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News & Views Curation

December 31, 2010

Litigation To Track

The implications of six big high performance building cases could become clear in 2011. Stay eagle-eyed

December 30, 2010

New Coalition Kingmaker?

The increasing success of Germany's Green Party could make it a contender in the nation's coalition power structure. Eco-power

DEP: Growing GHG Giant

The NYC Department of Environmental Protection sees its energy use increasing by 53% over the next five years. This will be a challenge for the goal of cutting the City's carbon footprint 30% by 2017. Stay tuned

New $$$ For The New Year

Starting soon, the non-profit NYC Energy Efficiency Corporation will start making loans for energy efficiency renovation work. $40 million in play

Flying Down To Rio

Rio de Janeiro gets IBM's smarter cities technology for its new operations center. Brazil & Big Blue

The Social Science Of Climate Change

The National Research Council reports on what behavioral and social science can add to mobilizing for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Intro here

December 29, 2010

Tax (Incentives) Man!

The federal tax code provides specific incentives for building owners to install alternate energy capacity. Highlights

Molecule Fuel

Plans to chemically convert cheap natural gas into more costly fossil fuels raises questions. Explore here

Weather Or Not?

Still wondering how scientists and insurers distinguish weather from climate change? Risky business

Arsenic & Science

The controversy about arsenic as a biological building block offers insights into the sociology of science. Learn more

A Whole Lotta Sun Going On

New Jersey will be home to one of the nation's largest rooftop PV installations. Go Garden State!

Cold Enough For You?

Scientists say Greenland's ice sheets are melting but total collapse is not imminent Thaw here

Is Your City A STAR?

Find out which US cities make ICLEI's list to design and test sustainable community performance software. The envelope please

December 28, 2010

Comments On The Keeling Curve

Letters-to-the-editor on the implications of the Keeling Curve article in the New York Times. Vox pop

Names To Know

Here are ten Congressional freshman to watch on energy issues in 2011. Stay tuned

People Can Change

Studies of why people quit smoking or start using seat belts point the way to altering climate-changing behavior. Learn more

Upton's New Year Resolution

Disappointed with court decisions, Fred Upton, incoming chair of Congress' committee with EPA oversight, wants pass legislation to 'delay' EPA's climate change rules. Just say no

UK: Freeze Freezes Boilers

Energy efficient boilers, required in the UK since 2005, are freezing up in the record-shattering cold. What to do?

Nuclear Maybes

Nuclear power utilities keep options open on future construction in the US. Here's how

What Is The Public Role of Climate Scientists?

Princeton Professor Michael Oppenheimer addresses the AGU about scientists' engagement in the public policy arena on climate change. Video here

Timing Is Everything

Is there a best time for launching climate change mitigation actions? Look into it

December 27, 2010

Gifford v USGBC: 2011

Read some tea-leaves for next steps in the nation's best-known green building litigation. Hot enough?

Baby, It's Weird Outside

A roundup of observations on links between cold, snowy weather and climate change. Whew!

Bad Economy Dampens Carbon Emissions

The 5.7% drop in Japan's annual carbon emissions is linked to depressed (Western?) economies. Stay tuned

Photo The Future

A photo essay from British Columbia on what sea level rise could look like. Imagine that

Goin' To Jersey City

Got plans to visit Jersey City, NJ? Take the green map.

Colorado: On Bill Finance

Although New York failed to pass an on-bill home energy improvement finance law in 2010, Colorado is one of twelve states that gets it. Fan mail

Washington Watching In 2011

Here are the federal energy and climate hot button items to keep tabs next year. Coming soon

Year's Top Earth News

Add this list of the most newsworthy climate and energy stories to your Year end reading

December 24, 2010

Khosla Looks Ahead

Green venture capitalist Vinod Khosla sees a revolution in mainstream technologies as key to future energy progress. Summary free, full content not

Looking For Good Cheer

The global economic slump cut carbon emissions, but not as much as projected. What will a recovery bring? Keep looking

Up Next?

Here are ten green tech trends to watch in 2011. List here

EV: First Year Free!

The Long Island utility, LIPA, offers a $500 rebate for the purchase of plug-in electric and hybrid cars, enough to pay for a year of recharging. Happy holidays!

