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News & Views Curation

March 31, 2010

Wind Power Soars

2009 was a banner year for growth of global wind power capacity. Keep turning

NY Fracker's Fate Tied To Gov

The prospects for a major natural gas driller in New York's Marcellus Shale could dim when Governor Paterson leaves office. Look into it

Kenya: Replace Water With Steam

Kenya's electric utility seeks $700 million for a geothermal power project to reduce the need for hydro-power. Drill down

A More Solar California

California funds federal research on how to integrate small-scale PV power into the state's electric grid. Plug in

Make IT Green

Greenpeace charges that cloud computing adds to global warming and internet companies like Google and Facebook have lots of room for improvement. Calculate that

On-Shore Politics/Off-Shore Drilling

Consider the political scene facing President Obama's pro-offshore drilling stance. Take 1, Take 2, Take 3

UK: Out With The Old

Closure and clean up of old British nuclear power plants will cost billions, but that's the price for public buy-in to build new atomic generators. Stay tuned

March 30, 2010

Energy Stars In Your Eyes

Take a quick tour of some of America's Energy Star winning buildings. See here

Sierra Club Friends EPA

The Sierra Club would defend the EPA's authority to regulate CO2 emissions in the face of threats to strip its powers in a climate bill. Stay tuned

Thunder & Lightning

Climate Progress storms at the New York Times coverage of the rift between forecasters and climate scientists. Umbrellas up

Regulators Clam Up On Carbon

Just as new climate risk reporting rules roll out, some state insurance regulators seek to curtail disclosure. Climate Wire [Subscription needed]

UK: Green Jobs Rising

Corporate investments in the UK are on the horizon that will create 3,000 clean energy manufacturing jobs. Get to work

March 29, 2010

Teach Old Homes New Tricks

Yes, preserving old homes while improving their energy efficiency is possible. US & UK

Collins Spells Out CLEAR

Senator Collins explains the climate bill she co-sponsors with Senator Cantwell and compares it to the Kerry-Graham-Lieberman approach. Got it?

Green In The Heart Of Texas

Texas considers a broad renewable power target for 2014 and tighter building and appliance standards to increase energy efficiency.

China Catches The Wind

In 2009, China was number one for installing new wind power capacity and number three on the list of wind turbine makers. Turn, turn

UN Climate Chief Cleared

Independent auditors conclude that Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN climate panel, did not engage in financial irregularities. Learn more

Stockholders To BP - Take Head Out Of Sand

A group of BP stockholders opposes investing in Canadian oil sand projects, claiming the corporate model ignores climate change impacts. Drill down

March 27, 2010

Weatherization Isn't Stimulating

The first year of federal funding to weatherize buildings is nothing to write home about. Learn more

March 26, 2010

Building A Green Building Market

Real estate industry research creates an index of eco-friendly urban market conditions. National & NYC Midtown

Climate Bill: Dropping Hints

As the Senate works on a climate bill, ideas surface. Psst or What if...

UK: Recipe For Success

The combined impact of the UK's deep recession and more nuclear power cut greenhouse gas emissions 8.6%. Slice and dice

The Discomfort Zone

Have we passed the point of no return in altering biological systems supporting life on Earth as we know it? Watch the video

Government Auditors Go Green

An audit of the EPA Energy Star appliance turns up frauds and howlers. It's a crime!


A new rooftop technology, the concentrated photovoltaic array, is said to produce electricity at a cost competitive with nuclear power and closing in on coal. Plug in

Super Models

The National Science Foundation will spend $50 million a year on computer models able to create city-scale scenarios of climate change impacts. Stay tuned

March 25, 2010

Get Your Red Hot Green Code

The new international model green construction code is now available. Click here

Reporting On Climate Science

The Guardian defends its reporting on the leaked climate scientists' e-mails and what it means for climate science. Work the green beat

Fading Green

A recent Gallup Poll finds Americans don't rank climate as an important concern. Read reactions in the National Journal and post your own.

