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News & Views Curation

May 24, 2006

Beyond Pilot Projects: Mainstreaming High Performance Building at the City of New York Department of Design and Construction

Here's a dfferent kind of Snapshot, it's got pictures. John Krieble, Director of the Office of Sustainable Design at the City of New York Department of Design and Construction, put together this up-to-the-minute PowerPoint presentation on how the City is building green. We've made this presentation available for download. [25.6M]

May 18, 2006

Gotham Going Greener

"Let's take the values of sustainability and weave them into the city's future for decades to come." If Mayor Mike can make it happen here... Full Speech »

May 16, 2006

Hold That Thought!

The New York TImes MARKET PLACE; Data Leaks Shake Up Carbon Trade

May 16, 2006, Tuesday
By HEATHER TIMMONS (NYT); Arts and Leisure Desk
Late Edition - Final, Section C, Page 1, Column 1, 1071 words

It had a promising start, hailed by traders, policy makers and environmentalists as a way to curb global warming with the craft of capitalism. After a banner first year, though, the carbon trading market has suffered a bout of nose dives, missteps and misreadings, leading now to a clamor...