December 23, 2010

The Next Round Of GHG Rules

EPA will issue a schedule for industry-wide performance standards to cut GHG emissions from power plants and oil refineries. Look ahead

Correlation Is Not Causality

Yet another parsing of the New Yorker piece that uses Jevons Paradox to dash the hopes of energy efficiency advocation. Share my obsession

2011: Clean Money

2011 could be the year for investors to move into clean tech ventures. Stay tuned

EU: 20x20? No

An EU official says cutting carbon emissions 20% by 2020 is unlikely, but has recommendations for making progress. Look into this

The Congressional Year Ahead

Republicans, seeing the Obama administration's forward momentum on regulating CO2, want to strike down the EPA's regulatory powers, but E2 could attract support Congressional support for an energy bill.

The Climate Beat

Consider the difference between balance and false balance when reporting on climate science projections about how hot things could get. Grapple with it

December 22, 2010

The Desertification Peril

The greatest risk posed by climate change is desertification and the destruction of agricultural capacity. Very dry

Less Is More In Gainesville

Evidence for the impact of energy efficiency laws is found in a study of Gainesville, Florida. Get some data

EU: CO2 Permit Demand Sinks

Demand for 2013 EU CO2 emissions permits plunges just when they will no longer be free. Stay tuned

GI Green

The US Army adopts the latest in building energy efficiency standards, ASHRAE 189.1. Stars & stripes

And This Lump Of Coal Goes To...

Romm hands out his 2010 Citizen Kane awards for the worst media climate coverage. Thank you!

Tri-State Energy Plans

The Regional Plan Association taps into electricity and efficiency networks in NY, NJ and CT to energize ideas about shared energy planning. Stay tuned

Don't Mourn. Send A Message

Scientists get a crash course in how to communicate their climate knowledge to the public and partisan spinners. Here's how

December 21, 2010

France: PV Halt Blamed On China

Cheap Chinese PV imports are cited in suspending France's solar power program. Non!

Australia: Renewables Plunge

New renewable power projects in Australia drop by 80%, financial crunch gets the blame. Incentives ahead?

Texas: Sun Capital

Will Texas fulfill its potential to become a solar power powerhouse? Plug in

Reid v Rockefeller: How It's Done

While Senator Rockefeller blamed loss of Republican support for withdrawing his effort to thwart EPA's powers to regulate GHG emissions, he was outfoxed by Harry Reid. Look inside

Old Is New Again

What can today's urbanists can learn from Italy's old Cinque Terre? Visit here


Rio di Janeiro and other big cities in Brazil will get their electricity from distribution grids owned by China. Watt a world!

Peaked Gas

Experts think US gasoline demand may have peaked in 2006. Down boys!

AC For Xmas

For readers looking forward to warmer weather and for friends in Australia, a history of air conditioning. Cold comfort

December 20, 2010

Back To The Future

Don't miss this social history of how scientists and journalists communicate and what this means for us now. In these times

What Will Drive Utility Rates Up In 2011?

Hint: it's not just renewable energy. Get ready

Get Smart

The Rockefeller Foundation reports on the five critical smart techs for 21st century cities and examines potential conflicts over privacy and centralization. Look ahead

$$ Guarantees The Wind

An 845 MW Oregon wind power project gets a $1.3 billion federal loan guarantee. Details here

Germany: The Electric Acid Test

How will German electric consumers respond to rising renewable energy costs? Watt a jolt

The Sino-Singapore Saga

China and Singapore study past failures to succeed at a joint eco-cities project. Visit

Higher Education

Does NYU"s controversial expansion in Greenwich Village win points for going green? Look into it

December 19, 2010

City Science

December 18, 2010

Don't Call It Trash!

Shipping crates, salvaged timber and other repurposed materials find a place in NYC homes. Here's how

Energy Efficiency Paradox, Not

NRDC shows how improved energy efficiency can be a great success, not the paradox described in the New Yorker article "An Energy Dillemma". Plug in

December 17, 2010

Energy Grant Gets A Year

The new federal tax law includes a one year extension of the grant program for alternative energy projects and other fuel provisions. Whew!

