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The New York Times

Tall, Taller, Super-tall

© Can Stock Photo / demerzel21

Stefanos Chen's New York Times Real Estate Section column, New York City's Evolving Skyline, puts forward 2019 as the year that New York City tops out with 16 buildings over 500 feet slated to come on line — unprecedented.

Nancy Anderson's comment on Chen's column in The New York Times appears in full below.

The Sallan Foundation
New York 3h ago
Cheers to the owners of the Empire State Building, erected 1931, for investing to upgrade it to a green, energy efficient class A building post-2005.

Given the climate-flooding vulnerability of Manhattan, NYT should make it a habit to report the facts on the relative energy efficiency of new construction. The carbon footprint of all this "evolving skyline" will impact us all for decades to come.


Chen, Stefanos. "New York City's Evolving Skyline." The New York Times, The New York Times, 5 June 2019,