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News & Views Curation

August 31, 2010

The Energy Descent

Wade into the raging debate over what should come after the Oil Age and whether current green ideas are good enough. Enter here

What's In Store?

If the US stays on a do-nothing path on climate change, this year's events are a preview of what lies ahead. For your consideration

Lomborg's U-Turn

Climate skeptics' poster child, Bjorn Lomborg, appears to have changed his mind. Look into it

Needed: Cooler AC

Air conditioning was invented early in the 20th Century. Now it's time for something better. Get updated

Don't Waste Heat

Computer chip and nano-technology could vastly expand our ability to use waste heat for making electricity. Here's how

August 30, 2010

Curtail The Inquisition

A Virginia judge denies Attorney General Cuccinell's motion to obtain to scientific papers of a climate researcher Michael Mann Enough already

Hubba Hubba!

What's a wave hub and can it fulfill the clean energy agenda? Get connected

Modernize IPCC Management

The International Panel on Climate change should regularly rotate its top leadership and enhance its transparency are major recommendations of the InterAcademy Council. Learn more & more

Stop The Funny Business

Responding to allegations of fraudulent offset claims, the UN suspends its international carbon offset program in China. Learn more

Japan: Compulsory Caps

Japan plans to impose CO2 caps on major emitters in 2013 with the launch of a permit trading market. Stay tuned

Parting the Clouds

Satellite data offers clues about the impact of clouds on climate change. Peer in

August 27, 2010

PACE Bond Bill - Just Say No

Federal home mortgage regulator FHFA opposes a Congressmemebers' proposal to launch a PACE bond pilot program. No! Yes!

HUD: Stop Burning $$!

HUD could save $1 billion every year by installing energy efficient appliances, boilers and insulation in its low-income housing. Learn more

DOE Guarantees It

The Energy Department is creating a loan guarantee program for manufacturers of renewable energy systems and parts. Stimulating!

Fannie & Freddie Lose Billions

Since 2007, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have lost $226 billion, most of it from the purchase of high-risk home mortgages. Here's how

An LED Dark Spot

Based on historical data, research concludes that ultra-efficient LED lighting will not cut overall energy use. Some turn-off

Audit Finds Climate Chief Above Board

The UK's Sunday Telegraph attack on the personal financial integrity of Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the International Panel on Climate Change, has been proved false. Get the facts

PV Pedaling On Roosevelt Island

Kiosks for a bike-sharing project on Roosevelt Island will run on solar power. Wheel in

August 26, 2010

Cities On The Front Line

Cities must retool for resilience as the climate gets weirder. Get specifics

Re: Capture

A proposed UK coal-fired power plant considers a novel carbon capture technology. Learn more

Capital District: 40x20

Australia's national capital district sets a CO2 reduction of 40% by 2020 from a 1990 baseline. Ambition down under

Germany: A Carbon Tax - Not

Germany proposes a "contribution" by electric utilities to fund more renewable energy and keep old nuclear power plants open. Whatever

Solar Power - Cloudy Future

A California solar thermal project gets government approval, but who will buy its power output? Plug in

Joe Miller's Climate Impact

What would the election of Joe Miller, a climate change denier, as the new US Senator from Alaska mean for federal climate policy? Look into it

Glacial Retreat

View photos of Asia's shrinking glaciers in the USGS atlas. Chilling

Obama's Stalls Out On Green

Obama's failure to deliver on domestic climate legislation and global leadership will make the environmental impact of the coming economic contraction even worsel. Feelin' gloomy

August 25, 2010

Koch Brothers: Climate Denial "Kingpins"

The super-rich David and Charles Koch support many things, including the climate change denial campaign. Follow their money

Solar Subsidies Sunset

In Europe, as the price of solar power goes down, so do government supported feed-in tariffs. Plug in

Think Different

Apple refuses to have its iPhone participate in a UK green ranking scheme. Wrong call?

Philly's Green Innovation Grant

Penn State University wins a Department of Energy grant to develop a public-private energy innovation hub in Philadelphia. Details here

More Gas?

