In The Media Machine
Joe Rom's razzberry hurled at the New York Times Special Energy Section gets its own commentary.
Joe Rom's razzberry hurled at the New York Times Special Energy Section gets its own commentary.
The state of South Australia shows the nation how to do wind power and water resource management right.
The maker of wind turbine components calls for a five year extension of federal tax credits or worries about having to shut down instead of making new hires.
The new Renault electric car could be just what fossil-fuel vehicle owners would love.
Cities around the country struggle with how to expand rules about community gardens to cover farm animals.
Extreme drought and searing temperatures have already produced $5.2 billion in agricultural losses for Texas.
Viet Nam proceeds with plans for Japanese-sponsored nuclear power plant.
A New York-based company that developed a flywheel storing 20 MW of energy, which received a $43 million DOE loan guarantee, files for bankruptcy.
Boulder, Colorado threatens to oust its current electricity provider and replace it with a municipal utility that could go greener.
A West Virginia wind farm uses batteries to even out its flow of electricity into the power grid.
Although levels of human exposure are unknown, the nuclear disaster at Fukushima released twice as much radioactive cesium as first reported.
At a clean tech industry gathering in Ottawa, there were complaints over the lack of government interest and support.
Trek into the deepest recesses of Washington budget-making and track DOE's energy loan program.
Still lacking cost and benefit information, the NY Department of Environmental Conservation will miss the November 1 deadline to release its report on hydrofracking for natural gas.
More problem solving rather than mountains of facts could be the key to persuading people about the meaning of climate change.
The Department of the Interior lists the nation's best places for developing solar power projects and promises to cut red tap for developers.
Check out this free, web-based mapping tool to visualize climate change impacts in California from 1950 - 2090 and draw your own conclusions.
After several setbacks, NASA launches a $1.5B climate data-gathering satellite.
Scientists report 50% of the winter drought in the Mediterranean region is caused by human-induced climate change.
If the EU designates Canadian oil sand fuel 'highly polluting', a major market will be shut off for this product.
If a sound economy needs a vibrant manufacturing sector, what should the US do now? (with implications for the green jobs debate).
Calling fossils fuels 'ancient pond scum', Avery Lovins' latest book makes the economic value proposition for renewable energy.
Now you can locate geothermal energy sources around the US on Google Earth.
Facebook plans a renewable energy-powered data center in Sweden to handle all its traffic from Europe, the Mid-East & Africa.
Sometimes it takes the British media to report on hot US climate news.
The Department of Energy announces $60 million for scientific research to make solar power more efficient and affordable.
The Daily Show contrasts the media frenzy over "Climategate" with its snooze fest over the skeptical scientists' study that concludes the world really is heating up.
This review of The End of Energy finds the US has a history of short-term political expediency, not an energy policy.
Plans for a natural gas pipeline that runs across from New Jersey to Greenwich Village encounter energetic community resistance.
The Greek government raises $10.11 million at an EU carbon emissions credit auction.
Treasury Department audits find overpayments in its renewable energy grant program.
A new Harlem-based convent for older nuns provides sustainable community living.
More interesting than who's on the list of America's greenest cities, is what they do to get there.
Scientists develop a hydro power device that won't harm fish and could add 8,500 MW of electricity-making capacity.
Which companies are investing the most in their future with clean energy research and development funds? (Hint: Based on net sales, not Exxon.)
Shale gas drilling propels a wave of mergers in the US fossil fuel industry with new deals in the Marcellus and Utica Shales valued at $6.7 billion.
A German consortium with plans to build 4 - 6 nuclear power plants in the UK asks for billions more in payment and a 25% equity share in the project.
With rising world population and the growth of cities, shrinking clean water resources could become a 'limiting factor' this century.
What to make of the million new jobs in the energy industry promises made by candidates Romney and Perry?
A retired Army General, who fought in Iraq, decries the tar-sands pipeline project as feeding US fossil fuel addiction and undermining our chances for energy independence. However, the idea of 'energy independence' is challenged by a Yale economist.
Overlooking green job growth of 6.7% from July of 2010 to July of 2011 in Massachusetts, former-Governor Mitt Romney attacks green jobs programs as a fake.
The House votes for a bill that makes it illegal for US airlines landing in Europe to pay into the mandatory EU carbon emissions scheme.
Norway's first large off-shore wind project may use turbines made in China.
Jaguar photos from a Bolivian national park. (Perhaps nothing to do with greener cities, just enjoy them!)
Thinking about a home energy-efficiency upgrade? Here's a chart with upfront costs and payback times to help you decide what to do.
Siemens, a leading German engineering firm, rolls out a 60 MW power generator for use in geothermal projects.
China will invest $45 billion on a smart electric power grid to ease its energy shortages, bring more renewables on-line and become the leader in infrastructure tech.
Many countries will be at increased risk from severe weather events if Congress cuts funding for a new generation of weather satellites.
Environmentalists urge Congress to shun a bill would allow US airlines to skip paying for their carbon emissions in the EU.
Although a federal study did not find evidence to link climate change and worse flooding in the northwest and the southeast, links were found in northeast over the last century, while flooding decreased in the southwest.
Contenders to develop an applied-sciences university campus in New York City hope their green design will give them the leading edge.