Romm Rips Book On Cities & Climate Future

Climatopolis, a book about how cities will thrive in a globally heated world, fails because the author 'hasn't done his homework' writes Joe Romm. Review it

Today A Volt Tomorrow A Caddy

GM is using some of its Chevrolet Volt technology to build a Cadillac plug-in SUV. Down market up

Front Lines Of The Energy Future

Harvard researchers summarize findings on energy research, development and deployment in economically emerging BRIMCS nations. Fine print

UK: Greens See Red Over Energy Plan

UK environmentalists attack the government's energy proposal for its support of nuclear power. Plug in

Don't Trash Those Batteries!

New York State now requires electronic consumer goods makers to take back dead batteries and keep them out of the trash. Recycle that!

Commercial Tenants Trend Green

An international survey of commercial building tenants finds favor for renting green space, although US support ranks lowest. Learn more

December 16, 2010

No Laughing Matter

The US doubles its estimates of the country's recoverable natural gas reserves. Drill down

The Fifth Horseman

Given the size and growth of China and it's basic reliance on coal, what are its energy options? Look into it

Carbon Market Mayhem

China gets vast overpayments from the EU carbon trading market to end production of one GHG, while another ozone hole making gas is smuggled into the US black market. Couldn't make this up

Why Aren't There More Green Jobs?

It's the dismal economy, stupid. Fightin' words

Antarctica: The Science of Melting

NASA reports on the the science of melting Antarctic ice sheets and predictions of sea level rise. Learn more

Time To Get Serious!

At a conference about how to drive US energy innovations, there was little agreement about what to do. Think about that

Green Code With Cost Offsets

North Carolina's new green building code offers a menu of cost offsets, some related to fire safety, for any added costs of improved energy efficiency. Warmer?

December 15, 2010

What's Jevons Got To Do With It?

Here's a rousing cheer for the New Yorker article that uses Jevons' Paradox to dampen enthusiasm for energy efficiency.

US Green Export Prospects

The future for growing global export of US energy efficiency and clean tech services is much brighter than export of green manufactured goods. Stay tuned

Fox Climate Slant Outed

A leaked memo confirms that last year Fox News set an official policy to promote Climategate and other climate skeptic stories. Gasp!

Where Green Stocks Shine

In 2010, stock markets in Brazil, Korea and South Africa showed gains for green equities while they lost value in Europe. Invest some time

UK: Cameron's Climate Plan

British Prime Minister Cameron is set to announce a major energy policy that includes a unified floor price for carbon but green bank plans are scaled back.

Energy Innovation - Revkin Blogs

Andy Revkin keeps tabs on today's Energy Innovation conference in Washington. Get the latest

December 14, 2010

China: The End Of The Coal Road?

The idea that China will face a critical coal scarcity is based on a confluence of factors. Stay tuned

From Cancun To Canberra

Outcomes of the Cancun climate talks will be felt in setting Australia's carbon-cutting goals. Learn more

Tea Party In Hot Water?

The decision by new tea party-friendly governors in OH and WI to kill federally funded high speed rail projects can have painful local consequences. Ouch!

Washington: Clean or Rennewable?

Will Congressional Republicans and Democrats find common ground on 'clean' energy legislation and how is that different from "renewable' energy? Dig in


Here's a new way for the media and climate scientists to find each other. Love it

Why We Do What We Do

Environmental policy can no longer rely on the 'rational economic actor' model as the basis for effective climate action. What's the alternative?

London: A New Tradition

London's venerable fleet of black taxi cabs could be all electric within a decade. Hail, hail

December 13, 2010

India: Rising Climate Power

The Cancun climate conference shows India to be a rising economic power that is becoming a rising climate policy maker. Learn more

An Inconvenient Proposal

It can't be said too often, a carbon tax would solve many problems. Anybody listening?

Some Like It Green

While corporate property owners are more upbeat about energy efficiency than developers, they share an enthusiasm for green tax breaks. Survey the field

Aussie Apartments Gain From Green

If you live in an Australian apartment, improved energy efficiency would be a winner. Here's how

Climate Corps Case Study

The Climate Corps, a cadre of MBA students who work with big companies to go greener, do nitty-gritty field work. Here's E-bay

Too Cheap To Matter?

