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News & Views Curation

September 29, 2012

Another Way To Pay

Time to retire the Metrocard?

Phila: Platinum Barnes

The Barnes Foundation's new home in Philadephia is the first art museum to win a LEED Platinum rating

September 28, 2012

They've Got Gas

And the 10 most gas-guzzling counties in the US are...

Busses For Urban Buses

A new generation of buses could attract urban commuters

Up In The Air

What are the prospects for high-altitude wind power?

The Sound Of Silence

Environmental groups petition Obama & Romney to end their silence on the subject of climate change

September 27, 2012

Streaming Sustainable Ideas

Pick from a menu of videos about making smart, sustainable urban energy choices

Cross-Pacific Carbon Market

Australia eyes a link to California's carbon emissions permit market [ClimateWire $ub]

India: Troubling Trends

India will become the most populous nation on Earth just as climate-driven monsoons worsen and temperatures rise

Not Your GrandMa's Electric

Remember your land line phone? Next up -- distributing the electric power system

Today's Quote

“If Alexander Graham Bell were to come back, he would never recognize today’s telecommunication network. If Thomas Edison were to return, he would immediately recognize today’s electric power system and he would know how to fix it. “ Anonymous

Bay Area: 20 x 14

Eleven firms aim to cut energy, water and waste in existing Bay Area commercial buildings 20% in just two years

Portland: Solar Centner

Portland, Oregon is home to a new $600 million solar panel plant that sees bright market opportunities

EU: Wind Power Winner

With 100 gigawatts of installed power, the EU has the most wind power of any region on Earth


Last year's Hurricane Irene led to pollution of New York City's drinking water supply

September 26, 2012

An Ode To Deep Retrofits

Energy retrofitting the Depression-era Empire State Building is an inspiration

In Defense Of Data Centers

Yes, computer data centers are huge energy eaters, but that's not the whole story and Greenpeace has kind words for Google

EU: Ailing Carbon Market

A glut of carbon permits undermines the EU emissions trading market

UK: Facts Favor WInd Power

Will facts finally end local opposition to wind power?

UK: The Wood Age

Power plants to replace coal with wood to generate electricity in the UK

Park Fees Backfire

New user fees for NYC Parks Department recreational facilities look like a loser

Bee Careful

You never know when you'll need to rescue an urban bumble bee

Benchmarking 101

How to start making sense of a building's benchmarking data.

Urban Mass Transit Moves

The glass might be half full for new mass transit projects in US cities

Rail Freight Revival

From Brookhaven to Brooklyn, there are rumblings of a regional rail freight revival

September 25, 2012

The End Is Near

Bloomberg News says the world needs to face the end of the affordable-coal era

RIP Filthy Heating Oil

Replacing #6 heating oil with natural gas in NYC boilers is a winner for the environment and public health

Mothball the Grid

Research points the way for retiring a mainstay of the 20th Century, the fossil-fueled electric power grid

Microsoft Gets EPA Energy Award

EPA Green Power Leadership Award winners. (Question: what's Microsoft doing on this list after the exposé in the New York Times?)

Going Green - Not

Why is making green, high performance building the new normal such slow going? But wait, here's another new LEED Gold winner

Wind's Power's Corporate Allies

19 household-name companies urge Congress to extend the wind production tax credit

Court Tosses AG Fracking Suit

A federal court dismisses a lawsuit against federal agencies brought by New York's Attorney General over the need for environmental review of fracking because it is premature [Energywire $ub]

September 24, 2012

And The Winners Are...Oops

ReCharge, a New York program that provides inexepensive electricity to big job-creating businesses, has a fact problem

Germany: Renewable Dissent

A coalition member of the Merkel government calls for ending renewable energy subsidies

Undecideds On Climate

Poll finds voters who don't know whether to choose Obama or Romney do know they're concerned about climate change

China: Urban Cap And Trade

Shenzen, China, population 14 million is one of five cities to launch a carbon cap & trade market

It's Not Easy Being Solar

Think just US solar panel makers struggle to survive? Think again

Mann v Silver

Climate scientist Michael Mann faults number-crunching journalist Nate Silver for confusing scientific and economics predictions

Dow's Energy Bonanza

Dow Chemical makes money from fracking natural gas and from energy efficiency

Illuminating Atlantic Wind Power

Can Atlantic offshore wind power keep the lights on from Maine to Florida?

