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News & Views Curation

May 28, 2010

Any Detectable Impact?

An investment analyst makes the case for the positive economic impact of the Kerry Lieberman climate and energy bill. Tap tap

Be Prepared!

The New York Academy of Science reports on how New York City can start now to prepare for the impact of climate change. It is less expensive than rebuilding after a catastrophe. Fine print

Seeding Green Biz

NYC Seed, a venture incubator for local start-up tech businesses, has green sprouts. Dig in

May 27, 2010

EU: Rethink Offsets

The EU-ETS might ban certain carbon offset credits and create multiplier values for others. Look into it

Where Is This LEEDing?

Readers of a recent new York Times Op-Ed have a lot to say about what LEED and cannot do. Vox pop

Smart Meters, But Not At Home

The UK smart meter industry targets businesses, not homes, for the first installation wave. Plug in

No Fly Zone

Aviation industry CO2 emissions, now 2-3% of the world's total, are expected to treble by 2050. Any alternative?

Acid Flashback?

Connie Hedegaard, the EU's climate action commissioner, denies that her goal to cut member nations' carbon emissions 30% by 2020 is a "hippie agenda" but delays making a formal recommendation.

US Cars Catching Up

A new generation of cars for the US market are nearly as fuel efficient and CO2 exhaust lean as European counterparts. Auto read this

May 26, 2010

EU: Carbon Market Skeptics

European carbon traders are downbeat about prices and the ability to translate market activity into CO2 reductions, but tighter EU climate rules offer hope.

Going Platinum

The Washington headquarters of World Bank member, the International Finance Corporation, earns a LEED Platinum rating. That rates!

When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife?

Romm ruminates on why the New York Times keeps printing climate denial stories. Take that!

May 25, 2010

Hey Big Spenders!

Driven by consumer and investor demand, a survey finds 70% of global corporate leaders plan to spend more on energy efficiency and climate-friendly product development. Walk the walk

UK Green: Follow The Money

Britain's ruling coalition wants to slash funds for energy efficient building and other environmental programs while proposing a PACE bond style scheme for home energy retrofits.

India: Carbon Emissions Soar

The price of headlong, coal-powered development in India is a 58% increase in carbon emissions since 1994. The good news is a drop in carbon intensity Learn more

Bite-SIzed Climate Papers

The RSS climate policy reader assembles 18 pithy policy pieces ranging from treaties, to carbon taxes, to adaptive capacity. Dig in

Can Data Move NY?

The goal of the BTA, an encyclopedic spread sheet of transportation data in NYC, is reinventing public policy. Stop & go

May 24, 2010

Out With Trades, In With Bonds

Bonds could be the newest thing in finance to cut the world's carbon emissions. Shaken not stirred

Utility Looks East

Duke Energy looks to China for energy technology innovations to improve its own performance. Learn more

Going Gray? Invest Green

European and US pension funds should shift investments toward low carbon firms and away from fossil fuel producers. Look ahead

You'e Got Green Mail

Government will save money energy with new monitoring and management equipment at 2,250 post offices. Look into it

Turning Electric Into Gold

China will invest billions over the next decade to build a smart electric power grid. Plug in

Turn Like A Fish

Researchers learn to build a better wind power farm from how schools of fish move . Fluid, dynamic

Measuring Up: Behind The Headlines

Changes in instrumentation makes data on warming oceans more accurate but poses some interpretive challenges. Details, details

May 21, 2010

What's It Worth?

The Stavins argument for the value of free CO2 emissions allowances. Here

Sacramento: Emerald Magnet

The Mayor of Sacramento, California proposes to turn the region into a magnet for green businesses and green collar jobs. Come closer

Patent It Faster

A US Patent Office program to speed approval of energy efficiency and renewables inventions will expand to meet demand. Expedite that!

May 20, 2010

EU: Ultra-Green By 2020

Starting in 2020, all new buildings in the EU will have to be nearly carbon neutral. Stay tuned

Batteries Included

A wave of experimental batteries start to store electricity from alternative power sources for later use. Juicy!

Rx For Sluggish Buildings

Building commissioning, a good way to check up on the inner workings of new or older buildings to see if they are performing as designed is not difficult to do, but it's rarely done. Learn more

UK To Build Offshore Electric Grid

To route tidal and offshore wind power to consumers the new UK government will build a transmission grid, but its scope remains unclear. Plug in

Earth In Hot Water

Science finds further evidence of a hotter planet in warming oceans. Dip in

What LEED Needs

Sallan Snapshot author spells out what LEED needs to really matter. Follow-up

May 19, 2010

The Case of The Vanishing Glaciers

As Himalayan glaciers melt, clues about the impacts add up. Look downstream

What's In It For Me?