Researchers finds UK businesses routinely underestimate the value of energy efficiency and this is a costly error. Count on it

Will Alaska REAP What It Sows?

Alaska creates REAP, a program to fund energy efficiency improvements in some public buildings. Learn more

Berlin: Imagine Tomorrow

Like the man-horse centaur of Greek myth, a visionary Berlin home design unites the energy flows of home and car. Wow!

December 12, 2010

Cancun: At Least One Star

Cancun's climate meeting delivers some results. Look up

December 10, 2010

NY Funds Home Energy Improvements

New York announces funding from RGGI auctions and the Department of Energy will support energy audits and low cost loans for homeowners. Got that?

Sky-High Tehran Air Pollution

Iran blames US sanctions for soaring air pollution in Tehran coming from locally refined gasoline. Oh

One Year Reprieve

Grist reports the federal tax vote to include a one year extension of renewable energy grants. Act now! and get More info here

UK: Passive House Performance

While not a household name, Passive House projects are making a name for themselves with facts on the ground. Learn more

Be Nice To Lawyers Vote

New Jersey hires a law firm to fight federal demands for repayment of $271 million resulting from the state pulling the plug on the cross-Hudson train tunnel project. Fee hee

NY Gets $7.3 Million For Rail

New York is just one of the states to get new rail funding from the billions rejected by Wisconsin and Ohio. Get on board

Is The Tide Rising?

The prospects for generating electricity from the ocean tides gets brighter in the US. Details here

Indian Point Gets One Thumbs Up

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission finds the environmental impact of keeping the Indian Point nuclear generators open after 2015 to be acceptable. Stay tuned

Feedback On Clouds

While understanding the positive and negative impact of clouds on climate change increases, it is still a work in progress. Science in action

December 09, 2010

Biochar: Cheers Or Jeers

There's hot debate over the potential of biochar, the product of burning organic waste without oxygen, to combat climate change. Got a match?

The Swoosh Footprint

Nike develops and deploys an open source software to measure the carbon footprint of new products. Jump in

Cancun: Down To the Wire

With two days left, what's at stake in the outcome of the UN climate meeting in Cancun? Tick, tick, tick

Money Mechanisms

A UN Climate Advisors report on options for global action considers the mechanisms and balance of public and private financing. Look into it

Big Ambitions In Small Spaces

Living City Block launches a project to green a two-block segment of a Washington DC neighborhood. Visit

The Hadley Cell and You

Scientists see evidence of lower wind speeds in wind-turbine friendly places around the globe and suspect northward shifts in global air circulation linked to climate change are a cause. Study up

December 08, 2010

UK: Let's Make A Green Deal

Parliament will take up legislation to cut GHG emissions by allowing utilities to offer owners incentives for taking out loans to insulate their homes. Learn more

Euro Carbon Market Eyes Cancun

The ability of prices on the EU carbon market to drive new investment will depend on the outcome of the Cancun climate talks. Make a connection

China: There Ought To Be A Law

A Chinese air conditioning and insulation tycoon who exports products around the world urges his country to pass more laws on efficient energy performance. Read on

About That Tax Deal

Will a renewable energy grant program be saved in the final federal tax agreement? Stay tuned

Do People Like Green Buildings?

A USGBC white paper points to a research agenda for learning about people's experience of high performance building. The human element

Tall, Green & Gold In San Francisco

Renovations in San Francisco's Transamerica Pyramid earn a LEED Gold rating. Way to go

December 07, 2010

Who's Buying Into Shale Oil?

Small US shale oil companies are selling out to big energy players. Consolidate

Clean Tech Innovators

Which countries lead in clean tech patents and investments and why? Get busy In the US, policy direction and access to capital are needed now. Get busier

In The National Interest

The Center for American Progress finds US leadership on global finance to cut GHG emissions is in the national interest. Think about that

Why Easy Is Not Enough

What's wrong with the proposal to take on easier climate changers like methane until we're able to tackle CO2? Fine print

Relocating Browner

Inside the Beltway, people are parsing Carol Browner's departure from the White House energy and climate office to become a Deputy Chief-of-Staff. Enter here

Cancun: Trust But Verify

China and the US edge closer on verifying carbon reduction claims as Canun talks continue Stick around

Brawl Over Fracking Oversight

Industry challenges Pennsylvania's oversight of exploratory natural gas drilling while environmentalists fight exemptions. Dig in

Why Is England Cold?

