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News & Views Curation

February 29, 2012

Canada: Embrace That Pipeline

Bill Clinton blames the project builder for US opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline and says it can be done right

Climate Skeptics Flunk Econ 101

If cost-benefit ratios are not the right tool for calculating the value of acting on climate change, what is?

Scienctists At Work

How can cold winters be a sign of global warming?

Scotland: Blowing Off The Donald

Donald Trump's opposition to a wind power installation near his golf club development draws green fire

End Of PV Price Slump

Deutsche Bank predicts the end is near for sagging worldwide PV prices

LEEDing Market Fundamentals

With a lagging market for office rentals in New York City, will a LEED label matter?

What We're Thinking Now

Don't miss the latest survey of US and Canadian public opinion on climate change

EPA Whiffs On Carbn Rule

The EPA will not complete its long-delayed rule on GHG emissions from oil refineries this year.

Blowing Into Town

New York City could be seeing the beginning of a wind power surge

Left, Right Or Neither

Is location on an ideology spectrum the wrong way to think about the political dynamics of climate policy?

February 28, 2012

Europe: Energy Efficiency Controversy

While there is strong support in the European Parliament for passing an energy efficiency law, the measure also faces vigorous opposition

IEA Makes It Official

IEA, the eminent information source on the global energy industry, will start to issue annual market forecasts for renewables this year

Mid-East: Green Bonds

Banks are developing bonds that comply with Islamic rules on debt to finance a move away from oil dependency in Mid-East nations

February 27, 2012

Mind The Climate Gap

Are there good ways to make the scientific consensus on the reality of climate change credible to a skeptical public?

EPA Thinks Big

The EPA will keep its high threshold for permitting facilities that emit GHGs, citing states' inability to deal with more small sources

Power Placement

A Electric Power Research Institute-sponsored DOE study finds numerous sites around the US suitable for building nuclear or 'advanced' coal-fired power plants, but just a handful of suitable sites for siting solar-thermal plants

Japan: Solar Lining To Nuclear Cloud

With most of its nucelar power plants off-line, Japan might move to the head of the line on solar power installations and cities urge post-nuclear power planning

Getting Up To Zero Speed

Net-zero energy homes, apartments & campuses are outgrowing their one-of-a-kind phase

Shale Gas - Fuggedabout It Or Not

Thoughts on why the world should curb its enthusiasm for extracting and burning natural gas. Thoughts on why the world should keep natural gas in the mix

Energy Jousting In DC

Battles over defining the cause of rising gas prices, the federal energy budget & a court hearing on climate regulation heat up in Washington this week

What Streep Wore

While adding to her Oscar collection, Meryl Streep put eco-friendly couture fashion in the limelight

Destination: Sustainable Cities

Starting with Singapore, here's a three-part path for growing sustainable cities where people want to live

Ford Favors Mobility

Will Ford Motors lead to way on smarter, networked cars able to cut gridlock and enhance overall transportation mobility?

South Korea: Carbon Control Setback

The South Korean legislature delays a vote to establish a carbon cap trade program that would roll out in 2020

February 24, 2012

How To Obfuscate

Scientific straight talk about the climate denier's SOP

World Doesn't Revolve Around US

Things have changed and today global oil prices are not driven by US demand

Australia: Driving That Train

The vast Chinese and Indian appetite for Australian coal drives construction of new rail lines from remote inland mines to shipping ports

NJ Gov Raids Green Funds

Governor Christie wants to empty out New Jersey's RGGI kitty along with $210 million from another clean energy program and put the money in the general fund

Urban Green and Urban Safety

Researchers in Philadelphia find a link between vacant lot greening and improved public safety by bringing focus to areas previously neglected and isolated.

