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News & Views Curation

October 31, 2012

South Africa: Wind Price Breakthrogh

Wind power is cheaper than electricity from coal-burning power plants in South Africa now

Sao Paulo: Gearing Up For Green

With a goal of net-negative operating emissions, the Sao Paulo, Parque da Cidade is the latest part of the city's sustainability planning

We're Ill-Adapted

The disaster that is Sandy reveals how unprepared urban America is for weird climate impacts

Sandy's Signfiicance

What we know as of now about Sandy

Downed Nukes Update

With NYC's power system in disarray, catch up with the status of regional nuclear power plants and are new preparedness rules needed?

October 30, 2012

Science At Work: The Hybrid Storm

What is a hybrid storm and does Sandy's wallop have anything to do with a changing climate?

Subway Disaster Map

A 2011 study of the impact of flooding in the NYC subway system is timely

Finland: Nuclear Graveyard

Finland prepares an island as the final resting place for high-level nuclear waste

UK: Hitachi Ups Nuclear Stakes

It's a new game with new risks with Hitachi's purchase of a UK nuclear power plant and not just a contract builder

Goldman Sachs, Sandy And Glass-Steagal

Why are the flood risks at Goldman Sachs' new headquarters posed by Superstorm Sandy, like the financial risks posed by the rollback of bank regulations?

Building Tips For A Weird-Weather World

If there's a next time for Sandy-like storms, be prepared

Evacuate By Subway

Dear Reader: Last week, at a public meeting about urban sustainability, a Mayoral staffer said the subway system was part of NYC's emergency evacuation plans. After Sandy, it's time to rethink

Climate Funnies

Grin and bear it

October 29, 2012

A Republican Future

Get a preview of what the EPA can expect with a Republican Senate and a Romney presidency

Denmark: No Lifeline

The Danish government wil not offer direct support for the struggling wind turbine maker giant, Vestas

Good News, Bad News

Cities continue to lead the way on climate mitigation and resilience in light of persistent federal inaction

Map The Wind

A wind map of the US visualizes the power potential of this renewable resource

Presidential Politics Of Sandy

The onshore impact of Sandy is already evident in the Presidential race

Sydney: Baby Echidna Saved

This is not about sustainability policy in Sydney, but don't let that stop you from watching

Tracking Power Outages

Keep an eye on Con Ed's map of power outages in the New York metro area

Science At Work: Frankenstorms

Decade-old research suggests caution about ascribing superstorm Sandy to human-induced climate change, so how to face this "big-maybe"

London: On Switch For Offshore

Phase one of the 630 MW London Array offshore wind project nears completion

October 26, 2012

Tenants Key To Energy Efficiency

Among the critical paths to greening the Empire State Building is working with it tenants. In other cases, good tenants can't compensate for bad design

Climate Corps 2013

Attention grad students! Want to combat climate change? Here's a summer job for you

NY Black - The Latest In PV

The production of true black solar panels in Rochester, NY could revolutionize PV efficiency

Big Cities - Big Data

Big cities attract big data and big data has the potential to improve the quality of urban life

What the World Needs Now

Australia: 25x20

Will Australia stick to its goal of getting 25% of its power from renewable sources by 2020?

Election Lessons From Canada

What does gas at the pump cost in energy-independent Canada?

Think Like A National Security Pro

What can national security expertise bring to thinking about climate risks?

October 25, 2012


An unplanned confluence of events could help the US almost meet its 2020 goal of cutting GHG's by 17%

UK: Appointment Uproar

Naming a climate-denialist MP to a House of Commons climate and energy committee creates a stir

EU: Carbon Market Resuce Effort

The EU grapples with chronic low prices and oversupply of CO2 emissions permits to rescue its sagging ETS

Powered By Artificial Islands

No room for solar power arrays, then how about putting them on artificial islands?

Just In Time

The MTA will release a new app this year with its subway countdown clock

Clean Energy Frontiers: Geothermal

Supercritical carbon dioxide could replace water as the medium to capture geothermal heat

Presidental Climate Debate

Proxies for the Presidential candidates debate climate and energy policy at MIT and thoughts on how to boost clean energy

Green Lease Library

Buildings owners and occupants, click here to benefit from energy aligned leases

Help Wanted

The US economy will create more solar power jobs than wind power employment by 2020

Fracking Disclosure Demand

Environmentalists petition the EPA to require driller disclosure of the chemicals in their hydrofracking fluids

October 24, 2012

China: The Next Nucelar Generation

With 40% of the world's in-construction nuclear power plants, China's decision on what new technology to use carries weight