A mix of climate change forces and weather patterns explain England's foul and frigid winter. Learn more

China Makes A Climate Move

At the Cancun climate meeting, China offers to make binding cuts to its carbon emissions. Cities could be critical.

New Mexico Caps Carbon

New Mexico imposes caps on CO2 emissions from big sources starting in 2013. State's right!

Nudges & Neurons

Do behavioral economics and neuroscience offer tools to close the gap between scientific knowledge of climate change and public perception? Look into it

December 06, 2010

Fate Of GE's PBCs

This week, the EPA will announce how much of GE's PCB-laced Hudson River sediment can be left in place. Who's happy now?

LA: Let's Do Less

The municipally-owned electric utility of Los Angeles undercuts the Mayor's renewable power goals. How's that?

South Africa Goes Renewable

With backing by the World Bank and Pretoria, South Africa will get 20,000 MW of electricity from renewable sources. Learn more

Supreme Court To Hear Carbon Case

The US Supreme Court to hear arguments on a 2nd Circuit decision (which included now-Supreme Court Justice Soto-Mayor) that found CO2 emissions are a public nuisance contributing to climate change. Spring 2011

Some Day

Sooner or later, the US energy industry will see climate change and clean tech as opportunities for growth. Stay tuned


Hopes dim for passing a federal renewable energy standard standard and a tax break for the industry in 2010. Plug in

China: Wind Power IPO

Chinese utilities seek stock market investors for new wind power projects in Hong Kong. Spend some time

French-Indian Nuke Deal

France will build two of twenty new nuclear generators planned for India. Proliferating power

December 05, 2010

China Grows A Green Workforce

To meet its clean energy goals and make its mark in the green economy, China invests in university and vocational education. Stay tuned

Moving $575M

With the death of the Cross Harbor tunnel project, the Port Authority has some $575 million on hand. What to do?

December 03, 2010

Lack Of Liquidity Sinks Wave Project

A UK company seeking finance for wave power projects withdraws from capital market. Dip in

RGGI Auction Results

The final RGGI auction of 2010 raised $48.6 million although not all CO2 emissions allowances were bought up. Get the details

Flunking Econ 101

Joe Romm finds a new Economics textbook to be riddled with factual errors on climate change. True or false?

The Age Of Aquarius

EPA releases photos of 60's-style pollution, before the birth of the agency in 1970. Happy 40th

Qatar: PV World Cup

Qatar plans for PV solar power to air condition the 2022 World Cup soccer stadiums. Gooooal!

What Do Afghanistan & Climate Change Share?

The war in Afghanistan and inaction on the federal climate front tie in a FP poll for Obama's biggest failure in 2010. Just ask

Sydney: Breaking The Coal Habit

Sydney Australia takes first steps to break free of its reliance on coal-fired power plants. Here's how

Prize Winning Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany wins the 2011 EU Green Capital prize. Visit here

December 02, 2010

2010: A Real Hottie

2010 is on track to be the hottest year on record as well as having the highest known level of atmospheric GHGs. WMO

Wrecking Crew

The new Republican majority in Congress assembles procedural tools to raze a raft of Clean Air Act rules. Wham!

Some Like It Green

Looking to make the case for green roofs? Start here

It's A Plan

New York issues a region by region analysis of coming climate change impacts and how to plan for them. Transition-worthy ideas

December 01, 2010

Free Money For Now

Applications for federal stimulus grants for rooftop solar installations are pouring in now to beat the December 31 deadline. Act now!

NYC Wins Big

New York's PlaNYC 2030 wins the top USEPA prize for its smart growth accomplishments. Nice work

Kill The Messenger

The incoming Republican majority in the House of Representatives eliminates the Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming Bang bang!

Warmer Evidence

NASA reports that the temperature of large lakes around the world has risen over the last 25 years. Dive in

Popping Up In NY

In 2011, expect more op-up cafes, part of the toolkit for making New York's streets more user friendly. Walk in