A controversy simmers over proposed natural gas pipelines from New Jersey and Staten Island into Manhattan's Meatpacking District. Dig in

August 24, 2010

NY Green Grant Shocker

Philadelphia, not New York, gets almost $130 million from the feds for a research center on energy efficient building. Read all about it

Australia Could Coalesce on Climate

The virtual tie in Australia's national elections opens the way for greater climate action by independent and green winners. Good on ya!

Geo-Engineering? No

Research finds that full-out geo-engineering would not cut the sea-level rise predicted for 2100. Only cuts in GHG emissions and CCS would make the grade. Look into it

Lose To Win

Get the short list for the National Building Competition and see how contestants stack up on energy efficiency gains. The top 14

Going Green & Getting Results

EPA's Energy Star program offers on-line resources for getting started and succeeding in making buildings energy efficient. Learn more

Green For Less

Want to increase your home's energy efficiency and cut costs? Federal tax credits can help. Look into it

Court Ruling On Climate Scientist Pending

A court ruling on the Virginia Attorney General's demand that a climate researcher's grant application materials be turned over to his office is expected by the end of August. Stay tuned

August 23, 2010

Green Stamps

'Going postal' gets a whole new meaning with the 65,000 square foot roof topping off a NYC post office. Look it up

Sustainabiity ABC's

State capital, Salem, Oregon, is the study topic of university students looking for the keys to create a sustainable city. Start here

Wake Up & Smell...

Coffee grounds -- good for growing things, cuts down waste. Be alert

21st Century Questions

What would happen to a nation that's overwhelmed by climate change and rising sea levels? Think about that

Plan Z

What to do now, before the climate crisis hits (your) home. Don't miss it

CO2 Overdraft

The Global Footprint Network reports the world has spent out its entire CO2 budget for 2010. Now what?

NOAA Knows

Looking for up-to-date data from NOAA's 2009 Climate Accessment? Enter here

August 20, 2010

Winning Counts

If you're interested in climate action, watch these five election contests around the nation. The list

China: Clean Energy Self-Reliance

China's clean energy sector expands with domestic investments and no longer uses UN Clean Development funds. Learn more


The White House website deletes cap and trade and Energy Department clean energy research grants from its climate policy page. Try to remember

We've Got A Little List

NRDC cites 22 US cities for their energy initiative. Who's on it?

I'll Have What EU's Having

An analysis of recent European economic performance finds growth in clean energy and reductions in energy intensity. Trend in

Green Brass

Could the US military become a driver of US energy and climate policy action? Look into it

August 19, 2010

MIA At DC Housing Summit

Advocates for PACE bonds and other housing sustainability issues appear to have been omitted from the guest list at this week's home mortgage policy summit in Washington. Oops!

Define Your Terms

What does climate change mean? Now you can look it up. OED

Stalled PACE Stalls Green Growth

The shut-down of PACE bond programs cuts into green California jobs and businesses. Stop by

Florida's PACE Program

Like other states with PACE bond legislation, Florida is grappling with federal home mortgage agency opposition. On hold?

Coal Keepers

Yorkshire residents prefer their coal-burning power plants to wind turbines. Defensible?

Does LEED Ignore Public Health?

Some argue LEED building guidelines ignore public health, others take exception. See column & comments

States' Rights, Climate Wrongs

Texas and Arizona are not the only states resisting EPA plans to regulate GHG emissions next year. Stay tuned

NJ Goes Renewable

New Jersey will offer tax credits to renewable energy projects. Green for green

What's Up With The Weather?

Whether you call 2010's weather weird or extreme, get the climate science behind the headlines. Read all about it

Renwables: Fade to Black?

Europe's renewable energy development could shrivel with shrinking government support. Plug in

August 18, 2010

Have We Got A List For You!

San Francisco posts a green products list for local eco-friendly consumers. Check it out

Hung Out To Dry

Energy expert Charles Komanoff wants to correct the advice recently offered about what Americans could do to become more energy efficient. Dear Sir

Be More Calculating

Senator Bennett drafts a bill that requires home purchase lenders to calculate a property's energy operating costs before granting a mortgage. That's efficient!

Ready, Aim...

The climate movement should make use of the NRA's play book if hopes to succeed in politics. Fire up

But Is It Single Malt?

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland make a biofuel from whiskey for cars. Cheers!

A Fairer Share For New Yorkers?