Climate of Doubt

Thursday, chat on-line with the makers of the documentary Climate of Doubt, broadcast earlier this week

Koalas Threatened By Climate Change

Yes, another downside of climate change

Mid-East: Solar Prospects

Oil-rich mid-east nations look toward solar power. Listen up — download the BNEF Podcast

It's Too Easy Being Green

True or False: there's not much challenge for a building to get a LEED rating

Bad Acid

The ABC's of ocean acidification and why it's bad for life on Earth

Rome: Snort The Air

Trace amounts of cocaine are found in the air of Rome and other Italian cities

Green Lease And LEED Gold

With its energy-aligned lease at 7 WTC, NYC law firm WilmersHale gets a LEED Gold rating

Rating RGGI

The nine state Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative makes just a slight dent in emissions but does better for economic development

Ride The NY Energy Highway

New York releases a blueprint for its energy highway to increase public and private funds for generation, transmission and renewables

October 23, 2012

California Cities On Top

California metro areas are tops for green building, clean power and other measures of urban sustainability

Rockaway Bungalows

With NYC's climate resilience concerns, what to do about the Rockaway Beach bungalows?

Bring Back 1988

A video clip from the 1988 Vice Presidential debate shows how far US politics has retreated from taking climate action

Portugal: Float The Wind

Portugal to scale up its offshore floating wind farm capacity, using US-designed technology

Peer 2 Peer Power

Smart grid technology could allow people to sell wind or solar power directly to one another, eBay-style

Kitchen Recycling

Now, you recycle kitchen waste, but soon Ikea could recycle the kitchen. BTW, Ikea also plans to use 100% renewable energy by 2020

Cuomo's Transmission Troubles

Governor Cuomo's Energy Highway plan to run new transmission lines into power hungry parts of New York faces opposition

October 22, 2012

This Old Rowhouse

Cities like New York are lined with old rowhouses and now there's a handbook for greening them

Focus The Foreign Policy Debate

Five energy and climate issues that belong in the Presidential debate on foreign policy

China: From Solar Star To Shambles

The founder of Suntech, recently China's biggest solar panel maker, has catastrophic losses

Canada: Greener Tar Sands

A group of 49 investors starts a drive to make tar-sands extraction more eco-friendly

Germany: Unplugging Solar Power

Siemens announces the sale of its solar energy business

The Cato Climate Counterfeit

It looks like an 'addendum' to EPA's 2009 climate impact report, but it's a fake put out by the climate-denialist Cato Institute

I'll Have What She's Having

Installing home roof-top solar panels inspires copy-catting

Buffalo Accelerates Energy Efficiency

Researchers at SUNY Buffalo get tech accelerator funds to develop smart-window glazes and more

Green Tech Geek Alert

There's a new smart-meter metrics software on the block that's making big energy promises

The Green Giants

Newsweek scores the 15 top US green tech firms by environmental impact, management initiatives, and transparency

A Red-Hot Green Proposal

When it comes to energy, agriculture, and more, environmentalists must base their advocacy on good science

Changing Places

David Bragdon, director of the NYC Office of Long-Term Planning & Sustainability, moves on to become the Director of Planning and Sergej Mahnovski, the Mayor’s Director of Energy Policy, will replace him. City & State First Read

October 20, 2012

Climate Action Is Political

What to do about uncertainty in climate science and how to address the costs of climate action

Waste Not, Want Not

Keeping methane, a potent greenhouse gas, out of the air during fracking is not hard to do, it just has to be done

October 19, 2012

Saudi Arabia: Kicking The Fossil Fuel Habit

Saudi Arabia proclaims a goal of switching to 100% renewable and low carbon fuels

China: PV Death By Overproduction

Without major reorganization & consolidation, the future looks grim for China's solar panel industry

Ode To Autumn

SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
For our readers
Ode to Autumn

Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Energy Basket

Today's natural gas rock-bottom prices are driving out competition from tomorrow's renewable sources, but not entirely

France: Home Green Home

Proposed French tax legislation would cut utility rates on energy efficient homes, making energy slurpers pay more

Picking Up The Climate Tab

Rising property & liability insurance payouts hit $44 billion last year, which preview the costs of climate change

Getting Past Yesterday

Despite the drawbacks of a legacy 20th electric power supply, building a 21st century clean, efficient, distributed system is a tall order

Miami: Where The Floods Are

Today, seasonal high tides send flood waters into Miami streets, soon, sea level rise and storm surges will add to the mix

Smart Heat

Now that it's heating season in NYC, tips for a better working environment

Faulty Batteries Fell Manufacturer

The bankruptcy of EV battery maker A123 was caused by manufacturing glitches that turned out faulty products

