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News & Views Curation

April 23, 2010

For The Birds

Brooklyn's grungy Gowanus Canal is being lined with bird houses designed by local architects for swifts and kestrels. Fly by

Australia: Election Eco-Promises

Australian Prime Minister Rudd vows to pursue a climate protection policy if re-elected. Stay tuned

The Price Ain't Right

High finance costs keep global investments in renewable energy depressed. Spend some time

Drill Baby, Why?

Although natural gas prices down and inventories up, US shale gas companies are still drilling but they won't be working in NYC's drinking watershed.


New York City rates its progress in meeting the goals of plaNYC2030 on its third anniversary. 1, 2, 3

April 22, 2010

Power Players

What's the role of the oil, coal and nuclear industries in the Senate climate bill? Politico parses it

Stimulus Slo-Mo

With the exception of home home weatherization projects, federal stimulus money for energy efficiency is slow in reaching beneficiaries. Get going

Making Lemonade

Some businesses see opportunities in the myriad impacts of global climate change. Look into it

Climate Change Could Up-End US Politics

NOAA reports climate impacts could lead to massive immigration and domestic relocation that would transform US politics by 2035. Relocate

A BASIC Climate Deal?

Brazil, South Africa, India and China, BASIC, seek a unified approach to an international climate agreement that the US would accept. Learn more

Shades Of Green In UK Race

The three-way election race in Britain heats up over climate and energy issues. Stay tuned

Competing For The Wind

GE and Siemens vie for market share through innovations in wind power technology. Take a spin

Cantwell Makes It CLEAR

Senator Cantwell spells out the argument for her climate bill, CLEAR, and why the Kerry cap and trade bill is not the answer. Get clarified

April 21, 2010

News From The Times

The New York Times relauches, renames and repurposes its environmental news blog. Go Green

Generating Mistrust

Public mistrust over leaks from nuclear power plants trumps any of their benefits. New plant designs also spawn doubts.

Demand For Demand Management?

While US companies allow utilities to cut their electric power during periods of peak demand, European households are not enthusiastic. Enter here

S&P 100: Carbon Emissions Keep Rising

The soaring CO2 emissions of S&P 100 companies undercuts the chance to meet climate legislative targets. Come on down

The Energy Habits Of Efficient Corporations

The Pew Foundation's case studies distill corporate strategies for leading the way on energy efficiency. Here's how

Profiles In High Performance

ASHRAE profiles the energy renaissance in leading US office buildings. Fine print

The Dirt On Bio-Diesel

A hard-to-get EU report on biodiesel finds that some types are linked to GHG emissions up to 400% higher than other fuels. FOILed!

EU Carbon Price Soars

The price of CO2 emissions in European markets is up 15% as utilities see allowances getting scarce by 2012. Learn more

Antarctica: Trouble Ahead?

New evidence from Antarctic ice finds vulnerability to sudden, alarming changes. Drill down

April 16, 2010

Senate Sausage-Making

Who gets what with a Kerry, Graham, Lieberman climate bill and what's negotiable? Romm weighs in

China: 40x20

Fearing catastrophic economic consequences of uncontrolled global warming, China vows to cut its CO2 intensity within a decade. Look into it

Where The Bucks Are

Spending in the brawl over a November ballot initiative to stall the roll out of California's climate protection policy could add up to $150 million. Oil Refiners v Enviros

Green Now Pay Later

Cash-strapped New York State government will get its first green roof and the contractor has agreed to get paid at a later date. A deal!

Monday, Monday

Release of the Kerry, Graham, Lieberman energy/climate bill is set for Monday, April 26. Trust that day?

Volcanologists Look Ahead

Scientists see a future link between a warming planet, melting glaciers and more volcano eruptions in Iceland. Ready to rumble?