In November, New Yorkers will vote on a City Charter amendment to expanded Section 197-a's "fair share" requirements, but critics say they don't go far enough. You decide

August 17, 2010

Chamber Attacks Endangerment

The US Chamber of Commerce petitions a federal appeals court to review EPA's determination that GHG emissions pose a human health danger. Busy busy

If The Wind Don't Blow

A UK university study finds half of the nation's wind turbines are put in places without much wind and produce very little power. Turn in

Guilt By Association

Let's name climate disasters after climate deniers. A modest proposal

Keep The $$ Coming

California mayors urge continued support of federal block grant funds for energy efficiency projects, despite a slow start on existing funds. Spend some time

Having Power, What A Difference!

Last year, stricter environmental performance standards were favored by Britain's Conservatives and Liberal-Democrats. Now, in power, they've changed. Stay tuned

August 16, 2010

Weather, Water & Politiics

Pakistan's devastating floods are just one part of the weather/climate-related water perils facing that nation and the world. Pay attention

Do The Right Things

When polled, Americans gave the wrong answer about what they could do to become more energy efficient. Think fast

China: More Is More

China, now the worlds second largest economy, builds new electric power capacity at a blistering pace. Get more

Solar Sockets

Now the mechanically-challenged home owner who wants solar power can buy a PV device that plugs into any electric socket. Keep it simple

Get Your Words Worth

A science journalist grapples with reporting on weather catastrophes and climate change. It ain't easy

From Old Economy To New

Consider the bottom line for a firm that started by manufacturing interior auto parts and now is a rising star in making buildings energy efficient. Start here


California has spent hardly any of $25 million in federal stimulus dollars for making public buildings more energy efficient. $121,788 to be precise

Energy In Albany

The New York State Deputy Energy Secretary sets out a menu of policy and public funding options. Get it here

August 13, 2010

From Song To Schmutz

Contemporary Chinese artist Zhang Hongtu draws a comparison between the pristine and the polluted. See for yourself

So Last Year

A proposal for a US-built solar power plant in the Mongolian desert made during Obama's Chinese visit in 2009 seems dead. Look back

Global CO2 Dips

Global carbon dioxide emissions decreased 1.3% in 2009, but a closer look reveals a patch-work data pattern. Learn more

What's 23 & LEED Gold?

A twenty-three year old NYC office building earns LEED Gold and an Energy Star rating for its retrofit. Look into it

Looking For Answers

Delve into the thickets of PACE bonds for commercial buildings and the first lien problem. Fine print

Embodied Energy

What is embodied energy and why should advocates of low carbon cities care? Consider Suzhou

Cementing the Future

Can a new kind of cement that stores CO2 be the killer app for controlling climate-changing gases? Get set

More Shovels Needed

France plans to create deep geological resting places for the radioactive waste from its nuclear reactors. Dig in

Fix PACE With Specifics

Nitty-gritty advice for PACE bond advocates looking for practical ways to save the program. Not rocket science!

August 12, 2010

Energy - Not A Level Playing Field

The US has supported fossil fuels for decades and today the scale of it support for other power sources pales in comparison. You betcha!

Home Energy Comparison Shopping

Starting in 2012, home sellers in the UK must provide energy efficiency data to prospective buyers. Learn more

Danish Gear For Wind Power Down Under

A Danish firm will supply 140 turbines for Australia's largest wind power farm. Plug in

What Would Brune Do?

Sierra Club chief Michael Brune reflects on the failure to pass federal climate legislation and lays out a near-term action agenda. Look into it

Room To Cut & Room To Grow

A business-oriented climate conference in Australia finds there is ample opportunity to cut CO2 while growing the economy. How?

Dirty Air? Filthy Lucre!

A new web site follows the fossil fuel money flowing through Congress. Invest some time

Become a Bee Watcher

The High Line is just one place for citizen-scientists to gather data on how bees are affected by habitat and land use. Sign up!