October 18, 2012

China: Feast On US Coal

Cheap coal mined on US public land soon could be subsidizing the economies of China and other Asian nations

ABC's Of EAC's

EAC's - energy-aligned clauses, are the way to get building owners and commercial occupants to share the benefits of energy efficiency by way of their leases

Green Biz Trends

The new generation of clean-tech entrepreneurs targets energy efficiency services and software instead of stuff

Australia: Energy Demand Down

Australian electric utilities don't blame drooping demand on oversupply, so they blame it on carbon taxes

Co-Gen Could Be The Answer

With renewed advocacy and federal support, co-generation could climb the list of energy-efficiency to-do's

UK: Energy Policy Fog

In public remarks, the UK energy inister fails to to explain the Prime Minster's energy policy

Rx For Traffic Congestion

Does urban traffic flow improve with measures like congestion pricing? It depends

Greener By The Numbers

A menu of NYC 2012 sustainability metrics

World Bank: Green Bonds

“Climate change threatens development gains. We work with client countries to prevent this outcome.” Read all about it

October 17, 2012

EU: Carbon Market Fundamentals

A growing supply of carbon offsets on the EU market sends prices to new lows

Energy Fact Checking

More on the debate - from gas prices, to coal, to CAFE standards

Debriefing The Debate

While neither Obama nor Romney said 'climate change' in their latest debate, they had lots to say about energy

Tempest In A Trash Bin

The NYC Sanitation Department trashes newly installed solar-powered garbage cans

India: Make The Rules Matter

To make eco-friendly building the new normal in India, codes and standards must have teeth

Low-Cost Eco-Home Tips

Five easy, inexpensive things to do for a greener home

Design Is Not Enough

Four facts to launch a discussion about making energy efficient buildings a reality, not just a blueprint

Poland: Love That Shale Gas

Poland's new tax policies foster its growing shale gas industry

What A Dump - Not Now

Eco-restoration at two former garbage dumps along Jamaica Bay creates green gems

Much Ado About Gas Pipelines

Plans for new natural gas pipelines coming through Jamaica Bay arouse local controversy

October 16, 2012

Why Buy Green Gear

It's not the Energy Star label that makes consumers snap up energy-efficient appliances and electronics

The Sound Of Silence

Why isn't Obama making climate change part of his campaign?

Less Energy, More Work

Six case studies of how energy efficiency goals create jobs in labor-intensive industries and the energy savings free up dollars for other parts of the economy

UK: 17x30

By investing now in energy efficiency, the UK could slash $17 bilion in power bills by 2030

CA: Greenhouse Gas Appeal

A federal appeals court hears argument on whether California's greenhouse gas rules violate the Commerce Clause of the Constitution

Maybe It's The Weather Or Something Like That

Research finds an increasing number of Americans accept the validity of climate change and climate science - but fewer than in 2006

And In This Corner

Will Andy Revkin land a punch in New York's fracking brawl?

Smart Meters/Dynamic Pricing

Smart meters could be a boon for pricing infrastructure demands and using scare urban resources

October 15, 2012

Storm Safety Measures

Federal agencies start restoring NYC's storm-eroded coast line and protect it from future damage

Norway: Carbon Tax Hike

Norway raises its carbon tax on domestically-produced fossil fuels

UK: The Big Squeeze

British utility bills for renewable power to soar 11%

Electric Soccer

Ever wonder how to create electricity by kicking a soccer ball around?

Could Be A Power Player

Hampton Bays, VA, with its shipbuilding, deep water port & coastal infrastructure could be a great place to grow off-shore wind power capacity

Europe: Energy Downs and Ups

EU emissions reduction permit prices drop, as German politics split over rising renewable energy charges

Take Our Uranium, Please

Australia seeks to export uranium to India and make up for lost markets in Germany and Japan

Clean Energy - Big But Not Secure

With Romney as President the rumored demise of the US clean energy industry is premature, but its future is not secure

Solar Powered Trash Cans

Lower Manhattan streets are the latest to get trash cans with solar-powered motors to compact the waste

NYC's Emerald Isle

With its net-zero energy plans, the Cornell NYC Tech project on Roosevelt Island begins the long march through the City's approval process

October 13, 2012

New Energy Benchmarking Tools

Now, there are more tools to drill into building energy usage and make comparisons

China: PV Trade And Tariffs

Nothing is simple in the trade wars over China's solar panels

Faking It

Could $100 million in fake energy credits sold by corrupt biofuel makers, now roiling the industry, spell trouble for other renewable energy programs?

