewable power plays a real role in cutting the US carbon footprint.

Europe: Nuke Power Unplugged

Intersecting forces are shutting down prospects for nuclear power in Europe

90x50 In The Big Apple

The Urban Green Council spells out how NYC can cut its carbon footprint 90% by the year 2050

Real World For Virtual Power

What is a virtual power plant and who is investing?

Welcome Elementa

Now there's a new open source journal dedicated to the science of the Anthropocene Era

February 14, 2013

The Energy Waste Problem

We don't have an energy supply problem, we have an energy waste problem and here's how to solve it

Climate Tipping Point

Experts ask how much time is left before climate damage from burning fossil fuels is irreversible?

Shell To EU: Zero For Zero

Royal Dutch Shell points out to the EU that a near-zero carbon emissions permit price will accomplish zero

London: Low Emissions Zone

The Mayor of London wants to create the world's first center-city area where vehicle access is only for ultraclean fuel users

Shifting The Conservative Climate

Former Congressman Bob Inglis is a man on a mission to convince conservatives that climate action is the right thing to do

Welcome Minneapolis

Minneapolis joins the growing list of US cities with a building energy benchmarking law

The Ultimate Make-Over

Are you an architect with ideas for revitalizing NYC? Here's the competition for you

February 13, 2013

EU: Aviation Carbon Down

GHG emissions from European air travel drop as fuel efficiency - and crowded seating - rise

Australia: Climate Denial Drooping

Climate change deniers in Australia seem to be losing steam

Energy Efficiency: Learn By Doing

Lessons learned by the founder of a New York green buildings energy retrofit program launched in 1996

Millions For Urban Sustainability

NYU is gifted $40 million for a new a cities and the urban environment institute

Meeting Obama's 50x30 Goal

Ideas for attaining the President's SOTU call for buildings to cut energy use 50% over the next two decades

We Love A Climate Tax

Valentine's Day could be the day for Senators Sanders & Boxer to announce a climate tax bill

Hoboken: Rethinking Disaster Rules

Hoboken, NJ asks whether the old emergency response playbook for hurricanes should be rewritten for high-rise cities and embrace resilient distributed power systems

Sandy Subway Salvage

Closed since being inundated by Sandy, the South Ferry subway station might bere-opened for awhile

Microsoft Prices Carbon

Click here to find out how Microsoft put its own price on carbon on its path to carbon neutrality

February 12, 2013

Brazil: How Sweet It Was

The price of ethanol-from-surgarcane futures outpaces the raw sugar price on Brazilian markets

The Big Melt Speeds Up

Thawing of the world's CO2 trapping permafrost happens faster the more it melts

MD Offshore Wind Prospects

Chances for a stripped down offshore Maryland wind farm pick up speed

Be My Infrastructure Valentine

Time to give the urban infrastructure the love and attention it needs - and we need

You've Come A Long Way Baby Sustainables

Women at the forefront of urban sustainability share what they've learned by doing

Sea Level Isn't Level

Why will global sea level rise flood coastal cities in different ways?

GE Wins On Wind

GE is now the world's biggest wind power equipment maker, toppling a Danish firm from its #1 position

Fossil Fuel Fossils

Oxford University to study fossil-fuel dependent facilities at risk of becoming stranded assets in a greener economy

What My Administration Is Going To Do

Speculation on what Obama will say about climate action in his State-of-the-Union speech and what his administration can do

February 11, 2013

Help Wanted

Apply to become a New York State Solar Ombudsman

UK: Pension Buys Into The Wind

A Canadian pension fund invests £500 million in the London Array offshore wind farm

Rooftop Wind, Maybe Not

Wind power is wonderful, but wind turbines on roofs or in building structures, maybe not so great

Here Comes More Sun

For the first time, global solar power capacity tops 100 gigawatts

UK: Tory Warning On Fossil Fuels

A former Conservative-government minister warning against investing in fossil fuel firms in a fast-changing climate

Rating RGGI

With a more rigorous cap & trade RGGI program on the way, what has it achieved so far and what could it do next?

The Lukewarmer Fallacy

Lukewarmers aren't worried about the evidence of climate change, they should be

China and US: Renewable Benefits

The US and China have good reasons to cooperate on developing clean energy industries, but are good reasons enough to make deals?

US Offshore Wind Update

Barely a breeze stirs the US offshore wind industry

February 08, 2013

UK: Decarbonization Duel

A Labor Party amendment to end the use of fossil fuels by electric utilities is excised by Conservatives

Nothing Cheap About Climate Chaos

The costs to cities of storms, droughts and other weird weather are immense

Out Foxed

Sometimes sarcasm is the best way to confront Fox News coverage of solar power

Smart Grid 2.0

Will the next big thing in smart grid development be open source software?