What To Do When It's Too Hot

Extreme heat is a known health risk and developing urban adaptive capacity is a must. Start here

August 11, 2010

New Sustainability Chief For NYC

David Bragdon is appointed by Mayor Bloomberg as the new director of the Office of Long Term Planning & Sustainability. Welcome

Attention Uptown Locavores

New York State farm-grown food now on Bronx & Harlem dinner plates. Share

Climate Agenda & Gov's Races

With so much climate action occuring at the state level, could election outcomes for Governor close off this policy channel? Look into it

The Fannie & Freddie Fiasco

Although this is not directly a story about PACE bonds, it's a deep-focus picture of Fannie Freddie woes as Washington wonders what to do about housing finance. Dig in

Renaissance Of Radioactive Risk

Greenpeace reports that Russian wildfires are stirring up radioactivity from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. Look into it

Cook With Goldberger

Architect Richard Cook speaks with architectural critic Paul Goldberger about the tangibles and intangibles for making buildings "regenerative" and cities sustainable. Listen in

August 10, 2010

I'll Take Manhattan

In case you've got doubts about big city life in the middle of August, here's a reminder why Manhattan or Tokyo have the density the sustainability-minded should crave. Honest!

China: Less Than Meets The Eye?

A closer look at China's plan to shut energy-inefficient factories reveals some were already closed and others were on the chopping block. Learn more

2010: Hot Water, More Hurricanes

Based upon elevated Atlantic Ocean temperatures, experts predict a bumper crop of strong hurricanes this year. Stay tuned

Climate Opinion

A controversial climate pollster finds more than 70% of people surveyed in Maine, Florida and Massachusetts want the government to limit GHG emissions. Qs & As here

We've Got A Problem Here

Sultry summer weather and utility consumer dislike for smart meters and grids is a recipe for trouble. Got a solution?

Seeing $$ In Green

The insurance industry sees profit potential in the renewable energy and climate risk arenas. Here's the deal

Climate Failure Fallout

Announcement of federal funding to restart the FutureGen coal-burning power plant project, but without costly CCS technology, could be a sign that without a climate law, big investments in carbon technologies are off the table.


In response to federal mortgage regulator FHFA, read this defense of the PACE bond program.

August 09, 2010

Utlity To Buy Solar Power

Electric utility Xcel Energy will buy solar power from a planned CPV solar plant owned by Goldman Sachs. Plug in

China: Shut 'Em Down!

China issues a list of 2,087 factories to be shut down this year because they consume too much power. Learn more

Remaking Michigan

With an unemployment rate of 13.2%, can a green revolution save Michigan? Ask the Governor

Greenland Shrinks

A giant slab of ice breaks off of Greenland's main glacier. Splash!

Clean Coal Gets Cold Shoulder

A "clean" coal-burning power plant proposed for Victoria Australia is not clean enough to win local support. Stay tuned

The Volt Age

By 2020, 80% of EU households should have smart electric meters, with a UK goal of 100%. Plug In


Looking for a rebuttal to the FHFA case against PACE? Click here

August 08, 2010

Fannie & Freddie: Past & Future

Get the back story on the troubled federal mortgage giants Fannie Mae & Frediie Mac. Things might change

August 07, 2010

Chinese Wind Farm Gets US Parts

Overcoming a stumbling block, Chinese firms building wind turbines in Texas agree to use parts made in the US. It's a deal

Andy's House

Get a tour of the energy efficiency upgrades at Andy Revkin's house. Welcome

August 06, 2010

Save PACE Bonds: Make A Phone Call

Grist urges its readers to dial the White House and demand help for the PACE bond program. Hello

Map That Job!

Interact with this on-line map of where the green jobs are growing in California. Get to work

A High Line For Harlem

Adapt aging infrastructure, create open space and bring new retail action and food markets -- all in one East Harlem project. Remaking La Marqueta

NY: Omen On Hydrfracking?

The one year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas voted by the New York State Senate could inspire a trend. Drill down

Plug In To Save The Planet

Here's a simple proposal to create the energy we need and end our addiction to foreign oil. Use your hybrid!

Snowmaggedon Not!

Scientists explain how last winter's heavy snow is consistent with climate change. Take off the gloves

Sun+Salt=Lights At Night

A solar power plant that stores energy in molten salt to provide continuous electricity opens in Italy. Eureka!