October 12, 2012

All Energy Politics Is Local

The Democratic Senate candidate in North Dakota attacks Obama's energy policy

US Benchmarking Data Now

The EPA releases benchmarking data and energy savings results for 35,000 buildings

Germany: Politics And Power Prices

Chancellor Merkel to cap subsidies for renewable energy, anticipating voter anger over higher utility bills

Australian White Knight Cements It

A carbon-negative cement technology developed in the UK gets bought by a mystery Australian firm

California Caps It

The California carbon cap and trade program is good to go

Name That Crisis

Is "climate disruption" a more mobilizing tag than "climate change" or global warming"? Comments welcome.

We've Got A Problem

NOAA scientists link melting Arctic sea ice to weird weather in North America; expect more weirdness

October 11, 2012

Urban Survival Tips

Practical advice to help urbanites survive climate change impacts

Science At Work - Bipolar Ice II

More climate science on why Antarctic sea ice grows as Arctic ice shrinks

Rethinking Cities

Will open thinking and open urbanism be the strategies for creating sustainable cities?

Israel: Clean Tech Loses A Friend

Shai Agassi resigns from the Better Place board of directors

Japan: 20x17

A Japanese engineering firm plans to build 20 offshore wind turbines by 2017, delivering 60 megawatts of power

L.A. Fracking

A new study at old Los Angeles oil fields that want to start fracking sees no harm in it

Oakland: Yes We Have

Mixed-income, green housing in Oakland, California is a multitasking urban success

Austalia: A Million Solar Roofs

By 2013, one million Australian roofs will have solar panels able to make 2 gigawatts of power

Tracking Carbon Footprints, Toe By Toe

New software allows cities to track the detailed sources and sizes of their carbon footprints

October 10, 2012

Clean Tech Investment Trends

Are clean tech venture investments evaporating or are investors getting more selective?

One Hot Mess

As climate change alters the heat balance between land and sea, expect big weather changes in the Northern Hemisphere

Corporate Call For Renewables Free Trade

US and European firms join with a Chinese solar panel maker and an Indian wind turbine company to call for global free trade in renewable energy tech [EENews $ub]

Science at Work - Climate Change Evidence

Watch the video series here

Germany: Transmission NIMBY

German plans to end reliance on nuclear power could hinge on the ability to site new high-voltage transmission lines

UK: Catch The Wind, Or Some Gas

UK political fear of tax-funded development costs could derail the future of offshore wind projects and EU access to renewable energy; keep an eye on shale gas

The Price of Power

Owners of the super-green Bank of America building with the latest in on-site energy systems challenge its Con Ed bills

NYC Residential Alert

Smart apartment buildings in NYC will do their benchmarking because energy performance matters

October 09, 2012

First, Benchmarking - Next, Audits

A road map of current and upcoming Greener Greater Building Plan requirements and how to arrive at your destination

Reminder: How Fossil Fuels Get Priced

If election-year rhetoric confuses the issue, a refresher on how fossil fuel prices are set

Follow The Renewable Money

A spot survey of investments and government support in the global renewable energy sector

Chicago: Clean Air Tower

Students design a Chicago skyscraper equipped to scrub CO2 from the air and create biofuel with it

Thinking About Smarter Cities

While ICT innovations are great, it take mores to make electric grids smart and cities more sustainable

20 x 30

A new report finds that six southwest states could save $20 billion by 2030 by if utilities and consumers get more energy efficient

Germany: 10 x 20

Germany seeks to cut energy use 10% by 2020 to counteract rising energy prices and aid low-income households

Copehagen: Carbon-Neutral Hopes

With a goal of going carbon neutral by 2025, Copenhagen sees new economic opportunities

NJ: Wind Power Waffling

Hard to find a trend in prospects for New Jersey offshore wind power projects

October 08, 2012

Urban Parklets

What's a parklet and what did San Francisco and Chicago do to get some?

Bejing: Airborne Data

Beijing officials start collecting more real-time air pollution data

The Jet Stream And You

Climate-related changes in the jet stream could mean more severe storms and floods

Deleading Our Kids

Removing lead form drinking water and house paint makes for healthier and smarter children BUT backyard chickens in NYC are laying lead-laced eggs

No Fireworms, No America

New York City researchers study the role of waterborne fireworms in helping Columbus discover the New World

Court Calls The Shots

State efforts to shut down the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant over control of high-level radioactive waste storage are unsuccessful

You Say You Want A Revolution

For most consumers, the fungibility of fossil fuels and a century of big-brand domination means the renewable energy revolution could be slow in coming

UK: Business Wants Carbon Certainty

Lack of specific goals for cutting carbon emissions and intensity in the power generation sector is bad for business

October 07, 2012

Science At Work - Bipolar Ice

If Arctic ice behaves differently than Antarctic ice, what are the climate change implications?