Responding To Feedback

Pilot studies in nine US and EU locations find that utility customers respond -- or don't -- to real time electricity use data

Ukraine: Open For Fracking

The Ukraine will permit the use of hydrofracking to develop its shale gas reserves

Getting From A To B

Plans for New York's future energy highway start to emerge

February 22, 2012

Romney Funder Is Climate Supporter

A biggest donor to a Romney super-PAC is also a green group guy and supports a climate cap and trade law

Trending High Performance

Six high-performance building trends that reflect real-world conditions in 2012

Fossil Fuels Are So Over

Energy visionary and debunker of conventional wisdom, Amory Lovins, always has something memorable to say

CA On-Bill Financing

California considers an on-bill financing law to make it easy for homeowners to pay for energy-efficient upgrades on their utility bills, but what should happen if repayments are not made?

UK: Accelerating Green

A UK venture capitalist is selecting cleantech start-up firms for incubation and funding

February 21, 2012

Trouble In Mind

AAAS President Nina Fedoroff said about the spread of the anti-science movement in the US and around the world, "We are sliding back into a dark era," she said. "And there seems little we can do about it. I am profoundly depressed at just how difficult it has become merely to get a realistic conversation started on issues such as climate change or genetically modified organisms."

UK: We Want Your Carbon

Firms are competing for the right to operate the UK's carbon emissions permit auctions

What Ever Happened To....

It hasn't been easy for designers of a hydrogen-powered fuels cell technology in the wake of Washington's cold shoulder

Climate Leak Story Boils Over

The latest on the admission and apology by Peter Gleick over how he obtained the Heartland Institute plan to discredit climate science education and listen to NPR's To the Point

Germany: Blown Off-Course

Missing construction deadlines for connecting offshore wind turbines to the power grid could imperil deadlines for closing German nuclear power plants

London: Corporate Carbon Disclosure

The London-based Carbon Disclosure Project annually seeks information on corporate carbon emission reduction efforts on behalf of 92 banks and other financial institutional investors

Indian Point Heats Up

As the date nears for relicensing or shutting down the 40-year old Indian Point power plant, is the debate over its future generating more heat than light?

February 20, 2012

A Make-Over In Queens

Here's a preview of the transformation of the traffic-immersed Queens Plaza into a pedestrian and bike-friendly urban asset

Sao Paulo: Model Trains

Sao Paulo's subway system, while smaller and younger than NYC's, has many lessons for mass transit mavens

The Value Of Zero In NOLA

Some of the $179K sale price for zero-energy, pre-fab houses will go to building 150 LEED Platiumun homes in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans

Don't Abandon Hope

How can an abandoned London warehouse be converted into a vertical urban community garden?

China Is Here

Check out this list of ten Chinese investments in US cleantech start-ups

Eco Sustinabiity IS Financial Sustianability

Identify the business opportunities in the energy and climate megaforces that are sending the business costs of environmental impacts spiraling

Bay Area Disarray

With its 110 cities and towns, the San Francisco Bay area has been unable to forge a climate adaptation plan

England: Water Swapping

A story about drought fears from from damp, foggy England that caught my attention, along with a map

India: A 19% Solution

India is close to imposing a 19% tariff on imported power generating equipment, especially gear coming from China

February 17, 2012

Out Of Town

February is Eagle Cam time!

France And England: Nuclear Embrace

France and Britain agree to cooperate on developing new nuclear power capacity in the UK

Gone With the Wind Energy Tax Credit

With Congressional failure to reauthorize the wind energy tax credit, thousands of jobs will likely vanish

February 16, 2012

The Climate Spectrum Syndrome

Are climate analysts at war with climate advocates, or is something more complex happening?

Solar Loan Bad, Nuclear Loan Good

The Congressman who lead hearings on the $535 million DOE loan to a now-bankrupt PV maker, rejects calls for hearings on an $8.3 billion loan guarantee for nuclear power plants in Georgia

Campaign 2012: Follow The Money

What is the relationship between some Obama-supporting venture capitalists and DOE energy funds?

