
September 04, 2020

The Private Sector Can Be A Big Climate Innovator...

... but government policy plays an indispensable role, even though it typically moves much slower than markets

Civic Street Life

Using streets for voting booths instead of cars is just one of many ways cities can get their mojo back as they revive from the pandemic

September 03, 2020

Bike-To-High School

Australia: Look At Whst's Up On The Roof

Australia is on track to match 2019’s record for 6.3 gigawatts of new renewable capacity this year, with rooftop solar booming

EU: Putting Muscle Into Zero-Emissions Goal

The 27-nation EU considers more stringent emissions rules to reach its 2050 zero emissions goals

September 02, 2020

Help Wanted: Exec. Director of Policy, Advocacy, Science

Scenic Hudson seeks an Executive Director of Policy, Advocacy + Science. The mission of the position is leading initiatives to preserve + restore the riverfront + critical landscapes of the Hudson Valley as a public + natural resource.

End Climate Syllabus Silence

How citizens can get the climate crisis on the must-teach list of every state in the nation, at present only 36 states have such requirements

September 01, 2020

Still Waiting for Godot De Blasio

Dear Mr. Mayor, we convened, we conversed, we cogitated + we proposed "surface transit" ideas to remake how NYC uses its streets + benefits its people. We're still waiting to hear back from you + get into high gear

UK: Insurance Must Protect, Not Destroy

Slow Down, Save Lives

Facing a surge in auto-related deaths, NYC cuts speeds limits to 25 MPH on 9 streets, but will speedsters be punished?

V Is For Ventilation

Upgrading indoor air ventilation, both quality + quantity, could be key to cutting COVID infections

Upgrades For NYCHA, Upgrades For Residents And The Earth

It's easy to provide NYCHA residents with up-to-date clean heating + cooling systems that enhance their comfort while protecting the environment

Transfiguring The Night

The brightest item in today's inbox, the International Nighttime Design Initiative

August 31, 2020

Bill de Blasio - Park Killer

True or false? Bill de Blasio is woefully mismanaging NYC parks just as the pandemic makes them more precious to city residents than ever

Tracking NYC's Climate "Progress"

A major green advocacy group finds NYC isn't progressing on key climate indicators + has actually abandoned some of them

August 29, 2020

Electrifying e-Commerce

UPS, Fed-Ex + Amazon accelerate electric vehicle buys for making local package deliveries

August 28, 2020

Brave Green Heart

Stay put city dwellers!