About That Cloud

The New York Times posts a forum on what to do about energy-ravenous computer data centers But wait, there's more

Brazil: Intercity High Speed Rail

A proposal to build a bullet train running from Rio to Sao Paulo attracts foreign investors

September 22, 2012

Fly In The Face Of Carbon

The Senate votes against compliance with EU aviation carbon fees

PV: Soft Costs Matter

In Germany the soft costs of installing small PV systems are consistently lower than in the US, why?

It Takes A Supply Chain

Educating the entire supply chain is key to making high performance building the new normal

Finding The Value In Microgrids

Calculating the value of microgrids is harder than pricing widgets, so start here

September 21, 2012

North Pole: Closer Than You Think

When it comes to climate change, what happens in the Arctic doesn't stay in the Arctic

PA: Fracking Omens

The pitched battle over hydrofracking in Pennsylvania could be an omen for what will happen in New York

A New Way To See The World

Mash up Google Street Views with thermal imaging and here's what you get

Kerry's Climate Red Alert

John Kerry, possibly the next Secretary of State, calls the threat of climate change a top-tier international crisis

BASIC Climate Confab

Brazil, South Africa, India and China (BASIC) meet to coordinate climate policy in preparation for November's global meeting

Holes In the Insurance Umbrella

Citing the insurance costs of recent weird weather events, a new study casts doubt on future coverage for climate damages

MIA At the NYT

The New York Times reports the City has chosen the most fuel efficient new taxis, but their MPG performance is anybody's guess

Electrons From Ireland

Now, 500 MW of electricity from Irish Sea wind turbines can flow into England

September 20, 2012

Zero Means A Lot In Brooklyn

Again, Brooklyn is ahead of the curve, now with a net-zero energy building

San Francisco Gets Power Choices

San Francisco residents may soon get to choose whether to buy all their electricity from renewable sources

UK: Community Benefits

The British government considers ways wind power installations could benefit host communities

Science At Work - The Big Melt

Why do scientists' predicted dates for the disappearance of arctic ice vary so much?

India: Achieving Energy Security

What role could renewable energy play in creating energy security for India?

Attention Insurers

The US property and casualty insurance industry is urged to take the lead on calculating cllmate-related risks

Science At Work - Extreme Weather

Join the red-hot debate over the climate science significance of extreme weather events

There'll Be Some Changes Made

Scientific American environment and energy writer David Biello tries to imagine a world without oil

Cash-Strapped MTA

A consultant reports, even with toll increases, the MTA must find new sources of revenue to take care of its assets

UK: A Trashy Brain Teaser

What happen to the BTU value of our trash the more we recycle?

September 19, 2012

A Fine Italian Hand

A shopping mall near Rozano, Italy displays the world's largest vertical garden

Blogging NYC Climate Week 2012

NYC has a million buildings and myriad opportunities to make them green, get the climate message right and more!

Searchable Footprints

Now you can discover Google's carbon footprint size and see if it gets smaller

Japan: Goodbye To Nukes - NOT

Making a U-turn, Japan announces it will not phase out nuclear power

New Hampshire Likes RGGI

Revenues from the New Hampshire RGGI program benefit local small businesses

Dream On

Ezra Klein shares his daydream about how passage of a carbon tax would keep the federal budget from plunging off a cliff

Wind Power Jobs Whittled

Siemens announces cuts of 615 US wind-turbine manufacturing jobs

Cuomo FOIL'ed

An environmental group sues the Cuomo administration to get more fracking information under New York's Freedom of Information Law

September 18, 2012

Climate Math Matters

Wonky economics debates over picking a discount rate are crucial to calculating future costs of climate change

It Adds Up

A paint-by-numbers portrait of the the globe's current state of sustainability

Dinosaurs And Wind Turbines

Today's wind turbine designers draw on dinosaur aerodynamics

Global Climate Revenues Swoon

Investors in climate-friendly assets face a tough time in a down market

Germany: Export-Led Wind Strategy

German backs domestic wind turbine production to aid expanding its export market

Brooklyn Bar Brands With Wind

A Brooklyn bar brands itself using its wind power purchasing agreement

Maybe Next Summer

The promise of the smart grid to pare down electric use on hot summer days was not fulfilled this year

September 17, 2012

Drink Muddy Water

EPA orders the clean up of a muddy stream that flows into NYC's drinking water supply

Evolution And Energy Efficiency

Think walking on two feet is more energy efficient than walking on four?

Seeing Is Believing

Honest Buildings is a platform for transparent building performance data today and market transformation tormorrow

New Zealand: Skeptics Court Defeat

A suit brought by a climate skeptics group attacking government climate research is dismissed by the New Zealand High Court

Cheaper In Brooklyn

Learn why installing solar panels on Brooklyn rooftops is such a bargain

Fracking In Slo-Mo

Take a close look at Governor Cuomo's political protracted decision-making about hydrofracking in New York

Japan: Sunset, Sunrise

With 2040 as the sunset date for nuclear power in Japan, prospects for solar power should be bright, but are they?

