New York Academy of Sciences Glass Buildings the Energy Challenge at 7 WTC

Event Wrap-up

New York Academy of Sciences Glass Buildings the Energy Challenge at 7 WTC


On March 3, 2009, architects and engineers gathered to examine the all-glass high-rise tower in detail. This event was sponsored by the Environmental Sciences Section and Green Science & Environmental Policy Discussion Group of the NYAS.

The Academy offered a live webcast of this event to NYAS members which has since been archived and made available to Sallan readers. The archived webcast has been edited into four webinar segments including on-screen projections: Scott Frank on Glass Buildings: The Energy Challenge; Adrian Tuluca on Glass Facades and Modeling for Code Compliance; Chris Benedict on Finding New Metaphors: Managing Cooling Loads in Glass Buildings; Discussion moderated by Michael Bobker.

  • Nancy Anderson, PhD, Executive Director of the Sallan Foundation
  • Michael Bobker, Director of the City University of New York Building Performance Lab
  • Scott Frank, PE and LEED AP, Partner with the firm of Jaros, Baum & Bolles
  • Adrian Tuluca, RA and LEED AP, Principal of Viridian Energy & Environmental, LLC
  • Chris Benedict, RA, Architecture and Energy Limited

New York Academy of Sciences eBriefing

Glass Buildings: Iconic Or Ironic?

Cooper Union
Event Sponsor: The New York Academy of Sciences