Getting Over Copenhagen

Hope is not a plan and it's time to abandon the Copenhagen model. Here's an economist's four-prong path for climate action that must include the US, China and India. Look ahead

April 15, 2010

The Carbon Capture Chase

The challenge of capturing and sequestering CO2 in Germany confronts costs, parasitic loads and more. Not so elementary

US To SA: Promises To Keep

After abstaining on an IMF vote to fund a new coal plant in South Africa, the US will monitor the African nation's Copenhagen climate action pledge. Stay tuned

Burned Up About Coal

Taken together, the coal industry's safety record and its resistance to climate legislation, produces Democratic pressure to change course. Dig in

Keeping Up With E-Cars

The hybrid electric/gas Volt and the all electric Leaf cars are moving closer to market. Step on it

Oil Companies Favor Gas Tax

Several major oil companies prefer a 15 cents a gallon federal gas tax in pending Senate climate legislation over other policy measures. Poison pill?

Earth Day Politics

Reflecting on Earth Day at 40, Denis Hayes argues SOP pragmatic politics is a failed path to climate action in Washington. Rx

Hybrids Are The New Red White & Blue

Former CIA Director James Woolsey calls on Americans to make the nation safer by demanding cars that don't run on gasoline. Re-energize

April 14, 2010

The Hidden Cost Of Suburban Life

People who opt to live further from central Boston because housing is cheaper spend what they save on transportation. Priced out

IBM: Do Ask Do Tell

IBM will require its suppliers and their subcontractors to regularly report a slew of environmental data. Take responsibility

A Greener Swedish Energy Giant?

Vattenfall, a Swedish state owned electricity group with plants throughout northwestern Europe, gets a new director who faces climate and performance challenges. Plug in

The Americas Convene on Climate & Energy

The Obama administration hosts a meeting of 31 western hemisphere nations to consider common climate and energy security concerns. Stay tuned

Wind Farm Flaws

Potentially fatal flaws in the foundations of European offshore wind turbines are under investigation. Learn more

EU: The New Normal

Deutsche Bank reports that energy efficient building can become ubiquitous in the EU and recommends ways to move markets faster. Read on

April 13, 2010

Australia In 2050

Forget barbeques and Bondi Beach, by 2050 Australia will be densely urban and coping with climate change. Model futures

Springing Forward?

Washington watchers detect momentum on climate and energy legislation. See here

A Southern Climate Strategy

Georgia Tech and Duke University see benefits to southern states in climate protection policy. Learn more

Yes EU Can

The EU could cut its GHG emissions 80% by 2050 and save billions by decarbonizing its energy sector according to a new study. Here's how & Here's more

Taipei: The Plastic Pavillion

Taipei gets a portable exhibition hall made from plastic bottles, giving a new meaning to green building. Old is new

Better Behavior

Behavioral science has tools more potent than price signals for changing people's energy use . Nudge, nudge

April 12, 2010

Cap & Trade=Money Maker

As European governments are learning, carbon markets can generate significant revenues to boost their budgets. It adds up

Foreign $$ For Marcellus Shale

A giant Indian energy company buys a $1.7 billion dollar stake in a joint venture to drill for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale. Drill down

Japan: Clean Tech Aid With Strings

Japan will offer $5.3 billion in foreign aid for green development if nations buy from Japanese firms. Tie in

Copenhagen Crumbling

News from the Bonn climate gathering indicates the Copenhagen accord is coming undone. Learn more

Urban Greenery

Is the Mayor's green plan for New York City taking root? Dig in

April 09, 2010

US Energy Avant-Garde

ARPA-E, the Energy Department's cutting edge research program, is in operation. What's new?

California Green Lights Fuel Cells

After rejecting permits for fuels cell to create 3 MW of electricity as too costly, California utility commissioners change their minds. Power up

End of A Non-Nuclear Era

Frnace's nuclear reactor industry will build a new generation of power plants in Italy, ending that nation's ban on atomic power. Plug in

UN Climate Talks Update

Delegates meet in advance of the Cancun Mexico gathering without expectations for a climate agreement this year. Any omens?