Smarter Buildings

Smart buildings offer a business opportunity to operators who can maximize their performance potential

UK: Bonding Climate Change

How can corporate debt instruments help combat climate change?

September 14, 2012

Corporations Plug Into Renewables

Adobe, Ernst & Young and Kohl's lead th way on purchasing renewable power by corporate America

Wind Power Aloft

Low and high altitude potential for harvesting wind power is almost limitless

EU: Carbon Prices Hit New Lows

An oversupply of EU carbon permits, related to improved coal efficiency, sinks market prices

Italy: In Vino Veritas

Italy's wine growers say they see the impact of a changing climate

He Said No, No, No

What else can be said about Romney's addiction to fossil fuel?

The Lord Said To Noah...

What can NYC do to address chronic flooding in southeast Queens?

Strata City

Here's one vision of a New York City with 9.1 million residents

Japan: 0 x 40

The Japanese government commits to zeroing out nuclear power by 2040

September 13, 2012

The End of The Carbon Decline

While US CO2 emissions have been dropping, the EIA projects rising emissions in 2013 linked to increased coal-burning as natural gas prices go up

How Green Buildings Can Save Real Money

High performance buildings can have a big impact on occupants' budgets by reducing absenteeism

Town And Gown - Sustainable Together

Find the synergies for cities and their universities to ramp up sustainability

Science At Work - Climate Modeling

The National Academy of Science reports on the need for continued evolution toward unified climate modeling

PV: Purchase Cap Concerns

The US solar industry worries that electric utilities will refuse to buy all the electric made from rooftop PVs

Russia: Another Nail In Kyoto's Coffin

Russia will not cut its carbon emissions to meet future Kyoto treaty goals

Ireland: Offshore By 2017

A multinational effort, including China will link 1.2 GW of offshore wind power to Ireland by 2107

Japan: Wind Power Wanted

By 2030, Japan could have as much off-shore wind power as created by eight nuclear power plants

September 12, 2012

Climate Week 2012 In NYC

So much to do, so little time on Sunday, September 23

India: Sunny Side Down

With 1,000 MW of installed solar power, how does India rate compared to other Asian nations

Hooray For The Wind, But Watch Out

What's so great about wind power? Meanwhile, the stock of a giant Swedish wind turbine maker plunges on fears the company is running out of money

Dubai: Price-Driven Energy Efficiency

Now that it imports natural gas and sees its oil reserves dwindling, Dubai uses pricing to make domestic consumers more energy efficient

Ferries Need Commuters

To date, NYC ferries seem to be more popular with tourists than commuters

Corporate Climate Action

The latest annual survey of corporate America finds an increase in carbon disclosures and emissions reductions. Also, a list of ten biggest survey non-responders

EU: Unlinks Energy Savings From Carbon Cuts

The EU advances on new energy-efficiency rules, but on a separate track from tightening carbon permits

Wind Power Gets An A

Contrary to some recent reports, wind power does not warm up the planet and there is plenty of it

September 11, 2012

Better Management By Measurement

The on-line power to share and compare building energy use and its impact on the bottom-line gets a boost from investors

Mexico City's Carbon Model

How did Mexico City beat its own goal for cutting its CO2e over the last four years?

The Cement Race Is On

Submit your idea to the competition for cutting CO2 emissions in the energy-intensive cement industry

China: Slow To Frack

China is not moving full-speed ahead to frack its vast shale gas deposits; lack of usable water is one reason

Green Energy Patent Patterns

Compare green energy patents across countries, states and technologies

Summer Heat Year-by-Year

Climate history In thirty seconds

US Solar Power Hits New Highs

Today, the US has 5.7 gigawatts of installed solar power, with more on the way

Summer Heat State-by-State

It's been a hot summer in New York, but it's been record-breaking in Wisconsin



September 10, 2012

After Dirty Dancing

Listen to the soundscape of urban smog

London: Elevated Bike Lanes

The Mayor of London proposes to build elevated bike lanes to permit safer pedaling

Green Jobs In Red States

A new study discovers the biggest growth in green jobs is taking place in red and swing states

The Sun's Still Rising

"The United States is scheduled to install as much solar power this year as it did from 2000-2010, and the price of the alternative energy is becoming more affordable too." [WSJ-$]

Trouble In Mind

The US power industry and water managers see risks in shifting rainfall patterns and rising water temperatures