UK: What's In A Name

Eight Nobel Prize winners seek Prime Minister Cameron's support for labeling fuel from Canadian tar sands 'highly polluting'

Non-Partisan Green

Despite headline-grabbing setbacks, in 2011 clean energy and efficient measures got green-lighted in states with Republican and Democratic governors

How Things Work

Everything you wanted to know about concentrated solar power technology but were afraid to ask

Tax Breaks On Ice

Consideration of renewing tax breaks for clean energy and efficiency must wait until after the 2012 elections

Sparks Fly Over MA Wind Power Deal

Governor Patrick faces flak over higher utility rates projected to result from a new Massachusetts wind power purchase agreement

China's Urban Future

Can Chinese cities, already home to 1.35 billion people and reliant on property sales rather than property taxes, transform their environmental impacts with green design and sustainable growth?

The New Normal Is Hot

Data shows summertime extreme heat in the US is already becoming the new normal [Climate Wire $ub]

England And Scotland: Getting Closer

An undersea electric cable will transmit renewable energy from Scotland to England and help meet renewable power goals.

February 15, 2012

The Heartland Scheme

Leaked documents, believed to be from the Koch Brothers-supported Heartland Institute, reveal a campaign to undermine climate science in US schools. But wait, there's more

Tweaking Cap and Trade

Massachusetts considers improving RGGI carbon cap and trade performance by shrinking its marketable and bankable emissions permits

February 14, 2012

Scoring An Analogy

Is our understanding of climate change and extreme weather advanced by using the analogy of steroids and home runs?

Iceland: Smarter, Cleaner, Greener

Iceland attracts energy-intensive data storage centers powered by geothermal and hydroelectric sources

The New Military-Industrial Complex

Defense Department investment in solar power boosts domestic industry

Obama's Energy Budget

Get the highlights of the President's proposed budget for energy projects without wading through the fine print

What Money Will Buy

The environmental movement splits over energy industry donations to the Sierra Club

Battery Breakthrough

Dropping prices for storage batteries could make them price competitive with natural gas at peak power demand times

The Odd Couple

What links success of the new shale oil and gas boom and the dollar's international value?

EU: Carbon Trading RIP

The ETS carbon market, the centerpiece of the European Union climate effort, is at risk of collapse

February 13, 2012

Tell Me Why

Seven reasons why cap and trade can work to cut carbon emissions

100 Year Storm Becomes The 20 Year Storm

Dive in to a New York City routinely flooded by ferocious storms

Urban Retrofits And Liquid Assets

Public infrastructure and private building retrofits can use innovative financing to control storm runoff and clean up urban waterways

Australia: Waiting It Out

Whether climate chaos caused the floods devastating Queensland and New South Wales may not be fully known for a decade

The Envelope Please

DOE announces three winners of its America's Next Energy Innovators competition

Drawing Conclusions

Some argue Japan's failure to reduce GHG emissions even with stringent cuts in electric use post-Fukushima, shows the limits of energy efficiency, others say, don't rush to conclusions for the US

A Second Coming For Wind Power

Left for dead, the federal production tax credit for wind projects could be reviving

Spain: OK On Subsidy Cuts

Spain's largest on-shore wind power company welcomes a government tariff-subsidy freeze, citing overcapacity and fears of retroactive cuts

February 10, 2012

Japan: Place Making

Japan sets an example of how to use transit centers to sustain neighborhoods

Mapping A Clean Energy Planet

Zoom around this Renewable Energy Lab map of the world's renewable energy resources

Getting Personal

What is a personal carbon allowance and how would it work?

Court Overtuns Energy Efficiency Law

The Albuquerque, New Mexico energy efficiency code is struck down by a state court on the basis of federal pre-emption

Australia: Solar Reprieve

French utility giant Areva, the lead developer of a solar thermal project in Queensland, gets an extra six months to line up financing

February 09, 2012

Grid On A Roller Coaster

Buying electricity on the grid has become a high stakes, high-risk economic activity with unprecedented price volatility

Transportation Bill Running Out Of Gas

Prospects dim for passage of a House transportation bill that's hostile to mass transit and relies on revenues from oil drilling

Dear Mr. Nocera - Wrong On Keystone

What are the fatal flaws in New York Times columnist Joe Nocera's support for the Keystone XL pipeline project?