The federal government asked for public comment on the smart grid and who should pay for it. Responses & responders

Speak Up, Be Heard

The National Academy of Sciences launches a project to determine how climate science can effectively communicate to decision makers. Stay tuned

Cleaning Up After GM

The White House proposes a $1 billion fund for the environmental clean up of 90 old GM plants to make way for new undertakings. Work it

EU-ETS: Toxic Trades

The EU carbon market, a money-maker for projects outside the EU that capture super-GHG's, shifts its support elsewhere. Follow the money

UK: Cushion Carbon Markets

The UK considers imposing price floors in the CO2 allowance market as EU trading prices fall. Opt in

Atomic Anxiety

Experts warn the NRC that new nuclear power technologies could be vulnerable to theft by terrorists. Uh-oh


What's at stake in the deep divide among greens over the Kerry-Lieberman climate bill? Look into it

Not Sold On Smart Meters

Utilities are rolling out smart electric meters along with variable rates, but consumers remain wary. Plug in

May 18, 2010

Down On PACE

Federal mortgage investors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac oppose the first lien provisions of PACE bonds for homes. Learn more

Don't Get Railroaded

A skeptic looks at plans for intercity high-speed rail in Britain. Queue up

Building Branding

Calculate the value of US office buildings with LEED or Energy Star labels in terms of rents and occupancy rates. Start here

American Power Act NAY!

Why you should oppose the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act.

American Power Act AYE!

Why you should support the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act.

Wind Power For NJ Port

The Port Authority will install five wind turbines on a shipping pier in New Jersey. Very edgy

May 17, 2010

Capturing Their Attention

The EU climate chief convenes corporations reluctant to consider further CO2 emissions cuts. Hey you!

A Better Brick

Forget brick-making in CO2-spewing kilns. Now microbes can do the work. Think different

Sold On Offsets?

New UN Climate Chief

Christiana Figueres is named as the new head of UN climate treaty negotiations. Hail!

EJ Groups Demand Charter Reform Now

Environmental justice organizations urge the NYC Charter Reform Commission to enhance fair share and community planning powers. Learn more

US Firm Inks China Wind Deal

A US firm will sell $445 million of electrical components to a Chinese wind turbine maker. Plug in

Making The Connection

Water conservation is an important path to energy savings that's just catching on. Learn more

Another Heat Record

Federal agencies report that April 2010 had the hottest surface temperatures on record. Data points

Yes We Ban

Concord, Massachusetts bans the sale of bottled water. Tap in

FOB Aggregates Green Tech

A former advisor to Bill Clinton heads a green tech firm that buys emerging projects for development. Stay tuned

See CCS In Your Future?

CCS, carbon capture and storage, is far from a sure thing, but that could be changing. Look into it

Look Closer

Climate science is advancing by looking at data from small geographic regions in big time frames. Here's how

May 14, 2010

NYC: Growing Green Jobs

A May 2010 report spells out green job types, emerging markets, growth drivers and targeted educational needs for New York City. Get to work

What Are They Thinking?

Polls find Americans' views on climate, energy and oil spills are murky. Learn more

New Lows For Arctic Ice

2010 is on track to set a record for disappearing Arctic ice. Look into it

Chinese Innovation Measured In Carbon

China claims to have cut 48.5 million tons of carbon emissions from its telecommunications sector in 2008. Link in

Oily Ideas

Wonder what the Kerry-Lieberman bill looks like from the perspective of the oil & gas industry? Dip in

Australia: Learn From China

An advisor to Prime Minister Rudd slams Australians for ignorance about Chinese leadership in fighting climate change. Learn more

The 25,000 Hour Bulb

Tired of changing light bulbs? Try the new 60 watt LED model that can last three years. That's bright

May 13, 2010

UK: The New Green Agenda

Conservatives and Liberal Democrats in the UK have a different environmental agenda than conservatives in the US. Look into it

UK: Nuclear Coalition

A green light for new nuclear power plants could be on the way under Britain's new coalition government. Learn more

Energy Market Free-Loaders

The Financial Times interviews Mark Jacobson "Right now we don't have a free market, we have a free-loading market where the fossil fuel companies pollute the air, and get subsidies from the government."

UK: Environment Minister Named

The UK's incoming Prime Minster names Chris Huhne, a Liberal-Democrat, to head the Department of Energy and Climate Change. E&E PM [Subscribers only]

NYC: A Greener Greater Energy Code

A greener, greater NYC requires top-notch Energy Conservation Code rules. A public hearing on the draft rules is scheduled for May 18. Text & information

Goodbye To All That Coal

Hansen & Mazria believe the US can ends its reliance on coal by 2030. Here's how

May 12, 2010

The PACE Quickens

With California leading the way, PACE financing for energy efficiency and clean energy laws are booming. Learn more

What Works At Work?

Delve into a study of six federal workplace energy efficiency projects. Be more productive!

New Bill, New Name

Senate sponsors unveil the American Power Act. Here's their summary. Here's the summary & a Dot Earth blog