Replacing dirty and expensive diesel fuel with trash-hauling trucks using compressed natural gas splits environmentalists.
Although recycling has been the law in New York City for more than 20 years, it's doing worse than ever.
Will the trade complaint filed by US solar panel makers result in a victory for China?
With prices, sales and profits slumping at home, a Chinese wind turbine maker looks abroad for new markets.
First impressions of the relationship between the OWS message and climate advocacy.
Alberta, Canada complains that a pending EU designation of oil sands as highly polluting would violate international trade rules
Mass-marketing of house shingles that generate solar power launches in Colorado.
In 2014, EPA will propose rules to govern wastewater resulting from hydrofracking for natural gas.
Overturning a 20,000 year-old Earth record, both the northern and southern hemispheres are warming at the same time.
Citing this scholarly article on how economic costs of air pollution outweigh their benefits. Paul Krugman slashes at Republican attacks on environmental protection in the name of job creation. EPA Chief Lisa Jackson reads GOP the riot act
With the support of a German development bank, South Africa creates a $62 million fund to boost energy efficiency in small and mid-sized businesses.
Now, even skeptical scientists agree that (with $150,000 from the Koch Brothers!) the Earth is getting hotter. How inconvenient!
Massachusetts bumps California to 2nd place on the 2011 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard while New York retains its #3 slot.
An old landfill near Atlanta, Georgia is being clothed in solar thin film able to make 1 MW of electric power.
Our failure to make significant progress on halting climate change is a moral failure with consequences for succeeding generations.
Officials announce the failure of plans for a private consortium to build a carbon capture and storage facility at a power plant in Fife, Scotland.
Climate scientists grapple with how to explain their latest discoveries to the public and understand the significance of probabilities.
Japanese scientists develop powerful wind-lens turbines, but more research is needed for them to replace traditional power sources.
When it comes to nudging people towards greater energy efficiency, research encounters a gap between awareness and behavior.
Help create a map of New York City's POPS - privately owned public spaces.
Until the natural gas industry admits that hydrofacking is linked to water pollution and health risks are better understood, the Albany Times Union says no drilling permits should be issued in NY.
What are the highlights of the latest in climate science?
Taiwan media reports on pollution coming from Chinese plants that supply computer parts to Apple while Chinese authorities blame Apple itself for the problems.
A new UK law creates a path to make homes more energy efficient and make paying for it easier.
A domestic solar power equipment maker calls for import duties on foreign-made products.
Tips from a venture capital investor on what it takes to raise clean tech funding.
Look into the political context of the new Australian climate law.
Incoming data shows that scientists making the more dire climate change predictions could be proved right. Meanwhile, the broader battle over climate science media coverage rages on.
A federal cash grant program supporting solar and other kinds of renewable power installation is at risk of shutdown by the end of the year.
Federal agency winners of the 30th annual energy and water management awards show how to save natural resources and tax-payer dollars.
In the wake of soaring electricity bills and government involvement, UK utilities offer free insulation to home owners.
See solar-powered cars in an 1,800 mile race from Darwin to Adelaide Australia
The future of nuclear power in Japan remains undecided.
The judge in the Solyndra bankruptcy case denies a Justice Department request to appoint a trustee.
A warmer climate will foster the spread of disease-carrying bugs and will pose a mortal risk to millions.
Book reviews ask: what have we learned about the energy extraction industry from last year's Deepwater Horizon debacle.
Department store chain Kohl's will build its new stores to meet pre-certified LEED Gold standards.
Unlike the US, Australia now has a carbon tax, so what does that tell us?
Fashion capital Milan, Italy is on the cutting edge of vertical greenery.
An environmental group reports on how New York can be energy secure if the Indian Point nuclear power plant is closed in 2015.
Shenyang, a heavy-industry city in China, works to clean up its act and lead the way to environmental improvement.
Delve into the emerging gap between corporate sustainability embracers and the cautious adapters.
Now under construction, a Seattle office building aims to be carbon, energy and water neutral by making as much of these resources as it uses.
Lowering the cost of energy efficiency improvements may be best achieved by a Green Deal Mutual rather than a Finance Company by giving every Green Deal Household a stake. Follow Ben's logic
New NASA weather satellite is the first mission designed to collect critical data to improve weather forecasts in the short-term and increase understanding of long-term climate change. Take a look under the hood
AB 361 signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown enables businesses to pursue a positive environmental impact in addition to maximizing profits. Will Gov. Cuomo sign similar legislation? It's sitting on his desk.
Bipartisan Policy Center urges research into direct manipulation of the Earth's climate based panel findings. NYT is taking comments. In August of 2010 SCIAM reported on PNAS research that full-out geo-engineering would not cut the sea-level rise predicted. Back in 2009 the British Royal Society took a stand against geoengineering.
Google sponsored Green Flight Challenge results are in and the all-electric Taurus G4 Pipestrel takes home 1.3M prize purse from NASA achieving an amazing 403.5 MPGe. A long way from Kitty Hawk.
For the first time Arctic and Antarctic ozone layer holes are of similar size — scientists led by Gloria L. Manney of JPL reported their findings in Nature. Arctic hole expands.