2 Could Get You 10 Or 20

The British government hopes its investment of two billion pounds in a new clean energy bank will attract ten-to-twenty billion in private capital, but that may not be enough to meet its goals. Stay tuned

NYC: #10

New York City could lose its green bragging rights with a ranking of #10 on EPA's list of US cities with energy efficient buildings. Look into it

Coral Reef In Hot Water

The unique coral reefs of Australia's Lord Howe Island are stressed by warming ocean temperatures. Dive in

US: Not #1

in 2009, China invested $34.6 billion on a clean energy economy compared to a US investment of $18.6 billion. Learn more

Comparing Energy Costs

The IEA calculates that nuclear power is cheaper than competing conventional energy sources only when interests rates are low. Go figure

March 24, 2010

Home In The City

The EPA finds that home building trends from 1990-2008 point toward metropolitan areas. Density is destiny


The northern German city of Hamburg promotes green options for visitors. Stop by

India-China: Tension Over Labor Imports

India's plan to add 10,000 MW of electric power, much of it from plants being built by Chinese firms, collides with policies restricting use of Chinese workers. Plug in

Pay The Piper, Call The Tune

Giving new meaning to the phrase 'climate neutral', the upcoming climate change exhibit at London's Science Museum, funded by Royal Dutch Shell, shifts its focus. Listen up

UK: Funding Clean Power

The British government pledges one billion pounds for a new fund investing in low carbon energy projects. Spend some time

Climate Progress=Economic Progress

Deutsche Bank reports that post-Copenhagen, policy progress must come from the national and regional levels and leaders will be economic winners. Dig in

A CLEAR Winner

Research finds that household dividends will compensate for higher fuel prices under the Cantwell-Collins climate bill. Lower income households could gain higher net benefits. Fine print

March 23, 2010

A Smaller Atomic Footprint

Microsoft and Toshiba explore ideas for small nuclear power plants that could run for a century. Stay tuned

Climate Collaboratorium

Save the planet at MIT. Create a climate plan or vote for the plan you like best. Enter here

March 22, 2010

Either/Or - Not!

If the latest federal climate bill tries to strip the EPA's authority to regulate CO2 to gain political support, watch out. There's a better way. Look into it

Boston: Energy Efficient & Affordable

Boston's public housing is set for a $63 million energy efficient overhaul. Here's how

Given Me A 'P', GIve Me An 'A'

The first bit of the long-awaited Brooklyn Bridge Park is now open. P-A-R-K!

I Like Ike The Atom

A March 2010 poll finds a growing majority of Americans favor nuclear power. Back to the future

Climate Bill On Deck?

Grist takes a swing at the inevitable question, what does passage of health care reform predict about getting climate legislation? Play ball

Cement's Acid Test

A demonstration project to capture CO2 while making cement raises doubts about large scale operations and managing the acid byproduct. Stay tuned

March 19, 2010

The Truth Is Scary Enough

The Economist derides climate skeptics and IPCC bashers. It says the truth is scary enough and it's time to act. Read all about it

No Nice Price

Grist urges Congress to put off carbon pricing and beef up the clean energy and energy efficiency provisions of climate legislation. Rethinking

Guilty Of Space Heating

Plugging in an energy-eating office space heater is a sign that building operators have work to do on the HVAC systems. Ring a bell?

State's Rights on Carbon Controls

The prospect of EPA giving states the power to impose carbon emissions control technology standards gets a mixed reception. See BACT

March 18, 2010

Australia: Why Spend More?

A bill in the Australian parliament would require disclosure of energy use when selling or leasing office buildings. Measure up

Pessimists On Parade

Could it be the culture that prevents the US from acting on climate weirding? Look into it

What Might Happen

A summary of available details about the Kerry-Lieberman-Graham climate and energy bill. See here

March 17, 2010

CO2: Location Matters

New research finds carbon dioxide domes form over cities and they magnify the health risks of other air pollutants like ozone. Get situated

Taiwan Seeks Offsets In Africa

Although not party to the UN climate agreement, Taiwan will buy carbon offsets in several African nations that are Kyoto participants. Learn more

Market Inefficiency Blocks Building Efficiency

A DOE analysis shows that improving building energy efficiency really saves money and the market has missed this fact. Measure & manage

Bullish On Coal

Looking at US stocks, coal is up, solar's down. Invest some time

Is There A Pulse?

Senate leadership considers possible moves on a climate and energy bill. Blip ...