Mitt's Mouthful

No big surprises, but it's worth looking at candidate Romney's own words on climate change

Clean Tech - The Killer App

While facing fierce political headwinds and a mixed record in venture capital backed projects, clean tech advances in the big industrials sector

Germany: Clean Tech Economic Sparkplug

By 2025, Germany expects its clean tech economic sector to double in size, creating jobs and sustaining exports

India: Nuclear Future Drawing Near

India's plan to commission two 1 GW nuclear reactors stirs both local protests and corporate interests

Energy Policy Is MIA

The US needs leadership to forge a national energy policy that's more than 'all-of-the-above'

September 07, 2012

UK: Solar Investmment Fund

Individual and pension investors have a new vehicle for making money on solar power installations

France: Tidal Ties

Work is completed on a cable linking a 2 MW tidal power generator to Brittany

Benchmarking Data Goes Public

Benchmarking data for 2,065 New York City commercial buildings now available on-line

Greening The Grass Roots

A call for New York City's grass-roots organizations to take up the cause of urban sustainability and for supportive City resources

EU-Australia: Carbon Nuptials

What to make of the 2015 merger of the EU and the Australian carbon emissions permit market?

Copenhagen: What Sustainabiity Means

Working at at the neighborhood scale, architects in Copenhagen make sustainability city-specific

Take A Hike

Con Ed's proposed gas & electric rate hike is another good reason to advance energy efficiency

Legislative To-Do List

Get a first look at what's on top of New York's environmental legislative agenda

September 06, 2012

London: Airport Flap

Greens dispute claims by a jet plane maker that innovations will cut overall GHG emissions while expanding London's Heathrow airport

Germany: Fracking Limits

Germany considers keeping fracking away from its drinking water supplies, but no outright ban

Dem Convention Word Cloud

The term "climate change" has yet to be uttered once in Democratic National Convention speeches

NYC Builder Goes Green Its Own Way

The next project for NYC's Durst organization, known for its LEED-rated buildings, will use a homegrown rating system

Big Green Data Cruncher

The National Renewable Energy Lab invests in an energy efficient, super-computer for its research projects

Money Blows Offshore

Wnd power investments are flowing to offshore projects, leaving onshore developments high and dry

Look Who's Cutting Carbon

Some jumbo firms are stepping up on energy efficiency and smaller carbon footprints, while federal climate legislation remains MIA. Your Q&A soon

Science At Work - Soot Reconsidered

Urban soot may not be a big-time climate culprit

Them's Fightin' Words

Utah anti-coal campaigners learn how to be heard

September 05, 2012

The Sports Pages

Surprised to see a story about pro sports and energy efficiency?

Decoding Candidates' Climate Code

Just what do Obama and Romney mean when they talk about climate change?

High Value Proximity

With its green campus blueprint, the Roosevelt Island Applied Sciences NYC project could burnish the concept that industry clustering is the key to success

Australia: Big Solar Plans

With American financial backing, Australia plans for a 20 MW solar power project near Canberra

Walk The Walk

Could the war of words over climate change be obscuring practical forward steps?

Global Commons: A Green Tools Platform

It is WIPO's mandate to develop useful tools by contributing to the shared search for solutions to the challenge of climate change

Scotland: Offshore Wind Plan Grows

The electric output of a planned Scottish offshore wind farm grows to 1,500 MW, enough to light a million homes, but not everyone is pleased

Urban Studies

Come on uptown to the Hudson's riverside

NYC Goes Ultraviolet

After years of planning, NYC is ready to kill any microbes in its drinking water with ultraviolet light

September 04, 2012

Science At Work - Remaking Monsoons

Knowns, unknowns and some unknown unknowns regarding links between climate change and monsoon change

Don't Be Fuelish

Why does Nestles, the world's largest food company, oppose the use of biofuels?

EU: Rethinking Carbon Permits

The EU carbon market could be overhauled ttie emissions permits to economic performance

It's Big, It's Green, It's Walmart

Walmart plans to create a 40,600 square foot green roof on its newest big box in Portland, Oregon

Rx For The Budget Gap

Here's how a carbon tax could relieve our political aches and pains

Listening For A Price Signal

Check out the Canadian discussion on putting a price on carbon and crating a market signal

Coming Ashore

All systems are go for a wave power project to generate electricity for Oregon

UK: Fresh Greens

Natalie Bennett, new head of the UK Green Party vows to woo Liberal Democrat and Labor voters

A Senor Moment

A top Romney aide, Dan Senor, is author of a book extolling Israel's beyond-oil-cleantech-innovation-economy