Fun House Mirror

To reflect on Der Spiegel's climate science distortions look at the facts. See here

Looming Labor Shortage

Research points to an emerging gap between growing market demand for clean energy and energy efficiency skills and the nation's current training capacity. Learn more

April 08, 2010

Eco Home Economics

Here's a no-nonsense guide to green consumer product claims. Read up

Smarter Than A Smart Grid

The Austin, Texas power utility recruits homes and businesses to pilot a new operating model for a new energy era. Plug in

EU-ETS: Not Dead Yet

Predictions of the collapse of the EU's carbon markets are premature. Learn more

Smoothing The Wind

The reliability of wind power can be enhanced by linking power sources through underwater cables. Plug in

Relaunching Dot Earth

Revkin's Dot Earth blog moves from the news to the opinion section of the New York Times. Read all about it

The Electric Apple

Who is the target market for electric vehicles in NYC and what drives it? Find out

April 07, 2010

EPA Digs Deeper On Fracking

The upcoming EPA study of the impact of hydro-fracking for natural gas on water supplies will be wider in scope than earlier reviews. Stay tuned

Here On Earth

Take a minute to see an evening sky in spring. That's better

Brooklyn Bridge Park: What's Next?

Get a jump on dates for rolling out the next phases of Brooklyn's newest waterfront park. Come in

Hansen Wins Norwegian Award

US climate scientist James Hansen wins a Norwegian foundation $100,00 prize for alerting the world to the dangers of climate change. Congrats!

Virginia AG: Burn More Gas

After filing one law suit against EPA's GHG endangerment finding, Virginia's Attorney General is challenging EPA's new vehicle fuel efficiency rules. Fill 'er up

Hot Water!

Is the urban heat-island effect making US waterways hotter? Dip in

Copenhagen: Three Months After

Following the Copenhagen climate summit, 110 countries have committed to cutting GHG emissions, but grave doubts persist about keeping these promises. As time goes by

Green Shoots: Credentials Count

COWS, a think-and-do-tank, forges a framework for human capital development in a greening economy. Fine print

April 06, 2010

Carbon Crystal Ball Gazing

Could the Obama administration be ready to regulate carbon emissions rather than make a move on climate legislation? Look into it

Wet, Warm & Local

Find out what's in store for NYC as climate change impacts kick in and what some New Yorkers think about it. Op-Ed & Comments

Sewage To The Rescue

A California sewage treatment plant will use algae to purify its waste and generate electricity. A two-fer!

Tokyo: Plug In & Refuel

Tokyo will be a test city for electric car battery-swap stations using robotic technology from a California company. Drive in

Don't Need A Weatherman

Climate deniers are having their day and public support for climate action contracts. Look out kid

CA Cap Foes Fight On

Opponents of California's plan to cap emissions are trying to get a referendum on the ballot this November. WSJ

April 05, 2010

B School Flunks Green

Despite a few exceptions, typical US business schools are not teaching students the basics of green finance. Learn more

Too Cheap To Matter?

The social cost of carbon could be 'the most important number you never heard of'. Count on it

Active On Passive Building

Get the nitty-gritty about designing a 'passivhaus' in Sonoma, California. Move in

Call This News?

Print media bloopers about basic climate science catch flack. Read on

The Dipstick

Let's drill for oil off the California coast! Oh

Auto-Motive Power

Will electricity, gas or biofuel power the cars of tomorrow? Start here

Feed Folks Not Cars

Anti-poverty groups protest an EU biofuel policy. Look into it

April 02, 2010

Wall Street Goes Greener

The New York Stock Exchange buys 28 million kilowatt/hours worth of renewable energy certificates from a power supplier. Plug in

Get A Life (Cycle)

A new study estimates the GHG life cycle costs of natural gas and finds there are few hard numbers to use. Explore

NY Auto Show

Scientific American take Ford's new all-electric compact van out for a spin in NYC.

South Africa: Addicted To Coal?

South Africa's economic growth plan, based on attracting foreign carbon-intensive industries, stirs domestic concern. Learn more

Metropolitan Innovation

Where do innovative ideas for cities come from and how do they become realities? RPA interview

Money Magnets

Electric car-related start ups lead the list of green tech businesses attracting investment dollars. Venture in

April 01, 2010

What Does Zero Mean?

Automakers' claims about zero emissions cars may not tally when emissions from electric power plants are counted in. Learn more