Scotland: The Saudi Arabia Of Marine Power

Scotland is poised to develop as much as 1.2 gigawatts of tide and ocean powered electricity. Dive in

Green=Better Bank Rating

Can lending to green apartment projects help banks get a better rating during Community Reinvestment Act reviews? Look into it

March 16, 2010

Here's Looking At You Earth

Photos from the 1970's that remind us why it is important to save the planet. Time goes by

Global Solar Consortium Grows

A US firm joins the multinational consortium with plans to bring renewable energy from the Sahara to Europe within a decade. Link in

Governors Unite On Wind Power

A bipartisan panel of governors call for federal action on renewable energy and power grid standards to support the growth of wind power. Tap in

Students Turn Up The HEAT

HEAT, a student organization, played a major role in the Johns Hopkins University $73 million commitment to cut carbon emissions 50% by 2025. Learn more

How To Seal An Envelope

Learning from Massachusetts, superinsulation is key to thermally sealing a building envelope and saving energy. Open and shut

March 15, 2010

Reader Quiz

Mayor Bloomberg announces the sale of 21 NYCHA buildings to a new NYCHA controlled entity. The sale, with the participation of Citibank, will raise many millions of dollars and obtain federal stimulus funding to pay for building renovations. Here's the question: will the renovations meet the energy efficiency goals of the Greener Greater Building Plan?

Home Of The Brave

Which is tougher, fighting in petrodollar funded Mid-East wars or voting for a clean energy climate plan? asks

Swim With Fishes

The Indian Point nuclear power plants situated on the Hudson River opposes a State plan to protect aquatic life by requiring facility owners to install water recirculating systems. Plug in

China Makes The Market

A new study finds that China's power trumps the UN's in setting CO2 emissions offset prices. Here's how

Offsetting Credibility

Recent deals, one with Hungary and Japan and another involving Chinese wind farms, support the doubter's view of carbon offset programs. Any questions?

Later For That

After health care, Wall Street regulation and campaign financing, not climate or energy, are likely to top Obama's legislative agenda for 2010. Stay tuned

The Green Rider

Insurance firms offer riders on property insurance for rebuilding greener at premiums of 2-5%.

Decongestion In China

A New York transportation idea maven reports on his visit to Guangzhou, China. Stop and go

March 12, 2010

Poll Finds Climate Deniers Trend Right

A Gallup Poll finds waning public belief in climate change, with the greatest shift among conservatives. Q & A

Do-It-Yourself or Red Herring?

Alaska Senator Murkowski is reported to oppose Energy Star home energy efficiency funding because it lacks do-it-your-self provisions. E&E Daily {Subscribers only]

Solar: It's A Global Business

One 220 MW solar project in Egypt will be financed by Japan and another by the Kuwait Fund For Arab Economic Development Plug in

Frack & Roll

While it's just one data set , a new study links hydrofracking for natural gas to earthquakes in the Dallas-Foth Worth area. Read more

Nuclear Power: Think Small

A new generation of modular (under 750 MW) nuclear reactors could be feasible, but GE's Jeff Immelt sees only a small role for nukes in the energy mix. Look ahead

Build Better Walls

DOE funding produces new ways to build energy efficient homes with high R-value wall systems. Get the specs

March 11, 2010

Alaska Split On Carbon Rules

Unlike Senator Murkowski, Alaska's other senator, Mark Begich, supports EPA regulation of GHG emissions. Look north

A Solar Goldrush

Investors search the world for the next big thing in solar power. Feed in here

Japan Will Cap & Trade

Japan's cabinet will approve climate legislation that relies on cap and trade tools, but industry weakens original bill with rising caps.

An E-Ducated Consumer

E-book or print, which is the greener choice? Look into it

AARP Weighs In On Climate Bill

The AARP supports the Cantwell-Collins climate bill with its carbon tax and distribute rather than cap and trade provisions. Here's why

Smart Grid's Safe Harbor

The IRS will not tax recipients of $3.4 billion in federal grants for smart grid projects. Ruling here

March 10, 2010

Who's Grid Smarter?

Businesses rather than home owners could be more welcoming to the smart electric grid. Plug in

The Great PV Debate

UK policy swings behind rooftop PV, although not everyone's on board. The pro position

In Support of Intermittence

From an energy system perspective the on and off nature of wind and solar power is not a problem. Here's why

Why Breakthoughs Break Down

The impact of so-called energy technology breakthroughs is is shaped by the realities of the built environment. Read on

New! Improved!