The Science Of Public Opinion

Research finds the most important factor in influencing public opinion on climate change is “the elite partisan battle over the issue...It is the political leaders in Washington who are really driving public opinion about the threat of climate change. The politics overwhelms the science" 'Nuf said

Canada: Energy Policy In Formation

Starting in Alberta (home to oil-sands extraction), who's working to forge a Canadian national energy policy?

A Different Super Bowl Review

No, not Super Bowl the game, but Super Bowl, the advertising opportunity for corporate environmental responsibility

China: The NY Solar Gain

Why are Chinese solar stocks soaring on the New York Stock Exchange?

Nuclear Economics

Utility customers are already paying for nuclear power generators that the NRC will vote on today whether to green light construction BREAKING NEWS: NRC approves project by a 4-1 vote

Funding Pipeline For Grimm

Queens Congressman Michael Grimm, took $3,00 in campaign contributions from energy company after sponsoring a bill to run a natural gas line in his district

Generating The Next Frontier

After Bonneville Dam pulled the plug on local wind power producers, it's clear that the next frontier in energy policy is get smart about batteries and source integration

February 08, 2012

Waiting For The Perfect Wave Generator

The long drought in US development of an ocean wave power industry could be ending

UK: Media Matters

The Guardian launches an on-line hub for reporting on leadership in advancing sustainable business

Israel: Solar Tulips In Spain

Tulip-shaped, Israeli-made solar devices generate power and heat in Andalucia even on cloudy days

Mixed Labor Message On Pipeline

The reality of union members' views on President Obama's Keystone XL shale oil pipeline stance is more complex than some say

Weather Or Not

Is it just weird weather these days or a taste of climate chaos?

South Korea: Climate Action

South Korea is closing in on a climate law to cap carbon emissions and create a market

Propelling The Agenda 21 Plot

What drives the Tea Party belief in a UN sustainability plot, though its Agenda 21, to ruin America?

Mass Transit Funding Fight

Get the latest on the battle over mass transit in the transportation funding bill moving through Congress

Nevada City Finds Sunshine Pays

The municipal debt and operating expenses of Boulder City, Nevada will be paid by revenues from local solar power plants

February 07, 2012

The Contrarian's Conundrum

A new book uses the 'rebound effect' to bludgeon hopes that energy efficiency is a key to limiting climate change

Curb Your Enthusiasm

The "so what?" industry response to potential problems with the US shale gas industry is not the right one

Hubba Hubba For Philly Energy Efficiency

Don't miss the second story on the race at a research hub in Building 661 in the Philadelphia Nay Yard Building to solve the puzzle of how to make buildings energy efficient [Climate Wire $ub]

UK: The Opposite Of Transparent

Accounting firm KPMG refuses to release full findings for a leaked report used to attack government renewable energy policy

China: When Too Cheap Matters

As China's ultra-low energy prices fuel its economy, expect the country to emit 50% more GHGs by 2015 than the US

Take The Stairs

New York Road Runners organizes a race to the top - of the Empire State Building - a chance to cut energy use and raise money for medical research

EU: China Must Pay

Reacting to a Chinese government refusal, EU officials insist the nation's airlines must pay an aviation carbon emissions fee

Stirred By Shaking

Cities with tall buildings have good reason to earthquake-proof them and here's your chance to see what's shaking

What To Expect In 2012

Still time for making predictions about the year's top sustainability stories

February 06, 2012

NY Power Storage: Down But Not Out

A bankrupt power storage company that received a DOE loan guarantee, gets a new owner and stays open

Fool Some Of The People Some Of The Time

Today, you can't fool all of the people all of the time, when it comes to climate science

Fossil Fueling For Romney

Never too soon to start following the flow of fossil fuel dollars in the 2012 Presidential campaign and don't overlook climate, Congress and cash