Europe: Buying Cheap US Coal

Cheap US black coal floods European energy markets and countries burn more dirty brown coal too

Save Billions By Saving Energy

US homes and businesses could save billions of dollars every year through energy efficiency

God Created Transit

No doubt about it

February 07, 2013

Morocco: Wind Power Coming

A French utility develops a 300 MW wind power project in Morocco for the local market

RGGI: Let There Be Less

If adopted, a model rule drafted by a coalition of northeast states will shrink its cap on carbon emissions 45% from 2015-2020 while containing permit costs

Let There Be Daylighting

With sophisticated daylighting controls and underfloor ventilation the New York Times building is a proving ground for energy efficiency

Manhattan's Blue Ribbon

The Manhattan Borough President announces an East River-side open space plan

Smarter, Safter After Sandy

How can we cut economic losses and taxpayer exposure in a post-Sandy weird weather world?

Global Metro Mega-Sprawl

Put names and numbers to the truism that the world is sprawling urban, big time!

Japan: Import US Natural Gas

Japan is on a path to import US liquified natural gas, signaling a shift in US energy export policy

Bloomberg To Cuomo - Meh

Mayor Bloomberg is not a fan of Governor Cuomo's proposal to get people to move out of risky flood zones

Science At Work - Understanding Sensitivity

At the leading edge of climate research, calculating how much temperatures will rise given stipulated levels of atmospheric CO2

February 06, 2013

New York Times - Green Star

With five years of operating and cost data, the New York Times building proves it's a real energy efficiency star

Time For Nuclear Sunset

The nuclear power industry faces energy policy and economics challenges for both new construction and repairs

Manila: Gearing Up For Bike Sharing

Starting a bike sharing program in Manila that folks will take to requires stamina

Nuclear Off-Ramp On Energy Highway

Will Governor Cuomo's Energy Highway plan mean the end for the Indian Point nuclear power plant?

Super Sustainable In Seattle

The Bullitt Foundation in Seattle has sky-high performance goals for its new Center


A Pennsylvania-based real-estate investment trust (REIT) benchmarks the energy performance of 129 properties

Boston: Sandy Scenarios

Mapping the impact of 5 and 7.5 foot storm surges in Boston

What Can Data Do

With soaring data-gathering capacity, can big data tell us about whether we are succeeding or how to plan for tomorrow?

February 05, 2013

UK: Sea Urchins Solve Carbon Crisis

University researchers discover how sea urchins store CO2, opening the way to new carbon capture techniques

Melbourne: Water Supply Woes

With its desalinization plant down and costly to fix, Melbourne, Australia might fill its water supply gap with recycled stormwater - Sydney & Adelaide, heads up!

What Henry Wants

Congressman Henry Waxman forms a Bicameral Task Force on Climate Change and has a to-do-list for Congress and the President

Investing In Eco-Goals

Disinvestment & deep-green investment are two trendy ways to protect the climate and still make money

Clearing China's Urban Smog

Desmogging the air in Chinese cities requires effective fuel regulations for cars and trucks

Fracking: Attacking Or Backing

To-frack-or-not-to-frack grabs center stage at New York State Environmental Conservation budget hearings

San Francisco: Going Inland

Preparing for rising seas and storm surges, San Francisco plans a strategic highway relocation

Now In A Sink Near You

For the first time since the 1970's New Yorkers can install garbage disposals in their sinks

February 04, 2013

Right-Of-Way Wrongs

Gas pipelines and electric transmission lines are just two of the energy transport systems running into opposition through challenges to eminent domain

Climate: Changing The Conversation

The path to climate progress can't rely on the old regulatory tool kit

Super Bowl Coal

The coal industry sees its chance in the Super Bowl blackout

Connect To FERC

Federal regulators consider revising rules for small power generators seeking connection to the grid (not for the faint-hearted)

Australia: Slice Solar Costs

By 2020, the price of solar thermal electric in Australia could be 50% cheaper than today

Hotter v HOTTER

Become sensitive to the critical climate debate, how hot will it get?

Mass Transit and Rezoning

NYC's plan to finance a west side extension of the 7 line subway relies on new property taxes the recession wiped out

UK: Chinese Nuke Money

The UK's door is ajar for Chinese investors to help finance construction of 4 nuclear reactors

India: Climate Change Signals

Strange things have been happening in the Himalayas

February 02, 2013

Upbeat On Down Numbers

Overall. US emissions and energy trends are good climate news

Chu On This

What's the takeaway on Steven Chu's tenure at the Department of Energy?

February 01, 2013

California's A Green Guinea Pig

AB 32 is California's field experiment in what a state can do to protect the climate

Belgium: Energy Storage Isle

Belgium will build an island dedicated to storing North Sea wind energy

Another Reason To Love Delaware

Delaware's the state with the biggest drop in CO2 emissions from 1994-2010

EPA Tackles Fuel Fraudsters

The EPA seeks to clean up its blighted biofuels program

Comparative Gas Taxes

Yet another reminder that the Americans pay lower gas taxes than almost anyone else

It's A Bird, It's A Plane...

But is there a chance for a federal carbon tax?

Crappy Diem

Colbert flays today's do-nothing climate fatalists and makes you laugh too