October 06, 2012

Facing Earth's Limits

The world's water supply is finite and that makes the case for renewable energy

Philadelphia: On The Cutting Edge Of Green

Look at what's getting built in Philadelphia!

October 05, 2012

Scotland: Fill 'Er Up With Single Malt

Could a Scotch whiskey by-product substitute for gasoline?

How Sweet It Is

Sugar could be the key to creating better rechargeable batteries

Make History Greener

How to adapt windows in historic buildings to make them energy efficient.

South Africa: Call For Carbon Tax

Needing to tackle poverty and unemployment, South Africa is the right place for a carbon tax

Amsterdam: Hail An Electric Scooter

Hop to to an electric-powered taxi scooter

EU: More Insurance For N-Plants

After EU stress-tests found safety upgrades needed at most nuclear power plants, officials call for a rise in insurance coverage

Carpe Diem Data

Opportunities multiply to gather and make good use of energy data for advancing efficiency goals

The Cool Roof Pardox

Do cool roofs make desert metro areas drier?

DJ Spooky Hears Antarctic Melting

DJ Spooky's acoustic performance using his recordings of melting Antarctic ice brings art to climate action

October 04, 2012

Debate Fact Checking

The Washington Post Fact Checker finds “In one year, you provided $90 billion in breaks to the green energy world. Now, I like green energy as well, but that’s about 50 years’ worth of what oil and gas receives." The math does not add up for this statement that Romney directed at Obama. [Scroll down for content] Still here? Read more

The Good News Digest

Get a roundup of recent progress on the energy and climate fronts

Chicago Smart Grid Snafu

A cost-recovery ruling by the Illinois utility regulator could derail Chicago's plan to add smart devices to its electric power grid

Euro Green Home Competition

See some standouts in the European high performance home design decathlon

Europe: Cheap Coal Wins

Low-cost coal becomes the fuel of choice in Europe this year, despite low-carbon policies

UK: Green Business Woes

Setbacks hit a UK combined heat and power system maker as well as a PV firm

Science At Work - A Fungus Among Us

Scientists reject the idea that higher CO2 levels in the air could stimulate plant growth, which in turn, would capture more of the gas

Out, Out, Damned D Word

Call them doubtful, call them dismissive, but don't call them climate-deniers

China v US: Trade War Heats Up

Another US solar panel maker urges federal action against China's low-cost PV exports. Meanwhile, China sues the US over an Oregon wind power project

October 03, 2012

A Modest Proposition

Could climate change be a sleeper issue in the 2012 election?

Win With Weatherization

Using federal stimulus dollars, the weatherization program, has upgraded energy efficiency in one million homes

Isn't It Iconic

How's this for a sign of the times?

Antarctica: Parsing Sea Ice

Controversy erupts over the climate change meaning of 2012 sea ice levels in Antarctica

MA Is First, WY Is Fiftieth

Massachusetts is the #1 state for energy efficiency initiatives and Wyoming dead last

Presidential Debate

With the first presidential debate taking place in Colorado, get the back story on renewable energy

Better Disaster Planning

Environmentalists petition the federal government to require states to include climate change assessments in their disaster preparedness plans

UK: Dim Prospects For Nuclear Power

Plans dim for nuclear power plants in the UK as developers head for the exits

October 02, 2012

Earth: Top Viewing

The ultimate home movie

UK: Outsourcing The Wind

The turbines for a massive UK offshore wind power project were not made at home

October 01, 2012

Ikea: LED The Way

By 2016, Ikea stores everywhere will sell only LED lighting products

Finland: Free At Last

Finland aspires to end its coal addiction by 2025

Barry Commoner: 1917-2012

Renowned political activist, scientist and environmentalist Barry Commoner dies at the age of 95

Republicans Split On Renewables

White Congressional Republicans adamantly oppose renewable energy, things are different at the state level

Japan: Bet On The Wind

Fearing a solar 'bubble', some Japanese investors choose wind projects in light of an uncertain power future

The Disbelivers

Two-thirds of Republic voters still do not believe in the reality of human-caused climate change

Boston: Southside Sustainability

Inner city Boston neighborhoods start on sustainability and energy retrofit projects

Don't Stop Now

The NYLCV spells out what is needed to keep NYC on track to a greener tomorrow