Facebook Campaign v Free Speech

Penn State University resists an 'astroturf' campaign on Facebook to disinvite climate scientist Michael Mann from giving a public lecture

EU: Renewables Rising

Last year, 71% of all new EU electric power projects were built to use renewable sources like wind and solar

China: Government Makes It Official

The Chinese government bans the country's airlines from paying the EU carbon aviation fee

Antarctica: NYC-Size Iceberg

See the fissure in a fast-melting Antarctic glacier likely to spawn an iceberg bigger than New York City

London: Hacking For The Green

Using open source or other permitted data sets, the Green Hackathon in London disseminates ideas for using a world of data to save the planet

February 04, 2012

Sierra Club Had Gas

From 2007-2010, the Sierra Club got $25 million from the natural gas industry, but now rejects natural gas as a bridge to a low carbon future

February 03, 2012

Australia: Mining Magnate Taps Climate Denier

An Australian coal and iron ore executive appoints a climate change skeptic geologist to her corporate boards of directors

Higher, Greener Education

Learn about STARS, a streamlined tool to rank American colleges' green achievements

Let There Be Solar - Not Good Enough

New solar technology is not the only solution to get electricity to people who need it most

Love Those Quantum Dots

Quantum dots could be the newest way to increase PV panel energy output

San Jose Shines In The Sun

San Jose is California's solar star with home PV installations rising 45.4% last year

Science At Work

Nobel Prize-winners explain how climate science can be both reliable and incomplete

UK: Energy and Environmental Minister Out

Chris Huhne, the minister for environment and energy, resigns due to criminal charges arising from a speeding ticket scandal

Revealing Climate Risks

New York and other states' regulators will require climate risk impact disclosures by insurance companies

February 02, 2012

China: Shrinks Solar-Demo Support

Citing declining PV prices, China cuts back on support for pilot solar power projects

Vienna: Smartest City

Vienna is rated the world's smartest city due to its innovative technologies to save costs and energy and increasing its quality of life

End Of The Road For Climate Summits

A US climate negotiator predicts the cancellation of future international climate change summits [Climate Wire $ub]

Ground Hog Day 2012

"NEWS FLASH: Groundhog Day cancelled! Phil says he's pretty sure spring *already* arrived in western PA, preempting tomorrow's event," joked climate scientist Michael Mann in a Twitter post yesterday.

Obama and the C Word

Why will the President be pressed to start talking about climate change again?

Wisconsin Loses Focus

Wisconsin stops funding its Energy in Focus program, which offered incentives to homes and businesses for installing renewable energy equipment

Germany: Billions For The Eco-Economy

A state-owned German economic development bank deployed $30 billion in 2011 for climate-friendly energy projects, a third of its total annual outlay

States Are Right

Nearly every state and territory has been active on the clean energy and efficiency fronts, despite federal inaction and a weak economy

Mothballing Baseload Power

Germany has a plan to solve the fundamental power system problem of baseload (dirty or detested) v intermittent (clean and renewable) power

February 01, 2012

Germany: PV Maker Back From The Brink

After striking a deal with bondholders, Q-Cells, the financially imperiled PV maker, sees stock prices soar

Europe: Airports Combat Climate Change

55 airports, with half of Europe's passenger business, are part of a program to cut their carbon emissions

Like Dentists Practicing Cardiology

38 top climate scientists don't place much much stock in the Wall Street Journal's climate denialism

What's Shaking At Indian Point

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will require the Indian Point nuclear power plant to update its ability to withstand earthquakes

Scotland: 500 Wind Turbine Jobs

Samsung projects 500 jobs will be created at its Scottish of-shore wind turbine factory

Good News

Expect lower CO2 emissions to be durable because they are not just the result of the Great Recession

Building Blocks For Tomorrow

The urban block is a fundamental micro-unit for developing resilient and sustainable cities

PV In A Global Economy

See the twists and turns of the global PV industry through a US-China lens

Climbing Out Of Urban Data Silos

Smarter cities need better energy use measurements and the ability to apply them to urban planning ideas