Sponsors try rebranding the cap and trade mechanism of federal climate legislation as pollution reduction to improve its chance of passing. Mad men

Pricing Global Carbon Offsets

What could halt the price slide in carbon offsets under the Kyoto Protocol? Look ahead

RGGI Market: Flat & Lowdown

Prices at the March 10 auction for RGGI carbon emissions permits could stay at historic lows. Bid in

Cut SF6! What's SF6?

California will limit power plant emissions of the super greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride, SF6, in 2011. Cut in here

March 08, 2010

Which Way On Wind

Are 'Buy American' provisions for federal wind power programs misguided? Yes. No.

A Super Grid Plan

Ten European firms plan for an electric supergrid to carry wind power from the North Sea to the UK, Germany and Norway. Plug in

Whatever Exxon Wants

Exxon's new deal on natural gas exploration contains an escape clause regarding rising costs related to regulation. Get fracked

IMF: Time To Adapt

The IMF wants a fast-track global fund to foster climate change adaptation. FInd out more

Methane: Headlines & Science

Delve into the scientific context behind last week's headlines about methane escaping from Arctic Ocean sediment. Fine print

Plan Ahead

Do NYC's recent rezonings redirect new residential development into transit-rich areas? Zone in

March 05, 2010

A Hot-Oil Hybrid

A conventional Florida power plant adds mirrors to focus the sun's heat on an oil-filled pipe which will create steam to drive its turbine. How electric!

Science Confirms We Did It

A new report by an international team of scientists reconfirms that climate change is caused by human actions. Get the facts

March 04, 2010

Who Is Jairam Ramesh?

India has a new Special Envoy of the Prime Minister on Climate Change, Jairam Ramesh, and re-orienting the nation's climate policy is a top priority. Get acquainted

Swinging At Gates

Bill Gates sees a breakthrough in nuclear power technology as the solution to the climate crisis. Based in the economic history of technical innovation, Gates' bet is a long shot. Here's why

California Woos Green Business

With elections looming, California devises a low-interest loan fund to attract green industry and may cut sales taxes on green manufactured goods. Stay tuned

See The Bears

Carbon market analysts fear that projected growth will not materialize due to faltering global policy efforts. Just bull?

Australia's Coal Goal

Australia's state of New South Wales has plans for two new power plants that could be burning coal. Learn more

Make It Green

The New America Foundation floats a four point program for growing a clean energy domestic economy in competitive global marketplace. the US. Listen up

March 03, 2010

Krugman's Toy Model

Paul Krugman constructs two toy economic models of climate policy: act now or act later. Come play

Batteries Included

California may require electric utilities to develop power storage capacity in their distribution grids. Renewable news

EPA: 50,000 x 13

The EPA will not regulate facilities with CO2 emissions under 50,000 tons a year until 2013 at the earliest. Stand by

Dallas Does Solar

A deal between electric utility TXU and Silicon Valley's SolarCity will allow Dallas homeowners to get solar panels financed, designed and installed on their roofs. Plug in

FHA, Foreclosures and Lemonade

Words and pictures about how the FHA could create new energy-efficiency value from the calamity of home foreclosures. Start here

Big Bucks For Coal Plants

The UK ponders a major investment in carbon capture technologies at selected new coal-burning power plants. Spend time

March 02, 2010

EU's Green Gap

Will the EU be outspent by economic competitors like the US and China on developing new clean technologies? Look into it

UK & Spain Split On Incentives

While UK industry applauds increased feed in tariffs for renewable energy, Spain seeks to cut its public subsidies.

March 01, 2010

China Looks Polar

With its potential for shorter trade routes and natural resources, China is taking a strategic interest in the Arctic. Stay tuned

Underwater Power

A Canadian company proposes to build a $3.8 billion underwater transmission line to run electricity from Labrador to New York City. Dive in

Sue EU

A European-based American attorney sues the EU and member nations for failure to enforce their ambitious environmental rules. Go courting

Only Cost Counts

A survey of British consumers finds that initial cost rather than energy savings shape buying decisions. Think fast

Nothing Sacred?

Native American tribal members express doubts about the sacred nature of the site for the proposed Cape Wind project. Look into it