Around Town
The Bronx: Buildings of Excellence
Wednesday, Mar 25, 2020
Last year, the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) kicked off their $40 million Buildings of Excellence competition, recognizing low- and zero-carbon emitting buildings. Don't miss our fifth Gallery Talk, featuring 425 Grand Concourse, Park Avenue Green + La Central Building C, three exemplary Passive House buildings and Buildings of Excellence award recipients.
Sponsors: NYSERDA and BE-Ex
Speakers: John Woelfling AIA, LEED AP CPHT, Principal - Dattner Architects; Tyler Davis, Director of New Construction - Bright Power. More Speakers TBA
Date: Wednesday,March 25, 9 - 10:30 AM
Location: BE-Ex, 31 Chambers Street, Suite 609
RSVP: Eventbrite