OK On Brownfields Program

New York State signs off on a City brownfields clean-up program. Home rule

Targeted Carbon Taxes

The UN climate treaty meeting in Bonn contemplates taxes on air travel and cross-border money transfers to raise program funds. Stay tuned

August 05, 2010

No PACE Bonds? Try LEMs

Fannie Mae-friendly Location Efficient Mortgages could provide assist energy-conscious urban home buyers. Check it out

Put A Price On Failure

Soul-searching begins after Dems and environmentalists fail to deliver a Senate climate bill. Re message

UK: Solar Revolution Is Coming

"He which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart" Hurrah!

China Contemplates Green Tax

China considers a trial tax on CO2 emissions and polluted water discharges in four rural provinces. Learn more

Let's Cool Manhtattan, The Bronx & Staten Island Too

New research on what works to shrink on the urban heat island effect. Get the facts

August 04, 2010

Who's The Greenest Of Them All?

Brooklyn's Vanderveer Place wins the Botanic Gardens greenest block award. Place matters

Texas To EPA: Drop Dead

The state of Texas tells the EPA that it will not comply with federal GHG control rules come January 2011. Just try!

Why Bother With Bonn?

The upcoming international climate treaty meeting in Bonn could be a bust. Watch out

Net Zero Near Chicago

The big draw of a planned 132 lot housing development near Chicago is zero net-energy. Move in

Store The Wind

A new battery technology for storing on-again, off-again wind power passes its first tests. Learn more

Free Legal Advice

Interested in practicing green building law? Read this

An Efficiency Consensus

Industry and advocates agree an a new generation of home appliance energy efficiency standards. Energy stars!

Will Hybrids Be A Hit?

Over time, the price of gas could be the biggest factor in the success of new hybrid cars coming out. Look ahead

Price Matters

As oil prices near $100 a barrel, European industry sees profit in carbon capture and sequestration even though on-line projects are years off. Count on carbon

What's In That Loophole?

Research finds that loopholes in the Copenhagen climate agreement would allow a 9% rise in GHG emissions from developed nations by 2020. Look into it

Gear Up For Electric Vans

GM invests $5 billion to build a hybrid plug-in van that should attract fleet owners. Stay tuned

If We Build It...

NYC's new electric car recharging station hasn't seen much traffic, but that could change this fall with the roll-out of cars like the Leaf and the Volt. Will they come?

August 03, 2010

Start With The Base

If we make green technology products for people near the bottom of the income scale, can their impact trickle up and transform the world's energy habits? Look into it

Venturing Into Green Tech

$1.5 billion in venture capital went for clean tech such as electric cars and recharging stations in just three months. Plug in

Australian Farms At Risk

Australia, the world's forth largest grain exporter, faces shrinking crop yields as it gets hotter and drier. Hungry for more?

Climate Foes In Attack Mode

Opponents of EPA climate action launch multi-prong attacks. Learn more & More

The Heat Is On

According to Munich Re, a major insurance firm, a planet that gets 2 degrees C hotter "should not be regarded as safe". Chilling

August 02, 2010

The Opposite Of 'Level Playing Field'

While the global renewable energy industry got $45 billion in subsidies, the fossil fuel industry raked in $557 billion in subsidies. Trough it up

Reacting To A New Reactor Design

The NRC raises safety questions about the new design of 14 nuclear reactors currently under permit review. Learn more

Carbon Tax=Deficit Relief

Now could be the time for passing a carbon tax to provide tax relief to strapped European treasuries. Buy in?

Clash In The Chamber

A split has formed in the Chamber of Commerce with a new climate action friendly group, Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy, being rebuffed by the old guard. Get CICE

Sun Power Sets In Spain

Spain will make deep funding cuts for electricity from new PV plants. Watts up?

Climate & The CA Governor's Race

Jerry Brown, running for Governor of California, calls support of the state's climate law a defining issue in his race against Meg Whitman. Look into it

China Raises $ In US For Wind Power

A Chinese wind turbine maker plans a $500 million IPO in the US. Cash in

China Buys Danish Wind Power

China will purchase Danish wind turbines to get 36 MW of clean power. Turn, turn, turn

Climate Aid: Promises, Promises

The UN demands proof that developed nations are honoring $30 billion pledged for climate aid. Show us!

Paris: E-Autolib

Riding on the success of its free bike project, Paris will roll out free electric cars for getting around town without polluting. Plug in