
September 10, 2020

Free Gift For Everyone Who Didn't Flee NYC

A guide to the great trees of Central Park, now that you know, have a look-see in person

September 09, 2020

There Is No Business As Usual

Decarbonizing industry must start now. Begin here

Big City Mayors Want Climate Positive COVID Recovery Funds...

...But outside the EU, that's not what they're getting

Today's Fun Fact

"[S]o much space is required for the 95% of the time our cars sit idle that Los Angeles, for example, devotes an area larger than the land mass of Manhattan just for parking." The Guardian, Sept. 1, 2020

SUV's CO2 Super Spreaders

September 08, 2020

Water Insecurity Rising

Add widespread water insecurity that fuels conflict, social unrest + migration to the list of harms inflicted by the global climate crisis

Needed Now: Media Alert For An Alert Media

Boston: Growing A Greener New Deal

Boston Green New Deal advocates embrace hands-on education + job programs for racial justice as part of OVID recovery + meeting a 2040 citywide carbon neurality goal

How To Hurricane Proof

By combining detailed local knowledge with sustained disaster planning + political support, US communities can minimize rising hurricane damage

September 04, 2020

The Private Sector Can Be A Big Climate Innovator...

... but government policy plays an indispensable role, even though it typically moves much slower than markets

Civic Street Life

Using streets for voting booths instead of cars is just one of many ways cities can get their mojo back as they revive from the pandemic